Cops Reveal The Creepiest Call They've Got - AskReddit

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when SWAT pulled her out she had completed multiple circumcisions on herself with the scissors and had sodomized herself multiple times with steak knives warning the following content is very dark disturbing and contains detailed descriptions of dead bodies please do not watch this if you are sensitive towards such topics cops have read it what has so far been the creepiest call you've ever had to respond to and what happened working third shift on Halloween night I'm out by one of our smaller lakes just outside the city limits kids love to go out and drink which is surrounded by some very nice houses going through the neighborhood each of the roads ends at a small two-lane road that surrounds the lake I'm slowing to the stop sign and already starting to look to my right to make the turn when my headlights start tracing the rock wall that surrounds the lake I catch something out of the corner of my eye in one of the large trees that dots the walked path I back up to see what it was and I see a guy hanging at first I thought it was a Halloween decoration the neighborhood is really into decorating for every holiday so I stop get out and as soon as my flashlight hits him I realize nope no decoration he's dead as I'm standing there getting ready to call it in I notice a gaggle of kids coming down the street trick-or-treating as soon as they see my car they start heading my way faster so I booked it back up the block to meet the parent walking with them and tell her she needs to take the long way around the block the other way she can see it on my face I'm not kidding turns out he was a twenty year old that was devastated about his girlfriend breaking up with him and she lived in the last house on that block where she would see him the next morning when she looked out her window we responded to a burglary alarm at a mortuary and found that one of the rear doors was left open policy now dictates that the entire building needs to be cleared searched to confirm that it was a false alarm which most are it's the middle of the night and totally dark we use flashlights that never turn on lights we walk into one of the rooms and see a body on a table it appeared that it was waiting to be processed possibly in bombed by the mortician it smelled like a mildly decomposing body suddenly I see a shadow to my right and I shined my light there and find nothing out of the or Neri I immediately smell a really strong whiff of perfume blow by me the search was completed more expeditiously than normal after that nothing was found it was a stormy night on the Oregon coast a lady was driving drunk and ran into the back of a park school bus when she did her car caught on fire but she was able to escape when I found her slowly walking down a side street I was telling her to stop and turn around when she turned around her lower jaw was gone and she was totally dazed her tongue was sticking straight out the top of her neck and she was trying to talk she ended up surviving but needed tons of plastic surgery my uncle was a sergeant and had to be called several times out to a house for domestic abuse this older guy had some young 18 year old he would pay for the guy to swallow certain objects like paper clips and human hair the kid would poop it out into a bag and the older guy would sift through the feces like a treasure hunt for the items he would then put them in an envelope and file them I responded to a report of an unresponsive infant when I arrived all the family members were standing around casually in the front yard pointing into the house I found the baby in the back room laying on her back on a bare mattress I started CPR but realized that baby was probably already deceased we rushed her out to the arriving ambulance hoping they had a way to bring her back I learned she was the mother's second suspicious SIDS death and I had her other children removed from her care the difficult part was when I left the scene and went to the ER to see what came of the situation as I walked in and asked where she was an ER nurse walked over to me and handed me the deceased baby swaddled in a blanket and told me to wait for someone to show me to the morgue so I'm standing there in the ER in uniform holding what everyone thinks is a live infant but rather an infant corpse and several people stopped by wanting to see her and commenting on how cute it is to see an officer holding a baby I just smiled but it killed me inside I was ushered back to the morgue after what felt like an eternity and told I had to wait with the baby until the medical examiner arrived they took the blankets off and laid her on a stainless steel gurney and left me alone with her again I lunged around the morgue for an hour waiting by the time I got home several hours after the end of my shift because this call came out 15 minutes before the end of my ten-hour shift I laid down on my bed and cried for a long time my young daughter was in daycare and my wife at work I really needed to hold both of them so the house felt incredibly empty my daughter was only slightly older than the infant and when I was looking at her earlier I kept seeing my own daughter I didn't get any sleep at all before going back in for the next shift later that night got a call that someone wasn't answering their phone or the doorbell we got to the house and noticed that every window was blinded by either curtains or pieces of paper we rang the doorbell and yelled through the letterbox but there was no answer we opened the door and got inside in the house it looked like someone just had lunch there was bread on the table and juice or milk in the glasses children's toys scattered all around then I saw a note that gave me the chills it was a suicide note as the door was locked from the inside the person had to be in the house we checked room by room and my heartbeat was at 300% when I checked the bathroom preparing myself for slit wrists or throats I opened the door slowly but there was nothing finally one more room left which was the Attic we walked slowly up the stairs and we found the resident there hanging from a beam I will never forget the adrenaline I had the scene in the living room or the resident I found my cousin is a cop and he responded to a call on Valentine's Day night a twelve-year-old girl called in to say her mother had blown her brains out in the living room I guess her and her brother were getting ready for dinner and the mom just shot herself he said the creepy thing about it was dinner all set up drinks on the table and suddenly she shot herself kids were sitting outside when he arrived to this day I can't imagine Valentine's Day for them but I know that is something that stuck with him seeing that not a cop but a correctional officer in Texas one time a guy slit the forearm side of his elbows where it bends he laid there in a big puddle of his own blood I was one of the responders that day I'll never forget it as soon as you entered the cell the smell just hit you blood has a strong metallic smell which I never realized before he'd been laying there awhile so the blood had coagulated which again I did not expect as we lifted the barely conscious guy out of the blood the blood fell off his body and chunks like jello it was pretty disturbing because I didn't expect any of it nor was I able to mentally prepare for it we're not really medically trained so all of it was completely surprising to me not a cop myself but my dad is and I asked him this one time he told me it was when he went to this one house because a woman had called and said that men were breaking into the house he gets there and he said it was immediately very clear that the woman was not exactly altogether