Confronting Grant Cardone On Buying $40 Billion Of Real Estate

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so today was our first ever virtual episode and we made an exception because we had a very special guest on none other than mr grant cardone and let me tell you i did not know what to expect on this interview we kind of went into it with a blank slate and i just wanted to ask him some questions that i personally have been wondering over the years and he gave me so much more than i even thought we talked about what it takes to go from zero to millionaire what it takes to go from millionaire to billionaire we talked about his thoughts on crypto nfts all the money printing we also go over how he's starting a brand new non-accredited investor fund that looks really promising and we just talk about what his goal is overall and what you know he's going to be doing with the rest of his life and why he continues to just go so hard even though he's already done so much so you want to make sure you watch it till the end now let's jump into it are you looking to grow your real estate investing business my company future flipper can help we've taught hundreds of people all over the country how to flip wholesale and buy rental properties and it doesn't matter where you're at in your investing journey whether you're trying to get your first deal or scale your company future flipper can help we have courses coaching and events for all levels of investors so if you want to take the next step go to and book a free consultation to see how we can best help you once again that's if you've ever wanted to invest with me on my real estate deals it's now possible at pineda capital we're purchasing value-add real estate all across the country this includes multi-family commercial and land development the best part is with my network social media presence and marketing strategies we're able to get the very best deals that others don't have access to you can join in with me on those deals if you're an accredited investor if you want to learn more head over to pineda to see our current opportunities once again that's pineda welcome to the ryan pineda show where our mission is to invest i only expect to make money and things that i understand innovative it's about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past can inspire i am much more likely to hit my goal just due to putting it out there you're now rocking with the best what's going on everybody welcome to another episode of the ryan pineda show this is actually our first ever virtual episode because we have such a special guest today coming out of miami none other than mr grant cardone what up man ryan thank you for having me bro i really appreciate your time yeah dude so man right before this call i saw you closing a big deal and making things happen you're just always on the go you know i i find that i'm happier when i got stuff going on and the bigger the bigger the deal is the happier i am the more intrigued i am the more excited i am yeah well you got a big smile on your face for everybody who's listening so dude we got a bunch of things to talk about today um you've got a new fun coming out that i want to touch on um but man i've had a a few different questions for you over the years um the first time i ever became acquainted with you was at 10x in 2018 and uh right here in vegas and that inspired me to write my book flip your future you know it inspired me to do a bunch of different things and uh man so i just want to thank you and uh i've got still a picture with you from that so it's cool to finally have you on the podcast man yeah ryan thank you and and uh uh that 2018 what was that vegas that was mandalay bay right yup yup that was in vegas how good was that event dude it was crazy man and i saw you running a promo for 2022. and dude you actually used my testimonial in the promo i was like how they still have that footage yeah that's awesome well we we we do you know i'm proud to say that i i don't know if anybody does a better event than i do my team does phenomenal we spend a lot of money on light sound and talent and it it's a big show man and nobody's really done a business conference at this level this has become the biggest business conference in the world we charge more money for our seats than anyone it is a profitable profitable event from day one like the moment i open those doors we're already making money so we don't have to hard sell uh you know if you've ever been to one of these free events in a cold room where they're like they're gonna bring tony and pitbull and grant and and stallone but you gotta you gotta put up with a lot of on the way to to to finally get those guys uh we don't do that so um i'm really uh proud of how the public's responded every one of these events has sold out oversold seats and i think we are 80 percent sold out for 2022 yeah and it's not it we don't it's not for november december january it's for five months out and i'm already sold out uh almost yeah yeah no you guys do a great job man the events are crazy so how are you guys doing with um you know all the vaccine stuff i know you've been critical of all of these policies and uh how's everything been going with that so when when they started uh you know mandating the the the uh the poke i i don't like anybody man you know telling me what i got to do you know you know and most people don't by the way and i started listening to the public and i'm like since then