Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 27). Livestream

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our copy in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen remember all most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided inspired by this confidence I fly unto you my spiritual father and beg your protection o foster father of the Redeemer despise not my petitions but in your goodness hear and answer me amen Heavenly Father on this day 27 we come to you again asking you to pour out your Holy Spirit upon us as we discover in st. Joseph the pillar of families and ah as we also discover how the silence of st. Joseph and his hiddenness is now coming to light and he himself is speaking to us because you desire him to be more known and loved pour out your spirit upon us so that we can discern these things well and respond to every grace you desire to give us and as always we ask this through Christ our Lord amen the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay my friends so I started a little early tonight not the timing but I got on a few minutes before the official start because I wanted to make sure that the Facebook one was set up right evidently yesterday I was uh half of my face was showing on the Facebook version I'm so sorry about that I didn't realize that as I say it's the laptop is the YouTube one that's gigantic right in front of in front of me the phone is just a little tiny thing here so I'm sorry for that guys my bad so it looks like we're good to go now and maybe I should have been doing it like this the whole time because I'm looking at my phone right now and I think that looks pretty good and I apologize for the last 27 days only yesterday I think he saw half my face the rest of it I think you saw me but I was always like way on the edge I'm so sorry about that okay so that's the only thing from yesterday that I needed to cover him we got a lot of stuff to go through today I was saying right before we started that we could probably be here for a couple hours tonight because of the material it's really good stuff it's really good stuff so we're not gonna be here for two hours but it's really important some of the things are going to go through okay so day 27 the title from the litany of saint joseph hillier of families pray for us so I start with a quote from st. Teresa of Avila and she said those who are devoted to prayer should in a special manner cherish devotion to st. Joseph I know not how anyone can ponder on the sufferings trials and tribulations the Queen of Angels endure while it's caring for Jesus in his childhood without at the same time thinking st. thinking thanking st. Joseph for the services he rendered the divine child and his Blessed Mother nailed it now - and that was a long time ago when this doctor of the church st. Teresa of Avila said that and I you know I have to say to myself anyway you know in my study and my research of this even after she made that statement did so much to make st. Joseph's known I can't really say that the church on a huge level took that up and really went with that and and included st. Joseph's and so many other aspects of the devotional life of the church here and there maybe but not really as a whole and I think that that's why right now I think st. Teresa of Avila looking down on us now from you know her place and you know with our God probably be very happy because of all that's going on she's probably like finally they're getting it so I don't mean to put words in the mouth of the Saints I hope they don't mind but that's that's what I would say anyway if I was st. therese of Avila finally you guys about time all right so let me just read a few things to hear Jesus Mary and Joseph love families their three hearts are very concerned about what is happening to families today families are falling apart modern man has distanced himself from God and attempted to redefine what it means to be a family this is all over the place as a result divorce rates are at an all-time high the majority of married couples use contraception abortion is legal and it is socially acceptable for children to be raised by two dads and or two moms some messed up is that the family stands on the edge of a great precipice a great precipice now I'm gonna read a quote to you from st. John Paul the second because you know sometimes people today they may think of someone like me who's you know radical for the Lord but they might interpret some of the things that I say or the way that I say it oh he's just like a conspiracy guy man he's like he you know he's like everybody's out to get him and look I'm not like that but I definitely think that there is something at play in the world even through major organizations around the world that are trying to break down traditional marriage trying to break down society and basically rewrite everything change history you know I mean really there's a major thing going on here but at the heart of it mmm is the family and marriage because if you can redefine that the building blocks of civilization you can pretty much write to rewrite the book and that's what's going on and we got major players with tons of money influence and fame even at work seeking to do this but in case you think I'm a conspiracy theorist let's let me read this quote to you from st. John Paul the second remember this is the Vicar of Jesus Christ when he was the Pope here is what he says various programs backed by very powerful resources nowadays seem to aim at the breakdown of the family at times it appears that concerted efforts are being made to present as normal and attractive and even to glamorize situations which are in fact irregular indeed they contradict the truth and love which should inspire and guide relationships between men and women thus causing tensions and divisions and families with grave consequences particularly for children the moral conscience becomes darkened what is good true and beautiful is deformed and freedom is replaced by what is actually enslavement height so what's he talking about there oh you got your George Soros you got your World Health Organization you got your Planned Parenthood you got tons of famous people in Hollywood really you got your Bill Gates tons tons of major players right now with influence money and fame who are trying to basically redefine everything and create humanity as they would like to see it as they would like to see it now I think this has probably been going on you know from the beginning you know the devil messing everything up of course but the devil is very much at work right now still with many of these people who are you know radically against the good the true and the beautiful um I hope you're aware of this I hope you're not like father Callaway I mean you gotta be living on like Pluto bro if you're not aware of what's going on you know okay so st. Paul john paul ii is absolutely correct God established the family to be a school of love something beautiful delightful and life-giving and the devil and his agents want to destroy it Devils got a lot of agents today a lot of agents how are we ever going to turn the situation around how can we return to order the only way is to elevate the Holy Family as the model and blueprint of the family when the Holy Family is celebrated Society we will again know the sanctity of motherhood the heroism of fatherhood and the blessing of children I remember when the one of the editors for the book and a theologian with a doctorate from you know the angelicum in Rome he read that one last sentence I just read and he said follow that sentence right there is worth the book and I was like yeah it's pretty good sense that's not a little arrogant that I mean in that way but you know the truth when you hear the truth it just it's refreshing it's refreshing and it shines a light on the falsehoods and the darkness and this is what we know that we're dealing with right here in the world today is a lot of darkness you know a lot of a lot of bad things st. Joe mr. Trump went back some speech st. Joseph wants to be the