A complete guide on how to do INTERIOR LIGHTING with CORONA RENDERER for 3DS MAX 2020 | LIGHTMIXER

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hey guys, it's Hadi again from HM studio and in this video I'll show you how to illuminate this gorgeous interior scene with corona renderer you'll learn how to do that with the Sun and sky HDR images and how to add some extra artificial lights to get a uniform looking light all over the scene and also, I'll teach you how to use multiple environment lights with the light mixer in order to extract many different moods out of only one render but before we start please don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell also that's being said let's move over to 3ds max and start the project okay for indoor lighting we have two different source of lights the first one is natural illumination by capturing daylight using windows or skylights which basically is the main source of light during daytime and the second one is by using artificial light sources such as lamps and light fixtures there are so many ways that you can do indoor lighting but in this video I'm gonna show you how I do it almost every time for me always the first step is to use an override material so I could get a clearer idea about how lights are reacting in the scene it would be so difficult to tell if I have many different complex materials with different diffuse color reflection refraction and other stuff so in order to do that I need to enable override material under the scene tab and apply a simple Corona material to that also I need to exclude light glass and portal materials because obviously, we want the environment light to get through the window okay the next step is to add the portals. we need to cap the openings with the simple plane geometry just make sure to cover the whole space so don't forget to use the snap tool for that and just so you know it doesn't matter if the normal of this plane is facing inside or outside it'll work either way now I just need to apply a portal material to that portals are telling Corona how to sample light more efficiently which helps to get rid of image noise much faster so it's really necessary to use them okay as the first method we're going to use the Sun and sky. first of all, let's go to the top view and start by adding the Sun into the scene now move it up to here so we could get a nice afternoon sunlight. as for the environment, we need to add the Corona sky first make sure the Sun is selected then go to the modify panel and add Corona sky to the environment slot by clicking over here okay now let's start interactive rendering to see what we got so far. as you can see the intensity is way too high but the first thing you always want to do is to increase the highlight compress. increasing this number reduces the burnout effect on the bright areas but also reduces the contrast of the whole image which actually is not a big deal because we can always add some extra contrast by using this option over here or in the post-production with Photoshop or any other software that you're used to. okay I still feel the intensity is too high therefore I'm going to reduce the intensity on both coronal sky and Corona Sun. I'm going to use the same number for both of them. to modify the corona sky intensity first I need to drag it into the material editor and choose the instance. now let's double Click on it in order to get access to its parameters and reduce the intensity by half. now let's use the same number for Corona Sun as well. okay it already looks so much better you should know that by moving the corona Sun along the Z-axis you can match the way that light looks at different times of the day so for example if I want to have a sunset I could simply move the Corona sun all the way down close to the ground all right these buildings are blocking the sunlight so let's move the Sun slightly to the side. okay, this is fine. now that we're here there's something else I should tell you as all of you know the Sun appears to be bigger when it's closer to the horizon line. to simulate that effect we have this option over here. by increasing this number the light source which in this case is the Sun will get bigger, therefore we'll get softer shadows. I can't give you an exact number for that because it's kind of like your artistic touch. so feel free to test some different numbers and see which one is more suitable for your project. you can also use this option in the overcast weather, when the sun shining through the clouds and shadows are soft. for this seen I don't want to have any sunlight in the room instead I want that on these buildings across the street so I'm going to move it over here for now. that's perfect okay that was all about the corona Sun and sky now let's start with the HDRI. just make sure to make a copy of the corona sky into the material editor because we're going to use it again as one of our multiple environment lights when we start with the Lightmixer. I've already done that when I was trying to reduce the intensity now we can remove it from the environment slot by right-clicking over here and selecting clear alright now let's add the HDR image into the material editor. first you need to create a corona bitmap and load your HDRI image for this scene I'm going to use two HDR images let's start with the cloudy weather and later on I'll create a Dusk mood as well now let's connect this bitmap to a corona color correct node and then we can instance this node into the environment slot. the reason that we're using this color correct node is for us to be able to change the intensity contrast and saturation of this HDRI image if that's necessary. now let's start the interactive rendering to see the result. I think it's good as it is but you always need to rotate the HDRI image because you might find some more interesting moods. I always rotate the HDRI for a full circle by 90 degrees steps and save out the result in the history panel so I could compare them to each other and decide which one is more interesting. in this case, I don't want to make any rotation but I'll show you how to do that anyway. first I start off with zero Degree. I let it render for a decent