Cooking and tasting the most expensive chicken in France (Bresse poulard)

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welcome back to the channel everyone my name is Stefan and this is a French cooking Academy the place where you will learn to cook like a French chef now today we're going to be talking a Aussie appellation d'origine contrôlée okay the label that you find on food not on war in this song we're talking about food and this label guarantees a certain provenance and a certain quality for a product and i wanted to see the difference between the standard stuff and the top-of-the-range so I finally went to lay elderly young by Paul Bocuse and which is the most prestigious indoor market in France and maybe in the world and in these shops in there which is beautiful all the products which you that you have they are all basically AOC so all top-of-the-range the one I really want to get my hands on is the breast chicken a caleb pull out the breast and as you can see I brought it here along with some other AOC everything is top of the range and we're gonna try to see the difference between this stuff because I've never cooked a pool of the boys I've never tasted it and it is meant to be amazing so what is the big difference well the first one I can say is when you buy a breast chicken you get this this is an instruction manual for the chicken I mean an instruction manual for chicken when I look at this today it's a crazy day because there's a lot of amazing products so here's the chicken I'm gonna unpack these the the breast chicken and I even been given a recipes and we're gonna do one of those with the plain straightforward breast chicken in creme fraiche AOC from the farm with chanterelle mushroom and we're gonna cook this with some homemade stock of fish from this and the wine we're gonna be using is this and from the GI region I've never come across that wine it's called the it's the savanna and grape and you know white wines when you look if you look behind there the definition like what are the flavors they're gonna say already got some pears aroma and vanilla and the tropical fruits and things like is that this thing let me tell you it says you go in there and it says you will find aromas of walnuts and curry but it's proved to be interesting now as always the first thing we would do is to prepare the chicken but of course again we talk about ALC and to then a difference there is with the the quality products when you buy the product it's already prepared because not only the product you buy is top of the range but the person that sells you the product is also kind of top of the range you know is the the one owner of the shop is been qualified of t is been awarded the best poultry tradesman in france also one is it isn't that not even one is a few buddies got a title all right so it is perfectly skilled and everything is cut on the carcass on one side the legs have been a very the typical blue color of the of the breast chicken and all the all the protein look at that meat I mean you get that just the colour and the fat there is look this is the neck area look how much natural fat there is in the chicken the neck is actually there that's actually just natural fat and if you were curious about what's in redo booklet basically tells you the range of products you can get and the model of the day is the breadth pull out and so it's all telling you about where it comes from it's a female chick fed on Conrad severals coming exclusively from brass you know fed with dairy product as well etc it says how it leaves and hide should kind of be prepared and things like that and height comes along on the other side this also tells you the authenticity labels it makes you know it's making sure to tell you you have the right stuff this is like buying a diamond you know you got all the pieces you need to have the label you need to have the seal and everything and otherwise it's not a real and guess what look what I've got I'm good to see you they gave me all this stuff with it that says yes you've bought the real stuff like I bought a real precious stone and I store that recipe now the first thing that's good with this very expensive chicken if you want to know that cost 50 euros for one point seven kilos so it's very expensive you want to use everything so the first thing we're gonna do is a stock you rinse the carcass and cold water and I'm gonna just blend to get rid of the excess of fats and the impurities and so bring this to the boil and then we're gonna stop it as soon as the water boils you turn the heat off and we're gonna rinse this in the cold water take all the chicken out in there don't worry the pull out is very tough so one rinse is no problem as soon as you've rinsed the chicken you clean your pan you put the chicken back it with cold water and again we're gonna bring it to the boil to make that stock when it comes to the garnish for the stock it's very simple a lot of people think that the chicken stock the basic one takes forever it is the simplest thing look at this I've got half a carrot half an onion leave to be the server like 1 tablespoon and a bouquet garni that's it we're gonna put that in the water straight on okay take all the garnish straight in bouquet garni as well and that's it if you want you can add a few peppercorns with no salt and we're just gonna leave this to simmer for like you know a good 30 or 40 minutes and that's it well then we have a basic stock we can use okay so as soon as your stock is about ready we can start cooking the chicken now I am using here again an AOC butter and if you can see which is the edge here a butter again one of these top-of-the-range wing so nice and hard for the pan and skin first we're gonna put that there is just chicken mixer