Bob Lazar Says UFO was an Archaeological Finding | Joe Rogan

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He didn't say it was a fact. He said it as an inclination based on what he remembers being told.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bobofango πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

But provided no further details

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2020-2050_SHTF πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

by the time Bob supposedly got into the Project... I'm sure they had already tried all the Ivy Big-Brains. I agree with Rogan's theory that the government at that point was looking for people who thought "outside the box".. hence this college dropout who built a rocket car

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NewbutOld8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a pimp .

  1. Area 51 and the Twisted Tale of Bob Lazar. Do not attempt to spent time in the lazar story if you do not see this video first . It is the most important video of the 4 videos I link .
  2. Bob Lazar Area 51 UFO Debate: Stanton Friedman and Jeremy Corbell
  3. Stanton Friedman on Bob Lazar
  4. Regarding the Netflix documentary
  5. A website dedicated to the validity of bob lazar
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/liaguris πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here is my problem with the idea of any UFO recovered in the course of an archaeological dig: Entropy.

The only things that last underground for hundreds or thousands of years are things engineered to do so. We don't engineer fighter planes or warships to survive underground, so if you happened to find any scraps of those machines in a hole in a thousand years, I can guarantee they will be scraps, at best, and the technology will be long obliterated. Saying you recovered a functioning alien ship that has been buried for 1,000 years is like saying you've recovered an F22 Raptor thats been buried for 1,000 years and it still works--makes ZERO sense, if anything it sounds closer to the wishful thinking of a child.

I know, I know "but its alien!" That doesn't mean it is not subject to entropy. That doesn't mean it didn't, at some point get flooded. That doesn't mean it hasn't been getting squeezed and shifted around by tectonic activity. And think about it, that's saying this vessel survived for 1,000 years (or more) with ZERO operator input or maintenance. If anything, we're discovering that the more powerful machines we build, the more delicate they are: a car requires more care than does a wooden-wheeled wagon... a nuclear power plant requires more care than a steam generator.

So we are to believe that an alien craft:

(1) can maintain itself over hundreds (or thousands) of years with zero operator input or maintenance

(2) has the energy and "intelligence" to protect itself from flooding, earthquakes, rockfalls, etc (but not enough to keep it from crashing, sending out a SAR beacon, or flying itself home)

(3) is not subject to entropy, so vital materials resisted degradation over those hundreds or thousands of years, in spite of (presumably) an uncontrolled environment (controlling the internal environment costs energy, like heating or air conditioning a home)

(4) its reactor or power source was still "hot" over all this time, with zero maintenance, and all we had to do was "turn it on" (go try to "turn on" a nuclear reactor with zero experience and report back on how that goes, lol)

(5) assuming we could turn it on, we deciphered not only the language but the math system (we use Base10 for math but most of our computers use Base8 (one bit = 8 bytes), so understanding this distinction in an alien ship would be important) and computer code (the code that runs your browser is totally separate from whats running the OS, which runs the browser, so while we might be able to recognize an alien graphical display, that might not necessarily be the data we need to understand whats really happening). Funny thing is we have languages right here on Earth we can't figure out because there is no cipher but we managed to do all this with an alien language and no cipher key.

(6) oh yeah, managed to not be crushed by the pressure of the earth over that time (even though that was not its designed purpose), AND managed to survive whatever crash put it in that hole

This is part of what makes Bob Lazar sketchy to me, because none of this occurred to him. But like Joe Rogan said, it makes for a great movie. It definitely stirs the imagination and appeals to the human want for "storytelling." That Jeremy Corbell struggled for 3 and a half minutes to describe the Wilson report is just more fuel to the fire of skepticism (not on the subject, on these two and their claims)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Wilson memo (subject of this clip) was a memo to self supposedly written by Eric Davis regarding a conversation between him and Admiral Wilson. However, Wilson denied he ever met Davis and Davis refuses to confirm he wrote the memo.