amount of passes so I could see how is the balance between the lights and shadows. ok let's save this and try again with 90 degrees. I'm going to pause the video and repeat the process with 180 and 270 degrees as well all right now we can compare these images together. with the left click you can set any of these images as A and with the right-click, you can set it as B let's start with the first two images I'm going to set this one as A and the second one as B. now with this slider over here I can compare the two images let's say I like the second one better so I'm going to set this one as A and the next one as B and so on. as I said before I'm not going to change the rotation for this image so let's change this number back to 0 and we're done with this one. I'm gonna use another one with dusk mode but this time I will speed up the video since everything will be the same for that image as well. okay now that we're done with the environment lighting it's time to add some artificial lights such as halogens pendant lamp and this floor lamp over here. let's start with the halogen lamps. first off I need to create a disk light right below one of the halogen lamps that I have in order to do that I'm going to the top view first, create the light with three centimeters of width then I'll move it up in the front view. now let's make some copies of this light for all of the halogen lamps. just make sure to make them instance all right now let's run the interactive rendering and modify the lights as it's rendering I'm gonna turn off the environment light for now because I want to see the effect of the halogen lamps alone. okay first of all I have to disable all of these options because I don't want to see the light source in my renders and also we don't want to get any reflections from them in the window. as you can see the intensity of the lights is way too low. I'm going to increase the intensity until I get the desired effect. 1200 seems to be a good number but they're not still bright enough and that's because I haven't used the directionality option yet and they're casting the light like area lights. I need to increase the directionality to get the spotlight effect. okay let me save this render so you could see their differences after I add some directionality to these lights. the light emission will get more concentrated as I'm increasing this number. for these spotlights somewhere around zero point four is a good number all right now let's compare the two images. as you can see the image on the right is brighter although I'm using the same intensity for both of these renders as for the color I always keep them white. because I'm going to use the light mixer and it's easier for me to adjust the colors over there. there is another way to make this spotlight effect and that's by applying an IES profile to your lights. to do that you just need to click here and choose one of the IES profiles that you have. there's a small pack which comes with theCorona renderer and I'm going to use one of these. but first let's try some of them for you to see their differences okay for this scene I'm going with the wide soft which I think is nice. okay we're done with the halogen lamps, I'm going to illuminate the pendant lamp as well. for that also I need a disk light like halogen lamps but this time I'm going to use the directionality instead of IES. now let's create the light source in the top view and I'm going to move it up to here. this time I'll turn off the halogen lamps so I could see the effect of the pendant lamp. I'm gonna increase the directionality to 0.4 and the intensity to somewhere around 250. okay it looks nice I'm going to do the same thing for the floor lamp as well. let's turn off the pendant lamp this time and create the light I think it looks nice as it is but if you want, you can use an IES profile for that. I'm going to leave it this way. now for the last step let's add some lights below the cabinets. for that I'm going to use a narrow rectangle light now let's isolate the top cabinets and create the light in the top view. I need two more copies of this light for the sides and I'm going to choose instance again. now let's scale it down a bit and make another copy I'd forgotten to move them up so let's do that first and I'm going to use 0.2 for directionality and I'll use 200 for the intensity. now let's turn on all the lights together and see what we got. it seems I need to add some contrast to this image and the intensity looks a bit high. so let's reduce this number a bit. now I just need to add all the lights into the Lightmixer and adjust the colors. in order to do that first I need to add a Lightmix element to the render elements and then I'm going to add one light select element for each group of lights. for example I'm going to divide the halogen lights into two groups. one group for the living room and another one for the kitchen. so let's select all the halogen lights in the living room and add them to this element. I just have to click on this button over here and everything is done. then I'm going to do the same thing for the kitchen, pendant lamp, floor lamp, and all the other lights as well okay you remember that we made three different lights as the environment light and in order to use all three of them we need to go to the environment rollout under the scene tab and choose the multiple Maps. now from here we can add as many environment slots as we want which in this case we have 3. so let's add three slots and use each of our environment lights in one of these slots. okay now I'm going to add three light select elements and use each of them for one of these environment lights. the first one was the corona sky which is this one the second one was the cloudy weather and the last one was the dusk mood. All right, everything is ready now I just need to disable the override material and unhide everything and start the rendering. I'm going to render two or three shots and we'll modify them together when they're finished. okay guys rendering has finished and these are the final results with default settings. unfortunately, 3ds max did crash during the rendering and I had to recreate the Lightmix again and I'd