southwest stood up chicago police stood up los angeles fire department stood up uh last last night american airlines stood up teachers nurses uh 20 of the nurses in this country supposedly refused to get back safe vaccinated but can't talk so we started promoting that uh my company we have about 700 employees worldwide and we i made a clear mandate i'm mandated we will not enforce the man the the vaccine so we hire people that aren't poked if you want to get poked you can work here we don't get involved in what you poke you want to poke yourself poke yourself it's none of my damn business you don't want to get poked you want somebody else to poke you i don't know what you do with your life you do what you like what you want to do with your life i just want people that work hard i appreciate people's hard work their contribution their time i is none of my business your health care is none of my business so i don't tell people what to eat i don't tell them how how much to exercise that's what ought to be mandated by the way i want you to mandate eating fruits and vegetables working out 30 minutes a day getting some cardio in staying away from freaking soda but you know we live in a free country man should be free will yeah i'm with you man it's funny because entrepreneurs are the ones starting businesses and you know we're not known for wanting to follow rules and be told being told what to do so it's an interesting thing man um yeah so i've got a few different questions for you i know that uh you did undercover billionaire um really cool show and you've got just such a crazy story with um you know what you went through early on in your career um you know going through drugs and then rebuilding yourself and then accumulating this portfolio worth billions of dollars what do you think is the biggest step from going you know zero to millionaire and then millionaire to billionaire how does it differ yeah so in the beginning you're just in the beginning at least i was just hungry man i was like and disgusted and disappointed with myself so i remember being 25 years old man i was really from really from like 19 to 25 i was just on a daily disgusted regiment i was disgusted with myself every day i looked at myself couldn't keep a job at seven jobs fired from all of them uh ended up being a car salesman hated that disgusting when i i was single so i i'd meet a girl at the club or the bar or something she'd be like what do you do i'm a car salesman and you she'd have this disgusting like this this look of disgust and uh and so you know i you know in the beginning man i was just trying to like get something together that i was proud of and i wanted to be proud of me and the only way i could measure that was can i get a little money and so the first thousand dollars ryan was the most important money i've ever made in my life i've made billions of dollars like in my career i've sold a billion 1.2 billion dollars worth of products and services over the internet uh we've accumulated four billion dollars worth of real estate and you get some of you see the life of you know the helicopters and the planes and all the crazy but the first grant i made when i went from three thousand dollars to four thousand dollars that was the first time i was like oh wow i have control of my life i could actually it was a big reward for me it was the first time i had a little victory in about eight years and then i i started putting my life back together i had a drug problem like you mentioned i had a self-esteem problem that a lot of people don't know about tremendous disgust with myself as an individual disappointed with me and uh i spent a lot of time working on myself to to get my confidence back to get my self-esteem back that took a lot of me cleaning up some damage that i had i had cost along the way uh but going from that to a million was huge uh the the the move the the rest of the move going from a million to 10 million is different and the game i'm playing now is is uh is is you know even more different it doesn't really get any easier i'll tell you that it gets a little more complicated a little more challenging and it gets a little more fun but the one the one consistent thing that hasn't changed the entire time is people people have made all this possible the first thousand and the first billion it was always people involved exactly what i did on undercover uh undercover billionaire i did not put my attention on money or the or the business i put my attention on meeting the right people qualified able and willing people people that could actually help me and were willing to help me and and uh were qualified to help me right 100 so when i look at your businesses and your career you know i see obviously a lot of different businesses um but the core ones being you know everything associated with 10x whether it's the events the courses the you know everything with 10x i see cardone capital you know accumulating 4 billion dollars in real estate and then i see grant cardone the personal brand so tell me like what do you think out of those was the most important for getting you to a billion uh golly man let me see what's the most i mean the real estate you know the real estate you can't you can't fake the real estate it's got addresses uh look at the deal i'm doing right now it's on los olas walk in fort lauderdale all i have to do is say los olas walk fort lauderdale if you've ever been there you're like oh i know that the location's sick um you know