Surviving Winter in a Log Cabin | Tiny Home
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: My Self Reliance
Views: 2,999,757
Rating: 4.8795557 out of 5
Keywords: Self Reliance, off grid, log cabin, no talking, primitive, homestead, alone, wilderness, survival, cooking, bushcraft, forest, kitchen, cabin, tiny home, woodworking, woods, My Self Reliance, Shawn James, shelter, building, hand tools, fishing, camping, canoeing, dog, long house, building with hand tools, cali, golden retreiver, how to build a log cabin, alone in the wilderness, off grid log cabin, forest kitchen, winter, surviving, surviving winter, surviving off grid, winter in a log cabin
Id: zi5Edx0NZq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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