Stock Furniture: UVW Mapping Issues | 3dsMax | Video

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okay I wanted to cover a couple of things really quick some students are having some issues with a few things and I just wanted to kind of go over a couple things that may help you a little bit okay one of the students has this piece in their room and where the piece came from as they initially had this model okay which was in two pieces and I guess they've merged them together and then what they did is came in a non proportional scale that to get it down to the scale that they wanted okay - certainly there's nothing wrong with doing that but it does screw up the transformations of an object anytime you use the scale tool on something then the relationship of the object to the environment is no longer correct you have a couple different types of coordinate systems you have a world coordinate system and you have an object coordinate system okay and when you squash something like yes now now the relationship of the object to the world is not correct okay and I'll show you example with this now can you see that the checkerboard pattern that the student has put on this piece that they're not squares okay let's just isolate this and you'll see they're not squares okay well initially you can click on it and they've got a mapping cord on here they're putting a boxing mapping coordinate on here you can see oh well it's because that their box is not square the mapping coordinate is not square and that's what's causing that but if you come over here and look at their coordinates you'll see that their coordinates are Square and this is something it'll be odd to you if the coordinates are square then how come this box this UVW map box is not square that's because the transformations are screwed up on this object and it's passing that on to the mapping coordinate and it's making the mapping coordinates screwed up as well okay so I'm gonna dump this mapping coordinate off of here and then I'm going to fix this now how you fix it is you come in here over to your utilities which is this little hammer here and you go reset selected okay and that'll do is put a transformation modifier on it and then you convert that to an editable poly and now this objects coordinates and the world coordinates are correct so now when you come in here and you put a UVW map on this and we go box and we take the longest side which is what we want to do here so we're going to copy the longest side and put it on every one of these you'll see it's square okay now once I have it square I can scale it down and now you'll see that these are all squares now okay so the problem that the student was getting into was because what they had squash this but they had not reset its transformation to realign it up with the world and so when they put in their mapping coordinate their mapping coordinate was skewed okay now the other thing that the student was talking about is the amount of geometry that they have in their scene and so I want to deal with that with the original one I want to come back to the original one that they got and that's where I would clean this up okay so it's actually in two pieces okay so let's just go ahead and take the top piece and you can tell that whoever built this they they have got a lot more geometry in here than what they really need to maintain this so what we're going to do and I you can see right up here that this has 50,000 Poly's in this one piece I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to put a little modifier in here called Pro optimizer and what it's going to do is look at the topology of the object and it's going to get rid of excess geometry that I don't need now the thing that throws people off sometimes is though is that this is a nice wonderful quads which which is great okay but once I get the shape and it's a dead shape so in other words it's just sitting there I don't need it quads anymore so I'm gonna go here and calculate this and what we'll do is go calculation and we'll figure out what all of the how many what vertex count is on it and you see how it kind of got a little funky in here and that's because when you're bringing these in if it's a 3ds file it's going to be an editable mesh okay and what you're going to want to do is right click and convert that to editable poly apologist a version of a mesh but it has some little different qualities about it okay so now when I come in here and I put my pro optimizer on it I calculate it what we're going to do is to come in here and kick this down okay right here with just one hundred percent we're going to kick this down twenty percent and you're going to see what it's going to do is decimate this okay now what you want to do is I'm going to come in here and turn the wireframe off so you can kind of see what's happening too and you'll see that it's just fairly got any kind of change at all you'll see some little strange oddities through the center of it though right through here that's actually what's happening in here is it's actually tearing apart okay can you sit in there tearing apart and here's why this piece was not has not been welded okay so it's got coincident vertices in here okay so if you really look at it you can see some little areas in here where we're going to have some little funky things happening so what we want to do right now is go ahead and pick all the vertices and weld them okay now you have to watch it because a lot of times when you're coming to weld it's got a really high number you can see it's released as you know messing this up so I'm going to zero it out and then probably just about a 0.1 is all I'm going to need they're probably welding those vertices