This Jeffrey Epstein Story Will Send Chills Down Your Spine - Eric Weinstein

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you met Jeffrey Epstein once yep talk to me about what that's like coming face to face with somebody of that caliber whatever that means um well one thing is there is a physiological reaction that corresponds to this phrase that you know the hair on the back of my neck stood on end like that's a real physiological feeling I don't know whether the hair actually does that but it's exactly what it feels like you're meeting somebody who is Unholy and you know one of the most interesting things is that he was beckoning into a world that didn't seem to exist but for him as it as the door was the doormat I think that's one of the things that freaked out a lot of these rich people is is that he he felt rich in a movie Sense which is not something that you find among actually rich people what do you mean well a lot of very wealthy people don't own an island s are really tough to to maintain I'm obsessed with islands and you know in general I have to be obsessed with islands that have airports run by other people because you know they have populations on them but every rich person starts to Wonder Could I afford it can I afford an island or how many jets and if you look at Jeffrey Epstein's wealth it was beaten it was like gold beaten into gold foil so that it could cover a vast area and leave the impression of a solid gold life but it was really probably on a mid nine figure Fortune that had been used to buy islands and plays which is not what any nine figure person is going to do so you had a felt sense an embodied sense of discomfort oh hell yeah and where did that come from uh the fact that he had a lipstick camera pointed at me from an art object that he laid a table that was preposterously long and thin with a tablecloth made of an American flag to make it look like a coffin so that I would spill my coffee on the flag of my own country I mean the fact that he looked like a mutant Ralph Lauren with this kind of lubricious quality and he's talking all of the science and Market stuff and nothing adds up and there's an heiress bouncing on his knee to get her boobs to jiggle to see whether it can distract I mean it's like one of these crazy scenes were nothing about it was normal there was just now there was no trace of a normal world that sounds like a script from a movie yeah I mean I think part of it uh John Travolta is like putting a gun to your head and forcing you to drink and break a code in a minute yeah like that part of it and then there was some sort of like you know remember that that story The Most Dangerous Game where a man invites you to his Island so he can hunt you you know this was scary and it was it was meant to be scary sounds menacing well I think his product was silence people think that his product was sex or Finance but it was silence I'm pretty sure how do you what's that mean if you're scary enough look rich people can get sex but they can't necessarily get people to shut up afterwards so I my take on it and my take on it instantly was this is not an actual human this is a construct of someone's someone has created a fake human being called Jeffrey Epstein who's a mysterious currency trading financier with crazy rules so that no one would ever invest with him and I think that was to keep people from seeking his Investment Services I mean he you know he's labeled disgraced financier but nobody has a record of trading with him he was sitting there he comes into the meeting and he says you know well Eric I was just doing some currency Trading and I I thought about that scene that you sometimes see and as a meme with Steve Buscemi with a skateboard over his shoulder hello fellow Cantina just hello fellow financial traders exactly so I'm thinking you don't really look like a rich guy who trades in markets the thing that's interesting that I'm finding myself intrigued by here is it takes a moderate amount of cognitive horsepower to be able to piece together this theater that you sat down at yeah deployed in a nefarious malicious manipulative way but it's smart what do you mean it's smart it's it's not something that could be done by a simple mind you think he did it oh he has a team of manipulators no when I say I think he was a constrict I literally mean that I think he was constructed like fitted with a story oh so you think he was a plant no I think it was a construct what's that like okay you're gonna have to dig in I think Jeffrey Epstein Super Genius financier was not a thing that existed where did the money come from I'm gonna Mumble Lex West Lexington okay so that's what Drew mumble but then you know there's this missing Fortune of Robert Maxwell and this Fortune of Jeffrey Epstein that we don't can't explain are those the same fortune it's like a conservation of uh of money principle that if you have a fortune that's missing and you have a fortune that can't be explained in there connected by gillaine Maxwell I don't know why is it that no hedge funds what is it they file form I forget it's 13f there's certain forms that you have to file um nobody's ever asked for these things where who's this Prime broker has somebody gone over the prime brokerage uh his what are his trades he would have to move the market if he was you know doing a yard of Euros or Swiss Francs or who knows what as like a billion um that would move the market so there's no way you can fake retroactively a hedge fund of immeasurable size that trades currencies I I don't think he was a currency Trader he told me it was a currency Trader So when you say a construct who constructs who's the Builder I don't know I would imagine some version of the intelligence community you know sometimes somebody's cover gets blown um we have we have a very famous unfortunate story of Ellie Cohn with the Mossad where Ellie Cohn