pillar of your family a pillar is a foundation remember if you don't have a pillar holding things up everything collapses that's why we see in our current situation in the world that things are collapsing and people you know a lot of people don't see this they want to collapse they are intentionally desiring and aiming for the collapse because they want to rebuild everything as they want it and what's at the root of this again the could the deconstruction the defamation of family as the cell block of everything you take that away everything just collapses and especially when you take away the importance of fathers in the family or even the importance of fathers in the church you know so you just father gets replaced by a gazillion lay people in sanctuary and father just doesn't feel he's been emasculated what do I do gosh I went to seminary for college four years then you know four years of seminary and Here I am now choosing a life of celibacy which is not easy but I want the greater good the salvation of souls and basically now everybody's doing my job can't confess the sacraments of course at least not the Eucharist and confession but you know seriously when you emasculate men whatever their fatherhood is whether it's an sacramental marriage from the priesthood guys are just like I don't know what to do I'm not sure you know where my place is here and so now in society I mean you've got whatwhat's the presentation of men whether priests or even married men and most TV shows today sitcoms and so forth that they're basically just goofballs goofballs with no real manners or virtue they're just a bunch of slobs that the ladies laugh at people make fun of even their own children laugh at really this is the presentation of families it's been going on for quite a while now and in what most people sit around watching on a daily basis for you know four to five hours the TV set and so this is what you know we've come to no wonder we're seeing the collapse of civilization and societies and and and all of that because this is the presentation of the family that's been given right even the modern family you know TV show which is something messed up most so messed up and but this is you know what we're dealing with here I mean you know I'd love to watch some of those old movies where men were heroes and they saved the day and they they defended and died for the good the true and the beautiful or the movies you know 1940s or 50s or whatever were the priests were the priests were gentlemen and they were the one that people came to for moral guidance and they were they were Renaissance men in the sense of they you know were intelligent articulate and yet you know they have a little scotch and at the same time they could play the piano and they could also change a tire these were all around men but now the presentation of a priest on TV he's just a loser who can't get a girl and they generally portray priests as effeminate and most likely gay really this is what's been happening and so we've got this collapsed the pillars have been taken away you take away the pillars everything crumbles that's what we're dealing with that's actually why we got a lot of problems in the church too but I better be careful better be careful okay so let's see here a pillar is a foundation in order for your home to stand on a firm foundation and be unshakable your family needs st. Joseph he will teach your family the importance of prayer mutual respect purity honesty forgiveness love and most importantly placing God above all things okay we had a lot of ground to cover and a wonder today so let's let's go there right now to page 191 it's called Silent Witness mmm good stuff get ready my friends all right so I start with the quote from st. Pope Paul the sixth he says the gospel does not record a single word from him st. Joseph his language is silence and as we're going to see there's great holiness in that silence of st. Joseph the Lord loves this about him because he knows that he can depend upon him in that hiddenness and in that silence but things seem to be coming to a different phase now with the church and this recognition of st. Joseph so that we're starting to actually hear something about st. Joseph and actually from st. Joseph this is fascinating stuff all right so before I start getting into the meat of it I want to read this really cool quote to you from that blessed William Joseph Chaminade I remember when I found this quote from him in my research I wasn't sure exactly where to put it in the book and I was like gosh I'm not sure where it should go so I was just like I don't know just put it here so I could go probably anywhere in the book but it's a great one he says you would think that to protect this precious treasure Jesus the omnipotent God would equip him st. Joseph with Thunderbolts wrong Joseph sees in his arms a fugitive God he follows him he finds consolation only in his submission and in his confidence well that's so cool it's just such a great image because see that's how we think that's how I would have done it probably if entrusting my son in the care of a man who'd be my representative I mean he would have been like decked out with all kind of weapons he'd be looking like Rambo you know but that's the way we do it or at least that way I would have done it God doesn't do it that way God equips Saint Joseph with humility and silence that is powerful weapons right there my friends powerful weapons st. Joseph's never wanted to be in the forefront of the drama of salvation he preferred to remain hidden his desire is for all the attention all the attention to be given to Jesus and Mary the silence and humility of Saint Joseph are one of a kind revealing his power greatness and influence with God in the 17th century bishop jacques rousseau of france extolled the wonders of the silence and humility of saint joseph and by the way there's a lot of people that I did not put in the book I wanted to focus primarily on Saints blessed's mystic spokes but there's a lot of other people that I didn't really focus on in the book this is one of them this bishop booth so there's another one Jean Gere song who phenomenal stuff from centuries ago and many others that I didn't put in the book a lot of their stuff actually isn't in English it's either generally in French or some other Romance language or Latin and so to do that I would have had to probably spend years doing the translation and having people help me do the translation but here's a passage from the bishop booth so he says Jesus was revealed to the Apostles that they might announce him throughout the world he was revealed to Saint Joseph who was to remain silent and keep him hidden the Apostles are lights to make the world see Jesus Joseph is a veil to cover him and under that mysterious veil are hidden from us the virginity of Mary and the greatness of the Saviour of souls he who makes the apostles glorious with the glory of preaching glorifies Joseph by the humility of silence now you might be thinking okay cool quote there but I don't totally get it all right well boost this bishop Musso says the greatest thing that we have in Christianity is hidden and silent and veiled you know what it is right if you've read the book you got if you haven't read the book what it what is it the Eucharist hidden presence silent presence and veiled Tabernacle birth so Joseph in many ways is very similar to our Eucharistic Lord he's hidden he's silent and in veiled shrouded you know in in wonder and mystery but throughout the centuries and this has been increasing to the point now where we have these all over the place the Eucharist has has become so much appreciated that now we've seen an increase slowly throughout the centuries in Eucharistic Adoration you know we're blessed to live in the times that we do because back centuries ago they didn't have like perpetual adoration to the same degree that we have it today I mean it's it's all over the place today and praise God for this see what was hidden and veiled and silent and the greatest treasure of Christianity Jesus