Cool Things I Learned On Tik Tok

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hello friends it's me today we're going to be checking out some cool things that i learned on tick-tock you know the white lines on a football field i thought they were painted on it's white grass they roll it out like the regular grass they glue it in place oh no wonder it's perfect one of the world's best kept secrets who would have known this except the actual people who glue the white strips thank you for sharing your secrets i recently came across this on tick tock and this is how they make prosthetics like a prosthetic leg and then to match it to your skin color that's paint and it's basically paint trapped in a sack and they use this thread to just like distribute the paint and it's so satisfying they do it so evenly oh too much paint gotta put it back and then when you need more paint just squeeze the little paint sack oh that's cool i really enjoyed that process what if somebody wanted a pink sparkly leg could they get that let me tell you something real quick a lot of times people go to a restaurant they get sick and they think it's food poisoning or their food made them sick there's a chance that it was their eyes that got you sick that water that i just showed you is what's making that ice you can't tell me that this water hasn't given people the runs it's bacterial water it's so so dirty you know what i believe it and ever since i heard this i stopped getting ice at restaurants because there's a good chance they don't clean the ice maker and all that nasty doo-doo water is going into your eyes mal's blaming taco bell all these years or their mystery meat and cheese sauce when it's probably just the ice i have a very weak stomach cannot handle this oh why are japanese people so smart this fridge opens from both sides hey all you lefties they made a fridge for you no more smacking yourself in the face every time you open the fridge okay but that's really cool i'd be worried the door would fall off when they got cracks in the road this is how they fix them take an asphalt roller and just you know i always wondered why there are so many dark lines all over the road they just fixing the cracks patching it up you know instead of paving the whole road just pave the crack even though it looks like a three-year-old took a black crayon scribbled all over the wall it fixed the crack now go get yourself a snack okay y'all been wanting to hear two bees so let's get two you can you can hear the conversation hold on watch this they talk to each other [Music] so if you put cups over a b like you can hear what they saying and they sound exactly how i would imagine a beach sound they either sound like they're quirky or they're in pain why not both here's something i wish i knew before i was in my 30s you're supposed to microwave things on the outside of the microwave tray what middle bad outside good that works that really works hold on hold on hold on hold on you're telling me it's not my microwave that sucks and can't properly distribute the heat to heat up my food always some of it gotta be cold but is it because i've been putting it in the middle if i put it on the side will it somehow evenly distribute the heat why make circle plate tray if you want me to put bowl on the side i gotta try this out so this right here is a ammonia packet and you see this dude he's sound asleep how to wake up anybody just one whiff one whiff and you are up immediately so they use this in hospitals to wake people up you know i always wondered can you just like fake pass out and they take you to the hospital but no you get one whiff of this and you're just up and running this is how they make the fries at five guys first wash the potatoes off wow all start with fresh potatoes bring them to the slices put them in there select set it slice it then you put them in a bucket that's how real fries are made put them in the fryer and let it cook this from potato to fryer oh i thought for a hot second he put his hand in the fryer but that is just washing it just casually reach into the fryer get a fresh batch of fries who do you think you are thanos when it comes to fire the most common color is probably orange or red and this is usually from burning something like what so you get a different color fire depending on what you burn for example if i add a solution of boric acid in methanol and light it on fire i get a really nice green color wow green fire i don't think i've ever seen green fire before only on an led fireplace i can also throw some aluminum into an acidic copper solution and get a blue flame what i think is even cooler though is what happens when i burn nitro methane it actually doesn't burn on its own and i have to give it a boost with some methanol now when i try it i get a flame that has almost no color white fire and this is the science that they need to be teaching in school how many people are going to watch this and instantly be like oh wow i love science i want to make rgb fire who knew jeeps could do this so under your floor mat or you know if you don't even have a floor mat you can literally hose it off and there's a drain well where does it drain under the car dirty car no problem just hold that bad boy off you know also has one of these in the trunk like you could put ice in it to cool your snacks and then you just like pop the drain out and it drains a leaky car in a good way mango seed wow wait wait you know when they wash it it's really fluffy no you took it too far they peeled it this is what's inside this is the actual mango seed put in a cup of water y'all gonna grow this bad boy i thought that was the tree that it grew for a hot second i'm like that's not a mango tree weeks later it has sprouted into a mango tree time to take this bad boy and plant it into the ground wow it's growing mangoes how to live in a tropical climate the only things we grow here cactus and weeds okay we're gonna do a test i'm gonna show you a video of a horse watch very closely if you see the horse going forward you're a left-brained person analytical logical but if you see it going backwards you're a right-brained person you're creative it's going backwards right they keep stopping it but it's it's