Cooking With Me: (Easy) Red Enchiladas

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hi guys welcome back to my Channel today I'm gonna share with you guys how I make a super easy and delicious red sauce enchiladas enchiladas is one of my favorite dishes and I'm just so excited to share this recipe with you guys so in case you guys wanna learn how I make them just stay tuned and I'll show you how I already have some let's get started with our ingredients so we are going to meet 30th of course your preference of oil for your feeling you can use cheese or chicken or beef I got cheese right here for our sauce we are going to need 7 California chili pots to Chile ancho for chili the add 1 1 ramaa tomato 1/4 of an onion 2 garlic for our spices we are going to need 1 clove 1/4 teaspoon of oregano 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper 1/4 teaspoon of cumin and of course your salt and we're also going to need about 2 tablespoons of lard so these are ingredients you guys now let's get started alrighty guys so I'm going to start by putting all of my chili in one pot because we are going to bring them to a boil so I'm just going to put all my Chile's and yes because these are enchiladas I want them to be spicy we are now making intimate ava's so the purpose for enchilada is to be spicy that's my opinion but if you guys don't want them to be spicy you guys can always add more tomatoes and take away that chili the audible so ok you guys but anyways let's go back to our sauce I'm going to bring them to a boil for about 10 minutes and then after that we can put all our ingredients together all right yeah so we are going to boil them for 10 minutes we're also going to add our little clove throw it in there and let that boil right here so while we wait for chili to be done boiling to started frying my tortilla so once my oil it's hot I can't throw my tortilla in there and I don't want them to turn to tostadas because make sure that I like to dip it in there and once I see it like bubbly that's when I take out my tortilla and of course you're going to do this to as many turf and enchiladas you're going to be making which is repeat the process until all your tortillas are done already guy so once your chilies are done we're going to put everything in the blender and your tomatoes should be looking like this make sure you get everything okay you don't put your garlic I'm going to use the same water for myself okay I'm just gonna put up on one cup in there [Music] [Music] right here so I put one cup of that water and then we are going to put our cumin oregano and pepper of course your salt and they remember what the cell you can always put some Morgan eats it once you start boiling it more water the sea water that we boil dark genius because we don't want it sounds to be very thick [Music] just continue blending there you go so once our sauce is done we are going to put our pan and I'm going to add two tablespoons of lard now you guys can always use shortening or just vegetable oil for me I think lard it's just more flavorful [Music] we're just gonna wait for that to mount and then we can throw our sauce and we I'm going to strain it because I want to get rid of all the the seeds and everything you know that the keel is left behind in the blender I'm just gonna put my strainer there and start putting my stuff [Music] [Applause] you see all that I don't like that I manage let us [Music] so all there's the paste we're not gonna use that so I'm just gonna bring it in to a boil okay for me you guys this consistency is good it's not too watery and it's not too thick um I think it's just a perfect consistency for my enchiladas so just keep mixing it in there so I thought you don't burn your sauce we're just gonna bring it into a simmer [Music] [Music] it also Gators right here is when you want to try it for the salt and see if it's an infinite anymore so I'm just gonna add a little bit more salt on mine and then once this comes to a simmer that's when all the flavors come together so I don't put too much thought you know because you still need to wait it for that simmer so I'm just now let it simmer for a couple minutes and then that would be it for our sauce ready guys now for the fun part um you guys can always just dip your your your tortilla into the sauce you know and then put your cheese I like mine with queso fresco and onions and you guys because this one disc type of enchiladas I do not like them in the oven okay to me I don't know if they taste different once they're in the oven so I just like them like that or you can always dip them into the sauce and and then you can always try them into a pan with just a little bit of oil you know and then that will be something their friend that's how my grandma used to make them so you're just clicking the start with a tortilla [Music] just doing it to both sides like that [Applause] [Music] we're going to the same thing that is optional you guys and depending on how you like your and she loved us just like that you're gonna repeat the same process to all the tortillas you know you have you guys super easy and delicious enchiladas you guys can always serve it with whatever you guys want to serve it with um I just serve it with cheesy refried beans lettuce and some tomatoes seriously you guys these are the best enchiladas alright so before we end this video we cannot go without giving it a taste test so let's do that always my favorite hey guys and there you have it my super easy and delicious red sauce enchiladas I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this video I did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up coming down below just you think your thoughts and in your new to my channel please don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys on my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 822,394
Rating: 4.8743105 out of 5
Keywords: red enchiladas, mexican food, red chili, delicious food, easy recipes, enchiladas, newsly weds, arizona vlogger, arizona food, cheff, grandmas recipes, un pedacito de mexico, recetas faciles, recetas deliciosas, red sauce, chile colorado, chile de arbol, comida facil, deliciosa comida, arizona cook, cooking easy meals, easy meals, easy dinners, grandmas kitchen, abuelitas kitchen, enchilada, recipe, how to make, how to, authentic mexican recipes, authentic mexican food
Id: XMnrpJO2T8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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