Useful Words to Say Things Are Cheap and Expensive

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- Today we're learning some very useful vocabulary, keep on watching to learn some different ways to say cheap and expensive. Now these two words, cheap and expensive, are among the most common adjectives out there. And I thought it would be time to teach you how to say them differently. We don't always want to say this is cheap, this was so cheap, this is so so cheap, (gibberish). Boring. And it's not just boring, sometimes it doesn't adequately describe something. So today I'm going to give you different words that kinda more accurately describes these two very important adjectives because we work with them all the time. So stick with me and learn some new great words. So let's start with cheap, the first synonym, and this is a direct synonym, meaning you can use it interchangeably is inexpensive. So if something is inexpensive it means it's cheap, it just doesn't cost a great deal. - This one you can use for most things, so instead of saying cheap, just say inexpensive. Okay, now another direct synonym for cheap is I forgot the word. Another direct synonym for cheap is low-price. Again, this is interchangeably, so you can use cheap, you can use inexpensive or you can use low-priced. The next synonym for cheap is affordable. Now, yes, of course this is a synonym, we can talk about something cheap being affordable, but I think I hear this a lot with big ticket items, so if something that is kind of usually expensive or usually is worth a lot of money. So talking about things like a car or a house or something that is usually very expensive. It doesn't cost too much, it's cheaper than we expected to be. Maybe we can say that it's affordable. The next one is cost-effective. And this one is one of those synonyms that has a very specific meaning. So, not only is it cheap, but it produces some good effect without costing a lot of money. So, it's kinda like good for the price. Cost-effective. It does the job and it doesn't have to cost you a lot. Our next adjective is budget, and don't confuse this one with the noun budget, because they mean slightly different things. When used as an adjective just stands for inexpensive. You know it's just a synonym for cheap. Our next synonym is reasonable, and this another one that is not quite a direct synonym for cheap. So if something is reasonable, it just kind of means that the price is not necessarily too cheap, but more like fair or moderate. Not too expensive. - It's not more or less, it's just fair. But of course you can use it as a synonym for cheap in the context that you're talking about fair prices. The next word is steal, and for this one I don't the verb to steal, it's a noun. So when you refer to something as a steal, that's kinda how we use it. It just means that's so cheap, almost like you stole it. - It shouldn't be that cheap, it should be illegal that it's that cheap, but it is. So this one is probably one of my favorites, because if I find something that's a steal, I'm having a great day, don't have to pay a lot of money, so life is great. Our next synonym is bargain, and this one just kind of means the same as steal, except steal is more informal. But really, they mean the same thing, it just mean something really really cheap. And usually bargain has the implication that whatever item you bought, you bought it on a sale for a price that's usually much lower than expected and maybe you just got a really good sale or deal. Okay, so now that you know some wonderful synonyms for cheap, how about we talk about expensive. I just realized these are not gonna be as fun as cheap, because nobody likes to talk about expensive things. So we are going to start with the most kinda direct synonym for expensive and this one is costly. Now pay attention how you pronounce this word, because you do not hear the t, it's a very subtle, almost silent t. It just means costing a lot. If something's costly, costs a lot of money. So, it's expensive. It's costly. Our next synonym is overpriced, and this one has a slightly different meaning and it just kind a means if something is overpriced, it cost more than it should. Yes, it's expensive, but it shouldn't be this expensive. It just it's way too much, it's overpriced. The next one is pricey, and this is kinda like costly, is kind of a direct synonym for expensive, and it just means costing a lot of money. It's expensive. The next one is valuable, and this one kinda has two meanings, one of them is, obviously the directly related to money. If something is valuable it means it's worth a lot of money. - But it can also mean that it has another kind of value as well. It doesn't necessarily have to be about money. So something valuable to you could be maybe something one of a kind. - I'll say this many times when we're talking about valuable, we are talking about, um, I hear to jewelry a lot. So, you know, like her ring or earing or something would be valuable. Our next word is extravagant, and I would say that this one also has a slightly different meaning, usually when something is extravagant, it cost a little bit more than you can afford or more than you should pay for it. Extravagant, is kind of connected to like a life of luxury. So extravagant can also be more than something reasonable, it's just too much. Our next word is lavish, and I put extravagant and lavish together because they are kind of related. So when we're talking about lavish is kinda still that idea of that life style. If it's something that is elaborate, that's expensive, that a lot of money was spent on it and maybe just something that it's a little bit abundant. Lavish, it's really kind of luxurious. So maybe you've notice that this words have kind of gone from just, you know, expensive to like, crazy expensive. Well, our next word is even crazier on the expensive scale. And it is exorbitant. Something is exorbitant it means that it is at an unreasonably high price, the price is so high that it just, no. Why would you pay so much for this? It is exorbitant. So whenever you use this word you wouldn't just describe expensive, but you would describe something so expensive that it is almost insane. - Completely unreasonable, it doesn't make any sense, yet it cost this much. Exorbitant. And our next synonym is kind of an idiom. Well, it's not kind of, it's an idiom. Therefore it's a little bit less formal, and it is an arm and a leg. It means very expensive not as expensive as exorbitant, but it just means very very expensive. Okay, so now I want you to practice this words that we've just learn, so what I want you to do is in the comments, use one of the words we learned and tell us about something you think it's cheap or expensive. Remember, the more you use the vocabulary the better it will stick in your mind, so you know if you want to tell us about ten things, twenty things, whatever, the better you'll remember them. I hope you enjoyed this lesson and learned some new vocabulary words, if you did, please give us some love, thumbs up, share, whatever you want to do. I also hope that your purchases in the future are not exorbitant or extravagant. But instead they are reasonable and affordable. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye.
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Keywords: Learn English Free, Learn English Online, remember vocabulary, learn english ielts vocabulary, learn english toefl vocabulary, build english vocabulary, improve english vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, ingles vocabularia, aprender ingles vocabularia, interactive english, fun vocabulary lesson, learn english words, synonyms for cheap, synonyms for expensive, useful words, how to say cheap expensive, learn synonyms, learn words quickly
Id: VQc_rQsE1oI
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Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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