Converting my UNREAL ENGINE Game to UNITY in ONE WEEK

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for the past six months i've been working on a physics-based boxing game in this time frame i went from knowing almost nothing about unreal engine 2 [Music] we also moved to an island sold almost all our stuff oh and i quit my job to work full-time on the game in my quest to become the greatest game developer in the entire universe we're gonna take all the progress we've made in the last six months and recreate it in unity but we're gonna try to do it in less than a week let's do this [Music] okay but why am i doing this well i've been creating unreal engine devlogs for the past six months now and uh not once have i been offered some free merch from epic games also i know a lot of you guys are debating whether you should switch over to unreal from unity or perhaps vice versa and so i thought it could be an interesting experiment to do so that we can really get down to the bottom of which engine really is most suitable for someone like me like a solo developer it's great to compare features when choosing an engine but there's so much more to it than that and by recreating my entire unreal engine project in unity we'll really get a good understanding of what it's actually like to work in each engine and actually make something so far on the project i've only used blueprints which is unreal's visual scripting tool while i could use bold which is unity's answer to blueprints i wanted to see if i could recreate my project using only code i don't have much programming experience i've only ever taken this c-sharp course on udemy for unity which was fantastic by the way and tinkered with a few experiments inside unity however even though my experience is limited i'm hoping it's enough though for me to be able to actually do this maybe this is all just a big waste of time we'll see let's see how far we get all right let's get going clock is ticking i started by blocking out some tasks on a trello board to keep me on track throughout this week okay before you ask in the comments this tool i'm using right here is called like i'm gonna tell you what there's already an error message i haven't even done anything how can how's that possible i've only opened the program and already it's gonna be a tough week i started by importing the game models i had already created for unreal engine i wanted to see if i would be able to reuse the same models or if i would need to go in and make changes or recreate them entirely for unity oh wow that looks great but hey it's working [Music] what [Music] oh my god it just gets better and better with each slider [Music] oh that's disappointing it just kept getting better and better until this one the models i had created for unreal engines seem to be working 100 in unity without me changing anything i was really expecting to have to do some work here but so far so good man this looks awful ah i really hope we can fix the graphics somehow why does it look so bad it looks slightly different than what we had in unreal let's just put it that way a big part of this boxing game is that it's physics based so using physical animations is a really important feature it's basically what you see here physics on top of an animated character like floppy arms and all that like a ragdoll but with animations the problem with unity is that it does not support physical animations natively this is one of the biggest reasons that i decided to go with unreal engine instead of unity when i first started this project luckily there's one option there's a plugin on the asset store called puppet master which allows you to do this the only problem is it's expensive and i don't even know if it's gonna work what we're doing there's no way to try it out i also just quit my job so [Music] i don't really know how to use this but it's working yeah a little bit i think i [Music] this is weird i love this this is the best okay i've been at this for a few hours now trying to get decent results out of puppet master and and then i tried to like fix the bad lighting and uh have a look nothing is working and everything is [Music] broken all right we ain't no quitters here yesterday didn't go super well we're just going to start over no problem we've got tons of time i did a little bit of reading the night before on unity's render pipeline and we're going to start over using the high definition render pipeline this time and hopefully that way we can make the game look a little better by simply starting out on the right foot [Music] oh wow what a difference this is looking lit no seriously i'm actually really impressed check this out this is what it looked like yesterday and this is what it looks like now yeah i'm actually really impressed like this is looking really really really good it's just as good as unreal the models are imported the lighting is looking way better than yesterday and it's finally time to get started on putting the game together which means it's time to brush up on those coding skills [Music] okay easy let's go [Music] [Music] so [Music] i spent the rest of the day setting up the input controls and getting our basic movement working properly getting back into c-sharp was a lot easier than i thought and i was actually enjoying writing some basic code again visual scripting is awesome but there's something really satisfying about writing your own code from scratch [Music] i'm just kidding i'm not tired i've been to the gym taking the dog down had breakfast and i am ready baby and it's only well 11 30 but yeah whatever so i got basic movement working yesterday and i also started looking at animations i just imported the animations i was using for unreal and they worked just straight out of the box no problem i spent some time setting up the animations and learning about unity's animation system it's pretty good but not without his frustrations