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of the many curios contained within the depths of the oldest house there is one that is particularly grim it's not an object of power altered item or anything you'd expect concealed within the maintenance sector lies the nsc power plant central power station for the oldest house overlooked by most fbc personnel due to its mundane appearance it is quite possibly one of the bureau's dirtiest little secrets one whose true nature is on a need to know basis the nsc power plant doesn't just power the bureau rather that's the unintended side effect of its actual purpose as a containment chamber for former bureau director broderick northmoor so there's a lot to unpack here but let's first get into some tasty backstory since northmoor was a pretty important dude within the history and law of the fbc and then we can tackle just how a director became a glorified reactor from the various documents found in the game we know there has been at least four directors of the federal bureau of control faden trench northmoor and theodore ash senior as there are huge gaps in information we're uncertain of the length of these directors 10 years in fact we don't even know when the fbc was founded or if there was any precursor organizations to it documents in the game only go as far back as 1954 with the only relevant info being that the bureau was still considered young back then ash senior who was the oldest named director is the only one to have not been appointed to that position by the service weapon and the board in fact he never stepped foot inside the oldest house as it wasn't discovered until august 4th 1964 one week after his funeral this is where northmoor comes in according to the recordings found in the foundation dlc made by head of research theodore ash jr who obviously is the son of the previous director northmoor was just acting director until he entered the oldest house once inside he would end up discovering the service weapon on a pedestal in front of presumably the nail there's a discrepancy here between this audio log and the case file on the item but whatevs the simple act of him picking up the weapon would have huge ramifications not only for himself but the bureau on the whole for example it greatly impacted not only the role of the director but also introduced the board in the process establishing the requirements of the selection process for all future holders of the title the director became a liaison between the board and the fbc as one of the most powerful power utilitarians alive a para utilitarian is someone who can wield power natural powers and therefore can safely control objects of power whilst not all para utilitarians will become the director all directors have to have this innate ability up until jesse he was the most powerful one to date northmoor made the position of the director more than just a name on an office plaque the acting director role that he himself stepped into the oldest house with can no longer exist under this new system in the eyes of the board you're either the director or you're not and considering that the selection process is basically russian roulette it's do or die plus vitally the director serves a purpose as one of the most powerful forms of defense for the bureau board and ziweld that's one of the main reasons why trench would later create the prime candidate program but that's a story for another day in a nutshell the key things that northmoor was a part of include being the first director selected by the board being the reason why the oldest house gained that name and the bureau relocated to it finding and using the hotline the one direct form of communication with the board outside of the astral plane likely pushed for the acquirement and containment of more stuff be them objects of power or altered items further helped to develop the bureau's practices and presumably was one of the biggest factors in making the bureau into what it is today however his appointment as director was problematic from the start this was entirely down to his personality and how interacting with an entity such as the board aggravated his negative traits the guy was a bureaucrat okay he craved power and control and my god did he get it not only did he get full control over the fbc as an organization but obtained the blessing of a being incomprehensible to most he also acquired a level of power natural ability or power that few could ever hope to obtain his allegiance also switched from being america-centric to board-centric taking everything they said at face value he unlocked any skepticism to the story he was being fed by them because it gave him everything he desired in life they gave him a grandiose narrative where he was the center of it all even though that role is to be filled by the director and not specifically by northmoor himself which is an important distinction to make the board made him into one of the most important men alive and without meaning to implied that by acquiring and controlling more items he could gain even more power it was the perfect lure for a guy like him and he went off the deep end un freaking surprisingly he developed not only a messiah complex but megalomania he became disconnected from his very own staff but especially those who were uneasy about the board and the impact this was all having on him he dismissed any concerns raised even when it was clear that what was happening to him was destructive and dangerous he completely lost sight of what his actual role was as the director instead just fixating on power northmore's response to his medical results is particularly insightful into the state of his mind during the later stages of his directorship you can see so many of his worst traits out on full display throughout his response the most revealing ones being that he saw his powers as divine collaboration or as gifts how the only opinion who mattered to him was the boards and how dr rosin couldn't possibly understand the nature of his powers he had some real big brain energy going on by this point another interesting aspect is the fact he wished to conceal his health status from all other fbc personnel but most notably ash jr head of research and unofficial second banana of the bureau this is representative of how he viewed and distrusted his own staff by that point as well as his particular dislike of ash jr tensions between the two had already been hinted at in earlier correspondence likely stemming from ash jr being insubordinate and not viewing him or by extension the board favorably with all that explained we can finally get into how northmoor was confined to the power plant even if it is a tad unclear gun love control being purposely vague so according to trench's northmoor hotline call as well as mentioned by jesse when she reaches the top of the nrc northmoor lost control of his powers he even didn't