How Grant Cardone Built a $2 Billion Dollar Empire 💰| UNCENSORED

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sound guy man god are you rolling right now sound guy keep this in here okay if you guys know what what the sound guy did wrong post it below i'll give you a thousand dollars [Music] hey founder fam welcome back to another interview are you ready to watch basically one of our most requested and frankly controversial episodes in our history just for context we did this interview a couple of years ago and i remember it immediately it caught on fire like our numbers were going off the charts and we made a difficult decision to actually remove this entire video interview because to be honest i didn't feel it reflected myself in the best way and we've never done this before but the interview was so polarizing that we decided to take it down but after thinking about it for a while and due to pure demand we're actually bringing it back so sit back and prepare for our raw and totally uncensored interview with the one and only grant cardone he really put me on my toes i hope you guys enjoy this one you're gonna learn a ton and you have some good laughs this is crazy all right let's jump in hey guys welcome back to another founder interview today we're in hometown melbourne australia and your hometown yeah okay and we've got grant cardone cyril entrepreneur and uh real estate mogul excited to chat with him so uh grant thanks so much for tuning in thank you thanks for having me and i've already learned a lot from your sound guy here i hope somebody figures out what he did you know awesome so uh the first question i ask everyone that comes on man is uh how did you get your job how did i get my job which one like like how do you find yourself uh you know doing what you're doing today you know i i mean i don't know which one it is i run 17 little companies and our partner collaborate with with people in in in uh businesses um also run a household a father to two kids and and their friends and and all that insanity and and try to be a husband so i got a lot of different posts that that and most of you out there you know can relate to this as well as uh for the last 30 i guess 35 36 years trying to figure out who i am what i am what i'm supposed to do that's been the main job who am i you know who am i who am i as a as a individual dream maker you know to to to like i've never wanted to be an entrepreneur what i wanted to do was make my dreams come true and and i think that that's got me through the cycles of trying to figure out how to become a sales guy if i needed to or sales manager or uh how do i hire people you know how do i organize the business how do i when do i spend money like some there's so many jobs i don't even know which i just finished talking to four or five thousand people you know and my job in that was different than my job with you today right my job now is to keep your your audience of one one person's watching this at a time they're that that that viewer that you're listening or you're watching you're only you only care about your information so i got to figure out how to communicate to him communicate to you appease the sound dude impossible okay and so um you know and then we fly to we fly to auckland tonight i do a gig tomorrow in the in the interim in the in meantime i got to spin plates and whether it's the kids or the the wife and the relationship or it's my own dreams what about my dreams because i i see a lot of people get lost in what they're they want to do because of the job and i know i did for for from probably 25 to 45 i was in one job i was a sales guy i was trying to sell peddle something sell something get some money so that i could fund my lifestyle and when i broke out of that and said no i got more than one post that really helped me a lot so i i don't know exactly how to answer that first question that you ask everybody well how did you get started like what was your first company what did it look like how did all that happen my first company was working for somebody else you know like until it wasn't until i figured out how to make somebody else rich that i could be rich like i hear a lot of guys saying i don't want to work for somebody else i don't want to keep making other people when i became successful in another company and then left that company and went and worked for another company and made them super successful to the point to where these companies were literally dependent upon me like that that's the thing that's the muscle and the grit the the uh persistence and fortitude are like you know what i don't my ego wasn't like i need my name on it but my ego was strong enough to say i want to be the best in the company like i want to make this company dependent upon me the first company the first real job i had was my sixth job i was fired for my first five fired from my sixth job six times but wouldn't leave the last one i just would not leave so literally like i'd wreck stuff i i have a terrible driving record and i was in the car business and i'd wreck their cars and and they'd fire me and i'd say okay okay okay and i had a bunch of other problems as well but and then before i would leave i would go sell something and then they would keep me on if selling something was always forgiveness so um when i finally left that company they went under like they could my production was so high that one person leaving the entire company failed went to my next job which was speaking consulting using my sales philosophies and gifts if you will and we would go around companies and teach them and i worked for him for 20 months i was like the top guy in this company now the reason i'm saying that is that was a job for me and that was a business i treated that little my little department like this is my company within a company and and i wanted to make that company as strong as possible so that when i made when i finally went out on my own which i was forced to go out on my own i didn't want to go