mentally he said she kept mumbling things and was very jumpy and skittish not to mention that every single wall of her house apparently had at least six or seven crosses on it if not more he calms her down checks around the house for any signs of entry for just anything weird and there's absolutely nothing that would indicate that anyone had been trying to or had been successful in breaking in he said she followed him around the entire time and would point to things like a door knob or window latches and say oh that's not where I left it that's how they got in he said the whole thing was fairly eerie considering he was at this woman's house in the middle of the night surrounded by crosses and listening to her mumble on about random crap to make her feel better he did a sweep of the whole house to see if there was anyone else inside which there wasn't he said the one thing that made it creepy for him was the fact that every few minutes she'd say something like oh they're here again or he's right behind us I can feel it XCOM I worked in a high tech task force agency conducting computer forensics investigations lots of child porn lots anyways we were doing a multi-agency search warrant sweep and large metro area in California we serve a search warrant for distributing and possessing child porn at a residence in a semi-decent area and the suspect fit the prototypical Hollywood child molester look he lived with his disabled wife no kids and she had mobility issues mostly stayed downstairs and had not been upstairs for years we go upstairs and this guy has a legitimate masturbation station set up in one of the bedrooms that had an outside padlock on it it was dark the windows were covered and he had baby dolls with Airy holes cut out all over the room and some of their mouths cut out for impromptu baby sex doll some of the heads were removed and scattered on the floor this guy had serious issues got called to assist ambulance at an address because they were struggling with a woman who had an apparent seizure we got there and she's this tiny skinny little Singaporean lady who's being held down on the floor by a paramedic she's hissing and struggling against her and repeatedly trying to bite the paramedic her eyes are all black and red no white it takes me 200 pounds my partner for the evening around 180 pounds plus three paramedics to hold her down all the time she's struggling and trying to bite with veins popping out of her neck she's looking past us at the corner of the room screaming at something that isn't there telling it not to kill her and us her husband who seems weirdly unfazed by the whole thing tells us this has been happening since she last went to Singapore and got sick after visiting a holy site usually her sister has to stop it by putting this powder on her forehead in a cross but unfortunately she's out of the country in the end she was taken to hospital for a mental health assessment by the paramedics I often wonder what the outcome was but have no way of finding out unfortunately are we accepting not me but a cop I know stories my cousin is on in a major city apparently nine-one-one got a call from a six-year-old claiming vehemently that there was a zombie outside of his house on the street so a patrol car swings around to see what's up turns out a Tweaker on meth gouged out his own eyes had blood dripping down from the empty sockets and was stumbling around blindly with his hands stretched out in front of him turns out the kid was telling the truth for some reason the suicides always hit me the hardest I had a good friend that killed himself in high school so suicide is a touchy thing not just for everyone but especially for those who have personal experience with it I've seen three suicides by gun two hangings and a handful that did it intentionally by using drugs of some sort or other methods long story short guy shot himself in his garage with 0.357 Magnum I have a pretty strong stomach thankfully because of experience but I believe I accidentally stepped on a piece of his eye when I cleared the call I went straight to the locker room and cleaned the bottom of my boots for a good 40 minutes I repeated the cleaning process at home too now sure that's not exactly creepy just disturbing but here's this one we get a call from the hotel off the interstate employees went to clean a room and found a note on the bathroom door which was closed and locked it read don't come in call 9-1-1 so the front desk did just that we get there and she shows us the room we try knocking on the bathroom door no answer we weren't even sure if there was someone in there or not the on-site manager told us we were allowed to force entry into the bathroom she was concerned because none of the employees ever remember the guest checking out my partner gets the door open and it was like something off of a horror movie guy was in the tub completely naked knife on the floor just next to the tub cuts on his wrists and the absolute worst thing was the blood inside of the tub I've never seen so much blood in my ten plus year career his face was pale white and it appeared as he was frowning he didn't appear to be breathing kalla medic my partner says I just look at him and say ah no dudes dead I'm not touching him you can check if you want but we need to get our supervisor and EVT and detective here I could recognize a dead guy when I saw one I get the manager who is having a legit panic attack to calm down and head back down to the desk while we deal with this called for another car and told dispatch to contact our evidence technicians and a detective when I hear my partner screams and exclaim Oh effing crap I run back over there and he's wide-eyed staring at the body he just moved that guy is alive he moved what are you talking about he has a half impulse it's faint as hell but he has it his leg moved under the water when I tried checking for it sure enough I put on my big boy Andes and could barely feel a pulse on this guy met it called and they rushed him to the ER turned out he did the cutting just minutes before the cleaning maid found the note so surprisingly he barely lived from a post I made a few weeks ago I was called out to negotiate with a 17 year old female who had barricaded herself in a bathroom with multiple knives and scissors she done it right two SWAT ended up going through the sheetrock wall she wouldn't talk with me at all but had multiple graphic conversations with her mother who committed suicide three years earlier and her dad who's serving lots of years in prison for sexually abusing her when SWAT pulled her out she had completed multiple circumcisions on herself with the scissors completely cut her nipples off and had sodomized herself multiple times with multiple steak knives the kicker was she was talking the whole time and her tone or volume never changed the pain never bothered her or more likely she never felt it the human mind as scary as hell thanks for watching another very dark and very creepy episode of radio TTS the only reddit channel that makes videos about topics that don't allow ads hit the subscribe button for more videos like this and also finding normal videos [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, story, reddit stories, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r\, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, best of askreddit, reddit best, top posts, cops of reddit creepiest, reddit serious scariest, creepiest stories reddit, reddit house call stories, cops of reddit creepies, creepy cop stories, reddit cops creepy, reddit cops scary, reddit cops supernatural, reddit cops scariest, askreddit cops paranormal, askreddit cops creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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