Dawntrail's Benchmark is scaring me | FFXIV

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hi friends etheria here and there's nothing I love to do more than complain so let's just get right into it if you can't tell I am one of those people who is not very happy with what I'm seeing in Benchmark and all I can do is cope and hope that the reason it looks the way it does is because it's not finished or because Benchmark has really crappy lighting or just like it's a problem with Benchmark okay it's just a problem with Benchmark it's not going to look this way 7.0 right I hope not let's create a character we are going to load appearance data for my or ra and this is in The Benchmark we are now going to create a character and we're going to load appearance data for my RA in Final Fantasy 14 and let's quick change her hairstyle so that it's a little easier to see her face and let's do that here too and and now let's talk about my biggest problems with this new etheria first of all knock knock anybody home she looks dead lifeless is there any Soul peering through those eyes I don't think there is I don't think there is and I know people thought that this looked soulless but uh we're taking it to new heights here she has been through some I know I went through like like the entire game of of Final Fantasy 14 The Warrior of light we lost some friends along the way we had to experience end Walker but it looks like I went through all that actually got depressed about it somehow didn't turn into a spoiler um and I maybe did some drugs and finally got clean and here I am uh 10 years later not feeling so good but uh you know and I'm being a little dramatic here because if if I just saw this character if I had no if I was new to Da tril I logged in and I made a character and this is what I made I'd be happy with it like let's be real she looks good I'd be happy with it but when I look at my original character I am no longer happy and I'm going to tell you why okay I'm a dramatic little right now but let me tell you why the biggest thing for me is basically the moisture the eyes and the lips and you're like the moisture what do you mean the moisture my friends where is the shine on anything where the hair is so dull let this is Final Fantasy 14 and look at that shine her skin does not look so dull her lips have shine her eyes I mean yes it's got a small they don't look as lifeless to me okay this girl is dull as okay and you might be thinking I mean maybe it is just the lighting and Benchmark I'll give you that but I just want to prove my filters are off okay I'm not using reshet I'm not using any filters this is Final Fantasy 14 this is all Final Fantasy 14 this I don't know what this is okay this is gross the lighting is so bad the lighting is best here so let's stay here for now okay I already said the eyes are lifeless uh the next thing that bothers me like the most uh is the lips so this is my original character in Final Fantasy 14 we're in Final Fantasy 14 right now look at this shading on the lip look at this beautiful little dip this little curve look at the fullness of the lips gorgeous look at the color she looks like she's wearing a beautiful little lip tint she's a natural beauty um what the is this girl's parched okay she doesn't even have a lip balm on I guess this looks more like she's wearing like an opaque kind of satin lipstick hardly satin closer to matte but a mix in between there's like a Teensy bit of light on here and the shadowing it seems like she has a Teensy Dy bit of a dip uh but that shading is not there it's much more pronounced here don't her lips look fuller too they almost seem like they curve they don't curve up up but the corners of her mouth look a little bit more downward here and a little bit more neutral slightly upwards here and it looks that looks better to me that looks better to me uh let's see also obviously the color of her lip has changed I can change the lip color this is slightly closer but I still just overall prefer this I prefer the shading on this I prefer the lips being not quite upturn but slightly ever ever so slightly the other thing is look at how beautiful her eyes are look at how beautiful her eyes are because the reason they're so beautiful and they stand out so much is partially because the pupil is so small where here they're not bad they're not bad they do look a little bit like they're made of glass not going to lie like I said she looks like a doll her eyes she looks like a doll with no soul her eyes look like they're made of glass uh not great but here's the bigger problem with that is let's put some limble rings on this girl and let's uh let's put some limo rings on and let's make them like a closer shade to her actual eye color and now her eye color is like gone like if I have a different color of limble ring you can still kind of see it but I feel like the limble ring takes up so much more of her eyes now because the pupil is so much bigger than it is in the original so let me put limble rings on here and I'm going to be honest the limble Rings in the original they're not good are they I never wear them cuz they look so pixelated they're not good I will say these limble Rings look so much better this is actually an upgrade in terms of the way that they're not so pixelated but um overall I think that the it would be better served if the people was smaller just so that the limble Rings didn't take up so much of the colored eye and if you wanted to have like a two-tone eye it would work a little bit better if the pupils were smaller so there's my o ra uh that's how I feel about her uh maybe I'll learn to love it maybe I'll learn to deal with it but uh as of now I'm I'm a little disappointed just to say the least like the other weird thing is like the skin texture and it looks worse it looks worse in the trailer but it's like Blurry like why does the game look more blurry like why does The Benchmark look more blurry than the actual game like is that not weird do you see that like what is with that why does her skin look better in the old game versus The Benchmark why does it look like that I told you I'm not using any Nvidia filters or any reshade or anything this is The Benchmark this is the game and obviously the the light keeps changing in The Benchmark hello come back the sun moves around in Benchmark which is annoying but no like you can tell like what the heck that's not a graphics upgrade she's got the blur filter on Tik Tok cuz she doesn't have confidence in her beauty all right let's move on to my Catgirl now the cat girl I think is not quite as bad as the O ra they tried to add some more detail to the eyes but we still have this problem with the lips especially here we are in The Benchmark they're a whole lot darker and the shape is kind of um I don't think it looks bad it's just that like look how much personality these lips have they have