Learn to Model inside Unreal Engine 5! Modeling Tools Overview

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uh i'm gonna go live yeah now we're live are we yeah yeah we're live all right 100 sure okay yeah i saw it okay so today today is the day i convince you to stop using blender or maya or 3ds max whenever you're counting some issue in a real so you can have this masterpiece hey so today we're gonna we're gonna talk about the modeling tools we're gonna check a lot of things about it how you can use the modeling tools to stop yourself from the impulse of going to another 3d modeling package for something really simple that you can really use in unreal right now so that that's my goal for this one if i can convince you to use more the modeling tools inside unreal then it's a it's a win for me and i will be with ram our programmer yeah so i will try to teach him the way of art in this live stream series hopefully he's more enlightened now yeah i want to know this new way of modeling because i was a heavy user of the bsps and now those are deprecated so they will soon be removed maybe yeah it's it's the end of psp thank you psp from a real one you will be remembered you will be remember all right so let's get start the first thing you need to do is like you need to go to edit plugins and here type modeling and you will see the modeling tools editor mode uh be aware beta version 0.1 so proceed with caution however i find myself that is pretty stable and it has significant updates since the last versions especially in unreal engine 5 we have a lot of new features so once you activate this and you restart unreal you will be able to see the modeling tools here activate modeling editing mode and when you click on it you will see a lot of options you can use to model inside unreal create things modify them do a bunch of operations we will see little by little so for for this demo i have some things in my project settings first i'm going to rendering and i'm going to deactivate dynamic level illumination by default is lumen in unreal engine 5 i'm going to click now reflections i'm going to click none so that when we work with heavier meshes the calculations are much faster that doesn't mean that it is low it's just for the purpose of this streaming i don't want to you know lose time on processing measures and things like that and another thing i did is like distance fields generate distance fields it's disabled so that we don't generate them each time we change the mesh and once you have that you're you're good to go so let's see uh the first thing you need to do is like if you click here in the activate modeling edit editing mode you have a bunch of options you can create different shapes also you have different options for create different objects that are more precise you can edit models by doing the different operations deform models some transform operations mesh operations like changing the topology and things like that box cell operations and some attribute edit modes and also material edit modes big textures uvs and of course volumes for collisions so i'm not gonna touch here because that goes beyond the scope of this class but we're gonna go through most of them and again the goal is to convince you to use these tools more often it's going to update very soon with more and more features randy and schmidt from epic is working on this you can check his youtube channel i will share a link here let me see copy paste you can change check ryan's channel for more details about the modeling tools and also he's super responsive about if you got any feedback any any bug you encounter that you wish him to know then feel free to reach out to him uh he's uh extremely nice guy and he's working on these tools so the first thing we're gonna do is to go into the create mode i need a create mode we have a bunch of different options and you will see we have the classical box if i click here i will have a bar of properties this will be the same across different operations we use so different objects will have different settings in the case of if we want to create a box then we will need to click here and you will see we can create a box by following these dimensions you can change the dimensions here and it will change the box dimensions here the depth the width and the height you can also change the subdivisions here like you can go to 13 if i press alt 2 i can check the wireframe i can increase or decrease how many subdivisions i want okay and the reason this one is too small is because this guy is too big so just be aware of that normally this is big enough so another thing is like notice that as i go along this mesh my box snaps to the normals of this object so this is very useful if you want to like continue to model some stuff along the normal that depends on what you want to do and the way you can change this is positioning align to normal uncheck this and you will be able to move and without the normal restriction it will always follow one axis in this case it's the z axis you can also target surface changed to a scene which is basically this you will check with which objects we have in our scene and we will be able to create the object in different positions or we can go to the ground plane and inside here you will have an axis here basically the grid if you can almost see here and it will always be along the grid regardless of how many objects you encounter so let's let's talk about how we can create these objects very easy if i click on this i already create one object and when i click complete you will see that i have a name here uh usually it's just a random number here and if i click browse you will see that it's in my level blueprint and my levels maps i have this i'm using this map modeling practice hero2 and i will have this folder named underscore generated with my username and here you will see all my generated files i have used to with the modeling tools by default is this folder however you can change this folder by changing to current folder or auto gm folder which is the global which is here in the content generated this is the global one you can also do that but if you want your objects to be inside the level you create and kind of a little bit more organized just feel free to use the default option which is the word relative okay so let's keep going between these shapes we have a lot of them we have the sphere we have the sphere box which has a a little different topology we have the cylinder which is one of the most used ones like the cube the cylinder the spheres and we also have some other ones like the kong the torus the arrow the rectangle which is a plane and a round rectangle which is a rounded plane with some subdivisions then finally you have the disk and then the circle and this completes the basically all the shapes you want you want to create we have a question from in the stream does the object you're hovering over need to have a collision on for you to place something on it well let's take a look at it this one has a collision definitely you can see it here if i press alt c you can see my collision let's remove it to see what happens e as far as i know it should work without collision because it goes along the normal so if i click a sphere let's click a scene interface uh even without a collision it takes the normals in place and you can check them here by the way if you want to cancel just click escape and you will go back here in attributes i can check the normals sorry go tangents or inspect you can check the normals you can check the normals here and also the tangents change the tangent uh size so you will use these normals to to place the objects so let's go back by the way if you have just any questions just let us know in the comments and i will check from time to time if not run will check it for me okay so let's delete those because we don't want to okay so there are other ways to create primitive uh let me move this one here and and this is a very cool way to create primitive because you know this one can be a little bit uh how do i convenient like let's say you want to create like a a wall you may do this things like that and then you may want to model and then you will scale things up and kind of like create your level uh let's just put our knight here and then play from here and now we have our walls uh notice but by default you have collision complex collision uh as simple so this means all the polygons will be collision by default this is good if your polygon mesh has low resolution it's not if it's like this one the collision will be too heavy in order to fix this just go here and then in the first details checks use complex collision as simple you can use a project default to fix