Let No One Frustrate Your Purpose by Bishop G.E. Patterson

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I am appreciative and grateful to God for the great moves that we are experiencing in the midst of our youth department turn with me to the book of Ezra the Old Testament book of Ezra we want to go to chapter 4 and let me read in your hearing verses 4 and 5 and then we will make some comments and we'll be sitting down certainly happy for all of our visiting friends that with us today the busloads that have come from the different places to be a part of temple of deliverance on today god bless all of you the book of Ezra now that is Old Testament your own right behind second chronicles chapter four verses four and five then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah and troubled them in building and hard counsellors against them to frustrate their purpose all the days of Cyrus king of Persia even until the reign of Darius king of Persia I just want to say to you today let no one frustrate your purpose let no one frustrate your purpose when we speak of purpose we speak of something set up as an object or end to be attained and when you think in terms of reaching your purpose attaining that purpose preparation is always needed preparation is the action our process of making something ready for use or service of getting ready for some occasion when you have a purpose it is necessary first of all to prepare but I must serve notice upon you that even though you prepare to attain your purpose that that will always be the negative side that will attempt to frustrate or to defeat your endeavor to induce feelings of discouragement to bring to nothing to make invalid of no effect to nullify just because you have a purpose and you think you're prepared don't think that there will not be negative forces that will attempt to frustrate that purpose I think that I have a number of biblical examples that I might allude to quite quickly Satan will always attempt to frustrate your purpose if you don't believe it as Moses what was his purpose his purpose was to deliver Israel from 430 years of bondage and slavery down in the land of Egypt but although he had been born to families Hebrew a hebrew family and was reared up as the grandson of pharaoh he had the benefit of watching and observing and living like a prince of egypt on one side while being tutored by his real birth mother the religion of the Hebrews on the other side 40 years old he saw to her first of all he saw an Egyptian fighting with a Hebrew and he decided this is my time he kills the Egyptian he buries his body in the sand he doesn't really know how he's going to bring to fruition that for which he was born but the next time he attempted to counsel to Hebrews they themselves said you intend to kill us like you did that Egyptian and he recognized that what he had done was not a secret he also recognized that the people whom he was born to deliver were not ready for him sometimes you get prepared and you're ready to do the job but you find out the people are not ready for you that's called being born before your time or being you know a little bit earlier than your time so he has to go into Midian forty years he was only 40 years old when he thought he was going to be the deliverer but because his plan his purpose was frustrated it took him another 40 years when he comes back at 80 he has engaged in additional preparation and although he is constantly being discouraged on one side he knew his God well enough that it didn't matter what happened he was determined that his purpose would be fulfilled so in the midst of all of your scholastic achievements you must have the spiritual preparation that when the enemy attempts to frustrate your purpose you will be able to draw from a reservoir of spiritual strength and enrichment that will give you what you need in order to bounce back don't think you're not gonna get knocked down you are and it's no crime to get knocked down but you've got to have something in you that bounces back let me just move to another the Book of Israel it precedes of the book of Nehemiah now both Ezra and Nehemiah they had a similar task the southern kingdom of Israel the kingdom of Judah they have gone into captivity in the land of Babylon and there they are for seventy years but God who is able to touch the heart of those who you would think have no relationship with God the children of Israel they go down this southern kingdom of Judah they go down into Babylon and they are there under the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar but what happened is Nebuchadnezzar he gets lifted up in Pride and God allows his kingdom to be divided he was all right he did a lot of things and God did not bring him the judgment but one night he had a drunken ball using the holy vessels that had been captured from the holy city from the Temple in Jerusalem and he took those holy vessels put them in the temple of his idol God and while he was in the midst of a drunken celebration he told somebody go get those vessels that were taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and he pulls his wine into those vessels and he starts to drink wine out of the vessels that had been set apart for the use of Yahweh Jehovah Israel's God while he is drinking wine out of one of those vessels God allowed the fingers began to write on the wall now say what you want to the man is drunk and it would have been astounding had he seen the arm the tarsal the head and the entire body but God didn't let him see anything but his fingers writing on the wall he gets frustrated wait a minute wait a minute what is that somebody come and read this writing and it's a strange thing about is when God writes the devil can read it all of the magicians and the astrologers and soup sales they tried to read the writing but they could not read it somebody said that is one by the name of Daniel he has in the the wisdom of the God of heaven now this is important because