I don't know they have like the little curve here they have quite the like kind of rounded shape at the top they're very full these are thinner and the rounded shape is kind of gone and the top lip looks a little bit too thin for the bottom lip in my opinion whereas in this one even though it is still thinner because it's so shapely it like kind of works when we look at the lipstick once again this is more as if she put like a dark lip gloss over her lips or something like it's a gloss right this it's like sheer and that's going to come down to preference if you like this darker opaque shade or not but um um that's not something that you can really toggle like even if I put this at light this doesn't look like this you know what I mean like you don't you're just that's what it is I think I like light better now than dark but it just feels like you can't quite get the same color that you had before more so than that though I think the shape bothers me cuz I don't mind so much the like light lip color whatever the other thing that really bothers me about about this is the eyebrows like here they're darker so if we go out here and we kind of go back a little ways you can still see her eyebrows right the the cakir eyebrows suck to begin with I wish they would have actually changed those more and given those better eyebrows but you go out here and it's like where' they where'd they go she almost looks like she just has like a heavy brow versus actual eyebrows they got a little bit too light here in my opinion am I just seeing things or no these are darker they're definitely darker the other thing is I think the chin has become a lot softer I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing whatever the issue with the eyes though is the eyes are like really intense now it doesn't look quite as bad if I actually run the Benchmark and see her in the trailer but the eyes are really intense so not sure what we're going to do that okay that was another case study mot not as bad the main thing I'm am hating again that was the lips I just really missed the personality that these lips had I feel like this character looks much more Serene and like happier than this one does because the lips are kind of more curved upwards I don't know I don't know let's look at the uh bunny girl as our final uh case study because my bunny girl actually looks really good once again the lips stick is more severe in color but um I feel like that's the least of my problems because oh God because I can make it a little bit lighter if I want to I can do that like it's not as horrendous on the bunny girl I actually think my bunny girl looks pretty good she actually just looks like an HD version of my bunny girl right like this is solid I do feel like is her chin more chiseled in the original version but like they didn't do her dirty right like she still has her full voluminous lashes her lips look pretty much the same she really looks so similar this is what all of them should look like uh this is like what we should be going for right like this is the best okay and finally I just want to do some compar on Twitter cuz I pulled together a few things and bookmarked them here we have Kyoko star who does fashion report thank you for fashion report fashion report Kyoko we love you um and Kyoko seems to have come to terms with their character and feels like their character looks good in The Benchmark so I'm happy for you Kyoko I love that you love your character I'm still going to use it as an example though because um in this particular photo the left side is the Benchmark the right side is the original game the eyes once again look de dead it has this dollish dead nobody's tone behind the eyes look the lips uh also again I just think they're prettier I just think they're prettier in the original version they have this really pretty like gloss on them where this is like this kind of uh opaque lipstick that isn't like bad but it's just not as good right and then I feel like her character is wearing well their character I'm not sure what gender kyogo is but their character is obviously a girl I feel like this character uh looks like she's wearing where this one if she is I can't really tell um so this one yeah it's not horrendous and obviously again if I just came into the game as a new player in dantreal I would think they looked great but with the before and after I actually like the before just saying oh and the eyebrows again are much lighter they're hiding but they're much lighter so that can be a problem because sometimes you zoom out the eyebrows like disappear especially because cat girls get these super tiny eyebrows but no overall I I feel like there's something there's something dead about a lot of the characters now um catg girls have lost their fangs so if we look at this thing this is what their fangs used to look like on the left this is what they look like now you kind of just got normal eye teeth now GG good for you that's something a lot of people are mad about and here's what I was talking about the lips because it's happening with the bunny boys too if you see in the smile he's got this dip here in his lips and here it's just gone and they also made like a a f photo of this here this is on the left what the lips used to look like for a lot of races and on the right they've really been straightened out and they kind of lost their personality which I think is just genuinely upsetti spaghetti like that's not fun um we have a bunny boy here his uh eye makeup is pretty much wrecked in the new version the lips are different I actually kind of like them better if I'm being honest but a lot of people like how pouty this lip looks where this one doesn't really have that pout anymore so that's an issue once again the eyebrows are I'm sorry like here uh they're thicker and they're like maybe a little bit darker we're here they're like disappearing into his face um not great not great uh this is just talking about Gamma correction which by the way in all the footage my gamma is corrected to zero so just so you know here we have uh an a bunny girl this is the uh unfortunately this is the new version and this is the old version and unfortunately um she looks dead inside where's all the highlights where's the moisture like I've been saying my AA doesn't have any moisture she needs some lip gloss so does this girl where's the moisture where's the moisture where is it it's gone she looks much more alive in the original uh and finally this is like the crowning Jewel of of I'm so sorry that your character got wrecked first of all we have the lips which got darkened which again like you can kind of mess with that in the lip color but the shape looks different it almost this one almost looks more upturned than the original I feel like the cute little like dip here has been kind of like messed with the eyes look super dead and as you can see