this or just use simple collision as complex both are okay so for this one we have other tools that allow us to create these things much easier so if i click check the create shelf i can draw polygons and you will see i have my grid here uh let me move our friend here we will go back to him in a in a moment but if i click here you can see i have a grid here and you have a bunch of options here the default works quite nice but if you want you can change those in my case i'm just gonna click here to show what this does you will see it will snap to a perfect angle too then go here and then close it and automatically i can create a wall i can just drag click here complete and now you have your wall and this is how you can create different shapes much easier like you can just go here and the wall if you don't want to extrude the wall then you will need to change this output mode to extrude to height and you have a default height here you can put like 500 and if i click here and i close my mesh automatically i will have a fixed height for this one depends on what you want to create in my case interactive extrude works the best and this is what you will have by default another thing you can do is to actually change this polygon type to presets you can do the freehand by default but you can also do the circle one the square one the rectangle one and so on so let's say i choose the circle if i click here then i drag the mouse and i will interactively change the radius and i click here and now i can change the height then click complete and all these meshes will be created inside this folder just keep that in mind everything you create is here personally i like this workflow because i won't necessarily use anything that is here but once i'm happy with my models i can move it to the right folder you can play with those like for example the circle with hole you can click here click again click click again to change the the height and there you have it and all these have collisions so if i play from here you will see that everything all right so let's continue then you have the polypot extrude which works a little bit different you can click here different parts you can close it but then you can also change the width interactively and then you can change the height and this can be very useful for closed space where you want to have a room or something like that then this works like a charm you also have different settings like this and you can use the ribbon destruction or the ramp let's just try what happens with the ramp here okay a bit strange but you can play with it so another one you can use is the path reverb and let me delete all of those we don't need them for now you have convinced me to use this instead of bsps this will replace bsp and it's very stable so far we haven't crashed so yeah you can you can use use it right away so that revolve it's amazing you can just use this like you can track the profile you want say here i want to draw this profile and then i will close this one and look what i have it's like it's been duplicated and extruded many different times and i have like a cylinder and i can change like the how many polygons i want the resolution i can also change like which axis i can go i can go this way and i can also change if i want complete 360 degrees or i can change it and cut it like half or any other angle this is very useful you can also flip the normals so if i check this flick mesh you can already see like i have a little level if i play here let me increase the size of this when i play from here i have a small level i can play with by the way if you like the knight check the links in our youtube channel so you can get it so uh this is a very interesting way to to have levels so uh feel free to play with it uh super interesting you're gonna change the the the height and everything and super cool stuff the next one is the revolve base boundary loop for this one i will create a round rectangle let's just say i have a plane and first you need to have something and then you click the revolve mesh and along one axis it will do the same here but instead it will use your mesh so if you have a different profile like you can create a different ground plane or something to have different shapes you will see those shapes in your your mesh created and you can change the axis like you can move it here see if i can click on it there you go so you can move the axis where you want to revolve and all those things and you can still do the same thing like revolution degree or change the resolution how many axis you want okay once you're done click accept and now you have your new mesh very cool stuff so another thing you can do is to duplicate this asset let's say you want to modify this one and the problem with this is that you will modify all the instances that are here you are modifying this asset so if i duplicate this one and just for the sake of demonstration i will do the sculpt here i will move it accept then all my instances will be updated and sometimes you just want to duplicate it and the way i'm gonna do that i have two options i can either right click and duplicate here but that's a little bit slow so what i'm gonna do is just right click here and in my in my create i have dupe option duplicate option and you have here delete sources which means it will delete the actor in the scene it won't delete the asset it will delete the actor that is in your word outliner and you have an output name let's just call it my new mesh okay you can also keep the actor if you want you can hide it you can keep it and if you have different sources you can keep the first one or the last one you click in my case i will delete it so this is my new mesh and you can see that when i sculpt on this one let's go to sculpt do the same accept now this one is a entirely new mesh this one hasn't been updated and the reason is i created a new mesh that is here the old one is here so very handy too following along uh the create shelf you can also append so you can click this and click this one and then notice that some options are like grayscale and the reason is i cannot use them unless i select two objects and once i click the first one and then i go to the second one i can click on append and this will combine the sections and create a new asset i can either create a new asset or modify my the first one i click or the last one i click in my case i want a new asset so i will check new combined and i will i will keep the sources for now so you can check okay now that i'm here i can move this and you will see i have my mesh is combined so this is very useful when you want to create new new assets or things like that personally i use it for like create this bridge very easily it's a bunch of assets i can duplicate now at least this looks like a bread because i sculpt on it but let's just say you want to create like you have different assets instead of going to 3d studio max you can just go to my let me go to my mega scans and click static mesh and type wood and i will select this one and i will just duplicate this once just like this alt and then check all this rotate i just a little bit prettier and now i can just go here then i can rotate them 180 and then i will select all of those and what i will do is to do the event i will delete my sources and i will call it my new bridge once i click on that you will see it will combine my mesh and now this is a new mesh here if it has too many polygons no worry we have nanite enable apply changes and problem gone okay so now i can maybe play from here and i have my bridge my small little bridge here okay so that's for the duplicate function any any questions so far um there was a question about enabling the plugin and it not showing up so there might be two reasons uh first you need to restart the engine second is here up i'm not sure if you are using a real five or a real four but make sure there is enough space sometimes this uh in a real four you can like decrease or increase the size of the windows make sure you have enough size to check it otherwise you will see an arrow here okay any other one nope jesus is a very dangerous bridge i didn't notice they have the the spikes here we should have rotated yeah this this side is fine we rotate it where we're cool okay uh let's let's move on so uh just make sure that the one you create let's check the collision use complex collision a simple you don't want that or you can apply the convex collision which has a significant improvement in unreal five it's much better much more accurate uh just try it out this it's brilliant there are a lot of things they have to tell you because it's not like the big changes but for this version actually it has a lot of