Hacker Controls Us For 24 Hours!

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Previously on The Beach House Michael: Again, I don't know what he took. Becca: But did he take just one thing from... did he take one thing from each of us? What did he do? Michael: All right, we just got here.We came as fast as we could and I think we might have beaten the hacker here. Michael: So keep your eyes open you guys. Michael: I'm so tired of him stealing our things and we don't even know what it took. Michael: So we need to try to see if we can get ahead of him. Michael: That means the hacker's got to be close. Michael: This is where he told us to go. Michael: Oh. No way. Where's the camera? Let's go find somewhere to hide. We gotta find a place that the hacker can't see us with his cameras. Ohana: Oh my gosh. You disappointed me. This really makes me really scared. Michael: I think we need to stay together from now on. ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME 'WHEN ADVENTURE CALLS' BY CODY CRABB) ♫ ♫ Michael: Is everybody here? Do we have every one? Becca: Ellie, James, Corbin. Yeah, I've got all my kids here. Michael: That was really really scary. .Michael: I'm pretty sure I just saw him back there. Becca: That was him. I swear it was him. He like so creepy. Ohana: We need to get in the cars. Like, I don't I don't feel safe out here. Michael: Wait. Did you hear that? I just got a text message. Michael: What does it say? Becca: What does it say? Michael: It's from the hacker. Michael: It says: "I've got your attention. So don't delay. Find hieroglyphics and be on your way." Michael: "Your precious stuff I hold on display the next 24 hours. You must obey." Becca: 24 hours?!! Michael: He's gonna control our day for 24 hours. Becca: Are you kidding me? Michael: If you want to get that clue back from Mr. E we have to do whatever he says. Becca: This is so nerve wracking. And so exhausting. To do this for 24 hours would be so hard. Michael: So we need to go to find hieroglyphics. Do you know where any might be in the area? Ohana: There's a rock where they like...you know. That they have all the... Michael: I'm so glad you guys are here to help us out. Ohana: I can't believe it. This is crazy. Okay, let's get in the car. Michael: Let's get in the car and let's go. Becca: Okay, let's go. Let's get out of here. Michael: Okay, everybody get buckled up fast. Cause we gotta go right now. Michael: We got to get away from this place. Michael: So the Ohana Adventure, they're right here with us. Michael: So we're gonna go follow them as they know where the hieroglyphics are. The petroglyphs. I'm... Becca: I can't even believe this is happening. And to follow to hacker for 24 hours?! Michael: So we have to do whatever he says if we want to get that clue back from Mr. E. Michael: We have to. Becca: We have to. We've got to get that clue back. That's what we love doing. We love doing Mr. E hunts. Becca: And if if we lose one of them that's gonna mess up everything Michael: And I don't want Mr. E to think that he can't trust us anymore. Because then he might not send us things anymore. So... Michael: That's right, so we have to do it perfect for 24 hours or we might have to do it for even longer than that. Michael: Okay, let's go. I think we're ready. Make sure everybody's buckled you guys all buckled. Okay, let's go. Michael: So there's this melon right here. Michael: Huge melon with tons of rocks.This is the prime place to be able to find petroglyphs. They were left here by the Native Americans so... Michael: We're gonna keep poking around and see if we can find something around here. Michael: But I think that the Ohana Adventure knows exactly where they're going. So we're gonna following them right now. Michael: I think this might be it. Michael: This is it? Okay, perfect. So let's get everybody out and stay together. Michael: We're going to take a look at this rock and see if we can see over there. Becca: We all are out of the van and I guess we found this petroglyph place. Becca: I wonder if he's here. Becca: I wonder if he's here. Michael: Well, we need to keep our eyes peeled anyway, because he could be anywhere around here. Becca: What if he's like in one of these houses around here? Michael: There could be a camera. Ohana: Do you see? I see the petroglyphs on the rock. Michael: Oh yeah! I do see the petroglyphs. