Copying what Ronald does for 24 Hours!!!

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Hey guys, it's Karina! It's Ronald from. "Sis vs Bro!" And today, we are going to be doing an awesome challenge where Karina's going to be copying me for 24 hours. Yes! Ronald, what are we going to be doing? I'm going to be doing some juicy stuff, some awesome stuff, and stuff that you do not like. What does that mean? It means, a secret, you 'll find out you will all find out. Sorry guys, I guess I'm copying Ronald for 24 hours. I'm really scared because Ronald has some stuff up his sleeves, even though he doesn't have very much sleeves, but, you know. Yes. Got some stuff up there, and I'm really nervous. I don't want to be eating junk food all day, (light bulb pinging) I'll feel sick. Add it to the list. (laughing) Oh no, I'm giving him ideas, no! (laughing) So guys, let's just start the challenge before I give Ronald any more ideas. Okay. Alright, let's begin. So guys, we're in my awesome, magical room and today we are going to be doing the first magical thing. Karina, do you want to know what it is? Okay, I guess I have to know. It's YouTube! Now say it with me, YouTube! Okay. You have to copy me, so YouTube! YouTube! (record scratching) YouTube! (beeping) Yes, okay. So, we are going to be watching (modem dialing up) Oh, what is it? Is it going to be Fortnite, Ronald? Wait, that's actually a good idea. Fortnite, yes! No! No, no, no! Karina, get your phone, we're going to be watching Fortnite. I was going to do PewDiePie, but no. Oh, I could've been watching a PewDiePie video, but now I have to watch Fortnite. No! Yeah, get your phone, relax, well, only if I'm relaxed, which I probably will, and, yeah, let's watch some Fortnite. Okay. Okay, Karina, which streamer do we watch? (sneezing) Sorry. It's okay. Wait, I didn't sneeze, you're not allowed to sneeze, Karina. Wait, Ronald, you can't control sneezes! No sneezes until sneeze, okay? What? Okay, so we're going to be doing Nick Eh 30 because yeah. But, wait wait wait, Ronald, PewDiePie just posted a new video, just posted. But, like 20 minutes okay. Okay, no, we, I like PewDiePie, but we have to use this time suspensly. So, we're watching Fortnite. No! Which video, Ronald? Okay, the first one. The first, this one? Yeah. Okay. (Fortnite battle playing) Sorry Sascha, Sorry Sascha, I really thought I was going to get I really thought Oh! (crickets chirping) I really though I was going to get them. Karina look at this, oh! (screaming) That was cool! What happened, I don't understand. Karina, look and you will find out. I'm looking, but I don't know. Well, I understand so you have to understand too. What, it doesn't work like that! Yes, it does. This is so boring. Are you sure you don't want to watch PewDiePie? I'm sure. (Fortnite battle playing) Okay Karina, turn off your phone and I have a better idea. How about we play Fortnite? No! Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Ronald, I don't know how to play Fortnite! I'm going to be losing all the time! Well, isn't that the point? If I win, you have to win. But I can't win Ronald! Yes you! I've never won a game of Fortnite by myself ever! I've only won with you, one time. Okay, then we can play together. (cooing) Okay. So basically, if, I win, you will as well. Okay, that sounds better but are you sure you want to play Fortnite? Why not Minecraft? Fortnite, Fortnite, I need to use this time to my advantage, guys. Hashtag BroTeam. Okay guys, this is the best moment ever! I'm about to play Fortnite with Karina. This is like a once in a year moment so let's use this time to our advantage. I'm going to wreck her. Wait, but we're on a team. Whatever. Ronald, are you sure you want to play Fortnite? Why not Minecraft? Karina, I am your, I only have 24 hours to do this, so I have to use this time to my advantage. Okay, fine. Well we're going, about five seconds. Where are we going, where are we going? Karina, calm down! We have to climb on the bus. Ronald, I can't be calm, where are we going to be going? I want to go somewhere safe where we will not die in. Let's go. Ronald, choose faster! Lonely Lodge, I guess I have to go there too. Okay, tell me when do I have to jump. Jump when I jump. But when's that? Okay, right now. Okay. Two seconds off, but it's fine. Ronald, I'm flying now, what do I do Ronald, I'm scared. Am I doing it right? Yes, Karina. The storm is forming in one minute Ronald, we have to be so fast. Oh my goodness Karina, you are the biggest noob of the century. Ronald, says you, you're a bigger noob. Am I doing it right, Ronald? Am I going the right direction? Yes. The storm is forming in 20 seconds, Ronald. 20 seconds! Forming, but it's not coming in in 20 seconds. Okay, come in here. Come in where? Ronald, I don't see you. I'm in this shed. Well, I don't see any shed. I see guns, I need the gun, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it. Okay, yeah, just pick us up guns. That's not a gun, that's wood! That's not a gun, what is that thing? Is that cheese? (groaning) I find a treasure chest. I found a numbered chest! See, look how good I am! I found another. Okay Karina, I've had enough of playing with you. You're such a noob. There's a dude right here, don't die! Karina, let's play foosball or something. Foosball table, seriously Ronald? Actually, I like playing Fortnite, okay? Can we just play Fortnite, please? Karina, I'm not playing Fortnite with you, you're such a big noob! You, I'm way better at Fortnite than you! Yeah, I opened two chests, I