small little changes that you will like okay so you can see this is how we created the big head guy can check the mega scans let's just have some fun now so let's grab this guy let's grab this guy and let's increase the size of the head let's rotate it there you go you got a masterpiece beautiful so what you can do is go to your modeling tools click the first one click this one and then go to append new asset click accept and there you go just notice that you will have that complex collision as simple by default and it can be quite heavy so let me change this thing project default okay and now you don't have it all right so let's move on we have the poly model on the triangle model and to show this i'm going to start with a triangle model so i'm going to create a cube here okay complete and what you have here it's a bunch of operations where you can select different triangles and the triangle model only affects triangles so if i click here you will see that i can select one face and notice that my selection mode is select on brush i can change this like for example uh all connected i can click on this and all my connected vertices will be updated i can shift click to remove it i can hold the mouse left mouse button to select multiple faces and i can do a bunch of operations with this for example i can click this one and notice if i click and i don't press anything i will keep adding what i can do is clear my selection i can also select all clear it invert my selection grow my selection so if i have a polygon here grow it will go to my neighbors and it will grow the selection i can also shrink the selection i'll make it smaller and smaller you can also expand to connect it and some other ones like the optimize selection will optimize the selection maybe i can show a sphere will be much better is this just select a bunch of those optimize selection it will kind of try to smooth out the selection so it can look nicer okay then you have other things like the delete triangles you can either click here or you can click the delete with the spacebar you can separate triangles which will create a different object if i go here you will see i have another mesh here which is my new object created keep that in mind so i can let me let me ctrl c a little bit okay i can also disconnect triangles which is not the same it will disconnect the triangles and they are not connected but they are part of the same object so for example if i select and expand to connect it i will expand my connection to all the vertices that are connected but these ones are not connected okay i can also flip the normals like this i can see it from this angle click the normals again like this expand connected flip normals i can go back to normal and i can also create a polygroup so what is a polygroup a polygroup is a selection you create so that it can be easier to modify objects for example i can create a polygroup here click accept and when i go to my poly deformation you will see i have the option to select my polygroups and do a bunch of operations like extrude and things like that instead of selecting the triangles and extrude everything this is especially useful when you want to modify objects like this you go to triangle selection select this one and then let's check again okay change the size here so like you want to select the triangles and you know it's not very useful when you have a bunch of uh very heavy meshes that's why we create a polygroup so that if we create a polygroup let's say i want to create a polygroup here for my my eyes maybe all connected maybe maybe just this one or i can just choose this part so this is my polygroup create polygroup click accept and you will see that my polygroup has been created and here i can select my polygroup and just move it scale it or do a bunch of operations like extrude and things like that okay very nice and don't even ask can you create your own character with these tools well technically it's possible but then you will need to break it but i wouldn't recommend using these ones for modeling a character i personally use these ones for prototyping blocking out the level and also modifying objects that from mega scans or something just to make it a little bit different so i wouldn't create a character using this but who knows maybe epic surprises in the future they always they always do when they update the tools and it's like amazing okay so going on with the triangle model tools you can let's go to our polygon deformation skip using this one as an example maybe this one you can loop insert this will insert a loop like this it will go along all the axes can select a loop like this for those familiar with sub-d modeling this is how you add edges you can click accept and nothing has happened but if i go to my polygon deformation i can go to my polygroups and now everything is a polygroup so i can just poly edit and just click here and i can start modifying this thing like i can i can go here and then click extrude let's do it again polyedit here extrude you can extrude like this or you can offset which is like extrude with a scale you can scale like this also now be aware of the size of this uh if it's too small or too big it may have problem with the gizmo so just fully edit and you can do a bunch of operations here you can inset let's just choose another one here probably edit here inset you can see i can dynamically change my inset click ok and now i can extrude maybe negatively or i can just click accept and then go to my triangle edit click here and then let's go to more options here or go to my groups then just just go down or or extrude things like that so this is very useful another thing you can do is the edge insert so if i click here i can just draw the edge where i want i can just click where i want to connect those edges and then i can go to my polyedit and i can just click on click on those and then just move it a little bit okay so that's as far as the modeling tools let's create a small pillar so we can check the booleans uh applying what we have learned so far there is a question and well it has to do with the creation of of the assets it says hi in great mode when i want to draw a shape and extrude and i want to rotate the grid plane how can i do it precisely the angle snapping feature doesn't seem to work so as far as i know uh you can change the the grid for example i think this is my origin uh you can pull extrude but you can also change the oops you can change here the the grid if you check this one you can also rotate it and there is a way to snap i remember it was shift it doesn't seem to be snapping maybe because i haven't snapped the angle so if i click here polyedit i can change the axis and when i change it then i will change the rotation of where i want to to create and by default it will always reset to the to the origin you can also have the snap to world grid and enable enable snapping there is a shortcut for that i can't recall which one was it but you can snap to vertices even so i mean i may need to check one of the ryan's tutorials to remember which key was for that okay let's let's keep going so let's apply what we have learned by creating like a pillar so maybe we can go to our reverb path reverb we can create something here like for example like this and we can change the normals and also the maybe something like this okay so this will be the base for our column then we will create a cylinder and we will put it here we will scale it up and then we will create another one let's say a box here and this is our ugly column later i will show you how to align objects um actually i will show you now how to align these objects let's just say you want to put it perfectly in the center of the cylinder you can go to transform and you notice i have the align button but is great i just need to click on this one then click this one and i will be able to align objects so first one will i have the options to align to x y and z i can also align the first one i select or the last one so i can align to only x and y or only x or only y or only or only in in z or i can also align the first selected okay so once i do that all my meshes are aligned perfectly in the center i can do the same for this one click here align except and now all my meshes are aligned so what we will do is to combine these measures click on this tree and we will combine them just like this append delete sources new asset click ok and now we have our column now it's a good time to check our booleans what we can do it's to create like a sphere or something and what i want to do is to add some noise i will go through the noises later but just for the sake of this demonstration i will add some noise here so my deform displays