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Michael: Wow! Those are so cool! Michael: There are spirals, I think the spirals mean treasure. Michael: We've found some petroglyphs before in some of our treasure hunts that we've done. And...sure, I'll lift you up. Michael: So, I know that the spirals mean treasure. Ohana: Really? Michael: Yeah, we found a treasure of Montezuma. Michael: Last year. And we had to follow and read a lot of these petroglyphs. And so I think... Michael: That definitely looks familiar and I can see even like there's some body some people up there. Michael: If you find an upside-down person that means death. Michael: And there's one right over there. I can see one. Becca: So why did he send us here I wonder? Ohana: I don't know why, I mean I don't think...I'm not trying to figure out why. I don't..I don't know. Michael: Why anymore? Ohana: Yes only because I'm like, I just I just want to get our stuff back. Ohana: I want him to be out of our life. Which I don't even know if that's gonna happen because he's been following us for like over a month now. James: Because every spiral means a place that treasures has been hidden. Michael: Hmmm. That could be. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Wyatt: Why did he want us here? Ohana: I don't know. I don't know. Michael: Souvenir for a few minutes. And we haven't seen anything or heard anything. Michael: I don't know if the hacker is watching this or can see us, but I think he probably could. Michael: Just a lot of strange writings on the wall. Ohana: I'm hoping he didn't like do anything to the...did you hear that? Michael: I got a message. Did you...? Ohana: And it's starting to rain so I hope this doesn't take too long.. Michael: Yep. It's from the hacker. Becca: What does it say? Michael: It says: "You're off to a good start. I can see you are trying to obey." Michael: 24 hours begins now. Say goodbye to your friends and pray. you're both okay. Becca: Say goodbye to our friends? Michael: This says our's is another message awaits back home with your family. Ohana: Mine says: "Go prepare. For the day will be long. I'm always watching so don't wander off." Ohana: "Find the next clue with family that's not here. Oh my gosh. He's watching. If you follow this well, you have no need to fear." Michael: And it's starting to rain really bad. Becca: Yeah. We got to get out of here. Michael: It sounds like we need to say goodbye to you guys. Ohana: I don't want to say goodbye. This is like at least having someone with us has been like really really... Michael: Really comforting? Ohana: But I hope I didn't...I mean he's been following us for a while. I hope I didn't rope you guys into this. You know, this is kinda scary. .Michael: Well, you know what? We've got more family back at the house. So I think we're gonna be okay and sounds like you... Ohana: Yeah. Jason Clay should be home now. So we're gonna go check and see. Guys, we go see where dad is. Ohana: We're gonna give hugs. Like, I'm so... I'm sorry. Ohana: We have two paths here. So if you guys want to like stay with The Beach House, see what they're doing. Ohana: Make sure that they're okay. Go on to their channel and make sure that like, they're doing okay to see where their path leads. Ohana: I hope you guys are going to do well. Becca: And watch The Ohana Adventure too. Make sure to follow them and their journey because it might come together again. We don't know Michael: Stay safe you guys. Ohana: I hope that this doesn't keep going for a long time. Michael: We'll see. All right. We'll see you guys. Michael: Say goodbye to everybody. Ohana: At least Jason's gonna be home. He's gonna help so he can help us. Michael: Alright, let's go to the van you guys. Michael: Let's go go go everybody run. It's it's raining really bad out here. It's coming. It's really coming down. Michael: We'll see you guys. Michael: See you, dude. Becca: See you later. Michael: Oh yeah. It's really coming down out there. Becca: Look at my glasses. Becca: And the camera was like, it's getting wet! Michael: Okay everybody. Buckle up please. So, okay. So let's go back to our house. Everybody get buckled up Michael: It sounds like there might be another message. Like maybe your family got a message. Michael: Your mom or dad or somebody got a message from the hacker and he's opening the whole group. Michael: Okay, so let's get back to the house and see what's going on there okay? Michael: So it's quite a bit of a drive, but I think we'll be able to make it pretty quick here. Becca: Oh wow. After being here all day. He just sent us a message telling us to get the kids in bed. So, okay. Becca: Probably been watching us and can tell that the kids are cranky and tired and ready to go to bed Becca: All right. Ellie's going to bed first. When we're in a house that's this small, we have to kind of rotate their bedtime. Becca: So they all go to bed at the same time then they'll just