am so good at Fortnite! (laughing) Well I, you didn't get any chests and I got two! Wow! Seriously guys, Karina's such a noob. I've had enough of playing with her. Let's go play foosball. (sad music playing) (beeping) Okay guys, since Karina's such a noob, we're here in the foosball table and Karina's probably a big fat noob at this too. Ronald, I'm way better at the foosball table than you. Okay, let's see. (foosball table clacking) Well, I got the ball. (laughing) Well, I wasn't ready, I was holding the ball and I thought I was going to put it in. Excuses! Well, that's cheating, okay? Cheating! Yup. No! I agree. No, cheating. Fine, fine. Okay, one more time. Three, two, one. Drop it. (foosball table clacking) Stop, Ronald, please stop! (laughing) Oh, such a light push. (yelling) Such a light push! (yelling) Oh, that's not fair! You have to go easy on me. So guys, I have no idea what to do with Karina. She's a big noob at Fortnite and the biggest noob at foosball. So, I guess the only thing left to do is relax. Oh yeah! Ronald, if you're relaxing, I have to relax too. I'm actually pretty good at relaxing, I'm going to do that. (relaxing music playing) (candy wrapper rustling) Hm. Ronald, what are you doing? (record scratching) Nothing, nothing, nothing at all. Ronald, is that chocolate? No. Ronald, if you're eating chocolate, I have to eat chocolate too. But these are mine! Ronald, we're doing a challenge where I have to copy for 24 hours, okay? Gimme. Okay, fine, but this is my day Karina. Then it's my day too. Okay guys, now it's time for dinner and I'm really scared, what's Ronald going to pick because I just want something good and delicious. And Ronald, I'm counting on you. I think I know what I want. I think I want soup! (record scratching) What, soup! Well, today we have beet soup. You hate beet soup, why do you want it? What? Yeah, but you really hate beet soup too, probably more than me. And last time you made me eat a whole bunch of salad so now we're turning the tables. Except, I don't like it too. But it's worth the risk! But Ronald, look, we have chicken and rice today as well. We could have both been happy with just chicken and rice. No. Okay guys, time to pour. (soup sloshing) There you go. Are you sure you want to have the beet soup? Yeah, it's perfect. Are you going to even eat it? Hopefully, I mean, then you have to eat it all if I eat it all. Oh no! Okay, I guess I'll pour some. Is that good? No, Karina, you have to have exactly as much as me. Oh fine. Oh, I hate beet soup. Just a few more spoons, come on. Is that the same? Just one more, I guess. Yeah, okay, that's good, that's good, that's good. Oh no. Yuck. Bon appetit. (French music playing) It's not that bad. Ronald, how do you eat this stuff? Simply and carefully. (French music playing) Okay guys, I think next we should paint our nails! Karina, did you forget what video this is? This is not me saying yes or copying you, this is you saying yes to me, well, copying me for 24 hours. Oh, okay. Let's play with Nerf guns. What? No, not yet Ronald, I'm not ready! Ronald, if you're playing with Nerf guns, I got to to play too. Exactly, here's your gun. What? It's so tiny! Look at it, it can only hold one bullet! Well, that's the point. Ronald, if we're, if I'm copying you, I have to have the same gun, so it's fair. Well, I don't have the same gun as that, that's as close as it gets. Are you sure? I see another gun over there. No, it's fine, just pretend they don't exist. Okay, fine. Okay guys, I guess I'm ready now. (groaning) (cymbals striking) Huh. Plebe. Watch this. (gun firing) (screaming) Oh no! Ninja moves! I don't have any more bullets! Oh gosh! (screaming) (laughing) (screaming) Ronald, I'm so bored, can you please do something? No, I like doing nothing. Are you doing nothing? Yeah. Okay, good. Ronald, don't you have like homework to do, because I need to do my homework. Well, I have homework, it's just I'm not going to do it, I don't feel like it. Do you want to, like, read a book or something? No, reading's for nerds! You have so many Legos. Why don't you play with, like, your Legos? Or play Minecraft? Yeah, let's play Minecraft! Karina, no. (groaning) (smacking) (bag rustling) Wait, that's doing something. You can't do that. Oh. (laugh track playing) (lazy music playing) (slow music playing) Ronald, are you asleep? No, I don't want to fall asleep. He didn't even brush his teeth, he didn't take a shower, he didn't change into pajamas. Now I have to fall asleep too, on his bed. On this stuffy. Oh no, I guess I'm just going to end this video right here, guys, I hope you like this video, or don't, I mean. Wait! I'm not ending the video, so you can't end the video. Go back to sleep. What? Why? (slow music playing) So guys, I just woke up and that was the most awful sleep of my life because Ronald kept on rolling on top of me. (dinging) And now it's morning and we're about to have breakfast and I hope, I'm going to eat something, Ronald, are you planning on eating breakfast? Yes. Okay, perfect, because right after breakfast, it will be the end of this challenge. No! Yes! So you guys, I hope you liked this video, if you did, smash that like button and we'll see you all next time, good bye! (upbeat music)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 15,602,166
Rating: 4.7585258 out of 5
Keywords: daily routine challenge, copying daily routine, copying routine for 24 hours
Id: At0XF8vzjg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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