once how lovely chicken is in we're gonna add some salt and pepper and we're gonna wait until the the meat colors a little bit look at that nice and lovely so one thing I can say quality chickens equal quality color okay we're going to reserve the breath and leave the legs to cook reduce the heat to a nice little simmer and I'm gonna leave this for a good 15 minutes okay my legs are nicely colored so I'm gonna take them out as well and remove the excess of fat okay remove the excess of fat and I'm gonna add two small glass it's about 300 meal of my special wine okay it's nice to pouring three or four minutes after putting the same amount of this lovely chicken stock I've made and he the same thing I'm gonna bring it back to the boil now when the mix boil you're gonna add some of the water juice they use from dry mushroom so I'm using the chanterelles so I've put some water in there and this is the Jews they were soaking in the soaking juice but 200 mil all right it's boiling so let me try that mix because actually curious it's not at all what I thought it was gonna be our food is gonna be some kind of sweet thing but that wine I've put in that special it taste like walnut a lot but in the same time it's extremely dry this is actually rather acidic it's more on the acidic side that sauce then the sweet side so that's interesting because here we really gonna rely just on the quality of the chicken and that cream and this is a creme fraiche AOC so we will put Matt it's free hundred to four hundred meters all right let's mix that in now let's try that shows because I'm not like some salt because it was not too much seasoning and the flavors okay the cream is very good but I don't have a big subtly this recipe tends to rely really on the chicken itself and apparently from here you need to cook the chicken on a simmer in that sauce so I'm gonna start with 15 minutes or 20 minutes for the legs with a bit tough and an hour at the breast in 15 minutes are up and I'm my breath back in and these are barely cooked so they're gonna take another good 10-15 minutes to cook can hopefully bring some more flavor after a 45-minute in total I've removed the toilet and legs and now we're gonna finish the sauce so we're gonna have it with you so very high heat and I'm going to reduce this until it's got that napping consistency again as a last step for the sauce what I'm gonna add in is this chanterelle mushrooms that I've got so like a good handful and I'm gonna leave these two to cook for another like five minutes max should be ready now all the sauce is reducing I'm trying to keep my chicken woman and need to try that meat before I plate because I'm not going to disturb the plate so that's it here that's the color of the meat as you can see it's actually very very clean look how it's cooked it's nicely cooked and now the big taste see how it tastes like so hmm what can I say about the breast chicken it's hard to describe does it taste like chicken yes it still tastes like chicken does it is differently than than the standard chicken yes in the way that I think it's a bit more I would not say gamey but a bit more meaty but on that kind of edge you know when things start to be a bit stronger in taste you know it's because it's been living outside you can feel that kind of wildness into the chicken I think it's more firm it's meaty it's really interesting but I thought that I would be totally blown away by the taste and that you know that I would never know whatever but at the end of the day what I can sell is even a great great chicken like the top quality tastes beautiful but it still tastes like you know chickadees it's not like something out of this world and now for the plating so I went ahead and I'm serving this with a simple set of Pompeii which I'll put the boiled potatoes and that's our toast in a good quality butter with chopped parsley but you'll see here they are and of course I've reserved my breasts of T the breast chicken to go with this and I'm just gonna try to keep it very very simple so I've got some onion that I've cooked actually before in the stock gonna add a little bit of sauce on my breast chicken so this is the sauce and surprisingly have just tested the sauce I was think of something very sweet but that wine next for something actually you need a little bit more acidic so some more special sauce with a more acidic type of edge to it which is really really interesting and something I'm really not not used to so these are some of the the chanterelles that I have so just here and they're not just the presentation then I know completes the video of the week guys the comparison between distant predict and DLC so here the breast chicken just to wrap up keep in mind that is still a chicken and it's got this extra layering of flavor ends meet here it's more flavor swim it's got more so more gaming it's kind of nice and firm it's also responsibly sourced and grown and there's no barbaric practice which is also a great thing but if you have the chance to try over a second if you know another BCP maybe I can try let me know in the comments below as always you can follow me on Instagram and if you want to become a patron on my patreon page that would be plain amazing but that's it for me as you all next time next week for another recipe from leo take care all bye [Music]
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 253,562
Rating: 4.8548331 out of 5
Keywords: bresse poulard, chicken bresse tasting, most expensive chicken in france, french cuisine, bresse chicken, most expensive chicken, poularde de bresse, halles de lyon paul bocuse, french food, french recipes, French Cooking Academy
Id: F-RTX_Ak1eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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