improve low resolution images quality in Photoshop cc 2017

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you hello and welcome in this quick guide brought to you by H design tutorials comm in this quick tutorial we'll take a look on how to improve and clean up image quality in Adobe Photoshop let's zoom in to see clearly how it looks like a low resolution image see it looks fully pixelated so if you have a photo like this one and for example you want to print this on a big poster or any other big print format after you print it it will may look pixelated so to prevent this from happening you should scale up your photos to a bigger resolution to do this we'll go to image menu and choose image size an image size window you make sure dimensions is set to pixels the resolution or the number of pixels per inch until we reach at least 3000 pixels in width or in height next we'll make sure is checked and we'll keep the resample option as automatic then let's click okay after doing this you'll get a bigger image but now when you zoom in it doesn't look pixelated and that's because we had increased the number of pixels per inch but this is not good enough as we still can clean up and process this image by applying a noise reduction filter let me first duplicate this image to keep it as a reference to compare it later filter menu camera roll filter inside the camera a window let's zoom in a little bit to see clearly the details let's switch to the detail tab the sharpening parameters all the way down then noise reduction will increase the luminance a little bit and decrease the luminance detail all the way down now you should be careful not freezing too much the luminance parameter because the more we increase the luminance parameter the more we lose the details of the photo so we'll try to keep the luminance parameter on the 70% next we'll set the luminance contrast to zero then we'll Koller to 100 then set caller detail to zero and set caller smoothness to 100 also a raise the amount of sharpening to bring back a little bit the details I'll set the amount of sharpening to 100 and set radios to 1.5 and I'll set the detail to ten and I'll set masking to zero then I'll click OK after applying color noise reduction the image may lose little amount of conger saturation so to fix this I'll go to image menu adjustments here in saturation to increase the saturation just a notch maybe plus 6 is great enough now let's compare the two pictures before and after replying the noise reduction filter you now you can clearly see the difference the processor damage on the top is more clean and soft so this is how I fix my low resolution images in Adobe Photoshop 2017 I hope you enjoyed this quick guide thanks for watching and please don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Hdesigntutorials
Views: 894,136
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Keywords: improve low resolution images quality in Photoshop cc 2017, improve, low, resolution, images, quality, adobe, photoshop, cc, 2017, depixelate, pixelated, photos, h design tutorials, hdesigntutorials,, tutorials
Id: uWAtYPMqPkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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