play. So Ellie's going to bed first. Michael: Okay guys, so I think Becca was mentioning it to you earlier that we've been getting the same message consistently all day long. Becca: And we have gotten this ever since we left with The Ohana Adventure like, ever since we left the petroglyphs, Becca: We've been getting this message over and over and over again and it's just like okay fine. We'll stay in our house and not do anything. Michael:.So we haven't heard any other news. Michael: But take a look at the messages just so you can see for yourself guys. Becca: "Stay at home and await further instructions. Becca: Stay at home and await further...oh my goodness. Becca: He sent it to us so many times. Michael: So, that's all that we have. There's no further instructions than that. Maybe we just hang out all day at home for 24 hours Becca: I mean, I wouldn't complain because I don't like having him be in control of what we do for... Becca: Like it's it's not so hard just being here and waiting. You know what I mean? Becca: It's actually been kind of nice because it's a little bit reassuring knowing that we don't have to go do crazy stuff. Becca: So, I'm hoping and crossing my fingers that he just keeps sending us that same message. Becca: For the whole 24 hours. We are twelve hours in at this point. Michael: Oh Becca. We just got another message. Becca: Did we? Michael: It's different this time. Becca: It's been the same all day. It just changed? Michael: It says put the kids to bed. Becca: Does he already know that we're already doing that? Michael: I don't know. He knows we know that he can see us. Michael: Maybe he's outside right now. Becca: Okay, but we have the blinds all shut. So like, nobody's really looking at us. Michael: Cause he can hack technology. He hacked the security cameras at the park. Becca: Yeah. Becca: Okay, well you guys. The hackers in charge for 24 hours, so you guys have to go to bed right now. Becca: They said put the kids to bed. Becca: So I guess we're just gonna obey what he says. Because he's not gonna give us back our... Becca: Awesome clue from Mr. E If we don't do exactly... Michael: I just got another message. Becca: Really? Michael: Yeah. This one says: "Get the adults and leave the house now." Becca: Wait, we can't leave the kids here alone! Michael: We could leave your parents. Becca: Okay. Well then we'll just leave them and hopefully that the hackers okay with that because there's no way I'm leaving the kids here alone Becca: While the hacker's out. Michael: Okay. Becca: Yeah, that's not gonna happen. We'll leave them and grandma here and try to obey the hackers at the same time. Becca: Okay, Ryan injured cause Jessica has a broken leg. She can't really come anyway. Michael: Okay, then let's put the kids to bed and go. Becca: Okay. Let's do it. We have Ryan and Jared with us and me and Michael and everybody else is staying to watch over the kids. Cause no way am I gonna abandon my kids. Michael: It said: "Get the adults and leave the house now." Becca: Okay, where are we going though? Becca: I guess we'll just go to the...should. we just go to the van? And then see where it leads us. Becca: What kind of a text we get from there. Michael: Is the hacker outside? Is he out here? Is he watching us right now? Ryan: Maybe he flies drones near people's houses. Becca: That would make sense. I know the bandits do that too, actually Becca: All right. Well, let's go. I guess we have to just obey him. Becca: I know that he doesn't like it when we don't do it quickly. So let's go. Becca: I think that the creepiest part about about the hacker hacking us is that I feel like he's watching us at every moment. Like... Becca: It's like I'm so paranoid because I hear a little noise and I'm like, was that the hacker, you know? Like it just all the time. It feels like somebody's watching us. Michael: Oh, I just got another text. Michael: Just now. Michael: It says, go to the and it's got a picture of a swimming guy. Becca: Oh, really? Michael: Yeah. Becca: Go to the pool. Go to the pool. Ryan: No, that's go to the taco salesman. