Eating Gods with Zombies Only in Total Warhammer 3

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in the universe of omnipotent dragons bloodthirsty demons and literal avatars of God the most powerful creature in the entire total Warhammer universe is this guy Hellman Gorst is pretty much one of the most misleading heroes in the game because he looks like he is total garbage when in reality I would go so far as to say his campaign is the absolute most broken so broken in fact that he starts with a bunch of pretty good units some black coaches ghouls corpse carts and crypt and we are going to use only zombies we're also going to be playing on legendary difficulty because that's just how insane this strategy is so loading into the campaign we get to see the breathtaking image of hellmann gorse he's a real lady killer and a man killer and a killer the vampire counts play in a pretty different way from all the other factions all of their units don't actually route or break and they just crumble and die Raising Dead allows us to just instantly recruit units and we already now have them into the army and of course now we have to do the honors of disbanding every single one of our non-zombie the only exception to the zombies rule is that we are able to recruit Heroes so white Kings banshees necromancers that kind of stuff but in terms of actual units the only thing we get are zombies all right so now let's just get into the first battle and uh well the game actually says we could Auto resolve this funny enough but instead of doing that I'm just gonna go ahead and manually fight the battle so you can all see the beauty that is Hellman Gorst now over here we have the big Gorst man himself who as you could see is uh is riding only the finest 2006 Honda Civic first he has something called Vigor mortis which just makes our units A Little Bit Stronger secondly he has the Unholy lodestone which regenerates all units in the area and finally he has the thing which makes this whole campaign possible which is the reliquary corruption feeling oue damage to every single enemy in the radius in terms of zombies we have something very very complex and uh Nuance that we need to do with them and there it is I've expanded all my vampire cats brain power uh in order to create this so now we start the battle the old only thing we have to do is just move our units as one giant disgusting block I will Fast Forward though because these zombies are some of the slowest units in the game and watches my it just turns into a slideshow immediately the only weakness of this strategy is range units specifically ones that Target garst but he does have healing so we can just pretty much bring him back to full at any time and we have the very first well actual engagement of the game and it looks like they're gonna try to surround us uh little do they know that is exactly my plan so as Hellman gorse gets into combat here you can see the little particle effect that goes over all the clan rats and the reason of what that is is because it just starts draining their health because of helmet gorse and so if I move him over here now as soon as Hellman Gorst enters combat he's going to start draining every single one of these units in the radius and we've already broken the clan rats over here so they're gonna run away uh while Hellman gorse is just racking up the damage look we've already almost killed this other unit and if I go ahead and just fast forward if we look at Helm and Gorst here we're gonna notice that that he is very quickly racking up damage he's already dealt about 10 000 damage all while sitting on his cart and not moving all right so at this point I'm just fast forwarding because uh our our fights are gonna look a lot like this with Helm and gorse just walking in annihilating everybody everybody else slowly dying and all of our zombies regenerating enough HP to just be invulnerable the only downside is that we really can't chase units because our speed is 23. something something all of our zombies have two broken legs something something and looking at the post battle screen you can see that helmet gorse got 122 kills just just sitting there this strategy right now is essentially the most brain dead thing we could possibly get all right and coming over here we can also just go ahead and clear out this whole skaven thing and because these are all infantry we just win oh good it seems like the game has saved our deployment ah nice I didn't want to have to Clump up all my units again Jesus man somehow Hellman Gorst is going faster than the zombies despite the fact that he is being pulled by zombies but either way now we just fast forward and you can watch as a helmet ghost on the left is just racking up kills extremely quickly by simply sitting in melee and draining all the units around and as more infantry keep flooding in that just means they're gonna also start losing HP and dying just as quickly I mean right now we are literally surrounded and it simply doesn't matter if anything them surrounding us is doing more damage to their own units than it is to us but with some of Hellman Gore's later talents you're gonna see just why zombies only is so incredibly broken with this character okay I I have no idea what just happened because the game doesn't normally do this but it attributed all 1800 kills to our zombies we have two units of zombies that got 197 kills and we lost 29 people all right so we're just gonna go ahead and occupy because that's pretty much the best thing we have to do right now uh but as soon as we do so now we can immediately start adding more of our great zombie Armada the other thing that's particularly good about zombies is I'm just going to go over to our other Garrison here go and recruit a random Necromancer and then I'm just going to start recruiting zombies from him the only downside with recruiting more armies is that we are going to increase their upkeep by four percent for every Army we have but because zombies have a base upkeep of like 19 it doesn't matter at all heading into our technology we