okay i additive animations see i need the punches to be additive it's basically an animation played on top of another i've been trying to get it to work for the past like four hours when you're dealing with additive animations you need a reference frame for them to work and it's seemingly impossible to do that in unity in unreal engine it's easy i've looked everywhere and i can't find anything on this including the documentation anyways after lots of digging i finally found that all you gotta do is okay check this out this is so you have to click here enter debugging mode and voila like now you can select the reference frame boom right there super easy but like it's it's it's like how [Music] in the original game we used the right thumbstick to lean your character the process to do something similar in unity turned out to be very similar to what i'm used to on unreal so no problem there the shorts to follow along the same animation as the character though and not just do this was not as easy but after more hours of digging around online i finally found a solution that works pretty well and it's really simple too but finding this information was not easy but it's working we're all right now that i had a better understanding of the animation system i spent the next couple of days working further on the controls implementing different attacks and blocking see the attack system is based on how you're leaning your character so if you're leaning over to the right and then lean back up you'll perform a hook it's a little unconventional but this way i think attacking will feel more natural than just assigning different attacks to different buttons i'm basically just looking at what i did in unreal engine through blueprints and then just trying to replicate that in code visual scripting is surprisingly similar to coding it's really the same thing just slightly different all right great progress so far we can dodge we can run around and we can even attack i also put puppet master in [Music] so we now have physics running on top of our character it's pretty impressive i gotta say it's definitely well made i'm actually surprised i didn't expect this much out of just some random plugin i'm pretty happy with how the physics are working and i'm gonna call that good for now back in unreal we created a pretty advanced system for how we deal damage to the opposing players so my next task was to try to replicate this in unity and this was a little scary this is going to be tough this is going to be some of the most intense coding you've ever witnessed so strap yourself in put your diapers on let's do this while i take care of that let's hear it everybody for nord vpn for sponsoring this video and making this kind of premium content possible see if you're like me and you thought people only use nordvpn to watch netflix in different countries well you're wrong what i didn't realize is that nordvpn isn't only useful for that it actually has an even better feature which is the added safety through military-grade encryption see when you're browsing the web and checking your instagram and putting your 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you waiting for protect yourself head over to nordvpn use the link in the description and don't forget to put in our chroma code pontipens to get yourself a sweet discount while you're at it come on guys let's support nordvpn not only for the excellent services they provide but also for helping smaller communities like ours to survive through their generosity so let's head over there and show those guys some love also if you're worried about speed don't worry i play a lot of warzone and i need that sweet sub 30 pink and i'm not noticing any increase in latency when i'm running nordvpn so you're good to go alright back to that guy boom done all right check this out for punching we have a system that checks the speed of the hand as it hits the head multiplied by how hard you're leaning into the punch just like we had back in unreal engine we then take whatever damage number we get and send it over to the other player and then we can use that to deduct health and do other things with it now that we can send damage between the players i got started on working on a health bar i have a little experience working in unity's ui system but i barely remember how to use it so bracky's tutorial on how to create health bars really came in handy here [Music] back in unreal we had created some really cool finishing animations so now that we had our health bar working i wanted to try my luck at creating some of that inside unity it went a little so-so okay admittedly this is not as cool as what we had an unreal engine but you can definitely do it it's not a problem we just need to investigate a little bit further how puppet master works i was coming up on the final day of this challenge and i was actually happily surprised at how much i had achieved in such a short amount of time or maybe it just took me way too long to make the game in the first place i don't know right now though the one controller currently controls both characters which isn't exactly ideal so i needed a way to split it up so that we can control the characters with separate joy pads again brackies came to the rescue here with this tutorial and as it turns out unity has upgraded its input system to be more like unreal engine system which is fantastic but this system is not on by default you have to manually turn it on in the package manager which meant that i had to go in and reprogram a lot of the features to make them compatible with a new input system i really wish unity would just swap out old features and make new better features the default i'm already deep into the project and then having to install a bunch of packages that alter how things work and something as basic as inputs these are things that should be done very very early in the development but i didn't