because they're coincidence they're sitting right on top of each other so now you can see I can come in here and I can and I can come in here and do my crunch on this and you'll see I don't get those tears in it anymore okay and so now I've dropped this down from the almost 50,000 Poly's that it was down to about 9,000 Poly's okay so now I can just bake this in and convert it to an editable poly and then I would go in here and redo the smoothing group so I'm gonna pick everything and come in and redo the smoothing groups to make sure it's nice and smooth and then there is a nice piece okay now you'll see a little bit of little some shady anomalies in here I really wouldn't worry about those once you get your shaders on here and you get your texture maps you won't see that okay so I've already cut this down to less than you know a quarter of the size that it was before okay and then we will do the same to the bottom piece okay so we'll isolate this defer to a poly we're going to take all the vertices we're going to weld them it should right click zeroes this out okay and then point zero one would be coincident vertices or vertices that are sitting right on top of themselves so they should well together then we'll do our pro optimize on this calculate maybe down to about maybe 20% turn my wire off and look at it okay that looks okay so I'm gonna go ahead and convert that to a poly and then go ahead and come in here and fix the smoothing groups on it okay now the other thing I'm going to do here is this got some up geometry and our that I really don't need okay so in other words I don't need any the geometry that's sitting underneath here because we won't see it so I'm gonna pick all the Polly's in here okay and then I'm going to get a slice plane a slice planes are playing that you can cut with and so I'm going to drag this up and I didn't make sure I've got it high enough that we're not seeing any other other geometry so it'll all be tucked underneath then when I click this button split and I hit slice and just cut that top piece off so now it's a separate element that I can come in and I can just delete that and that's going to take some of my geometry down to so now I can come in here and I can attach these together and so now I've dropped this piece down to 15,000 Poly's whereas that original one had 51,000 Poly's okay but when it renders it'll be virtually identical okay so resetting your transformations before you're putting your mapping coordinate on it so I can go in here now I can just copy this coordinate I can come over here and paste it in here and then go ahead and drop that same mush shader on that and so it's ready to go now another little thing a little tidbit okay that you can know is you know the person wanted to scale this down well another thing that you need to know is that yes if I'm at the object look excuse me the object level and I am scaling this at the object level then it messes the transformation up I can always go back and reset it but if I come in and I grab all the vertices okay and then I scale all the verda T vertices to their center then it does not mess up the mapping the transformation on here okay so you'll see I pasted that on and it's not messed up so if you get a habit of when you're trying to scale some of the scale at the vertex level then you don't we you don't have to reset the transformation same thing you can see on this that if I come up that's it's longer like this okay and you'll see that's messing up those smoky I'm messing up my mapping coordinates when I do that but if I come in here and I get the vertices and it's scale it this way we slide through it and so we're not messing up the coordinates that way so make sure you understand that anytime you do any kind of a scaling if you scale the object you have to reset the transformations and you know you if you when you're getting these models and bringing them in you know you get you can't just open up the models I think some of you guys are being a little bit lazy I think you think the answer is oh I just go find a model and I bring it in and I'm done no that's just the beginning because almost all these models when you bring them will have problems with them they'll need to be cleaned up they might need to be the mapping coordinates dealt with there's a lot of issues with those when you bring those in so it's not just bring them in and I done know that's just the beginning okay you have to clean them up okay now I've opened up another piece from another student now brought in and this is a real nice chair okay so nice model and use this it's fine the students got it grouped okay which is good we only group it so I'm going to open up the group and I'm just going to deal with this back piece right here so I'm going to actually before I do that Adam close the group before I start manipulating this in any way okay I need to make sure that it's rotated towards our viewport up here okay so they've already placed it in the room but it's got problems and so I'm going to come in here and I want to realign to my view okay right about like that J on your keyboard will turn on the bounding box and you can see that bounding boxes it's pretty pretty close by exactly right that's pretty close so now I'll open up the group and I'm just going to deal with this piece right here and let's just isolate that okay now one of the things is its pivot point is not in center and I think I would like for its pivot point to be in its center so it's going to go here and 7 its pivot point and you can see that this piece and I think I'm going to turn that checkerboard off so we just see the geometry and you see how it's got you know everything's triangles okay so you need to make sure