can also find the technology which is pretty much the best for our entire strategy battle healing cap plus 100 for zombies and Recruitment and raise dead minus 50 not to mention we also get an additional minus 35 upkeep for zombies and then five more leadership and then even later we get Vanguard deployment for all of them and Gore skill tree we can see his path of unique text now I'm not going to show you them right now but as soon as we get to rank 12 we can start getting them and I will show you why Hellman Gorst is the most powerful Lord in the entire game but right now we're just gonna go down his spell tree grab awoken from the grave which is his own unique spell invocation of the heck for healing and later Von hell's dance Macabre which gets pretty insane now these guys actually have some really strong stuff like poison wind mortars which are probably the best unit in the game versus Zombies but at the same time it just does not matter as a matter of fact we can somehow autoresolve this and only lose a single unit of zombies which I'm just gonna do that and better yet it's also created a legendary battle site so you can see 3283 casualties which will essentially allow us to raise even more units later I'm also just going to go ahead and recruit a third Lord because why not and with this kind of setup with zombies being so bad the bonuses for Chevrons are actually really really good all right and coming over to the skaven Army oh no it says a valiant defeat here's a hint that's a complete lie now I'm not really sure why the game seems to think that being outmaneuvered outgunned and outnumbered is somehow bad for our army because let's face it we were never gonna move anyways our plan is essentially going to consist of me sitting in this forest in all of these trees in order to mitigate range damage and uh and waiting also it looks like our reinforcements came in so we're just gonna go ahead and plop them all in the in the big zombob oh no not my back line of like 800 zombies whatever shall I do see now this is the kind of riveting gameplay I like to experience in my strategy games I could watch real time as I develop epilepsy this is like the greatest death Rave ever meanwhile we have Martin who's just standing over this I get the subtle feeling that uh he does not want to be here oh boy so if I try to move this blob what's gonna happen to my frame rate oh yeah I can already see my OBS on my left side just wanting to crash it's been eight minutes of maneuvering if you could even call it that and the battle hasn't even started oh good look at that the running the ranged units into my zombie blob good work AI you've uh you've really outdone yourself yet again they're even using AOE spells as if that matters because all I have to do is just wait for Helm and Gore's passive regeneration of all units in this area and he'll just pretty much bring everybody back to full the thing that makes this strategy even more disgusting is now that I've leveled up Van hels dance Macabre you can see that it gives melee attack plus 24 okay in an entire radius that means that our zombies go from hitting nothing to 34 melee attack with poison attacks meaning they have better stats than the skaven they're fighting right now I feel like this is really allowing me to express my skill as a strategy game player because neither do I have my hands on the keyboard or near the keyboard all right I'm back did I miss anything funnily enough this is actually the weakest part of the campaign for Hellman gorse so it was uh pretty ridiculous as this seems now this is basically like his tier one form and with a pretty successful battle uh hellmann Gorst racking up the 32 000 damage plus a pretty minor amount of casualties um 2000 we can now just go ahead and take the scrap Tower but why is scrap misspelled and I'm just gonna Auto resolve this fight this time and we're gonna lose a couple of zombies but it's pretty inconsequential so after occupying the city we could also go to our other special mechanic as vampire counts called the Bloodlines this essentially allows us to spend blood kisses which we get from killing enemy Lords and heroes and awaken the various Bloodlines of vampire leaders so because we're doing zombies only the Lords themselves are pretty useless but what's more helpful is that we get various bonuses from Awakening any of them right now the neck rock is the best because it increases a research rate but later we might want some of the other ones like casualty replenishment rate plus 10 and so on and so forth we also don't need any recruitment buildings whatsoever because zombies are able to be recruited from any level of settlement of course the scaven are gonna ask for peace when they have literally not a single Army according to the balance of power two thousand dollars is not nearly enough money so this right right here is actually very bad because it means that the ogres directly to our North have declared war luckily we're just in time to get Battle healing cap West 100 we can move Helm and Gorst over here to try and take out shamble Town that's a that's a creative name for a city either way hopefully we can just push the ogres back take this and then start moving North which is pretty much where we need to expand to anyways well it seems the ogres thought their wisest course of action was to go right next to Gorst in Mark's stance yeah I'm not really sure what they expected but uh if it was anything but this I would be surprised so although that Army wasn't really a problem we uh we do have the slight issue of an entirely other 20 stack led by the terrifying ogre named dad I don't know how ogres are born but if this guy had Parents they clearly hated him you know I'm sure that was worth Auto resolving I mean we only lost um 6024 units Another War this time from big fat man himself this one is probably the most disgusting because fighting nurgle is an absolute nightmare well also just got Gore's quest for the Lieber noctis which is essentially his legendary item which we'll pick up a bit later so the big