Christ Himself the source the summit of our faith and in the Blessed Sacrament is now being exposed for the masses to come to unveiled so to speak and perpetual adoration is being set up all over the place probably every diocese in the world now has at least one place of Perpetual Adoration many diocese now have many places of Perpetual Adoration or at least times of adoration in their diocese this is fantastic this brings about great renewal healings blessings vocations all that well something similar is now taking place over time with Saint Joseph his hiddenness silence is being shrouded in mystery is now becoming more prominent and it's about to be exposed in a huge way for the good of mankind and for the good of the church so I'm going to give you one example that was a few centuries ago that not a people not a lot of people know about mmm that I didn't know about until I did the research for this book because oftentimes many of these things we're talking about our apparitions of st. Joseph and you don't really think about him in apparitions you know we don't hear about that kind of stuff we know that our lady has been appearing in apparitions from the beginning of the church I mean really and truly as a matter of fact even while she still was on the earth and the apostles were still here she was already by locating you're aware of that right when st. James went to preach and he was you know having a difficult time at it and he went to Spain our lady actually during her life here on earth by located to him to strengthen him to encourage him that was the first one of Our Lady you know even here on earth being in two places at the same time and then after that there have been so many apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary you know the more famous ones but there are lesser known ones as well throughout the centuries but st. Joseph no not not so much this is really only a recent thing and so in the 17th century so this one this was a while ago this what I'm going to tell you about now On June 7 1660 and I'm gonna attempt from me in French I struggled with French yeah a lot of other languages I can read and pronounce but French you always get stuff on the end you don't pronounce and I don't even know why it's there so I'm not sure how to pronounce this one I think it's called T Colt Enoch or something like that so in France st. Joseph appeared to a shepherd spoke to him and worked miracles and wonders of healing and this is an amazing event that took place so there was this young man a shepherd named Gaspard and he was out with his and it was very hot and he was extremely thirsty and he didn't know how to quench his thirst there was nothing around the area well all of a sudden this man of dignified appearance he says appeared to him pointed to a rock and said to him I am Joseph lift this rock and you shall drink the rock was extremely heavy so he was like I can't lift that rock so the men you know said to him again you know lift the rock and so he went over to it fully believing he wasn't gonna be able to do it and he was able to do it it didn't all of a sudden a spring sprang up of water and it was the most pure you know water and he was able to to slake his thirst and he was in awe that he was able to move that rock and that there was a spring so he went to town and he told the people thinking they were gonna laugh at him and mock him but they were intrigued by so they went there and when they got there they saw that this Rock had been moved and they heard what the Shepherd said and it took another eight men to move the rock further so the more of this spring could be exposed and they were like you move this by yourself and it took eight grown men to move the rock you know so that more of the spring can be shown and then all of a sudden this gas part realized he said I am Joseph I saw saying that was st. Joseph and it news of this spread everywhere I mean everywhere so as word got out about what had taken place people began to come to the spring from all over France and many miracles occurred because of the faith of the people they pray to God for healing and God worked wonders through Saint Joseph and the miraculous spring isn't that interesting you know that even before Lourdes we had this event take place in France isn't it fascinating that you know so you know the husband and wife do similar things you know so they prayed to God for healing and God worked wonders through Saint Joseph in the miraculous spring the King of France king louis xiv heard about what was happening the village and was deeply impressed he was so moved that he consecrated all of France to st. Joseph on march 19th 1661 so the following year he also declared the feast of st. Joseph a national holiday throughout all of France Wow the site quickly became so popular that the local people built a shrine to Saint Joseph around the Mack miraculous spring for over a hundred years it was a place of great pilgrimage but at the time of the French Revolution remember not something to be celebrated these lunatics took our nuns to the guillotine and brought a prostitute into the Cathedral of Notre Dame and mocked the Ave Maria you don't celebrate this right the shrine was abandoned and fell into ruins in the French Revolution it was only restored in 1978 recently and now is operated by a group of Benedictine nuns hadn't been there yet I'd love to go there someday I went on a pilgrimage to the great shrines of France two years ago I think what a phenomenal pilgrimage that was my goodness that was one of my favorite ones it was off-the-charts that was such a great pilgrimage so let me read to you here getting back to the theme of the silence could see this this he's been shrouded in silence but you know beginning with this particular event and then building building building building building building like like July 4th coming up in the United States uh you know people go outside and you know they're knocking back a cold one getting a hamburger and a hot dog and then the night shows up and all of a sudden the fireworks start and there's one and there's another and then two and then boom and then it just it starts going and all sudden crescendos with the with the the grand finale so this is what this is what was happening right now my friends when it comes to st. Joseph's it's been building one one here one here maybe two all right something's coming something's coming so our lady said to st. Brigid of Sweden on one occasion this getting back to the whole theme of the holiness of st. Joseph's silence he said st. Joseph was so reserved and careful in his speech that not one word ever issued from his mouth that was not good and holy nor did he ever indulge in unnecessary or less than charitable conversation he was most patient and diligent in bearing fatigue he practiced extreme poverty he was most meek in bearing injuries he was strong and constant against enemies he was the faithful witness of the wonders of heaven wow that is so awesome and now in modern times you know I mentioned this the other day we've had probably two of the greatest female saints of modern times were very close to st. Joseph st. sure as of the zoo and remember the little flower on day 29 so in just a couple days we're going to read something about something extraordinary that we would not have the little flower we would not have the you know the little way of torez of the zoo had it not been for the intercession of st. Joseph and she loved and her parents loved st. Joseph and then st. Faustina Kowalska the Secretary of Divine Mercy she had a great love for st. Joseph so those two Saints have really high light in both of their autobiographies you know the story of a soul and divine mercy in my soul both of them emphasize and talk about the holiness and their relationship with st. Joseph often overlooked people who read both of those autobiographies often just bypass that thinking it's of no significance it's a huge significance okay however however there's somebody greater than Trezza bless you and Saint Faustina who want to see st. Joseph