that it's edible poly so you know when you first get these in they'll be edible meshes and this trick won't work if it's an edible mesh so just right-click and convert and make an edible poly then you can go up in under geometry hit quantify all and it will come in and it will get rid of all those triangles that are making quads now this piece is pretty decent it's not too bad I could probably work with it the way that it is okay but if I wanted to clean it up you know if I look at the back of it this is the kind of an odd thing that's going on right here so ignore back-facing we come in here and hit our backspace to get rid of these two and then just take these two vertices and connect those and so then that'll be cleaned up back there and it's got a little bit of some garbage up here up frights but overall it's not too bad I mean I could clean that up but I'll probably leave it okay so now what the student has done is they've put mapping coordinates on this okay and what they did is they put box mapping on it okay well you know the answer to everything has not put box mapping on everything and somehow you guys have gotten that you know I showed you guys how to do certain things with box mapping and so it seems like that's what everybody's doing now is just all box mapping on it the thing about it is is you know I want to be able to unwrap this so I can go in and custom paint on this okay and I see some people you know think they're doing unwrapping but they're not really doing unwrapping okay so we really need to kind of unwrap this to flatten it out okay now a lot of times you're going to have to come in here put some scenes in this I think it might even kind of buckle through here and here but let's just see without trying to put any seams on it so we'll just come in here we're gonna put a UV unwrap on it okay and then we're gonna go to Polly's and we just pick one these Polly's and then this button to expand and grab all those and then what we're going to do is a pelt map okay so I'm going to come in here when your Pelt map opens this is your little UV editor and you've got this little utility and the first thing you went down here and your Pelt options is go to select the stretcher that's the little device that's going to be stretching it and it needs to be larger so I'm going to scale it out to get play room for this to unwrap okay and then I'm gonna hit this start Pelt and then it's gonna strip just pull and stretch that out okay then when you get it the way you want you hit commit and now that's stretched out okay so um we want to pack it so this is our pack button so now it's packed into our UV space um it is actually needs to be rotated some I would rotate it up like so we pack it in there and now our checkers are kind of big so I'm going to come back over to my shader and set it to show me okay and I see people doing this all time I don't know why they're doing this you don't need this mapping coordinate in here you just need the checker pad by itself and these these people in here are using a bitmap and I don't know why they're doing a bitmap for this either okay ah okay so it's not a bitmap it's a map okay so I'm gonna come in here and let's go 3430 let's look at that that's just fall so 10 now we'll go back to those wines because they were using that other device to scale it with yeah okay a little bit smaller let's say 5 now it doesn't really matter what these are these are nothing other than a mimicking what a pixel would be like on there so that we can just see what we're our stretching is going to be on here okay now you can see that my checkers are got all kinds of strange stretching going on okay and that's from that Pelt map so what I'm going to do is just make a copy of it here and there's a couple of ways that you can deal with this now so we'll go into this one and we're back into the you've an wrap and so we pick it and this button right here is a quick peel and it does a better job of once you've pelted it it does a real good job of relaxing it to make for a more uniform unwrapping of it and now you can see that's much much better it still got some areas in here and the reason it has those areas in there is because we really should cut little slits in here so that these can fold out a little bit but you know it's not really that bad okay now I can show you a similar way to do that make another copy over here and another way to do that is when you come in to go up here to your tools and come in to relax and then tell it to relax by polygon angles and then start relax and it'll start relaxing it and then you stop it and then let's read pack it and then that gives you pretty nice unwrapped to you'll see that that one is giving us a little bit better in these corners than this one did okay and that's a pretty good unwrap so um that's doing a pelt map okay so now let me open something that's a little a little bit harder to do and show you how to proceed okay so here's another model that student had and I wanted to show just how to unwrap this okay so it's different pieces now you know this students already told me that they've already unwrapped all of these okay that this is unwrapped okay and yes you know they have unwrapped it they just didn't do a good job of unwrapping it okay and I'll just show you why if I come in here and put a UV unwrap on this okay and I go into it and we pull up their unwrap here's what their unwrap looks like okay and that's horrible okay I mean this should be unwrapped this one piece this is one piece to take this and Photoshop and to try to paint across this and then paint over there and what is this piece and what is that B's and what is this piece was that piece that is not what you're wanting to