positive about that giant fight leaf with 8 500 casualties is that if I go into a resurrect Deadpool we have every single unit available to us that also includes one of the best units in the vampire counts roster the mortise engine the mortise engine is extraordinarily busted because not only does it also provide more regeneration and magical attacks for all of our Undead but it also does that same damage effect that Hellman Gorst has which means that we could put it in every single one of our armies and everything would die but of course because we're doing zombies only I cannot recruit this which is sad as that makes me uh it's not even really necessary to make this good apparently if you give an order that helmet Gorst can't do he just says I could but I wouldn't either way this gave it decided that it made a lot of sense to come over here and uh get completely destroyed so we're gonna move all three of our Lords over here but in the meantime I will recruit fourth floor this will be our bloodline one of our neck Rock Lord when we look into skill tree is basically like a super spell Caster all right and we've even just gotten our Tech Tree 20 physical resistance for zombies making them even tankier after that we can even just get Vanguard deployment for pretty much our entire Army and more raised dead capacity for zombies which means we could just resurrect more and with the scaven attacking out now we can just go ahead and take the city which is pretty dang good which should also eliminate the sea infection yes so that means we're really just fighting kugath and the ogres of course I say just but uh coolgath is kind of scary I'm also going to awaken the Von karstein Master which is pretty useless because it does give us sylvanian crossbowmen but the casualty replenishment rate is what I want and here we go another War man we're just we're strength rank 173. Meanwhile we're definitely higher than that as you can see what really sucks that the AI abuses as incredibly weak and keeps declaring war on us when in reality uh we're gonna destroy this Army all right now the ghostbed is here we need to just bomb Rush as fast as we can oh no I also just realized that most of these units are almost dead we also got wind of death which is an extremely good ability that hopefully we can land right here it basically creates a surprise wind of death okay that just killed 560 people wait we might be able to win this after all all right let's see if Mr gorse could bring out another miracle uh 580 kills there we go rocking it up to about 800. hellmann Gorst has done 55 000 damage with two spells now go walk through the field of the 800 dead ungore Raiders and go uh go fight that cyborg in reality the only thing we need to do is just be able to cast some spells to throw zombies on top of this thing you missed you heard one job and you missed the like 40 foot tall giant with your spell good job Carl I'm glad you're happy about that I have a clue on how this is actually working but somehow we're beating the beastman Army which it did not look like we were gonna do and all of it is just with the power of copious amounts of zombies our entire Army is zombies and they still lost five times as many units as us not to mention Hellman Gorst was all of it I didn't realize they were in Ambush stance and we're gonna lose one of our armies here uh on the bright side now I can just recruit the Von karstine Lord who can probably walk back over there and just kill all of them okay you know what now that I look at the Von karstein Lord I I don't even think we want him he's just so bad goodbye Immortal vampire guy I'm gonna replace you with um Richard okay now with the power of God uh anime and Richard we should just be able to walk over here and insta kill the Beast so Gorst has finally hit Level 11. so I'm going to spend one point in diabolical presence which basically makes all of his effects have a larger radius and then I'm just gonna save the remaining skill point for when we hit rank 12 then we could just immediately grab some of these others now I've been sitting here and I keep hearing this weird noise happen yep there areas the best we can do is move goris down here to try and fend off kugav and then move all of our other Lords around to okay that that just created a really awkward traffic jam all right Army number five we recruit zombies at gold chevron one not to mention that my total re upkeep is 2400 when I have five armies well I figured this would happen so here's the slight problem with fighting kukat we love to be in a giant ball and kugeth loves to be in a giant ball even more he's also got 13 000 HP and by the end of this battle he's gonna heal another 13 000 HP oh boy the only good thing about uh we're fighting nergal is that they don't really have any range projectiles the only thing they do have is who how did he just hit that thing what I was saying is that besides crewgath they don't really have any range units so we can blob up relatively well it's also really great that kukat is using his ranged attacks instead of melee because who gets in melee is incredibly scary I mean you can see him shouting over there and he looks like he's just gonna put someone in his tummy well now he's just having a tantrum well this has been the slowest fight of my entire life but it seems like we are slowly winning I mean units are just lasting so so long because our units do no damage their units do no damage and everyone has regeneration as a wise man once said I have no idea what's going on because we killed pretty much actually yeah the entire rest of the army the only thing remaining is fugath and he's been hit with army losses although strangely even with army losses he still is not shattering the very mechanic that's supposed to end the battles is not even like he's just walking through people oh my God Jesus Christ all right finally uh he's he's gonna die after kicking like 37 zombies to death actually a lot more than 37. we get to look at the entire fight and look at the fact that Hellman gorse did everything thing once