more known and loved you know who it is right oh yes it's the bride it's Our Lady the wife of st. Joseph she's been doing this from the beginning of the church by the way and now she's she's it's exploding work coming up to the grand finale I think think about it centuries Mary was the first person to unveil the greatness of st. Joseph by telling Saint Matthew and Saint Luke about aspects of the life of st. Joseph of what which they otherwise would have had no knowledge st. Matthew and Luke didn't know st. Joseph they never begged a they never met him they were probably about the same age as our Lord or there abouts you know they they had no knowledge so where did they get this stuff maybe I mentioned this at the beginning of this series I can't remember but it's important one because you know you've got these scholars today who come up with these ideas all we've got to create a an infancy narrative and we've got to bring in certain people so how do we do this oh here's a here's a Near Eastern myth you know some legend about some other deity let's borrow that superimpose our stuff on it and kind of create one and budge it Matthew and Luke getting fudge it okay this is why our lady was left after our Lord's resurrection ascension to teach the Apostles and the writers of the Gospels about things that they were clueless about so it was our lady our lady is the reason that st. Joseph is in the New Testament what the Holy Spirit - of course is the Holy Spirit the primary author working through the writers you know of the four Gospels and the rest know of the New Testament but it was our lady cooperating with the Holy Spirit who spoke up and talked about her husband in various you know scenes about the early Holy Family's life know the Annunciation and and then the Annunciation to Joseph and about the presentation about the visitation those things where do you think those things came from they had to come from the Blessed Virgin Mary cuz Matthew and Luke they didn't know Joseph okay cover that so today our lady the wife of Joseph is at it again she's doing it again guys so through her various apparitions Mary is making her husband known by bringing him with her and teaching the church about his importance she's been trying to get our attention actually about this for quite some time but now I mean the message is getting pretty strong the Holy Trinity is the one behind it of course and primarily so but there can be no doubt that Mary greatly design delights in it what the Holy Trinity is doing and wants it as well it seems Mary is once again asking Jesus to provide more wine they have no wine give him wine so she's doing her part to to make Joseph so much more known and loved here's a quote from that blessed Gabrielle Alegre remember who he is now the Sicilian priest who went to China and translated the Bible into Chinese and is a contemporary I mean I can remember exactly when he died but it might have been in like the late seventies early eighties someone so recent very recent you can look up the exact date he said in our time our time so we're talking about our time Our Lady has helped us comprehend and love her dear and chaste husband st. Joseph she has told us of the mystery surrounding him and of his greatness she has let us know something of her love for st. Joseph that most lovable Saint who for years of the Word made flesh in his arms so what is blessed Gabrielle Alegre referring to their house Our Lady been doing this and in in our times alright let's unpack it so recently with in this era of Saint Joseph that I've been talking about so remember in 1870 Blessed Pope Pius the 9th proclaimed st. Joseph the patron of the universal Church my friends when you do something like that when the Pope cooperating with the Holy Spirit make such a declaration like that things happen it has effect so this is why I like when we consecrate ourselves to st. Joseph it has effect when we lives lives of holiness it has affected bears good fruit so for example when the same Pope Blessed Pope Pius tonight declared Our Lady the Immaculate Conception in 1854 what then four years later you remember what happened four years later our lady came to st. Bernadette Soubirous and announced that she was the Immaculate Conception heaven responded to what the Pope did and all of a sudden we get an apparition of Our Lady that becomes beloved by the whole Catholic world just four years after the declaration made by the Pope well in 1870 the same Pope declared st. Joseph the patient of the universal Church so what happened just nine years later just nine years later st. Joseph's King Mary came Jesus came depicted as a lamb on the altar and even Saint John the Evangelist came Saint John the Apostle where do they come knock Ireland to Ireland and it's a it's an approved apparition no words were said you know by any of the you know by our ladies st. Joseph st. John no words were said but it was a very comforting apparition for it was 15 people on a very rainy rainy day that saw this and testified to this and this was fully approved and man Facebook just went out again I saw that flash sorry guys I hope that you're with me still yep somebody just wrote darn devil yeah say exactly oh yeah yeah this is what happens guys it's unbelievable my phone is like brand-new it should not be doing this it's it's crazy so um and the reception you where I'm at is like stellar you couldn't get a better reception you know so it was very comforting to the Irish people because they were going through a famine so no words needed to be said it was just a mother and father Saint would Saint John the Evangelist there to give them comfort during a very very difficult time I've been there twice by the way to this shrine in in Ireland I went the last time I was there I went with my mom and dad it was a great trip going there with my mom and dad so then after that Our Lady came again to Fatima but who also was at Fatima st. Joseph's see this is like the Forgotten asked of the Fatima apparitions sometimes it's mentioned in the books but again just like it is and the diary of st. Faustina or the you know story of a soul of Torres it gets forgotten people just read it they're like oh that's so nice and then they read the next page in like backup man they're talking about st. Joseph's here well in the apparitions of Fatima at the last apparition which was on October 13 1917 that's the apparition where you know the miracle of the Sun where I things like seventy thousand people saw the Sun gyrating and look like the whole cosmos you know was just gonna blow up witness this that was at the same apparition that st. Joseph came holding the Christ child and they're all the three children saw this holding the Christ child just like he is here they together simultaneously blessed the world that is huge my friends that is so huge because remember Our Lady of Fatima she's got a plan she talks about that peace plan the praying of the Rosary to stop the war to change history to renew everything and part of this plan is the blessing of our spiritual father it's huge because Our Lady you know filled with the Holy Spirit she knew what was coming the collapse the pillars would be taken away fatherhood would be mocked ridiculed even our spiritual fathers in the church many of them would be falling into into sins and even criminal activity horrible things you know what I'm talking about this stuff would be coming and so st. Joseph's place in Fatima is huge it is huge my friends as a matter of fact sister Lucia dos Santos remember the longest-lived visionary of the Fatima apparitions she stated that the final battle between good and evil would be over marriage and the family we're seeing that played out right now with people trying to redefine everything right now all we're seeing that played out in heaven caught us on October 13th 1917 that Jesus works miracles gives peace and blesses the world through st. Joseph's huge what st. Joseph's presents at Fatima also signifies is that a crucial component of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary which is a promise