it doesn't matter whether you get your bachelor's degree or masters your PhD or whatever you get retain the wisdom of the Word of God because you're going to get into some situations where there may be people there more highly educated than you from a secular point of view but God is going to always live a situation arise when there will be somebody needed who knows the mind of God and how to interpret what is going on so here comes Daniel nobody else could read the writing Daniel looks at it and it says is this what you want me to read yeah that's what we want you to read and Daniel looked at it it's a well it just says many many tikal you pross see it says that tongue you are weed in the balances and you found wanting and also says God has numbered your kingdom and finished it and it's going to be given to the Medes and the Persians and before Nebuchadnezzar knew it in comes the Medes and the Persians and they captured his kingdom and they ended up wouldn't instead of this child Ian's King they'd end up with a Persian king and this Persian king by the name of Cyrus he comes along later he was not the first one to come behind Nebuchadnezzar but he comes along years later after they've been enslaved for 70 years and the first thing that's in his heart is that God of Israel has placed it in my spirit to rebuild the temple when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah he tore down the temple he first took all of the holy vessels out and when King Zedekiah rebelled against him eleven years later he went back and destroyed the temple he also taught on the Falls around the city of Jerusalem so God has put it in my heart to rebuild the temple so he asked who is there left among the children of Judah those from the tribe of Judah and from the tribe of Benjamin that's ready to go back and build the temple to the Lord and some volunteers stood up and he said now those of you who are from the hometown of these people that's going you may not be going back to help build the temple but you bring them some offering and financed that trip and when one by the name of zerubbabel the son of shealtiel is named the governor of judah and he is sent to rebuild the temple Cyrus calls for shares beza and shares Baeza he said listen 70 years ago when Nebuchadnezzar took the vessels out of the Temple in Jerusalem said I want you now to take all of this stuff and take it back to Jerusalem and put it back in the temple where it was stolen from 70 years that stuff was down in Babylon 70 years it was in the house of an idol God but after 70 years God raises up a heathen King and makes him give all of that stuff back I tell you sometimes look like the devil takes everything that is worth having but it doesn't matter if God gives it to you you don't have to worry the time will come when he will make the enemy give it back he may take that which seems like it's yours and if you are frustrated and give up you won't have that which is your rightful possession but I'm here to tell you that God will make the devil give it back oh I wish you tell somebody I don't know what he stole from you but God will make him give it back no not now here I come I'm coming down to the close here when Ezra gets back to Judah he gets together the people and they start to rebuild the temple and after they start to rebuild the temple some critics they didn't want to see it happen they decided that they would try to sabotage the work by diluting the strengths of those men of Judah they saw we believe in the same God you believe in and we'd love to help you out but he knew that it was just a trick see if the enemy can dilute you if he can weaken you you end the educational process and today the emphasis was really on the high school graduates many of the high school graduates are going on into college I want you to know that when you get to college they're gonna try to dilute who you are oh yeah when you go into philosophy 101 they're gonna start trying to make you doubt that God even exists they're gonna come to you with a whole lot of different philosophies and teachings that will be diametrically opposed to everything that you have heard in church and if the enemy can get you to stop believing that there is one seated on a throne somewhere I don't know where heaven is I don't know if it's up there out yonder or where it exists but I do know that it exists I know that there is a God and that God is not a computer I know that he is the one that created the heavens and the earth and don't let anybody died your faith because they will frustrate your purpose God is trying to bring you into your purpose but he wants you to come in as a whole man as a whole woman as one believing in God saying my job is to build the temple of God in the hearts of men they said we believe in you God but I here's a rouble saying no no no we don't need your help we're going to build this temple and what do they do but they hire counselors to mingle in among the people and to frustrate that purpose a little bit differently in Nehemiah's case when nehemiah came back his purpose was not to build the temple but to rebuild the wall around the city and that was one by the name of sand dollar than one name Tobiah and they tried to frustrate them in building the wall by saying look at how look at how rickety this thing is if a fox run over it it'll fall come on down you know you're wasting your time trying to build that wall but Nehemiah took the position I'm doing a great work everybody may not understand what God is doing it they may not understand God's purpose in your life and before you get all the ends together what you're doing may be a little shaky but I'm here to tell you that if the purpose is ordained by God all you got to do is just keep on working and don't let the enemy frustrate your purpose let me move just a little further and I'm five minutes from being complete Satan even attempted to frustrate the purpose of Jesus well what was his purpose Bible says for this purpose