again I mean some of our zombies got zero kills and almost die actually this one did die and he got zero kills ah even better now we got a plague as well to go in addition to our big wet hug from kugaf which is of course ironic because we get minus 80 plague chance and we still got a plague the thing is we do have consolation in the fact that now Hellman Gorst is ranked 12 so we can grab Pastor ruin which gives a bit of a speed increase and then we can select from the other abilities that he has which are all absolutely nuts the first thing we'll get is uncanny resilience which gives battle healing cap plus 500 for zombies healing cap is essentially the amount that a unit can heal every battle so let's take an example of this full held zombie here which has about 12 000 Health that means that it can regenerate at maximum 12 000 Health in a battle but because we just increased the battle healing cap by 500 percent that means they can heal about 60 000 damage in a single battle what makes it incredibly busted even more is that if we go over here to the bonds of Flesh that increases it by another one hundred percent now I'm pretty sure the effects are multiplicative which means that we could heal about 120 000 Health per battle her zombie and we have 19 zombies per Army that means we can heal millions of HP every fight we can also walk over here and just take this ogre settlement real quick and although the game is gonna say we lose we we definitely don't lose our zombies also now have Vanguard deployments so I can just throw them right on top of the enemy pretty much every single battle from now on alright something fun I can do is just force path all of our units through the ogres in order to forcefully surround them which is barely they're just walking through us but we did actually win although I think we took uh probably a few more casualties than we should have something like a 1750 to a Garrison all right we did get another skill point for Gore so now we can go ahead and get another one of his really bus abilities and we'll choose the one that gives plus 12 melee attack for all zombies faction wide given the base stats for a zombie are five melee attack that is almost tripling the amount of melee attack they have and remember all of Gore's bonuses are faction wide that means that even these armies that are only 600 upkeep and we could just sprinkle absolutely everywhere their zombies also now have 19 melee attack and do poison damage it looks like greases has decided to come down here and what's great is that because we fought so many battles in this region I could just recruit a lord we'll go with a random Master Necromancer go to the raised Deadpool and immediately add 11 zombies into the army thereby raising half a 20 stack instantaneously and then I could go over to the haunted forest and pretty much do the exact same thing recruit another four zombies and immediately recruit another four zombies our income is taking a bit of a hit we're only at uh 500 per turn right now but because zombies are so cheap to recruit and maintain it just barely matters not to mention that for once in our lives we actually have more armies than the AI such that we can just start overwhelming them oh no the Disappeared negative growth the populace of one of your settlements is gradually Vanishing I wonder why and it looks like we're gonna meet kugath for the second time but now we're a little bit more prepared and we can just go ahead and bum rush in with a giant swath of zombies oh boy I sure do love how slow zombies are to do pretty much anything alright six minutes later and we've uh We've pretty much done it you know uh walked to the enemy pathway ah now as we approach the 10 minute Mark um just about nothing has happened nobody puts the time in real time strategy quite like Hellman Gorst the thing that transfers helmet gorse from a blob Master into a blob God is Van hels dots Macabre and the fact that one of his last skills decreases the cost so we could just give a pretty much army-wide 24 more melee attack bonus bringing our zombies almost up to 40 melee attack and that's not even counting the fact that Hellman Gorst Buffs all their stats anyways and that he's also draining all the enemies as well ah this seems like a very familiar circumstance shouldn't it kuga beautiful beautiful it only took about three minutes to kill kugath during Army losses I was gonna be surprised at saying a 390 kills from kugath but at this point I'm just not I mean we're taking 3 000 casualties every single fight it's honestly artistic in a way and with another gorse level up that means another skill Ward save plus 10 for all zombies faction wide not bad and the last skill we get is probably the best we also need to go ahead and bring all of our units up here to defend against greases and of course with our current setup we do need about three armies for every one Army in order to have a Fighting Chance uh now you get to see some of the downsides of our strategy and it's the fact fact that I have three full armies here and it still says the auto resolve is a valiant defeat I mean I'm going to win this it's just a matter of how painful does it have to be for me once again the best tactic we have is Corner camping because that's that's pretty much all we do you know what is quite bad is that ogres are very good at charging so they're just gonna keep cycle charge against most likely which is not very good surprise surprise zombies are kind of bad at this fundamental thing called Walking but we do get a ton of reinforcements in the form of all of our Undead friends so this makes it slightly better we are rocking such ludicrous amounts of units right now it is absolutely absurd it does seem like though they are slowly getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of Undead I mean they're not taking that much damage but it turns out when you outnumber your enemy like 10 000 to 100 you could trade pretty inefficiently the ogres keep trying to run away but it's just this Undead Legion just preventing them from moving with sheer