and i will change the subdivisions to just one and i will click accept and what i'm going to do is to select these ones and i will create a boolean so how the boolean works is that i will select one mesh just watch this body model i will select the other one and then i have the boolean available if i apply it you will see that i have an operation a minus b this means i will keep a but i won't keep the b uh the b parts that are colliding with the with a so i can i can also change the position of this one so let's say i just move this one a little bit up i go here boolean and i can change the rotation and i can change the axis if i go very like very close i can select the axis and i can move it if i move it to up you will notice that it's not colliding at once i move down i will be able to collide the mesh okay so with this one i can create a new asset or i can modify this one okay so let's keep the sources and create a new asset so you can see and now i can have a new asset that is the destroyed version there is however a problem sometimes you want like the destroyed version here and you what the destroyed part you want to have it so you either click on those boolean and then change b minus a or intersect and you will have the other part but what you can actually do is use another method which is a mesh cut and you will see that i have highlight my mesh and this will cut my mesh if i click accept let me move this one you will see that nothing has happened but now i have two meshes i have a new mesh here and i have my previous mesh here so what i can do is to put this one here and rotate it a little bit okay so that's it for the that's it for the booleans okay any questions so far um well there was a question about if we could create a blueprint like a trap like a static mesh that can attack the character but today's topic is like the modeling tools maybe we don't want to they you if you want to add functionality to the things you create you just make sure you click the let's say this is your trap go to blueprints compare selection to blueprint class and let's just say parent class actor i don't know it's this one or okay select and there you have your your blueprint you can add all the functionality here but that's really another topic so okay so let's let's keep going um let's move to the playing card let's take our mesh here and what we want to do is to add the plane cut and what this will do is to create an imaginary plane where you will cut the mesh you can you can move the plane well basically rotate it or do anything you want with it but the controls are a little bit one key it's just a better version so let me try to select this one like all right i got it so if you rotate this you will see that i rotate and i have my plane there and it's cutting it's cutting it's cutting the mesh and i can rotate it 90 degrees eight so i can cut my mesh upside down so if i click accept i can i can also flip the plane here actually and you can keep both half if you want if i click accept then this will update my mesh and it will cut it and it will apply some uvs here let's do something else let's select these triangles and let's delete it let's just say angle filter okay let's just say we are deleting this okay if we want to close the hole what we can do is to go here and then let me it should be one of these options hold field so if you click here you will see that it's highlighted in red if i click on this one i will close the hole i can clear and i can select all my holes which happens that i have some here and i click accept and yeah so this is if you want to close some holes very easy so just let me try to do it again triangle select just click this one so it can be clear let's delete these faces and if i want to copy it just go to whole field select all and i will select all all of this or i can clear my selection okay so if i again if i click here hold field select all okay and i will close all my holes another thing you can do is the polycut so if you go here you will see that i have a mesh that is cutting all along the way it's cutting all this face and right now it's cutting because of a cylinder i can change this to a square to a rectangle and i can move it actually to i can change the scale of this one to be smaller or i can change the weight or the height of my my cut and you know different meshes we have different results so if i go here there you go i can move this one and you will see i can make a a hole like this so i can change the the height to make something like this click accept and now i will have a nice rounded cut in my in my mesh but i can also do something else i can i can go to my polycut and instead i can do the custom which will allow me to draw some meshes so if i click here let's just create a new cube here i will go to polycat and you will change to custom okay and then click the draw polygon you click the draw and then you can draw the polygon that you want something like this now you have you have draw your your own cut here all right you can move it or change the scale or you can also draw it again okay so that's how you cut your meshes another thing you can do is to sub d this will use the cut mode class subdivision by default but you can change it to other ones if you want like bilinear or loop cut mode clark seems to be the best so you can change the subdivisions like one two three four and the more you have of course the more polygons okay so if you want to add some edges just go to your loop insert and you can add some weight here just like traditionally in a modeling tools you will have something like this and this area will preserve from all the polygons if you go to sub-d now you will see this area gets a smooth but this area gets sharper okay so i think that's it for the for the poly modeling operations you can be creative with it and have your own you know just by playing with it you can come up with a lot of cool features like the trim or something here to remove the inside remove the outside click accept now if you move this one you will see you have a new mesh very cool very cool okay let's go to modeling sculpting so we have our friend here with a big head what we want to do is to do some sculpting here and you have some options to sculpt you can use the vertex sculpting or the dynamic sculpting so for the vertex sculpting you will see you have your size here of your brush and then you can change the size manually like 0.05 you can manually use it to change like the uh change the vertices you can have the smooth here and you have the string if it's too strong just move the just change the strength and you will be able like to add clay or something for example here a little bit just eyebrows more prominent here it's like testosterone run wild on this guy you can also change the brush type you can use the move tool say you want to change the nose something like this or you can put a smile here change the depth of the face and now you have a more cartoony phase of this sculpture another thing you can do is to use the pinch you can just like the name says you will pinch the the polygons so they can be tighter and also you can smooth if you hold shift you will automatically go to the follow shape here to smooth and then you can smooth some areas here and once you click accept the mesh will change and you will have your new mesh here however there are some limitations with the sculpting mode and this is great for doing some small changes like this but let's say you want to do some big changes let's say i want to move this one once i move this one then if i check my polygons i lose all my resolution and this is where the dynamic sculpt comes into place and this is very similar to dynamesh in zbrush so if you want to do something like that just go to dyna dynamic mesh sculpting click on move and then you can do the same but you will see that as i move along you will be able to see the polygons here change the size okay and you can create something that you know can have any shape you want you can increase the the size of the hair or you can increase the size of this one and move it here accept and now you have an ugly version of this dude this is extremely useful like if you want to modify some terrain or something that that that helps a lot it's a happier version of that dude you think so i think that's a matter of perspective [Laughter] it is sad yeah this one is set okay so that's for the the form uh tab uh let's check other operations let's check the smooth this is very self-explanatory this will smooth based on a percentage and you can change the algorithm like you can change like iterative and fast iterative and change the number of steps you want to change the if you want to split