know about this so what else is there that i didn't know about but after a few hours of rejigging my current script to be compatible with the new control system it was ready for testing and it doesn't work so it turns out that the method i was following along with brachis is not actually compatible with two controllers so i mean the new input system is compatible with two controllers just not the method that brackets used this means i have to now redo all the stuff that i already redid once one more time the problem is we're running out of time and it's looking like i won't be able to add two player to the game but i still think that this challenge was successful i mean we pretty much made the whole game it's just this little snag and a few other tiny details and it's given me a way better perspective over what each engine is capable of one step closer to being the best game developer in the entire pontiverse the unity project obviously isn't as far along but given another couple of weeks or so i feel like i could be pretty much at the same stage as i am now with the unreal version of the game obviously it helps already having done it once even if it is in a different engine and that brings me to what you've all been waiting for which engine am i gonna proceed with i'm gonna be completely honest here i came into this challenge 100 sure i would stick with unreal engine it was more of a fun experiment just to you know see but i gotta say i mean i couldn't find a single feature that was missing in unity i mean i was always under the impression that unity was very very bare bones and didn't really have any functionality compared to unreal engine and that is true you unreal engine has more features but but literally the only thing i found missing with unity was the physical animation aspect which i had to buy a third-party asset to supplement with but apart from that everything that i've been doing in unreal engine so far has been totally possible in unity the problem is that it's not always obvious where to find it and i definitely have changed my view of unity entirely and i'm gonna go on record here and say if you're making a game and you don't know which to choose i would be fully comfortable to say that you could really go with either because so far i found no problem with using unity and in fact i've really enjoyed using c sharp as opposed to visual scripting it's so much leaner so much faster i could go and use c plus plus in unreal engine but i hate c plus plus and it's so slow and i just don't like it c sharp is love it but if you're debating whether you should change if you've already started with an engine say you're in unity and you feel like you have that under control i see no reason for you to switch like you have what you need and if not you can probably find it on the asset store yeah it might cost you a little bit of money but it might be worth it as opposed to relearning an entire engine because unreal engine is pretty hard it's harder to learn but what am i gonna do i'm going to stick with unreal engine for now simply because i've made more progress and i feel i know what's going on and and switching over to unity just feels a little scary to me because unity does have one big downside and it is what i talked about earlier with all these packages that you have to install i really dislike that it just i had to redo stuff the controls are still not working with unreal i found that anytime i screwed anything up it was very easy to fix it without having to redo a bunch of work and install additional things and that's something like for me i'm still learning so for me that's really important that i'm able to experiment with things without the fear of having to redo a bunch of stuff but if at any point down the line i'm finding that unreal engine is more difficult to work with than unity like let's say for example we try to implement multiplayer or an ai and unity has a much better solution than unreal engine i'll i'll switch in a heartbeat as far as i can tell unity is just as powerful as unreal engine and okay yes right you can go and compare frames per seconds in similar scenes and unreal engine will perform slightly better than unity this is true but chances are that your game that you're thinking of making won't push those limits anyway so really it doesn't matter just pick whatever you feel is best so give both engines a shot and to see what works best for you alright that was fun don't forget to join a discord community that's really where it's all happening we have suggestions we have memes you guys like memes right join our discord do it anyways don't forget about the google algorithm juice the way to get the juice is you sure to hit subscribe it's free you can unsubscribe anytime you want and it really helps me out a lot and i need a lot of help make sure to get those likes in let me know what engine you think i should choose i'd love to hear your thoughts anyways it was awesome to see you such a fun time next week maybe we'll go back to actually working on the game and making some progress thanks again to nordvpn for sponsoring this video so that i could actually buy the plugin and make this whole video possible you guys are the best don't forget to support them and i'll see you guys next week stay epic guys
Channel: Pontypants
Views: 469,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Unity, Unity VS Unreal, Unreal VS Unity, UE4, converting unreal to unity, Gamedev, devlog, development log, boxing game, making a game, indiedev, indie dev, indie game, indie, make games in unreal engine, dev log, gamdev log, how to make a game, 3d game, pontypants, indie game devlog, indie gamedev, making a game journey, game development, Unreal Engine Physics, ragdoll, physics game, unity puppetmaster, unity ragdoll
Id: kzucp3ENhSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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