Control Explained - Who is Ahti? [Spoilers]

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when crafting a story it is important to create both characters and a universe that are believable to the viewer this is usually achieved by creating a world that is at least at first familiar to us all by creating characters that remind us of aspects of ourselves when introduced Jessie we are given a woman looking for her missing brother dr. darlings portrayed as an excitable scientist as he is shown as a janitor within the oldest house as the narrative unfolds however the familiar world and characters begin to develop into something much greater than we first realized none more so than the innocuous janitor within the first few minutes of Jesse arriving in the oldest house she comes across our team mopping up the hallway he comments that she is there for an interview and guides her past building lockdown into the executive sector throughout the narrative Jessie encounters odds he only a few times mostly this includes doing odd janitorial and repair assignments for him in the maintenance sector near the end of the story a janitor goes on his well-earned vacation and it is only by tracking him down to the foundation that they have their final words despite only appearing briefly within the game ah tea may be one of the most universally important characters in the remedy verse before discussing the relevance of the unusual janitor we must understand his motivation to know that we will have to discuss some basics of thermodynamics the second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease over time in simple terms entropy is the measure of disorder within a system a low entropy system is more ordered while a high entropy system is more chaotic in essence what the second law states is a system naturally grows more chaotic with time and it requires work to bring back order an easy example of this is the states of water-ice being a solid is a low entropy system as the molecules are frozen in place as a liquid water is a moderate entropy system as the molecules have free range but are still stuck together due to hydrogen bonding steam or any other gas is a high entropy system as the molecules are disjointed and tend to diffuse evenly throughout the system space entropy is a spontaneous process if you set ice on the counter and walk away it wants to melt then it wants to evaporate just like iron wants to rust and your yard wants to become overgrown when left on its own entropy will drive every aspect of life into chaos and it takes rigorous effort to maintain order if entropy is the universe's natural vector towards chaos who among us fights this metaphorical battle every day these would be the mechanics who repair our vehicles the contractor who fixes our home after a fire and more specific to the story of control these would be the janitors their jobs are to take a chaotic system and bring order from it in the abstract sense entropy can apply to anything a clean sink is a low entropy system and one filled with dirty dishes is a system of high entropy it takes work put into the system to fight against the entropy in our daily lives every time you do your laundry both lawn clean the toilet or go to the gym you are waging an endless war on entropy in your day-to-day life Otzi the janitor and those who reside within the maintenance sector spend their lives fighting against entropy in one form or another the first mission that jesse receives from auntie is to repair the coolant system and energy converters down and maintenance these are mundane tasks to be sure but don't mistake mundane for unimportant if the garbage man who comes every week took a few months off what would your neighborhood look like your home your yard the streets all would be full of trash the stench would be all-consuming insects would begin to swarm and disease would spread our personal health would suffer these sorts of mundane tasks are essential to our eternal battle against entropy aunty however dances to this never-ending tango with entropy on a whole different level as mentioned earlier the janitor was the one who guided Jessie past the bureau lockdown telling her she needed to go to the interview and what job was she interviewing for to be his assistant if the directors Duty is to be the assistant of the janitor exactly what kind of a janitor is he his concept of cleaning a clog out of the pipes is to prevent an extra dimensional entity from creeping into the bureau when asked to burn the trash in the furnace wheeler that a noncorporeal entity resides within the flames and that it demands human sacrifice only by feeding in barrels of toxic waste cannot see and Jesse keeps the entity pacified cleaning the mold that originates from an extra dimensional threshold is another example of these janitorial duties if left unchecked these threats would spill calamity for the bureau and by extension the world at large however rather than being seen as a crisis Otzi has all of these threats handled to the point where they seem like menial chores Otte the janitor obviously is more than he seems in a memo found within the bureau dr. thanh filed complaint when he was found mopping in a restricted access area wondering how he got past the ashtray maze salvador even gives instructions to a riche to deter any questions about auntie and to not allow anyone to intervene with his day-to-day routine when questioned the head of security simply says it is a classified matter now that we've established auntie's rule in the basics of entropy let's look to other clues about the mysterious janitor the name auntie can be tracked back to two places one being the egyptian goddess of misfortune the other is derived from an ocean god of the depths and fishing and finnish mythology due to remedy being a finished company it seems more likely that the janitors name save us from the latter if RT is an ocean god what is the ocean within the remedy verse the first time we hear about the cosmic ocean is in the prologue of Alan Wake during his nightmare Thomas Zane recites a poem that discusses this deeper darker ocean green where waves are both wilder and more serene do it Sabine - its boards it is not until the end of the game that Alan realizes what Zane meant the ocean is the grand reality the multiverse that encompasses all the lake Ellen called home is only a small part of that ocean it is this world that we experience it does not go unnoticed that when Jesse tracks down odds he at the start of his holiday she is forced to go through the Ocean View Motel into the janitors office in order to find him various doors are zayed within the motel that all lead to other realities as such the ocean view could be considered an island within the infinite ocean that overlooks reality in its entirety this is where it all comes together auntie is an ocean God and the Ocean View Motel overlooks all realities if Otzi is the janitor of the ocean view he is not simply the bureau's janitor he is the janitor of everything his war that is waged against entropy and chaos is a universal one every lake within this grand ocean is his responsibility throughout the narrative Otte is constantly listening to the sankaran tango when translated it follows the story of the hero archetype the course of the tune goes like this alone the hero travels deeper into the night this burden on his shoulders would be there always like a promise in the game this fool is beaten again and again but only a moment of rest and death is given already having to return every hero gives their entire being to stand against the forces of chaos these threats come in many forms for Alice it was the Dark Presence for Jesse the his residence for Jack it was time itself the hero however will never succeed entropy is a natural law of the universe and therefore it cannot be defeated the hero only acts as a temporary bulwark preventing a raging river of chaos from drowning reality in its depths so the question is is the points endeavor to fight a battle that can never be won the answer is no it is not pointless it is in fact a truly honorable pursuit even knowing that entropy can never be defeated heroes choose to stand up in every age to wage that eternal war without them everything would fall into chaos it should be apparent now why ante was rooting for Jesse to be appointed director he needed an assistant one who could carry on his janitorial duties it is only after she was appointed that audience his vacation was coming home later in the foundation he tells her that for Finn holidays are holy imagine working a job 24/7 for an untold number of centuries knowing that if you took a day off the universe could end now imagine that an assistant was hired that was proven capable of carrying on your duties it does seem like a good time to take a very well and vacation anyone who's ever worked a high-stress job can agree that went on vacation you do not want to be bothered auntie wants to leave everything behind crack open a beer and jump in the sauna and pretend that the eternal war with entropy does not exist after all that responsibility will be shouldered by Jessie until auntie has taken a deep breath recharged his soul and is ready to return from vacation and back into the endless battle as a janitor it is his ultimate duty to bring order from chaos [Music]
Channel: Gaming University
Views: 364,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remedy Entertainment, Remedy Games, Video Games, Game Theory, Gaming University, GameTheory, alan wake 2, remedy, gaming, controlremedy, xbox 360, video game rumination, Control Explained, Who is Ahti, Ahti the Janitor, Sankarin Tango, remedy games, what happened in control, remedy games control, Control Rumination, Control spoilers, Gaming University Control, Control Foundation DLC, control dlc, control story explained, control the foundation
Id: 79pFpAyGw2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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