we own 12 000 units bro my name's on all of them 10x living 10x masolis walk 10x boca 10x austin 10x houston texas so when we start branding stuff if people didn't know who i was or didn't know 10x it wouldn't matter it'd just be another name on a building right but the buildings the buildings i think the real estate has been the most substantial significant thing i've done to separate myself on the internet from being a personality to a real business and the problem with the internet the problem with the internet is all the fraud that goes on and you know i mean anybody can say anything like everybody photoshops everything filters are everywhere uh you know the seven figure claims and the nine figure claims they're everywhere so uh you know your business you got true books right you help that business is real like it's real you're helping people do their taxes you're not just doing some claim about a diet on instagram your physical body like the fact that you take care of yourself it's real people are gonna watch this interview and be like that dude put that how old is that guy people ask this question all the time how old are you bro like when you take care of your body you can't inject something that that does the work for you but you can inject stuff on the internet that creates a persona that's not true we've all seen that happen right so so when you put together i think it's a combination i'm healthy i'm having fun i'm buying real assets i'm letting real people everyday people invest with me as a partner it's not just me getting rich here like blackstone yeah goldman i'm giving back on the internet every day i got beautiful kids beautiful wife of marriage i'm taking time with you today all that becomes a combination that that makes the meal that you can serve to the public that hopefully they they find value in and pay for right so you're building real things not just you know the internet instagram uh guru guy and uh you know that's what separated you from everything we sell courses too i do sell courses but the problem with selling courses online is that you know there's there there's people might confuse me with tony robbins say oh he's like tony robbins right no no i'm not like tony robbins at all i don't walk on fire i'm not teaching emotional estate changes i'm not doing that there's nothing i'm not saying anything negative about it it's not what i do i teach people how to grow a business right i don't get it i don't get involved in what your father did to you your uncle it doesn't matter to me what your daddy did to you he abused you don't tell me because i don't care like that wouldn't be the worst thing that's happened on this planet by the way somebody's you know there's you know somebody's getting abused in in a 10x manner to anything that happened to to you or me somebody's always got it worse my goal is to change the future of my life not the past of my life and and the same thing with our customers so my my job is to distinguish to like i'm not that guy that's not what i do and and so that's what when you do my taxes you know if true buck true uh true books ever did my taxes and you save me money that is real yeah like that dude save me 20 grand bro like that's real that's what i want i don't want this gimmick it's not my deal i'm a real business guy like all i care about is can i buy that building it's 260 million dollars can i get the deal because no matter how i feel that's not gonna get the deal i need the other party to give me the deal and then i need to get the debt then i need to get the equity then i need to get it filled yeah 100 have you ever wanted to invest in real estate but you didn't have the time to find deals yourself that's where fundrise comes in fundrise is a crowdfunding platform that has transacted over 5 billion dollars in real estate and has over 150 000 active investors while many funds like my own require accredited investors fundrise allows anyone to invest with as little as five hundred dollars if you'd like to learn more check out once again that's are you looking to find off market real estate deals one of the best tools my team uses is batch leads with batch leads you're able to pull data manage lists and send text messages on top of that you can get nationwide access to the mls to get pictures and comps my team has used batch leads to get some of our best deals so i know it works you want to start today you can get half off your first month by going to and using the promo code ryan once again that's promo code ryan for half off your first month now back to the show so speaking of real assets and real estate you know there's a there's a whole bunch of ways to invest now and everybody's you know trying to start an online business or courses or you know crypto and forex you see all these things man is it still your belief even with the world changing and all this technology that real estate is the best way to go well i think the best way to go is the business that you have if you have there's nothing better than a great business right so you know my my primary businesses uh do about we've done a billion dollars worth of sales on the internet we'll do 150 million this year that business is freaking awesome dude yeah like so i'll let's say i net a third of that after expenses salaries employees that's a lot of money man 45 million dollars in cash yeah what i do with the money though see the thing the real estate to me the real estate the best thing about real estate is i