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Ryan: Okay. It's go to the pool. Ryan: Go to the chiseled athlete. Michael: Go to the pool. Look, it's from the hacker. Michael: He keeps sending us these messages. Becca: Blah blah blah. Control our day. Go make us do whatever you want us to do. Michael: I think he can still see where we are. Becca: Somehow he's watching us.And we...he... Becca: Knows exactly what's going on. Michael: Okay, hold on let's go to the pool I guess. Becca: Alright, let's go. Good thing it's not too far. It's just across the street. Becca: Okay. Oh wow. This is so red. Why is it so red? Michael: I don't know. But this is really really creepy out here. Michael: I just have a feeling we're being watched. Michael: Do you ever get that feeling like we're being watched? Becca: There's bushes everywhere and I get the exact same feeling. Ryan: I feel like I'm being watched all the time. Michael: There it is. Becca: That was so scary. Michael: Oh that was really loud. Becca: I think that we... Becca: We've got to be super careful. Becca: Okay, we're out of here. Oh, we're literally at the pool. Yeah. Is there somebody watching? Becca: We're here. Michael: Now what? Becca: Yeah, seriously. I never know what to do. Like, we get here and then the hacker just like. Becca: I guess we just have to chill for a minute and wait until the hacker Becca: Either catches up or he already knows that we're here and we he's been watching us the whole time. I don't know. Michael: I don't really want to go swimming because it's kind of cold out here right now. Becca: And we're not prepared in any way to go swimming either. So. Becca: I hope he's not trying to make us go swimming because I don't want to and.. Becca: I'm tired of doing all the things that he says. But I feel like we have to in order to get that clue back from Mr. E. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Becca: Did you give another message? Michael: Yeah. Come over here. Got another text. Becca: No way, what was it? Michael: Okay... Becca: What? Michael: Look. Becca: He says Ryan and Jared jump in. Michael: That's from the hacker. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Ryan: What's the big idea? Why did you even bring us with you? Michael: The hacker told us you had to come. Ryan: I'm not going to do something this weird guy tells me to do. Becca: But we have to though. Because we have stuff from Mr. E that got taken and the hacker took it. And he won't give it back. Jared: He don't even know me. Michael: He might take something of yours too if you don't do it. Michael: Like he might take your iPad or your only girlfriend. Ryan: I don't..like gone already. Ryan: I don't want to do it. Jared: Man. I mean, at least I've been working on my beach body. Ryan: Me too. Michael: Do it for us guys. We need you guys to do whatever the hacker says. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Becca: Like we didn't come prepared for this. Michael: I know. Becca: We're not ready. Michael: Well, we have to do whatever the hacker says. Ryan: No we don't. Maybe we do a little. But no, we don't. Oh my glasses. Becca: I mean, I guess we could totally ask him? But... Becca: The things he sends us are so unique. Michael: Yeah. We need to get it back. Michael: Alright guys. Becca: He didn't ask us to jump in. He just asked you guys. Ryan: You try it out. Ryan: Dip your toe in it. Becca: You guys should do it fast because he starts getting really annoyed if we don't obey him as quick as possible. Michael: That's true. We learned that the hard way. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Ryan: Toe in there. I wanna see how cold it is. Jared: Oh you gonna push me! Michael: How is the water guys? Ryan: It's wet. And cold and salty! Becca: And they're full clothed. Jared: Ryan, it's not that wet. Becca: You're gaining some weight. Becca: Wow. Fully clothed. And I hope the hacker appreciates all that we're doing. Becca: All that you guys are doing. Ryan: Wait. All that we're doing for you guys. Becca: And for the hacker. Michael: Guys, I just got another message. Michael: Do you see it? Michael: It's from the hacker. It says hot tub. Becca: Ryan, it says hot tub. Jared it says hot tub. Ryan: Hot tub? That'll get us warm. Jared: You're like an alligator doing this, Jared: It feels like you're an alligator. Michael: Come up here guys. Michael: How is it? Ryan: Ouch! It's boiling your life. Michael: How's that feel Ryan? Ryan: Wait. Did it say head bang on the water? Michael: No, It just said pool. Oh wait. It said pool. We just got another text. Michael: So he said said hot tub, but now he's saying pool again. So you guys have to go back to the pool. Becca: Ryan, it said pool again. Michael: You guys have to go back to the pool now. Becca: Jared is floating away. Becca: He's trolling us right now. Michael: Let's go guys. You have to. Sorry guys. Michael: Hacker said it. Micheal: Go go go guys! Go go go. Michael: Get in, get in, get in. Michael: How is it? Ryan: My eyes belly flopped. Michael: Are you guys okay? The hacker is being so mean. Ryan: I feel like a crystal. Ryan: Oh, yeah, I could do that too. Becca: Just like Ariel Ryan. Becca: Keep moving. keep moving. I hope the