corpse husband moments that boost my serotonin levels

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[Music] i am a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you explain to me what the origin of your name is real quick um i'm very dead inside [Music] you just hear him fade out that is so scary oh there's corpse i found him hi corpse hey how are you hey what's up yeah we're just chilling yeah well where are we heading big man straight to hell buddy wow jay i know corpse you said you had to leave at like seven yeah like 6 45. what wait that's crazy wait you two wait what are you doing why i have a sponsor thing at seven how about you corpse i think i have another lobby at seven oh my god another lobby what do you what do you mean another lobby uh well um corpse [Music] wait oh so this isn't like dog isn't dog dog guys no no oh coming back whatever yeah i didn't know if you guys needed one i don't know if i'm barging in now corpse wait no you're never a friend yeah what happened to your other friends i was only playing with them for a little while oh i thought you were going to say something like he realized that he wanted oh he he realized he wanted to play i stormed out mid game and just realized what was more important thanks corpse i'm glad you're here again yeah no problem is there a spot okay yes sir one more task to do all right no no no no no no oh god the wires i think it's i think it's i think it's the orange guy and the white guy yeah i think so too i hate you oh oh no if i don't see him he doesn't see me if i don't there's there's no place like there's like there's no place like there's no place like oops i will protect you to the end of the earth please corpse i seriously i'm going to protect you so hard that you are not going to die on my watch you will not die this is the last game i will not let you die double corpse no no no no no no no no you're a liability you're a liability what have i done what have i done no no i'm not letting this this man get stabbed adverse like four of four of these games is that a guarantee what are the odds that you're both imposters and you're just about to join me right walk away walk away walk away come on walk away walk away walk away walk away back up back up back up back up the lap stay away from menina stay away corpse stay stay the [ __ ] away contract ends here okay i go with my way you go you you go your way i go my way and we don't speak of what we saw we got him guys we killed the we killed the peanut we did it we're heroes did he just say we busted it [Music] uh [Laughter] he's just moving oh is oh okay what am i doing hey corpse he said hi to me first i already got him he's mine what oh wait what was this some kind of weird test what it wasn't a test it was fact i open up my name is my name is the anticipation i just want to know my name is listen [ __ ] i'm gonna need to know your name whoa give me your name it is [Music] listen making him uncomfortable this is my name what are you doing hey uh i just curious you know maybe i just want to know your name hmm [ __ ] eye patches [ __ ] with my eyeliner dude [ __ ] hurts please don't do it please do it please please please please [Laughter] are you monkeys [Laughter] oh my god let him live i may be a little biased but i think we should all put them on what uh oh i i get it i get it i think we should all wear caddies wait why is that why wait a second those are those are hot those are whoopies i i think we should all wear the ears and it's just a fun game uh let's let's all do it come on guys join me wait do you like my cat ears wait oh yes i'm a fan wendy oh my gosh wendy's a scottish fold i'm a fan how about how about we all wear ears and and maybe next game we can um uh buy some suits or something i'm wearing pumpkin ears are you a furry chord you have the opposite voice of someone who i'd assume is a [ __ ] furry dog what do you what do you mean what are you trying to say about fury of course no king shaming what do you okay look listen i'm just i'm just saying covid would have never happened if we all just wore fursuits everywhere that's a fact that's facts that is true wait i know i bought one i bought one of the precautions how does wearing a tail prevent you from spreading comb it if we were in a suit no like a full blown furry onesie yeah then we wouldn't have spread it and i think that so like i bought one for the occasion i'm thinking maybe it would help me again corpse for president i'm just saying after aoc wait corpse for bp there we go all right we just does anyone have one person just one so we're putting on the ears right what a baby what a baby what a baby what a baby what a baby what a baby
Channel: tossacointogeralt
Views: 223,122
Rating: 4.9889531 out of 5
Id: mkIc2eY7F3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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