your mesh personally i prefer the sub d but this this can have your uses okay so moving along you have the offset so let's just keep using this one as an example if i offset the mesh you will kind of inflate the mesh like a balloon and it will become bigger so you can go negative or positive directions you can also create a shell and what this will do is to create some thickness on it i believe so this one i don't use very often but this one i do use very often is a warp so let's go back to our bridge here and if you want to create a nicer bridge then the warp node is your node if i click on this one you will see that i have a preview the ghost one is my old one and i can have my bridge warp in one direction it's bended in this case i can twist it to do something like this or i can you know just use the flare or squish or i can use the bend which i do use very often i can change this axis you can see i have my gizmo here i can either change the gis more i can change the upper and lower bonds so if i go like 100 i can change this one something like this i can i can also rotate this one let's go here it still has some issues with the scale so it's a little bit tricky to to checks so if i check this one i can rotate the axis so i can bend along this direction and now you have a bended bridge so if i check the handle i can increase or decrease the influence that the band has in one axis or another one and i can also change the bend how many degrees i want if i want something like this or i want you slight curve so i can click accept and this one will just take a little bit because i have my nanite on it if i click save on my collision didn't update so i will update very fast remove collision apply there you go now let's just put it here and play from here and now you have your banded bridge okay very useful that's for bending objects and another one and i will use this one as an example is the lattice one of the most useful ones so if you're familiar with blender or 3d studio max or maya you would check that the lattice modifier is very useful so what you have this is control points and these control points go in different directions like x y and z you can multiply them along uh all those axis to have different handles what you can do is to change those handles like let's just say 2 by two by two which means i have like a cube what can i do with this and let me change this to three by three by three i can either select all of those select all of those handles let me create again okay select and just move them i can rotate it i can scale it if i go close enough i can scale it like this squeeze it i can select all of those go closer to my axis and i can move it and this is a this is a very good way to deform your your meshes and once you're happy with it you just click accept i think will be easier to check with the box if i have my lattice you can check easier here how you can modify all those objects here very useful stuff okay click accept and now i have my appended cue so let's go to the displays the displays is one of the most useful notes inside the molding editor tools so the displays it's a way to displace polygon along different axis you have a bunch of different options for this one so for this one i will create a rectangle click ok complete and now i will go to my polygons i will increase the polygon size of this one just for the sake of demonstration you can go to mesh operation remesh and you will increase the size of the polygons click accept and then go to your displays and by default it will be for subdivisions and if you see the loading you're gonna see a progress bar but if you see this it means it's loading so i will put two subdivisions and by default you're using the paralleline noise you have different noises you have like the sine wave you have the random noise you have the constant and you have a texture to the map so what i want to do is to just show the purlin noise or let's start with the sine wave with the sine wave we can change like for example i can change the sine wave frequency 0.1 let me change the subdivisions to 1 to make it faster 0.2 0.5 i can have very interesting results with this you can also change this to 1 or 50 have some crazy results actually it's capped so and you can change non uniformly like 50 on x 50 and why on c and you can have something like this you can also do the purlin noise and by default you have all these parameters you can play with this let's just say 0.1 0.001 you can change this to decrease or increase the frequency you can check like 0.05 and you can have something like this and you can use this as your ground if you want like if you click accept you can put it here and we can put some textures here let's just grab some mega scans surface material instance and let's just grab this one you know the problem with this mesh is that the displacement doesn't follow the texture so this is why we are going to use that displacement along the texture so let's create another rectangle click ok and here if i go to my displays you can check i have the option for texture to the map what i have here is the displacement and here i can choose a texture let's just say i want to choose this texture here and by default it will be very hard to see anything because i don't have much subdivisions so what i will do is to go to remesh click ok displace and now you can see i'm using this texture which has the height map where the white values go up and the darker values go down and this is a texture grab from quick cell so if i check here i can actually apply my material here and click accept and you will see i have my material here that goes along my texture and this is extremely useful because you can actually tile this if i click alt you can actually tile and they will tile perfectly and by using this method you can create a you can create a floor something like this and you can actually combine all of those go here append new asset click accept and this will be our new asset and if it's too many triangles you can just go to mesh operations and go to simplify and we will go through those steps little by little but you can simplify by percent dash or triangle code let's just say like 5000 seems to be a decent number for this one and you have your low poly version of this or you can use percentage like modified by 50 or 25 and then when you click accept then you will have your mesh here if i play from here this one is a little bit small so let's there you go i have my my floor here another thing that is really cool you can do with the displacement it's like to create some kind of cave or something so if you create a rectangle let's go to our this let's go to our remesh click accept so we can have some polygons here then let's go to our displays options and let's change this to maybe maybe this one so let me cancel this so i can apply the material first so if you put it like this this is very old generation where all the texture does the job we don't have budget for triangles but not anymore we can displace along the same height map here so you can change the displacement intensity so by default if i put 0 it will be flat nothing has changed but if i put like 20 it will be very strong so what you want to do is just to click accept i can also change the uv scale for this in case you want just click accept and then you can go to your wrap you can change the axis here let's just check if i can rotate this one along the z axis very hard to very hard to rotate i i i must say let's just click cancel and make this one bigger maybe this helps so let's go to warp or what we can do is bake transform for now okay let's warp again let's be very precise with this one okay whatever so you can create something like this and then you have your your mesh here too to use as your as your wall if you want but you can have it like this oops here and there you go okay very very useful feature the displacement um it's one of the most useful ones i i should say so um [Music] let's keep going so far any question um no no no you can proceed with that right so just keep in mind that this may seem overwhelming at the beginning but once you play with this you will be able to do a lot of stuff uh i can show you what i did with it let's let's go back here to our let's open this project let's make sure this one is we have time off and let's put something like this let's just hop our computer doesn't crash yeah we don't want it crushing it yep in any case it can open very fast so okay there you go so we can go to our showcase level and here you can see all these meshes were created inside unreal uh like this mesh here these parts were created using the modeling tools oh this meshes here let's ungroup it like this mesh here