they labeled this so Benchmark is on the left current is on the right the eyes look so dead they also pointed out here that the nose um is like a lot darker it's got the little I don't know what what you would call that um but the the shading on the nose which does technically exist in the original one is a lot more intense here so if you don't like that you're screwed once again they've pointed out the eyebrows that you can see them even in harsher lighting where the eyebrows in this version uh they just don't seem to stand out quite as well as as the original eyebrows do so you know there's a lot going on and you know what there's one more thing I'd like to point out about the bunnies if I can just find the uh the shot that I need okay I found it at least in the benchmark uh they forgot about the ears look at the texture of the hair look at the texture of the ears this one I'm really going to hope is just a benchmark thing just really going to help this as a benchmark thing someone else has apparently like light bulb ears or something um so yeah so I just want to give my final thoughts as The Benchmark plays because I'm sure some of you are out here like please etheria you need to watch it in the trailer and um I still don't think she looks looks that good in the trailer I'm sorry I just don't uh just wait till we get the boat closeup see that's cursed why is she so dry why is she so matte why do her lips have no gloss to them why is the face texture like that I just have a lot of questions and no answers I guess when it comes down to it I am attached to my character and I'm sure that there are a lot of people who understand how I feel because they're attached to their character too and the little nuances that made our characters who they are like the color and the shape of the lips the way that they were glossy the way that the pupils were small All These Little Things add up and it might just be something where I just need to get used to it cuz honestly I am that kind of person I'm not going to lie I'm being real dramatic right now but give me a month and I'll be singing her praises and saying she's the most beautiful character I've ever seen that's who I am some times I really hate things then I get used to them and I like them uh I don't know so maybe that will be the case the other thing is there's a lot of preference that is going on in here and there's going to be a lot of people who see the way that their characters change or who see the lips on like my old Catgirl versus the new one say h no the lips look way better what are you talking about even in some of the previews that I saw in like the live letter I was like oh they really fixed the lips on here or they really fixed the lips here like even earlier in this video I said I actually preferred the lips on that bunny boy that got changed it really comes down to preference and everyone's going to have a different preference the sad thing is that we don't really get to customize in this game to our preference customization is so limited and I'm just so used to it and I never really thought about it so much before but now that things are changing now that my character is been being given a facelift a plastic surgery that I did not con to and I don't have any option to change it it really makes me wish that this game did have more customization that there were different toggles so I could toggle for her lipstick to look more like a gloss or so that I could toggle the shape of her lips I only get so many mths to choose from and none of them look like the old one so it just kind of sucks because we really don't get that much customization um so yeah I mean at the end of the day does the character look bad I think the answer is no and I also think I cannot truly know how she looks until I am able to play Dawn tril I need to actually be able to get on my character in the finished product of the game that is released to us in July or I believe the 28th the 28th or the 2nd something like that depending on if you have Early Access I need to be able to get on that character and really really see how she looks looks how does she look in the cut scenes cuz I will admit the lighting and Benchmark is atrocious it is next level bad how can I tell if she looks good or not when the lighting is that bad so I really can't make a final verdict but what I am seeing in The Benchmark kind of worries me because she looks kind of dead kind of lifeless very dry skin really blurred in a strange way it's just not giving it's not giving the way that my character originally did and it just makes me worried that I'm losing something that I really really loved the Benchmark is dull I just need some shine back some Sheen back in her hair some gloss back on her lips and some life back in her eyes okay that's all I'm asking for and worst case scenario I'll play my aier because at least my aier looks like the aier I created originally like it's hardly any different but maybe I'm being dramatic maybe I am not and to any of you who like it good for you wow literally don't even comment I don't want to hear you in the comments lucky for you I'm just kidding yeah if you like your character that's fantastic I'm happy for you I guess but for those of us that like don't like you've got to understand like we're just really attached to our characters and how they look so it sucks that like there's nothing we can do to preserve them and for some of us they they look really different like to me the shape of her lips is like completely different and maybe it's just the shading I don't know I'm just going to have have to wait and see for for da tril I really hope it looks better in da tril and maybe I'll do an update video and I can watch this original video and cringe and laugh or something I don't know I'll probably cringe at this in about 3 months time I'm almost certain I will I shouldn't be posting this but I'm going to um anyways I think that's pretty much all that I have to say I just hope I don't have to Rebrand my channel cuz I literally just did that with my o ra my o Ra was supposed to be my endgame girly that I was going to be for like the rest of my life I really loved her so if they have to change again I'm going to be upset but uh it is what it is at least the flowers in il mag look good with all that said uh I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments do you guys like the update do you like your characters and uh yeah thank you so much for watching and uh as always leave a sacrifice for Lord Al algorithm okay bye
Channel: Aitherea
Views: 24,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv online, final fantasy 14, final fantasy, aitherea, dawntrail, ffxiv dawntrail, ffxiv benchmark, benchmark, dawntrail benchmark, ffxiv dawntrail benchmark
Id: wl2C8pD2TAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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