can take the big money or a little bit of money and i can push it into an asset that grows by itself it does not need me to make it grow and so all i got to do is tell people hey that's our building take care of the tenants buy a great location there's no there's no investment class that offers the leverage the tax write-offs the cash flow and the appreciation in my mind that real estate does yeah somebody got told me yesterday he's like you know you're you're real estate compared to amazon amazon did 16 000 i said 16 bro i got deals that i did seven years ago i did a deal i bought i bought it for 58 million dollars i put 15 million down i refinanced it after six years took out my 15 million plus 50 million okay both of those were non-taxable events and i still own the 1100 units and they pay me 4 million in cash a year that's 16 000 times an infinite number right and i will own it my kids could own that that asset class for into perpetuity so um i love real estate because it's real right and also the last thing i'll say about this is compared to the stock market or the cryptos or the nfts or you know they can go up and down man and and in the beginning and they don't provide cash flow and you can't leverage them like you can real estate so the three benefits and you don't get the tax write-offs if you go sell your bitcoin right now you bought in at 50 bucks and you sell today you will be paying taxes on 65 000 per bitcoin so same thing with your nft if you bought it for uh whatever a thousand you sell it for a million you're paying taxes you're gonna pay the highest taxes you you know uh tax rate i buy i'm buying a 260 million dollar building right now i'm gonna get a hundred million dollars of depreciation for the first 10 days of december that i own it and so you know that that real estate class just that that class of asset because i know you know you're in the flipping in the wholesaling game i'll bet i'll bet you regret most of the stuff you've sold if you're buying good stuff in good locations oh yeah i mean the stuff i sold five years ago doubled tripled you know what i'm saying and i'm with you that was the reason um you know we started buying multi-family as well we just closed on our first big apartment 334 unit in uh georgia and uh you know same deal it's like yeah i have my businesses that make me money we got true books we got courses we got everything that you talked about and it was like man how do i offset this income and put it somewhere well you just buy big buildings and you know you don't have to pay taxes if you buy enough of them and you wait yeah and and this apartment thing and i've been saying this for seven or eight years now people are starting to pay attention to me the apartment game is the housing game of the 1950s on steroids this is the new game folks like we are in the beginning stages you are not late to this game this game if you live in a city uh anywhere in america and there you got any kind of positive migration meaning more people coming in than leaving you should be looking at the apartment stock rather than buying one house or even flipping a house i know you can make a lot of money flipping a house right you can also lose money flipping a house and you could be terrified in the interim trying to figure out whether you're going to make money or lose money right right um and also with supplies i mean it's hard to flip homes right now because you can't get the stuff you need to to the kitchens and the the the wood plank and you can't get the stuff you need to flip that house you know to to rehab it but if you guys would buy apartments particularly like anything above 32 units if you can find a 32 unit deal where the rents are 400 lower than they should be that's two million dollars worth of profit right there if you can just move the rents from 800 to 1200 on 32 units you'll make two million dollars every time you do it yeah 100 so with the supply chain issues you're talking about here how long do you foresee all of this stuff going on with you know car prices being used cars selling for more than new cars people paying all this money for the watches and you know real estate just going crate like everything's going nuts with all the money printing and supply issues like how long do you see this going on so two issues for me is the supply chain issue is a temporary issue and it's it's it is inflative it it would uh create what appears to be inflation container prices are up like 5x um even maybe the stuff you're getting didn't go up any but the container price did so the shipping causes your price to go up um so i think that that is temporary i think that goes away i think you're going to see a spike but the reality is we do not in this country uh this is a little complicated but but i'm sure your audience will get it the money supply in this country is like a hockey stick so the money supply is like looks like that we have more 40 more money in the last this is a two-year cycle by the way so look like this this is before covet oh this is trump last year trump this money supply we've generated 40 of the money supply the thing that people that that would appear to create more cash and then more cur more uh inflation but the truth is if there's another thing called money velocity and money velocity went the other way without money velocity money velocity is how fast you and i move 100 or a thousand dollars money's actually not moving money was printed and people are saving it and they