going backwards that's what i see my creative i'm definitely not logical so i'm right brained where's the creativity did y'all know the popcorn bag was made to get rid of the kernels for you why am i just now finding this out i feel like nobody's ever knew this popcorn kernels you know instead of letting them fall to the bottom of the bowl like a regular person you can now empty them before you pour out the popcorn no more accidentally chipping your tooth on a kernel pretty good hack y'all have seen a pomegranate right y'all ever wondered how they get all the little seeds out so there's a way to cut it whoa and then you just pull out the middle piece and it comes out clean my mom always makes pomegranate juice out of fresh pomegranates and i always wondered how you do that it's like thousands of juicy seeds she's like i cut it open and i take them out by hand i'm like there's no easier way to do this pomegranate the most exclusive of juices you really gotta work for it so if you put something in your dishwasher that is too long for your dishwasher you can actually adjust the basket like from the side of it to bring it down because you know the bottom row has a lot of space but the top row not so much so you can adjust it well well well this is how the dentist makes a mold for your teeth so some just mix it by hand but then they got this spinny bowl machine and it really smooths it down ooh dang that's nice and then put it in a little mold and then bite into it i had to do this myself once because i got custom fangs this is your reminder to change your microwave charcoal filter another filter you want me to change we got the ac filter the car air filter my air purifier filter and you're telling me my microwave needs a filter that needs changing every six months no i don't think so i got enough filters to deal with that is excessive this foamy stuff on the beach is whale sperm so if you're starving you can eat it and it has good protein in it i'm sorry what did you say this foamy stuff on the beach is whale sperm so if you're starving you can eat it and it has good protein in it so next time you're at the beach if you're really hungry look for this stuff and enjoy that's when i know i scrolled too far on my free page when we start getting tick tocks about whale sperm as a protein source all i can think about the vegan teacher just scooping it into a glass free protein shake that is nasty i'm dead and starving on the beach i'm a chew on the rocks before i eat that you know sometimes you learn some things that it's better not to know got some movie camera trickery for you this is why you never see the camera in the mirror when they're recording a mirror scene in movies we have the actress and then a stunt double they're recording her brushing her teeth in front of the mirror the person who dug down that was a stunt double the back of the head double to get this sick tooth brushing scene i saw this on tiktok and now i do it every time so i don't have to go inside at the gas station when you're getting gas if you press the clear and enter button at the same time you can set an amount so if you only want to spend twenty dollars on gas you're gonna spend twenty dollars so you get the nice crispy zeros when you're done next time you open your coffee creamer and it's got that pesky little aluminum lid on the back of the lid there's a little spiky part that you could just and it makes the hole you mean no more shoving my thumbnail trying to stab the hole well that makes my life a lot easier you didn't even remove the aluminum just pop the hole into it put the lid back on free-flowing cream a good strapless bra very difficult to find but i found this hack that saves you from buying a strapless bra take this strap and bring it around your head and down your arm on this side just like that and then i think we do the same side so just like happy and then rather than having these weird little triangles at the top of the bra what you're going to do is bring the straps down bring them down like this oh my goodness that's literally seamless hold on give me a second i'm sorry what this is so brilliant you guys literally go try this right now i was today years old when i found this out i strongly just like wearing a bra i've always avoided situations where you have to wear a strapless bra but now behold i like to use a lot of hand gestures cash me on the next cringe comp so she suffered from migraines since she was 11 years old so there is this piercing that is supposed to help migraines the dive piercing is 90 effective owie aka the migraine piercing so a few weeks ago i was gonna get this and i was told it's not always effective they can't say that it's gonna fix your migraines but there's a chance that it can random grocery facts that i know but you don't because i've worked in the grocery store for 13 years part five wow there are grocery secrets let's hear it fact to determine the freshness of the loaf of bread all you have to do is check the bow tie indicator this is the bow tie indicator you mean that little plastic thing i throw away immediately and then twist up the bag of bread so you're telling me that little thing indicates how fresh the bread is so if it's blue the bread was baked on a monday green tuesday red thursday i guess wednesday is a no bread day white friday i feel like most of these things are white so was most bread baked on friday then red on saturday get a break for two days a week freshest bread will be at the bottom with bread you rotate from the bottom up so the older dates will be at the top where it's easier for the customer to grab it and then the lower ones will be your furthest date so if you want fresh bread from the bottom y'all heard the man fresh bread from the bottom old crusty bread from the top whatever you prefer i'll be going to the frozen aisle to get my gluten-free loaf anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know something new that you learned today if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,450,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok memes, memes, cool things i learned on tiktok
Id: X3xYPLnYA6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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