bodies meanwhile greesus is over here who's just fighting a bunch of zombies that he has been fighting for the better part of six minutes good good we finally took down Greece's through the sheer power of um I guess our bare hands although I'm not even sure how many of these guys have hands anymore man I don't know why Gorst is so confident about fighting every single enemy I don't think there's a single other character that has dialogue options that are as condescending and like as Gorst I think what makes Gorst particularly good is that within the Warhammer universe as far as I know he is practically a no-name character and not only that but he has like five unique lines and that's it so we've essentially got one of the world's greatest disappointments just walking around and killing massive chaos demons like it's no problem I mean sure we're taking almost half of our army and casualties every time I auto resolve a fight but we pretty much gained back the entire Army in like 2 two turns so now that ghost has reached level 15 we have his Ultimate Super Saiyan form 907 which is ever onward effect range plus 50 for Van hels which means that giant AOE buff weapon strength plus 50 for zombies so our entire damage capacity is now multiplied by 1.5 and the best thing of all now our zombies have the ravenous dead so before in pretty much all of our armies the main form of healing was our spells like invocation of nahak and also some of our necromancers have a passive ability where they slowly heal units around them of course is pretty much the only one with his own dedicated heel which gives another 0.05 percent per second which isn't bad but the Raven is dead is eight times the healing and every single zombie gets it 0.4 percent might not sound like a lot of healing but because zombies have such high HP pools it ends up being something like 50 HP per second and that's on top of the fact that Gorst also has his own heel and then he has another heel for being a Necromancer on top of even the curse of undeath which means that now we have four different ways to heal our Undead and because the Regeneration capacity is about one thousand percent through HP they will basically never hit the regen cap allowing every single Army of zombies to just regen infinitely and effectively never die all while being 17 in upkeep decisive defeat really oh Graces haven't we already taught you a lesson man despite the fact that most of their units are anti-infantry Specialists our zombies are just holding like absolute tanks as you can see in the top left the Regeneration is ludicrous we're actually outpacing the damage they're doing to us I didn't even realize that Greece's has an ability everyone has a price I guess he's just bribing my zombies to have less melee attack God knows with what because it's not like he has many brains in there I'm realizing just how insane our regeneration is because Greece has got 200 kills 150 100 100 but we lost 299 units that means they pretty much exclusively killed our summons and all of our zombies were just not dying oh come on greases didn't we just teach you this lesson less units than this currently just beat his ass last turn and he comes in again this time weaker and with less units thinking yeah I think this will work out apparently beating someone stolen with 900 zombies is not actually a good teacher never mind it worked great why this is the same Army it's the third time in a row they're attacking me what kind of vampire counts vladi daddy is this I took zero casualties oh my God I'm so angry all right I'm not actually that angry because now finally we could just go ahead and Surround pretty much the entirety of the ogre resistance and probably kill the faction very quickly after that well OG how about you meet my friend called three full 20 stacks of zombies and it's still a puric victory back to the Grind all right at this point I'm just putting all my zombies into one massive control group and just telling them to go forward meanwhile I get to watch these ogres dude what is this what is this walk is this culturally significant man our zombies are trading just unreasonably effective I mean with all the stat bonuses they have they're taking less damage than the ogre bulls that are five times their cost not to mention we have a whole essentially another stack of gold chevron zombies just waiting to enter oh my God this is like the first battle I think I could Auto resolve and not lose a million units no I mean I only lost 3 600 zombies what makes the vampire counts even better is at the end of every battle depending on the vampire corruption some of your units just revive anyways so as you can see some of our zombies have zero HP which just means they're Reviving nice we killed one Army and all it took was four full 20 Stacks oh I've never actually played the ogres and I'm realizing now that uh without food their tribe is resorted to cannibalism maybe we're not so different after all maybe we can even be friends so by now we've reached the point where I have eight armies and it is only turned 24 4. but I've been recording for an egregiously long time because with this setup you have to manually fight out every single battle because zombies are absolute trash in the auto result so at this point I'm not really going to continue the campaign because we just need to keep recruiting armies of dirt cheap zombies to kill pretty much everyone and as you can see here fighting something that is so clearly in our favor the auto resolve still says that we will lose our entire Army and for the very last battle of the campaign it only really makes sense that uh I'm gonna go take a nap
Channel: Anti-Kleaper
Views: 1,497,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the grim kleaper, anti-kleaper, the_grim_kleaper, twitch, stream highlights, stream, moments, total war, total warhammer, warhammer, zombies only, total warhammer 3, total war warhammer 3, total war warhammer
Id: fGl7kxEhWS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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