have an equity in their homes and they're actually borrowing more money and not using our cash so without money velocity you can't actually have inflation so i think we're seeing a temporary spike uh investors are buying homes you guys are seeing all this in housing this is not the end user paying too much for the house this is an investor buying the house in nevada there's 13 people showed up to buy the house they thought they were going to get 230. an investor comes in at the last minute says i'll pay cash 250 000 i'll give you a check right now the reason he can pay 250 is he's paying cash number one number two he's gonna rent it out for 1500 bucks a month he's gonna make six percent on his money and he's freaking tickled to death that stock is going to go away you're not going to be able to buy that house that house will not be sold for the next seven or eight or nine or ten years maybe 30 years so the housing stock is going to be consumed number one number two people are going to move to apartments as a style of living because they want community they don't want to live by themselves and they don't want to take care of their house and it gives them mobility to move around so once the supply chain stuff moves off cars will go back to being what they are we still got a lot of money printed and the money's got to go somewhere money's got to go someplace and it will unless you know unless it gets all like destroyed i think the bigger concern is that we're just going to the destruction of cash and replace it with something new what do you think it might be i don't know i mean i you know i i don't know that i i just know that it's all made up anyway this is all this is a piece of garbage there's a piece of garbage right here anybody thinks this is cash is king you you haven't done your homework cash is garbage you cannot create wealth saving this yeah once you you understand what the federal reserve actually does you're like man this is this is crazy um but yeah i agree with you there there's 10 trillion dollars in equity in homes there's another 10 trillion i'm sorry well i was going to say one thing that has been my kind of hypothesis this whole time as a house flipper and you know wholesalers that you're seeing all these people with all this equity and they want to tap into it but you know if they sell what are they going to buy they can't qualify for anything they can't afford you know what their house is their payment would be higher and the alternative is why don't i just refi i'll get the money anyway there's no taxes i don't have to move and so like you said those those people don't want to sell the investors who buy all these houses don't want to sell they're sitting on it and so you're like where's the supply ever going to come from it's too expensive to build new that's right you're 100 right no you did all the math i mean you ought to be on cnbc they're not going to build they're not going to build i was with uh what was the first big builder in this country uh the the horton and the norton the heart yeah why are they going to build they're not going to build they're going to build rather than putting 50 million dollars into a neighborhood they're going to be like i'm going to buy i'm going to build a 600 unit building that is the new housing stock in america it is not the single family home nobody is ever going to build a a a 200 000 home again no it's impossible it's not profitable exactly they're like why would i risk this for one house right dependent upon an individual that might work for american airlines to pay for it and they might not even be there tomorrow like it's just not real and people have to put 20 down to buy that house today they got to have a good job they got to have a secure job they got to go have a great credit score so that game is over so where does the game go the game moves i got to live somewhere the game moves to big apartment complexes and and that's where the wealth will be created in the housing sector yeah i mean i'm 100 with you i think um you know you did a video recently i reacted to it on my youtube channel about you know america becoming a renter society and i i agree i mean i think people are going to lease cars i think uh you know pl people are you know companies like uber are going to make it so that you don't even need to lease a car they'll just pick you up you know these robo taxis and you know like we're not going to need no that's deflationary music is deflationary okay online online movies deflationary not inflationary yeah because i'm not spending money to go anyplace now everything's getting cheaper but they're printing more money metaverse metaburst will definitely be a deflationary moment right i can stay home and i can go to disneyland at my house with my on my headset rather than go to disneyland and spend 400 bucks yeah i'm with you everything is getting way cheaper and your experience is getting better too that's right so it's crazy man you're going to be able to go to the world series sit right where i did in 2017 my wife and i la dodgers astros seventh game i sat right behind the umpire i paid 117 000 for those seats in the future every person will have that seat in fact you'll probably be on the field with the catcher or maybe you'll be the umpire yeah it's going to be freaking crazy dude you'll be second it'll be cheap it'll be nothing it'll cost nothing yeah and and so those things are deflationary right and and and they're not inflationary so i