was an Egyptian Jew who was fitted with a backstory that he was an Argentinian Playboy who'd made a fortune in Argentina but was Arabic in origin and then he moves to Damascus and he takes out an apartment where he holds orgies and becomes the best friend of hafez al-assad right and so that's an example of a story we know we know how the intelligence communities of the world create people who don't really exist construction of I know that this is just a one time thing here that you got to see but the construction of the coffin looking American flag the spelling of the coffee this weird power play thing that's going on that seems now that you say that uh it wasn't him even pulling his own strings perhaps it makes a lot more sense but even that that degree of sophistication I learned this from Daniel schmachtenberger we sat down and he's spent some time with particularly powerful people yeah and he told me this really harrowing story of somebody who has both the desire and the means to treat themselves like an apex predator against their own kind and they said so they oh broke the fourth wall about this and said apex predators don't care about the prey but they saw their own kind as prey and I asked Daniel how does it feel to sit opposite somebody who isn't rate limited by the resources who can not only dream to have this plus uh have the motivation or lack of virtue or Integrity to go ahead and consider doing it and then has the capacity the assets to be able to enact it sure and it's reminding me it's giving me this same something it feels like it feels like it's up on the top of my head it's giving me some sort of a sense like that this was intended to be terrifying it wasn't an accident it was intended to be as fascinating as it could possibly be which it was and terrifying at the same time and it achieved both it achieved both objectives I mean I was given an opportunity to meet him again I didn't know what to do I mean the other thing that I just found really weird is that he knew about my research and it turned out that he was connected to my graduate department at Harvard so he had a connection to the Harvard math department unbeknownst to me I don't know when that began I know two of the professors he was connected through but this is some Unholy story it has nothing to do with Jeffrey Epstein it has to do with whatever this thing was we tripped over a thing we tripped over a structure we named the structure Jeffrey Epstein it must be very unfortunate in some regards for whoever it was if that's true that was in charge of this Construction that it became that people got t-shirts with his name printed on them that this was already going wrong in the early 2000s you see my sense of this is that this was a pre-internet plan that lived into the internet age and couldn't survive contact with the internet age what did the internet bring in that didn't allow it to survive eyeballs discussion level of surveillance well you know there's a claim that nobody cares about Jeffrey epsteed because it's this many years later and we've all moved on yeah that's completely untrue and we know that it's not true because if you start talking about Jeffrey Epstein the engagement goes up so you have these fictions like you know they're put out by mainstream Media or traditional news desks which is nobody cares about that story well that you can see from social media that that's not true from the internet so the internet is constantly providing an ability to check whether or not these claims from inside the structure true and Jeffrey Epstein is an example of what I called an an anti-interesting phenomena what's that one anti-interesting thing is something that would normally be fascinating imagine for example you had a story where you could get a Pulitzer Prize for breaking it everybody cares you'd sell papers like hotcakes blah blah blah and nobody wants to report on it and it's like right there you could just ask the dumbest questions and it would like New York Times says disgraced financier well tell me did you find his prime broker did you find the form did you go to his offices in vallart house no nobody does ever the story is anti-interesting and it's very different than being uninteresting which would suggest mole collusion mole coordination hello I mean see this is what this is one of the most uncomfortable things I think there was a time when mostly when people said collusion or coordination the presumption was well that's kind of that's pretty far out there we now know like post Elon musk's 44 billion dollar Adventure at Twitter that there are these coordinating groups coordinates coordinating social media with the intelligence Community or with the Department of Homeland Security or with the state department we now know that we're living in an orchestrated Court you know curated choreographed world and we can't know it officially but we all know it if we want to know which is hysterical now we have to talk about well are you a conspiracy theorist like I I read I read the slack messages I read the emails what what are you even talking about now this episode is brought to you by a 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Channel: Chris Williamson
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Keywords: modern wisdom, podcast, chris williamson, Chris Williamson modern wisdom, modern wisdom podcast, chriswillx, Chris Williamson Modern Wisdom Podcast, Eric Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Epstein Scandal, Epstein Controversy, Self-Reflection, Empowering Discussion, Eric Weinstein on Epstein, Weinstein on Epstein's Influence, Perspectives on Epstein Scandal, Epstein's Connections, Weinstein's Take on Epstein, eric weinstein epstein, epstein island physics, epstein stephen hawking
Id: VaoGl-soL1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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