Our Lady made during the July 13th apparition to the three children is for the world to receive the simultaneous blessing of st. Joseph and Jesus father and son when the Church recognizes the blessing of st. Joseph's fatherhood Jesus will reign in hearts and Mary's Immaculate Heart will triumph that's why I've been saying we're not going to get the triumph of the emaki Heart of Mary until we get this right how could her heart be rejoicing and triumphant when families are collapsing it's not going to happen this it's gonna happen when this gets right this is how you're gonna correct everything civilization culture everything that good the true and the beautiful law-and-order all this stuff will be corrected what do you get the family right and especially when you get the father right this is why for the last century we've seen a complete attack on the father on his role on his importance big time big time man I wish that more people in church would acknowledge this and see this and shout it out to me it is so clear so clear so heavens not stopping they keep coming okay so I'm gonna skip ahead to one then we're gonna go back in time so let's jump ahead now to 1968 so really close to our to us right many of you you were around at that time I was born four years later in 72 but this isn't long ago right there was a series of apparitions of Jesus Mary and Joseph ends a tomb in a suburb of Cairo Egypt did you know this you can actually look this one up and you can actually see pictures yes you can after I'm done talking Google go to Google and find the pictures you're gonna be like what why do I never heard of this it's gonna pull your mom like what you're going to see so the town of Zeta is is fascinate this up the town of a tune is believed to have been one of the places the Holy Family visited during their sojourn in Egypt centuries earlier now I remember that when when I read about this during my mary ology studies I was like that's fascinating I wonder why he joked of all places and then I remember in one book that I was reading about it somebody said that this is most likely one of the towns that the Holy Family was in maybe for a long period of time but it probably may be a short period kind of on on the on the route where if you were if you were a traveler it would have been a place that you would have stopped we'll check this out probably about about five years ago maybe six years ago now I was at a conference and I mentioned this just in passing thes a tune Egypt thing after my talk and after I you know was me talking with people this guy comes up to me and he was you know he looked like he was Middle Eastern and he says to me father I can't believe that you you mentioned this and he goes do you know where I'm from do you know where I'm from and I'm like no he was I'm from Saint oh that's my count that's where I was born and he goes he goes and my grandfather my grandfather was alive when it happened and he testified to it he told all of it to us and he told us don't ever forget what happened and he said father we who are from that town we all know this has gone as part of our tradition from the time that happened that this it's not maybe one of the places that the Holy Family was they were definitely here he was telling me this a man from the town I was like it's unbelievable unbelievable I was so grateful to have met that man maybe he's watching tonight I don't know but God bless your brother that was such a a great thing for me when he told me that so check this up so incredibly when it happened in 1968 thousands of the inhabitants of that town saw this not just Christians it included Muslims Jews and government officials even police people who didn't believe anything they saw this and they got pictures of it there's actually even video of it the video is a little harder to find and in 1968 you know they didn't have some super high-tech thing but it's you can dig around you will find it it's absolutely amazing witness this as it knock there were no words spoken and no message is given the operations the apparitions took place above and around a Coptic Church and were approved by the local Coptic ecclesial authorities there Wow not amazing all right now we're gonna back up just a decade about something really fascinating that to me is extraordinary really extraordinary perhaps the most significant of all st. Joseph's appearances in modern times were the alleged apparitions given to sister Mildred Mary knew zeal I'm not sure I'm pronouncing her last name right there but she also goes by the name sister Mary Ephraim that works in the United States in the 1950s nineteen fifties guys so again not that loaded oh these apparitions are known as the apparitions of Our Lady of America maybe you've heard of those right maybe you haven't and there's updates that I'll be giving you just since the book came out so I'm gonna read this little section here to you so I don't miss anything I got some side notes to I so I'll have to look at those to give you some some other things the alleged apparitions given to sister Mary Ephraim occurred in Ohio why and took place over many years sister Mary Ephraim died in 2000 shall we died 20 years ago at the heart of the messages is a call to prayer conversion purity consecration to Our Lady as the Immaculate Conception and devotion to st. Joseph and in 1956 and 1958 st. Joseph himself spoke to Sister Mary Ephraim it's being unveiled the silence is breaking the mystery is about to reach its finale something something the messages of st. Joseph to Sister Mary Ephraim are extremely important for our times the themes in it everything I've just been telling you about the attack on fatherhood the deconstruction of the family and this all all that were going on right now it's at the heart of what what was conveyed in these messages st. Joseph spoke to her of his virginity purity obedience and love for his spouse he also informed sister Mary Ephraim that God desires that the world have a greater appreciation for the sufferings the heart of st. Joseph underwent in union with the hearts of Jesus and Mary st. Joseph spoke of the importance of devotion to his heart and spiritual fatherhood as well as how God desires to bless all fatherhood through Saint Joseph the recognition of the wonders of st. Joseph is of such great importance that st. Joseph instructed sister Mary Ephraim that God wants Saint Joseph to be honored on the first Wednesday of every month especially by the recitation of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and the reception of Holy Communion fascinating see haven't we seen stuff like that before when the church was going through difficult times and there were people who were really you know wandering away from the core teachings of the church guys who I won't get too technical here with certain movements and things but there was this movement called jansenism and it was really a harsh spirituality that was just like so lacking in in affection and tenderness and and even you know talking about the mercy of God it was just harsh it was really really intense and a lot of people just felt that they couldn't live up to - to what probably God was asking of them and they were just their sinners and it was they were being browbeat with this har spirituality and then God through Saint Mary Margaret Mary Alacoque gave the Sacred Heart devotion and we see this movement go and it was a groundswell movement by the lady and eventually the leaders caught on and then we get a feast a and then we get the first Friday and all that stuff you know something similar with the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady come you know through great Saints talking about it like st. John use and many others but then we we get apparitions talking about it as well like you Fatima then we can think the first Saturday devotion to Our Lady and now we've got allegedly st. Joseph talking about the first Wednesday now we're going to talk more about Wednesdays and their significance with Saint Joseph in just a couple days which is fascinating stuff but see the