i bet if me and you do an interview uh one year from now i'll bet your interest rates are less than they are today even though the fed is saying they're going to go up let's me and you have a little a little let's meet november 2nd next year and see where they're at all right i'm gonna put it in the calendar annie you hear that so annie heard it so uh i'm with you dude i've totally on board everything's going deflationary and the only way the fed can combat it and keep the status quo is to just print more money and lower rates they're they don't have a choice more money so the the treasury the 10-year treasury today is 1.552 i'll bet you and your audience i'll give everybody the comments a hundred dollars if the interest rate is higher uh on november 2nd 2022. all right you guys heard it first so let's so let's talk about um what you're going to be doing to help the people man so i you know i've been following cardone capital for a while as a real estate guy and watching what you're doing and um i mean you guys have accumulated billions of dollars in in real estate and i know at one point you had a non-accredited fund that you shut down and now the reports are you are starting a new one and you're about to buy almost a billion dollars worth of real estate with that fund so tell me about that so we did have a non-accredited fund and we shut it down because of covid when covet happened but we raised 80 million dollars from non-accredited and we raised 620 million dollars from accredited no broker fees no middleman no banks involved 100 of the money went to the fund it went to to buy the investment 100 of the investors money went into the deal when covet happened march of 2020 uh i was shooting undercover billionaire the we got shut down discovery channel shut the show down i flew back to miami walked in my office i said shut down the non-accredited fund not the accredited fund we continue to raise money from the accredited but i didn't want uh bobby that was giving me five thousand dollars or ten thousand to uh be at risk because i thought his job was at risk i shouldn't have shut it down by the way in retrospect there was nothing wrong with it the country wouldn't go into complete shutdown uh in fact we went and bought more real estate during covid than before covet so um and that's looking really smart right now like my my portfolio is up like almost 400 million dollars in the last 12 months it's crazy insane so um so we started i've been i've been trying to get this approved since uh after the shutdown we opened up and we we applied with the sec a 75 million dollar fund to buy trophy assets in the fort lauderdale miami marketplace we just bought this by the way guys if you're not watching on youtube you can see um grant showing everything right now yeah this is a 260 million dollar purchase that's a quarter of a billion dollars 456 units mid-rise aaa location triple a amenities 97 occupied cash flow positive from day one institutions i fought five institutions off to buy that deal i was awarded the deal uh we closed december 10th and we just got approval from the sec friday for from the non-accredited investor to invest as little as 1 000 this has never been done before in the history of real estate where the uh non-accredited at one thousand dollar entry level families who need the investment the most by the way can invest in a trophy real estate that is as quality real estate as you can possibly buy in america in the hottest market in america um and and the non-accredited gets all the same benefits that the rich do yeah no i'm with you that's for sure never been done in the history of real estate and i'll tell you too as a as a small guy um you know in real estate you know we started a 506 c and you know it's not easy to start a fun it's not easy to go find great deals and and do everything that you know you're doing even on a much bigger level but you know when we looked into the non-accredited fund you know our attorney's like man there's just so much red tape and man like you'd you it'd be great if you could do it but just just know you're under so much scrutiny and so much regulation that it makes it so hard grant's giving me a couple fingers if you guys know what he means they're like like it cost us 300 grand to get that that that handled plus the time nine months to start a reg d fund reg d is for accredited as you know it takes me 19 minutes and cost me maybe 9 000 bucks yeah to go with the non-accredited and by the way i started as a non-accredited investor i have family members that could not invest with me i have him i have 700 employees of which 650 could not invest with me i have a niece that has known me for 50 years that can't invest with me now how can somebody that's known me for 50 years i call her up hey allison you need to get this deal and she can't get in my sister that's known me for 63 years can't invest with me because she doesn't make 200 grand a year so i bit i bit the bullet paid the price the lawyers told me not to do it they're like this is nothing but a pay in the ass just like they told you don't do this this is this is people are gonna give you trouble the little guy complains i'm like you guys i'm gonna do this okay this is why the this is why there's so much wealth disparity in this country today the everyday family the little guy okay particularly marginalized communities the black brown communities and the lower middle class white in this country never get a shot at what wealthy