Coring your first bowl with the Woodcut Tools Bowlsaver

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so once you've got your bolts over all set up and the correct height um you're ready to set the to do your first bowl um there are several different ways of measuring to check the wall things you're going to use and to make sure you're not gonna go through the bottom so with this you need to decide um this is gonna be the which is gonna be the biggest bowl obviously the outside one is gonna be my biggest so i want to take out about an inch and a quarter um thickness wall um so i've actually just i have much already marked it so bring this up because it's it's a very deep blank this piece is actually thirteen and a quarter inches thirteen and a half inches in diameter and about five and a quarter inches deep so in the the the box that the bolster comes in there are a couple of templates that you um [Music] the self-adhesive and you just need on a bit of three mil ply or masonite hardboard and this gives you a guide so that you don't go through the bottom so you line that up with the center of the hole or the center of the bolt and that's the the bottom of the bowl is there and as you make smaller bowls this will come up so it tells you that you're not going to go through the bottom and the same with the the smaller uh blade you do the the same thing but that's you're doing that that way around yeah you're doing it off there so that's the the two templates the other way to check where you the bolt what bowl size is going to be is to use the woodcut um light guide and you set this up so it's it's on the corner of the cutter and then you rotate it round and it tells you exactly where the um the bolt savers the bottom of the bowl is going to be so i want to try and get this as tight as i possibly can to the the the the um might get the maximum can out of this so it's just the this plate over here is just missing need to back it up slightly there you go so that's nothing's touching there so that's telling me that what i've got there i'm looking for about an inch and a quarter wall thickness so this i've got an inch and a quarter here and from the light there i've got an inch and a quarter to the bottom of the bowl as well so that's perfect that's exactly what i want so i can take this out now turn the light off and now i connect up the the towel stock assembly so just bring that up before i lock the tail stock i just use my little dead blow mallet just to make sure that tail stock the the morse taper is low seated well tighten that up tighten your tool post up underneath make sure your banjo is tight as well um to give what i do to give me a little bit more control is actually turn a an extension handle on here just take the bung out the end of the handle and pop that in and it just gives me more control it's not to make the thing go faster it's just to give me that little bit extra control so now checking that nothing's touching i can turn the lathe on uh and i place my thumb over the the the cutter here and i can just ease that in so a few more revs probably about five six hundred rpm just just take your time let the shavings clear clear them away [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] when you draw it out you've got to be careful you don't touch the plate on the other side [Applause] i tend to clear it as often as i need to if it stops cutting just bring it out clear the shavings you don't want to be forcing it so it loose shaving there [Applause] when i'm clearing the shavings all the time like that i actually use visualize this this clear section here so i know when i'm coming close to the cutter being back in the cutting position again [Applause] now we're cutting a large diameter here i mean this the piece that's coming out the middle is nearly 11 inches in diameter so there's a lot of peripheral force torque there so just just take your time don't try and rush it and just let the cover do the work this is quite a powerful lay this is nearly this is a three horse lathe um i have used the bolt saver on this sort of size pieces on lesser powerful lathes um one and a half horse if you're um most people aren't doing this sort of size bowl but just take your time let the tool do the work [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now you get to a certain point where you're starting to cut into the end grain and that's what causes some more vibration here you're cutting the sides off the straws as i think of what is a big bundle of straws going this way you're cutting into the sides of them when you get around here you're starting to cut into the ends of them and they don't cut quite as nicely [Applause] and that's where you really need to keep clearing [Applause] so i'm clearing these shavings very frequently [Applause] i could hear them that it picked up a loose shaving over the end [Applause] and again [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] still got a way to go [Applause] [Applause] this is taking the maximum diameter bowl out they can so we're going to come right round the full arc to get to cut the bottom just going to switch off and get rid of all these shavings in here pick that one off then there so now you can see i'm i'm almost all the way around here but i've still got a fair way to go yet [Applause] [Applause] and when you hear that the tone change just come around and check and there's a little bit of flex there but not not a great deal yet so we're getting close to being did that coming out [Music] a little bit more close so that would probably do i can probably just snap that out there now yep there we go so that's the first one out just bring that out little twist and there is your first save we've gone down to about three quarters of an inch spigot in the bottom there so that's your first save so out of this 13 and a quarter inch bowl thirty-nine inch bowl we've saved a piece that's ten and a half ten and a quarter inches diameter by four inches deep so i can set that to one side drop it in some shavings down there take the bowl saver out so i can now [Music] [Applause] so that bowl is we'll call finished just check the the wall thickness so that's what it is there it does get a little bit thicker as we go down but not a great deal so i'll just spot measure there so up here i've got an inch and a quarter it's a bit thicker so it's quarter inch thicker at the bottom but that was the maximum we could take out so that's your first bowl finished
Channel: Woodcut-Tools
Views: 5,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philirons, woodcut, woodcuttools, bowlsaver, woodcutbowlsaver, max3, woodturning
Id: QjyjzWh0baw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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