first Wednesday of the month because the three hearts are are one there so United remember we talked about the union of the two hearts for a while now that's great it's been wonderful but now we need to bring in st. Joseph because the fatherhood has got to take up his rightful place in the family how could we do this without leaving leave Saint Joseph out how are we gonna how we possibly think we're going to restore families when you leave out the head of the Holy Family it ain't gonna happen that's why we got to bring him into this whole equation we got we got to close the gap and that's why he's so important right now so I'm so excited I'm losing my place this is just so extremely important that um you know it can't be overlooked what what the Holy Spirit is wanting to do and wanting to emphasize and that's why as part of this you know and I say alleged right because I'm not the Magisterium and I'll give you the updates in a second but the the desire to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary on that first Wednesday but at any time um why why those because those are also the Joseph's mysteries think about those mysteries right you've you've got the Annunciation you've got the visitation you get the birth of our Savior you got the presentation and the finding in the temple Joseph is in all of those mysteries now you might be thinking okay I get the the other four but the first one how was st. Joseph in the Annunciation to Mary he's not he's not he wasn't in that scene how could we meditate upon him in that because it was his wife remember he was married to her when the angel came so don't leave amount you know bring him in to your meditation those are Joseph's mysteries the five Joyful Mysteries are Joseph's as well as our ladies see this is what heaven is screaming out to us pay attention guys trying so hard to get you to acknowledge that there's a crisis there's problems the enemy is on the attack and I'm giving you the weapons to use I'm giving you your things to use to counter-attack because remember we shouldn't just be on the defensive we need to be on the offensive we need to be the ones hunting for Souls we need to be the ones who are who are going out and and and and and and calling out the bad things and elevating the good things and seeking to renew through love overcome through love and that's why if you could we've got these things and you know there's a lot going on right now and there's a lot of things that I could say but you know we're a word a spiritual battle right now and I firmly believe that heaven is is trying really to get through our stubborn hearts and heads and teach us something vital right now phyto right now okay so I am NOT going to read all the messages there you you need to read them on your own and because it covers three full pages the ones that deal with st. Joseph they are my oh oh my gracious it's it's unbelievable it's unbelievable because all the things that I've been talking about and that the Saints have been talking about and that pokes in the last 150 years have been talking about are in it are in it just quick I'm not going to read it I'm not I promised myself I wouldn't do that because it will be here all night you need to read it but the things that are majorly emphasized in here I hope I can find it right now well where is it I list them oh it's me not that yeah so it's here Oh rats I can't find it now yeah whatever I'll find it in a minute I'm sure oh here we go just found it so the things that are highly emphasized in Joseph's words are his spiritual father hood his virginal father hood his youthful appearance his kingship his crown his heart and his cloak these things are so important guys I can't tell you how important this stuff is this is why I have these images like this commissioned this is why this movement is so huge this movement of consecration to st. Joseph is going to spark a renewal in the church I am positive of this I am positive of this man if I had a megaphone the size of the state of Rhode Island to just attention attention to the whole world heaven is trying to get our attention now I need to give you some updates because remember I told you we're in a spiritual battle we are in a spiritual battle right now and we're in a spiritual battle for the role true role of fatherhood well the father should be and you know we all just tell you the things so I'm not going to give to comment too much commentary on this so today and this would be time dated now that I'm going to say this is June what is it the 15th I think something like that so just last month May 7th 2020 an official statement came out from the bishop in Indiana and it was actually signed by four other bishops I think was for where sister Mary Ephraim lived at various times during her life and this official statement says that they could not conclude that these alleged apparitions were of supernatural origin and you can read the statement and and feel free to it you can find it it's easy to find so what does that mean they classified it as subjective inner religious experiences okay that's interests that's actually not the technical words that have classically been used but we have to respect what they did these are bishops and we are children of the church and we have to obey we have to obey did they condemn it no they did not this is very important for you to know because you know if it were condemned there's three categories where you can talk about after you do an investigation on an alleged apparition I'm not going to give you their Latin titles I don't wanna get too technical actually some of its going to be we're revising that section of my book to be in accord with the bishops statement so because that we have to we have to be obedient but there's there's gonna be more things coming I'll tell you what I mean in a second so the the alleged separation can either be outright condemned which this one was not it can be told that it is of supernatural origin which means approved or it can be said that it cannot be determined basically at this time that it's of supernatural origin and that's where it stands on the statement about from that bishop and the other four who signed it that it can't be determined if it's supernatural but it's not condemned so you cannot promote it or practice it publicly and there's a whole bunch I could go into there with there's a statue that's associated with it that our lady wanted persist in the Basilica in DC so that's not going to happen anytime soon because it's a public thing but you can practice this devotion privately that is actually in the letter from the bishop and I'm grateful for that that we can practice it privately but we do have to understand that you know these things came through the alleged visionary sister Mary Ephraim filtered through her own subjective consciousness and all that kind of stuff but they acknowledge that she was an extraordinary woman who lived an upright life in a virtuous life and there's something there even they said even more so than the average person would receive something extraordinary happened and at this time we can't determine that it's supernatural but what that basically said what they've left it open that possibly later maybe it could be determined a fur investigation maybe more evidence will come about maybe something else will happen that they will be able to determine that so that to me is actually a good thing because this is where I think that we can get theologians who are specialized in this classic theology of understanding certain things about apparitions or about you know Joseph ology or mary ology I don't know the particular Mary ologist or Joseph ologist that the bishops and their own people consulted I kind of wish I did know their names because I actually know I think the greatest mary ologist on the planet right now around the world I know them and none of them have told me that this commission talked to them so I I find that fascinating I also know I think they're probably the leading Mary ologists in the world I have a licentiate mary ology the ones that