Bowl coring made safe and simple - Woodcut Tools Bowlsaver

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the wood capital saver is an extremely safe and reliable ball coring tools designed to make your expensive would go so much further now you can produce matching sets of bowls from the same block of wood regular grain or wayna give girls whatever the wood you want to save the wood cut bolt saver is the right tool for you why wait for the wood to dry before using it and risk the chance of cracking smart wood Turner's core out their bowls while the wood is damp and easy to cut although dry blanks can be caught as well the process is much more efficient using semi dry or green wood I am using the five eighths of an inch or sixteen millimeter and a half inch fitting millimeter replaceable tip couch manufactured by wood cut to turn the bottom of the bowl to the desired shape keep the bevel rubbing tap with the grain and slash the wood away what a great feeling to see shavings peeling off really sharp tool remove the faceplate turn the bowl around and fit squarely in the Chuck tighten firmly proceed to face the front of the bowl and prepare to mark the bowls you will reclaim it is important that we carefully consider the wood in the mother bowl and finish shape before we mark out the pitch circles on the face of the bowl the aim is to save as much wood as possible without compromising the largest most valuable Bowl allow a rim of one inch 25 millimeters for wet wood or three-quarters of an inch 19 millimeters for dry allow more for a designer rim do not lift the bowl saver dictate the shape of the finished bowl once you have made a decision mark the pitch circle for the largest bowl then divide the rest of the face according to the number of additional bowls that you wish to call out this will largely depend on the depth of the blank a blank of three inches 75 millimeters in depth will produce two bowls a blank curved lip with the larger blade and remove the largest bowl first then swap over to the smaller blade for the next size down bowls under 8 inch 200 millimetres will be cut with the small blade with the bowl saver in the tool wrist we will now move the whole tourist and bolt saber unit up to the face of the bowl slide the tool rest across until the tip of the cutter lines up with the pitch circle this is called the point of entry it is not necessary to have the pivot bolt in the center of the bowl next set the depth of cut how far the blade goes into the blank we have provided a template to make your own depth gauge calipers can be used place the large gauge against the base of the bowl and move the unit forward until the center of the bolt is level with the point keep the cutter at the point of entry if this is correct then lock your tool rest firmly slide your tail stock forward loosen the wing nut underneath the bracket and fit the Morse taper into the taper of your tail stock lock your tail stock in place wind the hand wheel forward little to push the taper firmly in place double check all your mounting points your tool rest tool post tail stock and the wing nut as well now we are ready to start cutting once again make sure that the Chuck is tight then start the lathe the hand positions when using the bowl saver are quite important bring your body close up to the bolts aim a handle and apply downward pressure to the blade with your left hand this will help dampen any vibration it is very important that the blade is fed very slowly into the would not hesitantly but at a steady rate there is no need to rush the whole operation will take only 2 to 4 minutes you can withdraw the blade at any time and start again at the same point where you left off this particular bowl came from a tree a thousand years old so you can see that a few minutes time spent conserving your piece of this wood is going to be well worth while as we progress we start to come around under the end frame you'll notice that the shavings will become small short little fibrous chips it's important at this time to stop and clear those shavings so that they don't pack around the blade and put extra strain on your lathe once you've done that carry on as before from time to time the shaving will sit on top of the cutter and inhibit progress simply withdraw the blade wipe it off and carry on cutting let the cutter work at its own pace the bolts say they used patiently will do the job as effectively on a light machine as it will on an EVD delay now as we proceed around towards the finish of the cut listen carefully you will hear a change in the tone of the cut this will give you an indication of the how much wood is left in the base now to cut off stop the lathe at this point just feel the ball with your fingers and Jake whether it's almost ready to come off you may have to do this two or three times particularly when you're first starting out don't be afraid if you go too far and the bowl does dislodge simply switch the lathe off and retrieve the bowl you congratulations you have saved your first bowl you will be amazed how easy it was we will now proceed to remount the saved bold using the same procedure as before create a new spigot on the bottom of the bowl remount the bowl and the check and replace the bowl saver loosen the clamp bolts and exchange the blades the small blade now becomes the working blade and the large the lazy way tighten the screws firmly and proceed to line up the cutter with the point of entry take the small gauge and adjust the depth of cart until correct couple the tailstock to the taper and tighten all mounting points including the check you may wish to increase the lathe speed houses 800rpm with a smaller bowl proceed to make the cut ends before withdrawing the blade frequently to clear shavings until the bowl is ready to break free now as we proceed around towards the finish of the cut listen carefully you will hear a change in the tone of the cat this will give you an indication of the how much waters live in the base now to cut off stop the lathe at this point just feel the ball with your fingers and Jake whether it's almost ready to come off you may have to do this two or three times particularly when you're thirsty move the unit including the tailstock back and remove the second bowl place the new bowl in the chat replace the tool rest and turn a spigot on the pace the suit's expansion 2 inches with the movie fit the small jack remount the bowl and hollow out the inside with a suitable gouge we have used a 3/8 of an inch ten millimeter would touch replaceable tip bowl gouge now you have three balls ready to be finished turned and polished once they have completely seasoned Granville worth of New Zealand produced this pile of bowls in less than one month
Channel: Woodcut-Tools
Views: 978,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodturning, bowlsaver, bowl-coring, bowlsaving, woodcut, bowls, bowl-turning, #woodcuttools, #woodcutbowlsaver, #woodturning, woodcut tools, wood turning, bowl saver, one way coring system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun May 18 2008
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