Dead end.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ParanoidFactoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Somewhere along the way I read that the disc Lazar worked on was an archaeological find unearthed in Antarctica in the early 1970's and transported to the USA.

If Project Side-Kick 'is' the reverse engineering project referenced in the Wilson Memo leak, then the projects at S4 are illegal. So no wonder they hired a very bright, but low profile scientists to open up their anti-gravity reactors.. if it blows up in their face, it's just another Groom Lake accident, and if he goes public with the story, no one will believe him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rorz_1978 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It would be useful if Bob Lazar could return to Joe Rogan without Jeremy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LordD999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

People are missing Jeremy’s main message here (understandably). Private sector is relied upon for secrecy because the government is no longer able to keep tight lips, think political leverage etc. Private sector absolutely abides by NDA’s because they would be shut down if they breached contract. I know that’s not the title of this post or the clip, but that was my main takeaway.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bewk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
the Joe Rogan experience now I'm not in believe it or not I'm not into UFOs I don't follow stories or you know even as to your experiences no I'm fascinated with the technology and I it really it perks me like every night I go to sleep that you know I don't that it was my own doing essentially that that prevented me from continuing on in the in the project I mean it's the that to be on that cutting edge of technology is so alluring to me right but you know by the same token I don't really care that there's aliens or where they come from I mean the prize is the technology and that's what I'm fascinated by but so I don't listen to UFO stories and that sort of thing but George Knapp is I mean he's the guy that has the contacts and tries to thread everything together and what he recently told me as he found I don't know is either documentation or people that he spoke to it's at this the existence of this project the project that I was on it's something that they seemed to take out every eight or ten years so that's a very specific memo and this is actually this is the first time I'll be very clear with people about it it's a big topic of conversation right now it's called the Wilson memo you can look it up Admiral Wilson met with a scientist who's actually was featured in one of my films everybody has been debating whether or not this document of a conversation with a with an sitting Admiral at the time is a real document it's an actual conversation that happened and this document is really but it wants to know the world is going crazy right now in the UFO world I'll tell you straight up right now I'm in the position to know and it is a real document that it is real so the conversation you read in that that conversation was had I can't attest to every you're not being very clear sure please no problem so there was a document is circulating right now that is really big it's going around everywhere people are asking them what is this document it's called the Wilson memo is what how you can find it online there are the Wilson leak there is Jimmy's got it the Wilson memorandum use of humans so Admiral Wilson meets with this scientist and they have this discussion oddly enough that special projects at EG&G and if I remember the documents from 2001 I'm telling everybody right now it's real and we'll see my history is pretty good would like to say and if something is real or not right so here we go the document comes out they meet at EG&G special projects in 1989 they stumble into a problem this happens they put the technology away and then they bring it back out and see if the material science has caught up and if they can make any progress so this document kind of talks about this process the big thing I get from it and a lot of its vindicating to Bob and one of the things that's vindicating besides the EG&G thing is that private industry so this guy's an admiral and he says I found out about your essay P your special access program I need to know about it and he's going to a private part of Industry and he has denied access and he says uh you know I should be running this program and they were able to deny him access so I think the takeaway here is check it out I'm telling you that that is an actual correct that is a leak now everything said in that document I don't know what are you talking about what what is said in that document it's it's a between a scientist and an enamelled that are sitting and they're having a meeting and they're talking about the the search for the the UFO subject the search to get special access program access to all of these different things like reverse engineering programs so in this document they talk about it I believe that the this document that the person that went was employed by Robert Bigelow you know one of the guys has a couple of orbiting satellites and all that stuff who he's in a guy owned skinwalker ranch no he's not he was the guy oh okay yeah he used to own it there's a new owner and I interview him for my other film but there's a new owner and you'll be hearing a lot more about that soon but uh like it'll just there's their stuff that you'll be hearing about skinwalker ranch soon because there's a new owner and even