using the modeling tools to create unique meshes this part also made use the modeling tools this bridge is being used with the malin tools actually using the same method i just teach you these ropes were well these ropes were by blueprints but the connection here modeling tools also nothing has been modeled here uh outside of unreal here is another version of the tree from kwiksel which is bended using what i've just shown you and all this is use them all in tools nothing is being used to we are not using 3d studio max for this one this one is also use modeling tools for this one modeling tools for this one very very cool stuff so just to give you a glimpse of what you can do with the modeling tools this is a finished map so you can see that you can actually extend it to use it in real cases where you actually need to do something cool you can use the modeling tools to create those so this is very very useful okay so by the way if this is from a paid tutorial if you are interested on it let us know in the comments and i will put it uh but just for a demonstration like you can actually use the modeling tools to create something that it's you know unique okay let's go back to our example here awesome stuff you just need the basics and well a lot of time to play around with the tools right to to get in tune with them yeah i have spent several hours using the tools uh i will not dare to say hundreds but thousands for sure so and it's going to get better it's just going to get even better so the the more you use it the faster you get with it um the more you realize you can actually do more stuff in a real than in outside of it and faster with real time preview in context of your game environment which is awesome okay so let's move to the transform tools so these ones are very useful you can change the pivot point right now it's in the middle here if i click pivot i can move it to different directions or i can use the presets to put the center or the bottom left right top world origin will which snap to the origin in my case i will put it bottom and click accept and you will see that my pivot has updated in all my instances let's just say i rotate this one like this if i change the pivot point let's say here all my instances will be updated so just keep that in mind so let's go back to my pivot point go to my bottom okay another thing you can use is notice that if i scale this object let's just say i scale like this and i drag another one this is my same object here notice that i have this original scale and in order to fix this what we can do is actually bake the scale and rotation so you can check my rotation here is minus 40 and my scale is 2.5 2.25 in all axis if i click accept all my values will reset to zero and you will notice my mesh also changed is because i'm using these values and now if i drag the mesh again you will see that my now my rotation values and my scale values the original ones are these ones so this is very useful uh especially if you're modeling and you are scaling your objects don't forget to bake the scale and rotations okay now we have the army of the big head just like that okay so let's move on uh still in the army looks like the ship version of the unreal engine 5 version where they have all the statues in the lumen in the land of nanite so for this mesh we can actually simplify it we can change the polygons we can change the percentage and you can check the red sims are actually seams from my uvs we will change the uvs later we can change the percentage by maybe 50 or you can put that triangle count and put a number like maybe 500 you can have a very low poly version of this or maybe ten thousand and it will try it's best to get like ten thousand can change by vertex count or edge length like to try to keep it unified across all edges and so you also have the different simplifiers normal aware ue extender and some of them are better than others and but just keep in mind that uh it it will be a little bit slower like the ue standard uh it may do a better job but it just takes a little bit more time by default the qem works like a charm so you can show wireframe or show the groups okay uh you can preserve the shapes and a lot of things here but these are the basics of edge modifiers if i click accept i will have my new polygons green mesh on the other hand it's another thing it will create completely new topology not just by simplifying but as just say you can put like five thousand or ten thousand or fifteen thousand so it will try to unify all the edges to have the same size so this is great for planes like we just see before like the if you want to do something like this then remesh that's wonders another thing you can do is to weld the vertices for this one i will let's just say we'll remove some edges here let's just go to our triangle selection click this one and then we will disconnect triangles click accept and now my triangles are disconnected and you can clearly see this if i select by all connected all my vertices are connected except for this one so if i want to merge them i just need to weld them and you will see i have a axis here and i have a tolerance for how i can with my purchase i can click one two five just to increase the size by default it's a very small number if i click accept nothing seems like something has happened but if i click selection and click again now i have all my vertices connected again okay uh this is the merge so if i click for example this one you can see my topology here i can scale this one i can select these two and click on merge it will actually create like it will actually merge the vertices like you see my wireframe here if i click on merge it will delete all the polygons that are intersecting and it will create new topology so i can click accept and now this is my new mesh with my new topology here and looks like nothing has happened but actually these ones are connected now these ones or the other hand are not i can clearly see when i click that topology here okay another thing we can do is project let's just try to do uh example like this okay and we will create another one here this time we're going to use the displace let's just use the sign maybe something like this very very extreme case so if i go here and i click here i can go to project and i will actually match the shape of this one so it's like very similar to the project of the of the c brush tool this is especially useful when you're baking objects and you want your low poly to match as closely as possible to your high poly so that all your vertices are very close to each other the project mode is extremely useful so if i click accept now this is my new mesh that has the vertices projected here very useful stuff okay next we have the box wrap the box wrap is basically a voxel operations so what it will do and but i will show this by duplicating this one and append okay so you will see i have my topology like this if i go to box operations i will create new topology i can actually increase the size or decrease let's say 64 to have low resolution but actually now i have delete the inside faces so i can to like 256 or something like that to increase our resolution or 188 can auto simplify to simplify on areas where you don't need much resolution you can actually remove the intern here okay and this is the box cell so if you click accept you will see that i have a new mesh with no uvs the reason i can see this like this is because i don't have any uv okay i can also use the another box operation to play with those but we will use this often when we want to you know apply some details okay next is the inspect inspect mesh attributes it's a little bit hard to see because all my tangents are very big so you can change the wireframe you can change check the uv seams which we don't have because we don't have uvs we can check the normal seams you can check the vertices edges a wireframe it's basically an overview you can also check how many triangles and vertices you have it's just like the name says it's an inspector you can change the normals for example you can change by normal threshold you can change like like this or do something very low so you can have different normals here or you can put something like this to have more harsh version uh the normals are easier to see here if i click on this one normals you can check i have hard edges or soft edges let me create a sphere like this looks very smooth but that's because the normals are there all of this all of those if i decrease the size of this one like 0.01 sharp version or even this one let's do it again normals if i click this one i have a more smooth version if i change this one i have a sharp version okay moving on we can change the materials