people invest their money in this deal that i'm buying now wealthy families don't even get the wealthy institutions get them so for your audience y'all need to understand there's there's the middle class there's the rich there's the wealthy and then there's the super wealthy and then above the super wealthy above zuckerberg bezos uh warren buffett and elon there's companies that could literally consume those five names with a pencil and a pen these are uh blackstone vanguard goldman sachs jp morgan okay two companies i just mentioned blackstone and vanguard are worth 20 trillion dollars each by the end of this decade that is 99 of all that that is control of 99 of all the assets on planet earth without exaggeration so i i'm really trying to like i'm buying an asset i know i'm going to sell this asset to one of those two groups and this we pay 260 i will sell this for 500 million dollars a half a billion dollars and our our investors will make two times maybe three times maybe four times then the money and without the risk without like i mean there is some risk obviously there's always a risk but uh the the the the chances of losing money on that asset in that location or next to none right you're already you're cash flowing from day one like you know i close december january i get a check yeah so what's the future for cardone capital look like then you know is it going to be geared towards the non-accredited and you know put the power back to the people like what's the goal so there's a limitation on how much money these funds can have there's no limitation on the non-accredited i mean on the accredited but there is a limitation on the accredited so i need both to reach my goals my goal we're for almost 4 billion worth of real estate my goal is to 10x that get to 40 billion and be on the top ten list uh apartment owners in the country and then i'm gonna either go sell it to a blackstone or a goldman as a as a as a uh portfolio or i'll turn it into a bond and we'll get freaking all up either either one of these exits by the way everybody gets richer way way better often even a two or three x return and the cash flow and maybe maybe if i could pull this off dude if i could get 10 million people to invest average of 25 000 with me uh i could buy a trillion dollars worth of real estate and then i'm going to run for president of the united states what year is that going to be 2032. 2032 so by then you'll have a trillion in real estate and i'm going to use my investor base i'm going to use my investor base to be my my my voter base and your donors and my donors you already got everything in one spot and then you know whether you guys like my political views or not you're gonna be like it i'm gonna vote for him he pays me every month he made me a lot of money i love it man well dude i know you got a lot going on so i don't want to keep holding you up uh anything else you want to lead the viewers no hey ron i just i really appreciate what you're doing i love your hustle man and the the fact that you're working a you know real business working online doing them like all the stuff you're doing is a real inspiration to to people and and um if you guys ever wonder how ryan does it all it's because he's connected to his purpose so once you connect to your purpose and your mission man the energy will be immense you don't have to go work on your own to do this by the way for you guys that want to go out on your own i don't i would tell you guys find somebody like ryan and go play with it man you don't want to do stuff alone you want to do it with other people and this is where i started this interview today okay like wherever you want to go in life you want to become a billionaire you need people you want to become a millionaire you need people okay you want to you want to do great things on this planet you need people you want to change the world you need people and and there's no way to do anything great on your own nobody's ever done that so get around great people network with great people invest in great people and you can do great things but you're not going to do much by yourself i love that bro well guys um you know give a big shout out to grant show them some love in the comments go check out cardone capitals brand new fund that literally anyone can invest in it's a really big deal like you said nobody has ever you know allowed this to happen on such a big scale so shout out to you grant for taking the risk and making it happen and uh guys if you enjoyed this podcast make sure you subscribe make sure you leave some comments we'll catch you on the next one that's awesome bro thanks for watching the ryan pineda show if you want to work with me head over to you can find my courses coaching programs and upcoming events we also have free resources you can download so head over to
Channel: The Ryan Pineda Show
Views: 26,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, house flipper, cash flow, financial freedom, entrepreneur, future flipper, real estate podcast, rental properties, passive income, flip houses, wholesale real estate, ryan pineda, grant cardone, Grant Cardone entrepreneurship, Grant cardone covid vaccines, who is grant cardone real estate investing, Grant Cardone Real estate, Grant Cardone businesses, Grant Cardone 10x living, Grant cardone how to build wealth, Grant cardone real estate advice
Id: Hw1ZiCe-6xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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