do okay so that's not a very good unwrap okay now the thing that I wouldn't have done what the student has done is they've embedded the piping into this piece so in other words um if we go ahead and turn our subdivisions on what they've got is the some piping around here and I would always do that piping as a separate piece a matter of fact it is a separate piece is not part of the original piece you want to build things the way that they're manufactured and that piping is sewn on afterwards so you really wouldn't want to build it that way it's much easier and look better without it okay so we're going to do here is I'm going to show you how to do a correct unwrapping of this okay so we're going to put our unwrap on now when you first put your unwrap on we can see the seams that are exist on this and I don't want to see those seams right now so I'm going to come in here and I'm going to go over here and I'm gonna say map seams I'm going to turn that off all right now another thing that I noticed about this piece okay which I would always fix beforehand is can you see that it's pivot point is way out here okay and then if I hit J on the keyboard for bounding box see how its bounding box is messed up it's bounding box should be the shape of the object okay so we're going to fix this before we go any further so I'm going to go to the effect is pivot tilt to Center to the object okay then I'm going to come in here and I'm going to rotate I'm going to manually rotate this object so I can get it pretty Square to my viewport okay now I'm going to reset the transformation reset reset select it convert it to an elbow poly and now it's bounding box is correct for this object okay all right so let's unwrap this down okay so what we're going to do is come in here let's put our UV unwrap on here and I'm going to go to edge and I'm going to turn off the scenes and then we're going to click this button right here which is point-to-point seam which basically allows me to just draw you know draw where I want the seems to be okay so you just click in click so I'm telling it where I want it to split this okay and then I think I will split it cross here so that off and then I need a some splits to this way so we'll get a splits that way I don't need that little one right there if you click this button and you hold down the Alt key you can take away so we'll let that cut across there and I think I may need to cut it just a little bit more they've got this piping built in here which is really I would have never done that but we have to deal with because it's in there okay and then let's cut here and there okay so we're going to let it split itself there so these will open up it's going to split there with these open up and then it will wrap this back piece back across and that should get us a pretty good unwrap so we come over here pick Poly's we pick a poly tell it to extend to pick up Hollies and then we're going to do a peel whoo I'm sorry not peel but a pelt map so here's our pill map we open up our options here select the stretcher scale it out okay then we're gonna go here start the Pelt and that'll Pelt it out then commit the Pelt then pack it okay and let's go ahead put our checker back on here and you'll see it's it's pretty decent let's see that strangeness there okay so this is just the first step and then what we want to do from there is then do a quick peel and then repack it and there is the final unwrap of that or change my checkers let's go or you see that they've got these checkers so high like a hundred in here which is really high the reason is is this person built this room the room the walls are like 200 feet tall so it's a huge room they not pay attention to their measurements you know I don't know why what you guys don't get about understanding about getting your measurements correct but okay there's a nice unwrap of this and now you can render out a template of this and then this would be able to be taken into Photoshop and painted on to get a nice texture on it okay that's the way the stuff should be unwrapped and let's see how big this piece is this I don't know was this supposed to be maybe two and a half to three feet tall maybe and so let's go to our customize our unit set up and you'll see that they're not really setting their units up right okay you want to go us standard feeds with decimal inches and now let's go get our measuring tool over here and let's see how big this thing is it's 80 feet tall this couch is 80 feet tall okay 80 feet by 26 feet by 75 feet that's a pretty big back to your chair okay this is a huge problem when you get into using procedural textures and you get in using physical shaders and you're getting and using physical lights if your object rots right correct scale then you have all kinds of issues a try deal with those so you know that was pretty easy to unwrap this okay that's how you unwrap them and you know anything that has this organic kind of nature you want to paint textures you can't put a box map on a box Maps only good for something that we're going to be using like the title textures on and something that's not going to be aged now we're going to everything's going to be brand new so when you're wanting to be able to actually you know unwrap something so that you can paint a texture map then this is the way that you should be unwrapping it so that we have a nice a nice surface to bring into Photoshop and to paint on okay hopefully that will help some you guys on this room okay thank you very much you
Channel: eudy Maverick Mentor
Views: 32,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -8o1Bi8KGak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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