and i think we can use uh megascan's asset to show better how this one will look let's check one of those assets let's see maybe this one okay so we have our asset let's say you want to change the material of this floor so what you will do is to triangle select select by uv iceland and you can click all the uv icelands that are connected to this part just like this okay now you can create a polygroup if you want click accept okay and what you can do is actually change the material so if we go here to materials attributes just choose material edit you can do the same operations actually you can click by uv iceland or you can click by all in group here which is the group we created and you can see we can add materials here you can click add and we have a new material it's just this for the sake of demonstration let's just put the material gray and now what we can do is change the selected material to use the index 1 index 0 is our previous material index 1 is our new material and what we can do is assign selected material okay notice that if you click here it's not what you click is the number that is here so here is one so click assign and you will see i assign a new material on this one click accept and now my mesh is using a new material how cool is that now you can do the same and apply different materials like if you don't like this one let's just check a rod here something like this i don't know and you can apply different materials very easy to your surfaces this is especially useful when you want to apply tiling materials to a baked mesh and you want some areas of it to have like rocks or something like that say this one let's go to our surfaces let's go to this one this one makes more justice we can actually change the uvs here the transform uvs you can check this one and you can transform this just like this you can put different uvs here okay we will move to uvs later but for now this is the way you can assign different materials baking models we will check this at the end so before baking we will actually let's let's do it right now but we have a bunch of different uv operations so the way you can uv inside unreal is very easy you can auto uv and you will have a bunch of options you can click the checkerboard and you can preview the density of your uvs you can change it and you can actually change like the type of type of uvs you want okay i can change the uv channel if you have multiple scales and you can change the scale of the uvs once you're happy with it click accept unless you say let's just say you have a material so let's just check put this one here and this is my material if i go to auto uv if you want to check your material check keep original and now you will be able to to see how it looks like if you change your uvs okay another thing you can do is to do the unwrap and this will do a great job with the polygroups or the existing uvs and you can change the scale of this just like that okay so you can increase or decrease the size of your uvs which can increase or decrease the resolution of your texture a great tip if you want to check the resolution of your texture just go to optimization require texture resolution and if you click on your mesh you will be able to click here on texture and you will be see you will be able to see all the texture that the mesh is using so if i click on this one you will see that it turns green and i don't know if you can see over my screen but i have 2x over which means this is enough size and as i increase my size here if i get closer it becomes white which means this is a good resolution however if i go far like this like this is like green and if i go too close like this something like this i will start seeing like red or something like that and this means like your resolution is too low so for example if i change my uvs i can go to my mesh operations and wrap and change the uv scale to something like this and let's go back to our optimization view modes require texture resolution click on our cube and actually just you can click any of those textures you can see if i go very close it's red this means this is very blur and it's not really nice to have but if i go again to my required texture resolution click on one of those and click and just go far you will see that it gradually turns white from this distance and green from this one this means that even if it looks really bad from this angle from this distance is more than enough so this is a good way to check your textures okay so moving on we have the project you can have the kiev projection the cylinder projection which is good for cylinders of course and the plane projection which will project along one axis you can change the axis like project on this axis you will project all of those and you can fix this like outer or just auto uvs and then unwrap again okay next thing you can transform your uvs for example you can click on this one and change the uv resolution independently okay and this will change the resolution on this side but not on this one so another thing you can do is to same edit you can edit your themes click here and then click on this one here oops i believe it will be easier to check here if i go on this one same edit i can just click on this one and then just click and drag what i when where i want my theme to be if i create a new scene click okay and i have create a new scene for my mesh click accept and now i have a same here uh so just keep that one in mind i saw that reso gaming has a question go ahead uh if i want to make a eight kilometer map how what resolution i have i have select well this is a different topic but if i you go to landscape you will see the resolution here is actually the size if i go here and go to top i can measure this by clicking the right middle middle mouse button let me just click accept here click create and then click here can check like my resolution is like around 50 000 centimeters which is like 500 meters right so 500 meters is what i had here is actually this number so if you want a eight by eight you need to increase this number by a lot of uh a lot right so you can have like 255 by 255 give you by eight by eight which means eight kilometers so yeah that's that's how you create your big landscape this resolution actually determines the size of your of your landscape okay that's good to know all right let me just drink some water before going to the baking and we will wrap it up all right so baking you can actually bake objects in a real and this is an awesome feature actually so to do this i'm going to need my high polygon object and i'm going to need my low polygon object and baking if you're not familiar with this it's an operation you do to transfer the high polygon resolution model information into a texture that you will apply into the low polygon one so you can fake the resolution by using 2d maps usually a normal map an ambient occlusion map and a base color map where you can bake all the information so you can use the low polygon mesh and still have the high quality resolution texture so how do we do this first we will look for our mega scans and i believe is this one let's just look for a high polygon mesh should be this one okay so this mesh has a lot of polygons and you cannot see it because it's nanite but if i go here and i uncheck this and apply changes you will see that i have a lot of polygons and this is very heavy so what i would do is to duplicate this one and create a low poly version okay and let's just assume you don't you have to scan so let's just see how uh how you will do the locally inside unreal using the methods i have just shown you so notice that because my mesh is so high so many polygons it will take a while to duplicate the mesh so this is my new mesh entire exactly the same so what i will do is to boxalyze i will do the box wrap and it will take some time and there you go now i have my low polygon mesh i with the box wrap i make sure everything is connected and i don't have any open hole so let's just click accept and now this is my new version so i don't need this anymore so what i will do is to first let's make sure our holes we don't have any holes and you can see that when we press the whole field it says this mesh has no holes to fill so that's good that's good we don't want any holes the next thing we need to do is to optimize this version to use less polygons so we will simplify this and this do a very bad job so let's just remesh it first click accept and then we will simplify it by maybe 25 percent this seems to be enough or we can actually put the triangle count let's just put let's just put 2 000 seems like a reasonable number okay so now that we have this we have our low polygon here now we will put the