hacker...I really hope that the hacker sends us another one really soon that says hot tub again. Ryan: There's something flashing up there. Becca: Really? Michael: Look! Right there. Michael: Is that a camera? Becca: That's a camera. Michael: I think there's a camera in that right there. Oh my gosh. I just got a whole bunch of messages. Michael: Oh my gosh. You guys aren't going to believe this. Michael: Pool, hot tub, pool, hot tub, pool, hot tub, pool, hot tub, pool, hot tub, Becca: Oh my goodness! That's so many messages! Michael: You guys have to go back and forth between the pool and the hot tub a hundred times. Ryan: We won't do that a hundred times! Michael: You have to. The hacker said. Becca: It's like ten times. Michael: Sorry guys, the hacker says you have to go to the pool and the hot tub back and forth a hundred times. Michael: Let's go ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Becca: That looks cold and bad. Becca: Now show your muscles. Becca: No, I think you are a nun. Michael: Are you okay Ryan? Ryan: Yes! I'm hot and cold. Michael: Whoa guys. I just got another text message. Michael: Yes, it's from the hacker. And he's not telling us to go in the pool and hot tub again. Becca: You guys did a really good job by the way. Michael: Okay guys listen up. The hacker says the obedience of your family has redeemed your earlier misdeeds against me. Go out and get something good to eat now. Ryan: Oh, I can help out with that Becca: Okay, let's go find something to eat. Becca: Okay, so that means that he's done like... Becca: Being mad at us I think. Like... Michael: As long as we obey him, it seems like... Michael: Bad things won't happen. So let's just go do what he says. Becca: Well, he's being nice to us now. Ryan: Is he buying? Michael: Is the hacker buying? Becca: He should with all that work! Michael: Okay guys, so we're just getting back from the pool getting ready to go out to you like the hacker said. Michael: And we're coming up to the front door, but its open. Michael: Opened up or something. I don't know why it's wide open like this. Michael: Do you thing the hacker is inside the house? Michael: They broke our Ginga tower. Becca: The front door was wide open, did anybody come in? Michael: You guys didn't see anybody in here? Michael: The front door was was left open when we just walked up. Michael: They might have been distracted to not notice. Michael: Go make sure that everything's okay. Michael: Cause we know he's been in our house before to take things, so maybe he took something else. Michael: Everybody's okay. Michael: That was really terrifying. I know he took that the hunt adventures computer. What if he took something else of ours? Becca: Well, why would he do that when he already has something of ours? Michael: Maybe you put it back. Let me let's go see if you put back our... Michael: Our..the thing he took from us. Becca: Oh yeah. Michael: Oh. No. It's not there. It's still gone. Michael: We need to get that back really badly. Becca: To make sure that we lock the doors and make sure we shut them behind us. Michael: All right, let's get out and go. Ryan: We haven't done everything he wanted us to do. Michael: Okay, let's go. Becca: We are in the car and we're driving to I don't know where but we're gonna get some food because the hacker said we can. Ryan: Donut at the big donut. Michael: Okay donuts it is. Ryan: No! We're joking. Ryan: We want real food! Becca: Okay, so we ate dinner not that long ago, so we're not super hungry. But we really like Chili's Texas cheese fries. Ryan: But I'm always hungry! Becca: Sorry Ryan. You know, I look like the opposite of a polygamist right now. Becca: You're all my husbands. Ryan: No that is not true. Michael: These two aren't even interested in you. Michael: And I'm barely interested in you after what you did. Michael: And it's a good thing you're cute. Becca: Wait, would that be cause brother husbands? Becca: I'm forcing you to like me. ♫ ♫ MUSIC PLAYING ♫ ♫ Becca: This is delicious. Michael: This looks great. Thank you. Becca: I'm so glad that the hacker let us get food. Michael: We are very obedient. Michael: We do everything you say. Becca: Okay. Time to eat. Jared: I feel like they should have turned it... turned gazelle into a cheetah. So they could just call it shaquita. Michael: You know, you really eat all your food. I'll give you your money back. Becca: Whoa, why did you give him money? Michael: I ate all my food. Becca: My broccoli was raw. But, I guess they just wanted me to eat fresh or something. [Dreams by Fleetwood Mac plays in the background][ Becca: Okay. Wel,. we're telling stories about how rude Ryan