was the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of the devil so Satan tried to frustrate the purpose of Jesus by compromise when the Lord was baptized in the river of Jordan going into the wilderness of temptation Satan said I see the road ahead of you you don't have to go that road you're traveling all you got to do now is bow down before me take a shortcut I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world called Jesus hungry after fasting for forty days and said you can have everything you're hungry don't wait until you come down out of this wilderness and go somewhere and sit down at a table to break your fast you got the power here's of stone turn that into bread oh come on up here on the high mountain and I know that it's already been written that here you can see the kingdoms of the world and all of these belong to me bow down one moment and I'll give them to you took him to the pinnacle of the temple said you know if you who you say you are all you got to do he's giving the angels charge over you all you got to do is jump down don't wherever they'll catch you and the devil will try to frustrate you and try to get you to do something stupid get you to take a shortcut but I'm here to tell you that in it purpose that is worth having it's gonna take a little time this is a day when you've got to get all of the education that you can possibly get and then your life has to be a life of continuing education when you think that you have done it with in high school and when you think you've done it with your bachelor's degree and go back and get your masters and go back and get a doctorate and then you got to still stay on the computer and keep learning more and more about what it is that you need to know to accomplish your purpose the devil tried his best to frustrate Jesus even at the last minute the flesh became weak jesus knew that the next day the cross the purpose for which he had come into the world would be there on Galka this ugly hill but I hear him saying for just a moment father if it's possible is there another way if so let this cup pass but even in that moment of frustration he didn't stay then entertain it long nevertheless it's not my will but thy will be done the enemy will try the frustrate your purpose but you got to understand that God has given you and I don't know what your purpose in life is I knew all along growing up what my purpose was I didn't know how it would come I didn't know when it would come but somewhat like Jeremiah when Jeremiah as a young man was approached by God to go in the prophesy to the people of Israel he said no I'm too young I'm just a child and the Lord said no he said before I form you in the belly I knew you and I ordained you a prophet to the nation's and I want you to know you're born for a divine purpose I don't know what your purpose is but you've got to lay hold on it early you got to know what it is that God has called you into this world to do and as you prepare for it don't let anything stop you one way that you can help to make your purpose clear up you got to know why every human creature was born according to the Book of Isaiah the Lord said I created you for my glory I formed you I made you anybody who's not praising God is not fulfilling that purpose I don't care how many degrees you have if you're too smart to praise God then you need to go back to school if you to smile to give praise to him hallelujah that form you in the womb of your mother and that brought you forth into this world and everything that you're doing every measure of success that you had it is only because God has given you a mind all he's got to do is snap his finger and you won't even know your name every one of us hallelujah the purpose is to praise God and I don't care what you have achieved don't give yourself the credit because it's God that has given you the mind it's thought that worked in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure and I'm determined that it doesn't matter how the enemy tries he will not frustrate my purpose my purpose is to lift up Jesus tell a dying world that he is the one he's the one that died on the cross for my sins he is the one that filled me with his spirit and told me that going all the world and preach his gospel men and women may not want to receive it but preach it anyhow tell it in the white house tell it on the street corner tell it in the church tell it everywhere you go that Jesus is Lord that he is the one that will bring you through any situation you may go through the valley of the shadow of death but I am saying I am you don't know what what what what's going on in your life but you ought to tell somebody I know what my purpose is and I'm not going to get frustrated I'm not gonna let the devil turn me around I'm not gonna let friends and associates turn me around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stand on your feet everybody there may be somebody in this building your purpose is not clear because you have not given your life to Jesus Christ if there's one in this building who doesn't know Jesus as Lord I want you to step in the nearest aisle and come here right now hallelujah any person in this building who doesn't know Jesus come now backslider that have known the Lord and you strayed away from him you can return to him on today says return unto me and I will return unto you saith the Lord maybe you're already saved and you want to make this your church home the door of the church is open there's no better time for you to come and to become a part of this church family than right now yes we have tremendous concern bless you young man tremendous young son concern for the young people would tremendous the concern for the business of continuing education
Channel: ROHO
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Id: hlN5YX3FlKs
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Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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