normals and increase the normal size this is not necessary actually but just in case you want and now we need a texture so what we will do is to do the auto uv and you will see i have my checkerboard and some of these are distorted so i will click accept and then i will click on wrap and then i will go to conformal xmap seems to be working better with cubes or or more you know uh non-uniform surfaces so uniform surfaces i mean so conformal sometimes does the job so we have some issues here like this part is a little bit stretching you want all your squares to be as less stretch as possible so what we will do is to actually create some seams here we'll go to sim edit and we will go here to we draw the mesh here and we will close this one just to have something like this and you can actually create a scene for the face currently there is no option to delete sims this will be coming in the feature as far as i know so we can only add okay let's just add some seams here okay and another one here so basically the more seams we have uh the less stretch we will have here we will have a fair amount of stretching so let's keep it like that just to have a look oops crush okay it happened and i didn't save so we need to open our level again actually we can just use this one we can go to our mega scans 3d assets static mesh and we will look for our mesh here okay and we will duplicate this go to our modeling tools and do the same just duplicate delete sources almost there yeah okay so now that i have this let's go to our box wrap now this one already has uv so you don't really need to voxelize but i'm just doing this for the sake of showing how you can uv your mesh otherwise it wouldn't make sense just decimate this and that's it you don't need to bake anything because you already have the textures but if you're bringing data like scan data directly into unreal then this this is a good way so accept this is our new mesh let's go to remesh again accept now we will simplify this mesh let's just put like 20 or maybe just put that triangle count 2000 okay now we have our low poly we can auto uv click ok unwrap and click ok and now we have our uvs and another thing that we need to do is like if we go to layout we can actually see the layout here make sure your ubs and in zero to one space okay so if we go to transform you will see that by default my uvs are outside the bonds of 0 to 1. if you want to bake make sure you have the repack you can change the resolution for 2048 to check the padding and of course you want your uvs to be in one so click accept and now that we have our low poly there is one thing we need to do is looks like we have some shading issues here we will apply the tangent click accept and now we will bake so we will click this one first click the low resolution model click the high resolution model and you will see that you have the option here under attributes you can bake texture maps so if i click bake you will see that i will have my baked texture by default is 256 by 256 you can have the option to change this let's say i want 1k texture now this is much more higher resolution and i have make a normal map you can see my normal map here nice and crisp with some padding here we're using so by default i'm using a visualizer to check how my normal map will look like so if i want i can make the ambient occlusion and this will take a little bit more time because i'm being occlusion just takes more time and this is my ao map or you can texture 2d image and by this you need the texture of this one so we will need to find this texture here actually so let's go to this one and change the textures here just click on this one and source texture will be this one and for some reason it looks darker i don't know why but uh it just happens to me when i bake the base texture looks darker uh probably will be updated in the future uh for our case we just want the normal map so if we click accept now if we want to find our normal map we need to check our mesh here and you will have the generated normal app here if i click save all will save all my packages and of course i don't need this one and i can create a material for this so let's create a new material apply it and when i go here i can drag the normal map and i can change the base color let's just put something like this and now you have your low resolution version with only the normal map applied and you can see i will uncheck my nanite see the difference here in how much resolution you have here and how much resolution you have here of course none i'd solve these issues but in case you're doing a mobile game or something like that and you still need to go to the traditional road you can bake some things here there was a question about baking the machine inside blender or zbrush that it may be better or what is your opinion on that uh i also think it's better and definitely uh i think that the tool is very promising the way that you can be able to actually bake inside unreal the good thing about this is that you can actually check how it looks inside the engine normally you will need to bake in marmoset or zbrush or blender or any other 3d application and then you will re-import your mesh and check how it looks like [Music] by that time we're showing this the baking tools are not there yet i believe there is a lot of work need to be done so i will still if you want the highest like the best resolution possible the best quality for sure go for other 3d modeling package however i'm very positive about this that if they will update in the future and it will just be a blast i'm sure of it this is just the beginning for now stick to another 3d modelling packages to get the best resolution and the highest quality but this is just to show what you can do with the tools awesome all right so this will be it uh there are some others that you can convert this to a mesh to collision let's just say you want to convert this bench to a collision volume you can create collision for this one and you can add collision to your mesh here you can align boxes oriented boxes minimal spheres things like that or complex rules you can actually do the collision here and has some interesting results another thing you can do is to convert mesh to volume so let's say you want to convert this to a volume and click ok now our mesh is gone but you have a blocking volume so if i play here i actually have some collision here so very cool stuff actually there is no one way to do something but i think that the modeling tools are very promising we've been going through a lot like create shapes create different kinds of deformers modeling operations deform baked up pivot point bake the transform tools simplify the meshes weld vertices merge vertices voxel operations attributes uvs collisions like amazing yeah it's time for a break but a lot of good information in this stream about the modeling tools i have been enlightened yeah that's the idea so that more people can check like what kind of uh possibilities you have with the tools inside the engine a lot of people don't know about this they just are not aware that this exists and it can greatly increase the efficiency you have when you're creating a game or whatever you see that you're creating you're using these tools and you can just make the change inside the editor on real time and it's just amazing and it will keep evolving this is version 0.2 and it's some better so can't wait to see what epic team does with these tools it's been it's been evolving a lot then we can thank everyone that came to the stream hopefully the information was useful to us guys at least it was useful to me and we will see you probably next sunday right yep next sunday we will see you again with more topics let us know uh which kind of topic you would like to see and yeah we may do a video about it and if you need some help make sure to check the links in our website to check more of our stuff of what we do all right let's wrap it up
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 2,560
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, how to install unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial beginners, tutorial unreal 5, tutorial ue5, how to use unreal engine 5, unreal 5 tutorial fast, learn unreal engine free, download unreal 5, how to create a game with unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 fundamentals, ue5 tutorial series, unf games, unreal sensei, unreal engine 5 early access, download unreal engine 5, download ue5, introduction unreal engine 5, intro unreal 5
Id: 2ootJ5x_n_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 55sec (7435 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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