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hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna share with you guys how to make some delicious Imola enchiladas in case you guys wanna learn how I make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and I'll show you how I already get so let's get started with our ingredients so for this recipe we're going to need three pieces of chicken breast corn tortillas egg New Mexico chili pots one roma tomato one small white onion four garlic cloves 1/2 a tablet of Mexican hot chocolate 15 unsalted saltine crackers one jar of moly Mexican sauce 1/4 of a teaspoon of cinnamon 1/4 of a teaspoon of ground cumin salt and oil so these are ingredients now let's get started I suppose we're going to start by cutting our onion in half we're going to use half of our onion for our chicken and the other half for our sauce alright so I'm going to add my three pieces of chicken and I already linked up I'm going to add in my half of onion 2 garlic cloves and salt and we're just going to bring a three piece of chicken to a boil make sure that you at least have 10 cups of water so I'm just gonna put in medium high heat and going to bring that to a boil for about 30 to 45 minutes or until my chicken is fully cooked alright you guys so it's been 35 minutes but now our chicken should be done so now I'm just going to remove it from the water and let it cool down just get all your chicken and now we're going to strain our broth because we are going to eat the broth for our sauce okay so I'm just going to strain my prom and we're going to need about eight cups you know I could continue moving on with our sauce I'm going to cut my tomato in fourths or in starts just like that in my onion as well and I'm just going to depart and deceive my chilies and you don't want to try not to break them because we we are going to fry them so we want them to be as a whole prior to me the potty my chilis I did wash them and I just dry them and also do you sensitive to chilly just make sure that you wear gloves okay so now once we Kappa ready we're going to start prepping our pan with oil so we can fry our chilies and all of our ingredients okay so a medium frying pan I'm going to set a medium high heat and I'm going to add some oil so just enough oil so we can fry our ingredients and once are always hot we're going to start to place our Chile's we're going to start with the chilies and then work our way down to our ingredients and then on the side over here I have my bowl with my 8 cups of chicken broth so as soon as we soak our chilies we're going to transfer them into our Bowl be here hot just place your chili and you don't want to fry it you're just going to kind of like um pass it through the oil just so you can get soft and then transfer it with the broth transfer your inner power so just make sure your hot chili is soaked in oil and you're going to know once your chili it's hot something you know cuz of course when you touch it like that it's going to be soft so like I said and make sure you guys are your Chili's are dried before you do this process otherwise the oil is going to be popping so just a few seconds flip it over do the same to the other side and then transfer it to your chicken broth then you're going to finish something in a broth it so once we're done with our chili we're going to place our chocolate bar with our broth and the chilies in there so let that dissolve and now we're going to do now we're just going to transfer our onion [Music] [Music] [Music] with our garlic slow and now for our crackers we're going to do this name just pass them through the oil and then transfer it in your mix [Music] and I know a lot of people use tortilla or bread this is just to thicken up the sauce this is the way my grandma and I made it so just follow along and lastly our tomato so you be careful with the tomatoes because tomatoes I mean they do have liquid so just be very careful all right so once we have everything in our chicken broth we're going to let it sit for about ten minutes and we're also going to add our molestar and I know a lot of people don't dude don't use this you know because this is basically in this jar we basically have a we just make but um I don't know my grandma always used it and so does my mom so I'm going to use it as well I mean you could pretty much probably go without using it but this is just extra flavor and who doesn't like extra flavor so I'm just going to let that sit for about 5 to 10 minutes and then meanwhile I can start working on shredding the chicken and also prepping the tortillas okay so just treat your chicken all right so once we have our chicken we are ready to move on with our tortillas now I'm going to fill up my enchiladas with chicken you can also use em queso fresco and onion you know and if you don't want to use chicken and still use that as your filling I'm gonna use the case of fresco in the onion and as my topping so that's that so let's move on alright so the medium frying pan we're going to add some oil and we're going to set our medium-high heat in as soon as are always hot we're going to start putting our tortillas in all right so one thought whoa is hot we're going to add our tortilla we're only gonna need a tortilla there - they start to blister so once you see it blister we're going to take it out and we're going to repeat the process until you have reached the desired amount of enchiladas are you're going to make so you don't want your 30s - turning to the stylus okay so just as soon as you see a blister remove them from the oil this is this just helps the rolling process to be easy alright so once we're done with that Artie and we're going to go back to our saw we're just going to give it a quick mix and now we're going to transfer everything into our blender it smells delicious already let me tell you so once we have that right so once we have that we're going to add our cinnamon in our cumin now we're just going to make everything into it now we're going to mix everything until we have a very smooth sauce already so once we have our smooth sauce we're going to fry it I set a medium deep frying pan I'm going to add one tablespoon of oil I'm going to set it to medium high heat and as soon as our always hard we're going to transfer our sauce it's going to other stars now we're just going to wait for it to come to a simmer and let it simmer for about 10 minutes alright so once you see your size like it's simmering we're going to lower it down on the lowest setting and just make sure that you keep mixing it otherwise your sauce is going to start getting um stuck to the bottom of your pot so make sure you're constantly moving it around and now if you you know this sign up to do enchiladas and just throw your chicken or you just don't have to do enchiladas and just decide to do your morning doing right now you will be the perfect time to throw your chicken in so now we're just going to let our sauce simmer for about ten minutes and then you also want to try it for salt to be honest for me it's perfect so I'm not going to add anything and this is basically it you see how the consistency of your salsa this is what you want okay that's on as soon as after two minutes our sauce is ready and we are ready to roll up our enchiladas alright so I already have my kettle esquema onion mix together here so now we're just going to dip our tortilla into our sauce and then add your chicken and I'm going to add some caso an onion and there's the rolling and they start setting them to the side and then just repeat the process until you reach the desired amount of enchiladas that you're making and of course you know depends on how much you're feeling you're going to add it that depends on how much and she like that you're going to make with the chicken and I'm not going to put my enchiladas in the oven I this type of in Chile's I like them like this you know as soon as I'm done dipping them in rolling them I like to serve them so the way that you know you if you want to put them in the oven and that's gonna be optional up to you okay so once I'm ready to serve I just like to serve a little bit of sauce on my plate and then get my enchiladas and start placing them just like and of course I like to add some more sauce because of how much sauce you want to add and then I like to get my crema fresca and absalom on top and of course more tinsel for the school and then of course you want to serve it with rice beans a sight of lettuce you know that's just whatever you want to serve it with but this is basically it for your enchiladas the morning super easy and delicious already is and now for the best part the taste test my mouth is super watery it smells delicious and I'm just so ready got the chicken cheese I came up first pour the sauce I'm ready they're the new super delicious it's a perfect combination of sweet and then the spiciness and the chilies is just perfect it is a little bit spicy so if you don't want them and you don't want yourself to be super spicy you know just um lower than them the amount of chilies that you use on the sauce but other than that you guys are seriously so for it delicious already guys and there you have it my super easy and delicious omona enchiladas I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with your friends and family and if you recreate this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias and if you need to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys on my next video bye oh yeah [Music] it is perfect except me even to get Nasser pecan for my smile my symmetric an origami afirma que tú sí mami mathematica cute origami Esper
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 209,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mole, easy and delicious mole, mole sauce, authentic mexican food, easy recipes, mexican food, traditional mole, traditional mole sauce, pollo en mole, enchiladas, enchiladas picosas, homemade mole recipe, homemade mexican food, chicken mole enchiladas, pollo en moleenchiladas de mole, mole enchiladas
Id: 0Dfw41AjnCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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