was when I was a kid. He popped my Pocahontas doll's head off on my birthday!. Ryan: I thought it was an old-fashioned kind. The old-fashioned kind of had ones that you could pop the head on and off and I was like... Becca: Sure you did. Becca: And I was like...wow. Becca: You are the meanest brother of my entire life! Becca: Should we reenact that for you guys? Becca: Like going swimming in the garbage can. Should we reenact that for you? Michael: I just got another text message. Michael: Look at this. Becca: What? Michael: Do you see the message from the hacker? Michael: Right there. It says: "A surprise is waiting for you back at the..." do you think that's the Beach house? Michael: Is that what they're trying to say? Becca: A surprise is waiting for back at the Beach house. That's got to be the Beach house. Becca; Okay, then that means we need to go back to the Beach house like right now. Michael: Okay, let's go. I think we're done. Becca: This isactually been not that bad of a night considering I didn't have to jump into the pool and hot tub but they did. Becca: Okay. Well, let's hurry and get back there as soon as we can. I hope it's a good suprise and not a bad surprise. Becca: We've done this for almost 24 hours now. Becca: Okay, we're home. Michael: We've just made it back. Look! Michael: The front door's open! [sirens in the background] Michael: It's wide open. Ryan: There's a siren. Becca: Did you hear that siren? Michael: It was open a little bit earlier today but... Becca: But we made sure to shut it and we made sure they shut it too. Michael: Is anybody in here? Michael: There's nobody in here. Michael: They've all gone to bed. Becca: I hope they're all in bed. Michael: Again. In our house. Michael: Okay, I'm gonna go check on the kids first. Becca: Yeah, shut the door and lock it. Michael: They're all asleep. Michael: They're all okay.What?! Michael: Okay, the clue said well a surprise will be waiting for you at home. Becca: Well, is it a surprise just because he opened up the door and left it that way? Michael: What is it? What if he returned the Mr. E clue that he stole? Michael: It's here! It's back! I checked on this earlier today it was gone, but now it's back. Michael: While we were gone, he must have come into the house and put it back in here. Becca: Well, he knows like when people are awake when they're sleeping and everything. Ryan: I just realized.. Ryan: That specific door is an electronic door. Ryan: All the rest in the house aren't. Becca: With the key code on it. Michael: He must have hacked the key code and unlocked the door and got in . Michael: At least we got the clue back for Mr. E and it seems like everything's okay now. Michael: That's really freaky. Becca: Are grandma and grandpa here? Becca: Everybody's here. Everybody's here. Michael: That's it, and I just got another message. Michael: My phone just buzzed. And it's from the hacker. Becca: Really? Michael: Yeah, he just sent me another text. Look at this. It says: "This isn't the end. You'll hear from me again." Michael: "You won't know when but you'll hear from me then." Michael: "This isn't the end you'll hear from me again. You won't know when but you'll hear from me then." Becca: Okay, well... Becca: It's a relief. We've done 24 hours. It's been it has been 24 hours Becca: All day long. Becca: Of obeying what he told us to do. Michael: I really hope that the Ohana Adventure is okay. Michael: So make sure to go check out their channel and watch their video too. I'll have a link in the description below. Michael: But thank you guys for watching and helping us and if you saw anything creepy, if you saw the hacker. Michael: Let us know in the comments below because Michael: There's a very real chance that he could have left behind some more clues that we didn't even notice. Michael: Anyway, thanks you guys for watching and we'll see you guys tomorrow. Becca: Pause the game. ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME 'PAUSE THE GAME' BY CODY CRABB) ♫ ♫
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 431,219
Rating: 4.8262053 out of 5
Keywords: project zorgo, beach house vlogs, becca beach, family fun, love at home, the beach house, game master, 24 hours, hacker, we got hacked, family friendly, for kids, fun family, hacker controls our day, the hacker, the game master, hacker in charge, youtube hacker, the beach house hacker, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, hacker takes our channel, who is the hacker, who is the hacker the beach house, the ohana adventure
Id: 9ikOj2i9Vd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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