though the whole point of this in you know insertion here is just that that document kind of validates a lot of this idea Bob just said that they make a little progress then they can't go anywhere they tuck it away and then they bring it back out you know ten years later and start working on it what is the limiting factor I think Bob should speak on this but it's the material science yeah it's really where physics is so I can I can see them doing that I mean I didn't have any information on that but I think what you know George uncovered is probably accurate that you know we try and do what we can and once we reach a roadblock on we really can't figure it out it's just friggin wait put the thing away wait for science to catch up and you know a decade later let's take the project out again and see all right now where can we go but there's got to be someone who remains informed right oh yeah I've got your scientists like you and Barry you got you people that you compartmentalize you got these people working yeah there has to be some people right that know everything you've got security and then someone's going to be on the outside saying hey we need people to guard this building don't let anybody in for 10 years I say yeah I think a lot of that is private industry and I think that's how they keep it yeah I think that's how they litter it because the government is just so leaky I think that's kind of what their debts what the document kind of proves you just articulated that that it is in control private industry what private industry some aerospace company something I don't know yeah they wouldn't they would the guy with the admiral wouldn't name it in the car right in the conversation yeah so they still have these things supposedly I would guess I mean I don't have any information have you ever asked anyone that has any inkling of any idea of where they got them or how they got them now but something must have been said to me from Barry and but I Ike it was just too long ago and I I can't quite remember it was said but it it just left a seat in my mind I think at least one of them was part of an archaeological dig so it's old something that one at least one of them is old I don't know if it was the one I worked on but remember something to do with an archaeological dig whoa so that's uh that means it's not just old it's ancient it'll be a great Steven Spielberg movie yeah right as all of it would ya that took me out when he said that for the first time no that's a freak out right yeah there it's a couple of dudes with some brushes looking for a Tyrannosaurus Rex bone hit metal and when did they find it you know that they have nine of them well and how could we have not heard about that what about the guys with the brushes how could you uncover something like that and with Joe's newspaper at home does I mean they said it on that first day oh you mean the Roswell yeah yeah I have a cover what is this your jam is the document but I had to do some digging to find it yes it's just kind of yeah so this is where they meet at EG&G and this is Admiral Wilson and there's a lot more coming out now I want to be clear George didn't put this out he didn't leak this out enemy this is I can tell you how I courted this this conversation so this was an employee of at the time Robert Bigelow and this is in 2002 right do you member when he had that government contract called top the world all knows about now and he had knids that studied the ranch so that 22 million everybody is saying it was for a tip advanced aerospace threat identification program the 22 million dollars was for all SAP that was pushed through through Congress three congressmen right an astronaut it was pushed through and that's what that 22 million dollars by the way they spend more money on viagra every year than they do studying UFOs if it was just this program which i think is funny italy probably got a lot more money from france they probably do them UFOs but you never know how it seeds in a population but anyway this program this is what was the mother program so it it got the 22 million and really it was to study skinwalker ranch oddly enough that 22 million all was inspired by the phenomenon they were seen at skinwalker ranch because the scientists they're seeing vehicles come through like a space in the sky yeah we went there I went on yeah you interviewed a bunch of people that seemed full of but a couple didn't but this is very very interesting totally and there's a bit in if you look I spent a lot of time in the area I'm not talking about those stories I'm saying there were scientists hired by the government right through Biglow to study the ranch because they thought it was important and you know whatever whatever the point is that 22 million was to study that then we have a tip which is like an auxilary kind of program of military settings that commander flavors and that sort of thing this document is just one of those things that has now come forward that through the Bigelow studies it was government funded with and then it was personally funded and then government funded it's just one of those things that kind of shakes you because you got this military guy who can't get access because of the private industry that's holding these non-terrestrial materials that they can't study it so that's the the claim right now give it some time let people dig more into this it's fascinating man [Applause]
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: WmF6RXf6U_A
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Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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