I know never say that they were consulted so I find that interesting and there's one particular thing about the statement that is intriguing and I think is a cause for even more people to do doctorates remember in this series I've been talking about hey do a doctorate on this theme that I mentioned or this quote from this Pope or the saint you know I think so far I'm I've commissioned somebody out there to do six doctorates already I'm gonna give you somebody a seventh okay so in their statement they say that in one of the messages alleged messages that Saint Joseph is referred to as the co redeem tour now that's an interesting phrase ology usually it would be called co-redeemer and they found that problematic and they said that this appears to be an error hmm I'm not so sure about that I think maybe they're relying upon the historicity of the lack of use of that term in regard to Saint Joseph being something relatively recent and they're right about that unless we do discover things that have not been translated into English because again I don't know the Joseph ologists that this Commission talked to or Mary ologists because a lot of these words in reference to Our Lady have been around for a long time maybe with st. Joseph we may just not be aware of it but regardless regardless there is a theological solidity and and and truthfulness to being able to call Saint Joseph a co-redeemer because all you got to do is break it down to what it means properly understood and what it doesn't mean just like you know if we can call Mary Theotokos right well there's a way to properly understand it she's the mother of God but she's not she didn't exist before guys she's not God you know she she gave to God a human nature but you know we have to understand it in the right way and we've worked through that of course right and that was declared centuries ago of course but see st. Paul talks about us being collaborators with Christ co-operators with Christ and and he talks about us filling up what is lacking in the mystical body now what could be did it did it did Christ not do everything is he deficient of course not right but it continues that work of salvation in time through the mystical body the church with our participation with our cooperation with our free will saying Fiat be it done to me too I want to cooperate I want to I want to be your vessel I want to be one who who helps bring about the rebirth of souls and see this is what Christianity is all about so this is why we can legitimately call Our Lady co-redemptrix doesn't mean that she's God because she's not catheters has never taught that never will but did she cooperate with Christ Oh big time and saints elastic Saints talk about these distinctions of objective redemption and subjective redemption and and the particular grace is that she married in certain things that she did not merit like her own Immaculate Conception again I don't want to get too technical here but this is this is why you need you really really well read theologians home who know the traditions and know what can be said and what cannot be said and I have to say that our Lady can be called co-redemptrix and pokes its said this about our lady right Saints have seven tons of tons of saints and there's a possibility that maybe that could be declared a Dogma in the future I don't know I'll leave that up to God right I would like to see our lady defined as co-redemptrix because it means with the Redeemer not the Redeemer Mary is not the Messiah or the Redeemer or the savior of the world she cannot do anything of her own she's a creature like you and me but United with Christ she's the new Eve the mother of all the living she's the one who cooperated in the most unique in particular way with Jesus in the salvation of the world she is the co-redemptrix will say Joseph said the church is remember it's been building it's we got a development of doctrine here with Saint Joseph there's something very truthful that can be said about st. Joseph because of his closeness to the hypostatic Union he's greater than the Angels no matter what choir he's greater than all Saints and all popes that union of his heart with the heart of his bride is pope leo xiii said and we've read maybe two weeks ago that union is so close that they share in a common mission that makes him co-redeemer as well with and under christ st. Joseph was not the Messiah he's not God he's not divine nobody's ever said this that would be totally off to say that but when you understand on the right way this is what makes us to us you and me we can be Co Redeemers in Christ I mean you know as well as I know you ain't God you ain't the Messiah okay who you are we watching this you ain't and neither am i but God wants us to cooperate and when we do our suffering the cross we bear the the things that we we do dependences that we do the the mortifications that we do Christ will use these things to fill up what is lacking in his mystical body for the salvation of souls so we cooperate we co redeem with and under Christ this my friends is theology 101 this is the basics of Christianity so I think that this is room for further development and somebody to do a doctorate this has really never been done before in the Scholastic way of unpacking it what it means and what it doesn't mean and so if you write that doctorate please please give it to the Commission because it's an opportunity if good can come out of this and I believe that it can and again we have to obey that statement they came out we have always have to say you know put things in their right place we cannot go trumpeting things with false statements that are contrary to what the bishop said this is our responsibility as children of the church yet they've left it open they've left it open they haven't condemned it so I find that fascinating but what I'm about to tell you you're gonna find even more fascinating but let me make sure that I didn't leave anything out here I think we're good there and by the way in we've already revised that the new edition it's not printed yet but we've revised it so that the things that I put in here are in conformity with the phrases that are used from the bishop statement in the next print run of the book because we have to be obedient we have to be children of the church we don't go rogue we don't do our own thing so we've conformed it to that statement and in the next print run which we coming up soon and you'll find it so all right that now I'm going to tell you about this because this is fascinating check this out last week I get a phone call from some friends of mine Dave and Joan Maroney they they have an apostolate that they work with the Marian's in spreading to by Mercy and they called me up and they said father are you aware of something going on with our Lady of America and I said yeah well you mean the the statement from the bishops and they said no no yeah we know that we know that they said but are you aware of a certain location Asst / visionary and I'm like um yeah I've heard of her name what are you talking about well this is what they told me now before I say this I want to preface this by saying this I am NOT the Pope I am NOT a bishop I am NOT the Magisterium I don't know if this is true or false I'm just relaying to you an update that I find interesting we'll see where it goes so keep that in mind I don't want to lead you astray in any way I myself obey everything that the church tells me to but here's something interesting they say that at the beginning of this year 2020 so remember the statement that came out from the bishop and the other four who signed it I think it's for I hope it's for I'm saying wrong whatever you can find out um that was came out May right now last year the bishop in Indiana he did come out with a statement but it was never publicized nobody knew about it right not even I knew about it and I was I was putting out this book and I was actually in contact with that same bishop but I was never revealed to me anything about this and best of my knowledge nobody in the public sphere knew about this