know the limits of his abilities or more likely actively tried to push past them until he became overwhelmed this loss of control manifested itself as producing impossible amounts of heat and energy an ironic reflection of his explosive and power-hungry personality trench who was deputy chief at the time would propose a solution to the ongoing crisis the nsc was built to contain and siphon the excess energy produced by northmoor's body nsc is the acronym for the northmoor sarcophagus container its full name is only found one time during the entirety of the game right at the top of the power plant next to these screens all other times it's mentioned it either uses the acronym or the name is partly redacted even in trench's hotline call he only alludes to what went down he never outright says it i suppose at the end of the day a director's most basic duty is to keep the lights on but don't worry peeps because things they get much worse firstly bureau higher ups have actively concealed the nature of the plant from lower level staff staff and the executive sector and even those that are running the nrc seem completely unaware of what's actually generating the power even arish who served as maintenance security chief to your boy gets promoted doesn't appear to know what's inside the nfc or why salvador his boss had even sent into it to protect it he just knows that what's inside it is dangerous and that dr darling seemed to believe that it would be a target when asked about what exactly the power plant is arish only has this to say listen i only know what salvador told me but i know it generates all the electricity for the bureau and it's got two very simple rules one keep it below a certain temperature rule two don't ever ever open it oh and three uh it's classified so i shouldn't ask sounds like secrets our standard operating procedure around here oh yeah it's all part of the job when the head of sector security doesn't even know what they're protecting because it's classified that tells us a lot about the levels of secrecy we're dealing with here secondly the use of the term sarcophagus may hint at the fact that the energy being produced by northmood's body is nuclear in nature parallels can be drawn from the name to the chernobyl nuclear power plant sarcophagus used to contain the radiation produced from the remains of reactor 4. even more curious and something that i myself didn't realize despite watching a documentary on its construction is that the new shelter that was built to replace the original chernobyl sarcophagus is called the new safe confinement or n s c if control's nsc was nuclear powered then that would explain why the hiss getting to it would be exceptionally dangerous and explosive northmoor's body serves as a reactor core and therefore could easily be corrupted if that were to happen then it would be inconceivably destructive and destabilizing even in a vast power natural building such as the oldest house look even if the building held house shifts would mean that there would be no way to safely contain radiation or to create any exclusion zones and that's without even getting into the fact that the building is located within new york city disaster is an understatement now of course this is just my theory but it is based on interesting info and strangely specific coincidences finally we get to easily the most horrifying aspect of the nsc the detail that disturbed me the most and really got under my skin broderick northmoor yeah um he's very much alive in there in fact this isn't even up for debate as it's confirmed multiple times by the game which is what makes it so grim the first time it's brought up it's implied by atti which is why it can be so easily missed by players he does after all speak in a unique way when talking about how the water pumps and power generators need to be fixed atti refers to destabilizing of the power plant as this and the pensioner inside he started to feel the bent around his head tighten as control is set in 2019 and northmoor is the director in the 60s he would be a pensioner by now if he was still alive atti also can randomly say another piece of dialogue that supports this if you hang around in his office long enough after the previous cutscene these colorful pieces of dialogue are more literal than you'd expect the next time it's mentioned is in the nrc document found at the top of the power plant in the document it refers to whose ever name was redacted in the present tense we can piece together from trenches northmoor call as well as the big old north moore and on the side of the plant what that redacted name is finally the most concrete evidence to support him being alive isn't a conversation that arish can be overheard having late in the game hey i found a file on the old director northmoor didn't list any date of death uh you know anything about that could be an error the record staff process a lot of data maybe it just flipped through yeah maybe it's not an oversight or a clerical error the evidence control presents us with refutes this even if death would have been a kinder end for him there is no date because the dudes alive and what an awful way to live out your days confined to a chamber with no human contact sustenance or stimulation trapped alone in a form of purgatory to the day you hopefully pass of old age if you can even die i mean we don't know for certain that his paranatural powers don't translate to a prelong life expectancy or form of immortality which would make it even crueler of the many fates worse than death this one is particularly horrendous if this is what is considered humane by bureau standards then i'm good not knowing what was considered inhumane generally i see the fbc as more morally decent than the spc foundation which of course inspired it that being said this is something that the spc foundation would do so good job disappointing me guys the ball was set so low anyway that's the dirtiest secret of the federal bureau of control hope you found it as morbidly interesting as i did if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe and let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to cover till next time later spaghetti you
Channel: Midnight Morgan
Views: 42,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NSC, Northmoor, Trench, The Board, northmoor sarcophagus container, Alan Wake, AWE, FBC, Federal Bureau of Control, Remedy, Remedy Entertainment, Threshold Kids, dylan faden, jesse faden, oldest house, objects of power, altered items, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Polaris, Creepy, Spooky, max payne, nights springs, quantum break, control 2019, midnight morgan, control, nsc, alan wake, the foundation, awe, the oldest house, ahti, games, video game, altered world events
Id: q3VvkjmPZFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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