forgotten to rename some of these elements, therefore names are different in here. just so you know, this one is the corona sky, this one is the cloudy one, and this one is the dusk mood. so as the first step I'm going to turn off all the lights by clicking on the toggle all button over here and turn them on one by one. first of all, let's start with the environment which is the Corona sky as you can see the exposure is way too high so I'm going to increase the high light compress up to three. okay it looks so much better and we got rid of the burnout effect but this image looks washed out now. so let's add some contrast by increasing this number up to three as well. there's also a bluish tint which is fixable by increasing the white balance up to 7500. this option sets the white balance of the image using the Kelvin temperature. the image will get a warmer look as you're increasing this number and it gets cooler as you're decreasing it. okay now let's increase the filmic shadows for a bit also, something like 0.4. this option gives a bit of situation and richness to the shadows. okay I'm going to turn on the halogen lamps now let's decrease the intensity cuz it's a little bit strong. okay it looks nice you can also change the color in your scene if that's necessary, but for this scene I'm gonna stick with the white colour. I guess we can add some more contrast but this time let's use the curves adjustment. I'm gonna add some contrast to the shadows which is this part of the curve and since I don't need any contrast in the highlights I'm going to add another point to this side of the curve and slightly move it up. all right because of that extra contrast some areas of the image looks burned out again. so let's increase the highlight compress a little bit more. okay it looks much better, but I'm going to add a LUT to this image also. a LUT which stands for lookup table is a file that transforms one range of colors in an image to another range of colors simply by manipulating the hue, situation, and the brightness of the image. these LUTs that you can see here are coming with the Corona renderer and I'm gonna try some of them for you to see their effect. you can also change the opacity if you think the effect is stronger than what you want. I'm going to use this one which I think is suitable for this image. okay, since I'm finished with this image, I could save these adjustments as presets so I could use them on my other renders. you can save the post tab adjustments from here. okay let's give it a name and save the preset. and you can do that for the Lightmix adjustments from here. first of all I'm going to reset all the adjustments that we made to their default values you don't have to do that I'm only doing this because of the purpose of this tutorial alright now let's start everything from the scratch once again we're going to start with the environment light let's increase the intensity and obviously we need to increase the highlight compress as well. I guess it could use some more blue color so let's adjust its color by these sliders over here. it definitely looks better this way but let's increase the intensity a bit more. now we're going to start with smaller light sources first and make our way through to the big ones. I'm gonna start with this floor lamp okay the intensity is good enough, I'm just going to make it a bit warmer, something like this. now let's turn on the pendant lamp. I'm going to make it a bit warmer and I'll increase the intensity to something like 3. now to get rid of this burned out effect I'm going to increase the highlight compress to somewhere around 6. okay now let's do the same steps for the other lights as well. I'm gonna decrease the overall exposure because it looks brighter than what I wanted to be. okay it looks better now let's add some contrast as we did before a combination of contrast and curves adjustment. now let's try some of these LUTs to see which one is working better with this mood. all right I guess this one is fine but with less opacity. because of that lot we have more exposure, so let's decrease it a little bit more and maybe we could increase the environment exposure actually it was better before so let's keep it that way just don't forget to turn on the rest elements all the unassigned lights are going to be in this element and everything with Corona light material but without emitting enabled like this floor lamp over here will be here as well. okay we're done with this mood also so let's save the adjustments as presets and use them on another render. now let's say I want to use those presets on this render. all I have to do is to load the files. Lightmix and post. you need to modify some parameters based on each image but it's so much faster and easier this way, right? now let's try them on this render all right it looks pretty good I just want to take a moment and mention if you're still watching this tutorial that means you've found it helpful so make sure to give it a thumbs up and please don't forget to subscribe to the channel also. okay now I'm going to do some post-production on these images with Photoshop but I'm not going to include that part in this video because it's going to take much longer and you might get bored. but let me know in the comments if you want me to make another tutorial about my post-production workflow as well. okay guys thank you for joining me today and if you have any questions about this tutorial feel free to leave them in the comment section below. see you next time.
Channel: HM STUDIO
Views: 120,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: complete guide on how to do INTERIOR LIGHTING with CORONA, compelete guide, how to do interior lighting, how to, corona, 3ds max, render, interior, corona renderer, corona render, corona tutorial, lighting, corona render 3ds max, interior lighting with corona renderer, rendering, tutorial, 3ds max corona render, how to render, 3d tutorial, 3d render, corona render tutorial, corona lighting interior, 3ds max corona interior lighting tutorial, 3ds max interior rendering tutorial
Id: -xs_LqHwqMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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