other statement written out last year by the bishop but it wasn't publicized I'm pretty sure with 100% you know possibility but proof of what where we're going with that they have nobody know about this last year so it was he just kept there they wrote it but nothing was done I think maybe it was because they wanted the maybe the other for bishops this is my guess maybe they wanted the other for bishops to take their time and look at their study look at their investigation and feel comfortable signing you know their name to the one that was came out in May last month so nobody knew nobody knew about this well early this year there's a woman whom I know I don't know well who claims to have received locutions which means she's you're hearing and also visions of some kind in front of the statue of Our Lady of America Our Lady of America's speaking again allegedly before the even may statement came out heaven knowing that it would come out kind of May allegedly started communicate to another woman about the same stuff where's this gonna go I don't know hi oh no man I'm just like telling you I don't think it's done yet actually I've talked to a ton of theologians around the world about this and all these developments and there's theologians right now that I know that are actually working on papers to talk about a lot of this stuff about st. Joseph and about this whole development and about how he can be called a co-redeemer and about how you know about the church's growth in this development of not only that issue but tons of other things associated with st. Joseph and then there's stuff associated with Our Lady of America to that that I don't know because I know that in that whole movement there been different factions they've been one group who's had documents and another and somehow they didn't get along and one group sued the other I don't know all the detail is the out of that drama man you know I mean there's so much drama so she was some of the stuff sometimes I'm just like but you know somebody got to deal with it I'm just glad that I ain't the one but somebody got to deal with it well well we'll see what happens who knows maybe it'll come to nothing my friends maybe it'll come to nothing but nonetheless the important thing to remember here is that the bishops did not condemn they did not condemn the alleged apparitions they simply said it was a very subjective inner religious experience and of a high quality they said they left it open maybe the future it could be changed and I think that now is the time to take advantage of actually what the bishops have done in a certain sense they've given an opportunity to theologians high-caliber theologians you know to to to unpack it to do the research dig in those libraries in Rome and around the world and and and unpack this stuff theologically because today people don't do theology like they used to today a lot of people just do you know kind of historical theology they just study some dude and they write a paper on what he did in the 16th century which is cool which is cool but boy we could use a lot more like dogmatic theology systematic theologians who really unpack this stuff from two mystic foundations and I mean you you can do such wonders we're lacking in this today we're lacking in this today people oftentimes today in you know Catholic institutions studying for doctorates they're studying trees bro or they're talking about just about ecology now okay fine fine fine right but we need to get back to how they used to do theology I mean breaking it down distinctions making distinctions making distinctions and that's good even if you don't come to the conclusion that you want it and I say this of myself the truth Veritas is what we've got to get to and I think that we've got an opportunity here in this latest development of this particular alleged apparition to do some serious theological work we do so if any of you again our theologians maybe take this up maybe take this up okay my friends so I'm gonna leave it at that I think and I'm gonna beg you I am I'm gonna beg you because as I said I did not read those three pages to you in the hardcopy it's from page 196 to 198 those are the alleged words of st. Joseph to sister Mary Ephraim read those read those read it twice if you don't have the book yet get the book simply for those three pages my friends what st. Joseph allegedly says to this sister is mind-blowing mind-blowing and it's coming you can't stop it it's coming all right let's pray the litany of st. Joseph and today we're praying it in English because yesterday we prayed it in Latin okay and that's on page 233 in the hard copy in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen lord have mercy lord have mercy Christ have mercy Christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us God the Father of heaven have mercy on us god the son Redeemer of the world have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us Holy Trinity One God have mercy on us Holy Mary pray for us st. Joseph pray for us noble offspring of David pray for us light of patriarchs pray for us spouse of the mother of God pray for us Chace guardian of the virgin pray for us foster father of the son of God pray for us jealous defender of Christ pray for us head of the Holy Family pray for us Joseph most just pray for us Joseph most chaste pray for us Joseph most prudent pray for us Joseph most courageous pray for us Joseph most obedient pray for us Joseph most faithful pray for us mirror of patience pray for us lover of poverty pray for us model of workman pray for us glory of domestic life pray for us Guardian of virgins pray for us pillar of families pray for us comfort of the afflicted pray for us hope of the sick pray for us patron of the dying pray for us terror of demons pray for us protector of the holy church pray for us Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world spare us all Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us he has made him Lord of his household and Prince over all his possessions let us pray O God who in your loving Providence chose blessed Joseph to be the spouse most holy mother grant us the favor of having him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our protector you who live and reign forever and ever amen Heavenly Father we thank you for st. Joseph the pillar of families we pray that more men would seek to imitate him in that vocation of being a pillar and the more priests would seek to imitate him as well in their spiritual fatherhood as we see the collapse of marriages and families in civilization Heavenly Father we cry out to you in this urgent time asking you reveal Saint Joseph to us show us st. Joseph let us know him let us champion him let us proclaim his greatness and the truthfulness of him speak father send your prophets sent your people a message so needed for our times we beg you for this grace because we're in trouble we're in trouble father and we need we need this example we need the importance to know that our suffering is not wasted and a world filled with so much pain and sorrow that we too can cooperate with Jesus Christ and his mystical body the church that by our sufferings the crosses that we bear that we can imitate our Lord that we can be like Our Lady and st. Joseph and the Saints and be collaborators and co-operators in the mystery of salvation father reveal this mystery to us because it's so needed today to renew the church and to renew the world and we ask all of this as always through Christ our Lord amen and my friends may Almighty God bless you your families and especially for the conversion of loved ones the blessing of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen all right my friends remember each a odd yosef go to joseph god bless you all and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
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Id: QiHpckGlv5Q
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Length: 75min 11sec (4511 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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