out on my own i went out on my own just because there was just no opportunity left and there was no way for me to score where i was which i i still remember today it's important to get good people to keep them that like you got to give them some other pond to swim in and so when i started my first company uh i guess i was 29 um that was a company where i was cold calling on businesses around the us and canada and like fast forward to today collectively or is it 17 companies turn over 150 million yeah we'll do 156 million one track for 156 this year plus the real estate the real estate's another endeavor yeah you know at any time that real estate can just puke big huge like 200 300 million dollar scores but the real estate's 1.2 billion dollars today i started with with a 78 000 uh house three thousand dollars i started that business with three grand yeah wow and and signed up signed a 30-year mortgage on a house i would keep like 10 months and now that's 100 1.2 billion that'll end up being a 10 billion dollar business but i wasn't thinking any of this stuff when i was 29 what were you thinking dude i was thinking about like how do i get enough money to pay the bills like my the first three years i was in business i made thirty thousand dollars a year three years first three years the first the the the last year i left somebody i was making 150 160 grand a year the first maybe 27 months that i was in business i made less than 30 000 a year i went backwards but the the problem was i was not i do what a lot of entrepreneurs do the mistake a lot of entrepreneurs make is number one they never look up the definition entrepreneur an entrepreneur means someone is who organizes a business or businesses and invests money takes greater than normal risk with money in order to expand or organize those businesses i wasn't spending money on my business like all i was doing was knocking on doors it was just pure effort i wasn't spending money like i wouldn't spend real money until i was 50 50 years old about 10 years ago when when a guy said bro you're not a business and i said what he and i and i could feel this yeah i was a hustler i was a grinder but i wasn't a business and i and i could feel it you know um yeah i was a consultant i could i was making some money like in my 30s and 40s i made you know i made a lot of money what what other people would call a lot of money yeah but i was not a business you know what i mean i was just what do you mean by that well i was just hustling just because you're hustling everything was a transaction yeah everything everything was a transaction to get money pay the taxes have a little bit of money left over everything was in the transaction yeah um and this guy's like well you know you're not a business and i was like i know man i know don't tell anybody i know that okay like i knew it and because because to me a business is i can walk away from it it'll still operate i was i was a guy i was no different than when i was 30 just pounding doors and which was good which was good and i think a lot of people need to you don't need to skip that spot either because once i put the two together okay i can pound the door i can learn e-commerce um i can be i can be a one-product sale i can sell companies like today we'll sell we'll sell a product to a company for 80 grand on a three to five year contract 80 grand a year and i'll switch immediately and sell an 8 product online or i'll give something away for free to speaking to 4 000 people today in hopes that i can meet you know maybe 40 of them that i can do have a partnership and a collaboration with in the future so what like you said ten years ago people someone said to you you have a you don't have a business what what changed like like how have you built what you've built now like yeah well is that when the whole 10x velocity well yeah exactly 10x10x 10x woke me up 10x was not for for the public 10x was for me i was trying to figure out why am i i work hard i got great products got a great reputation great reviews people like me they like my content they like my content actually better than they like me and that might have been an exaggeration you know what i mean and and uh but but even if they didn't like me they're like dude your content is so ridiculous it's so good like whether it's sales closing marketing promotion and a lot of it i wasn't even taking my own advice like like i was given advice and not taking it so when the economy crashed which was i guess almost 10 years ago in america particularly it was so devastating that if you had any weakness in a business like every weakness was shown you know warren buffett talks about hey what are you wearing when the tide goes out well dude in 2008 9-10 when the tide went out every weakness that i had exhibited hard work did not did not leave you less vulnerable in 2010. you could work hard and still you'd be upside down in your house you could lose everything your cash accounts are garbage stock got wrecked everything right so 2010 was really the whisper you're not a business son that that that was the big you're not a business and and that's when i made a decision okay i'm gonna build a business first thing i did was flipped everything i'm not a sale i realized i wasn't sales for i i could no longer be sales first i had to be marketing first marketing and branding so the 10x thing was really like hey you got to get your people knew me in a particular industry they didn't know me in every industry so the first thing that i took on was i need to get people to know me in every industry while i continue to knock on doors and pay my bills if you don't pay your bills like you're going to die and there's people around me that needed to eat so i had to keep knocking on doors spin that plate not get stuck in it too much and then figure out how do i market and brand how do i build a name nobody knew me ten years ago you did not know my name people watching didn't know my name like people that are coming on the scene now they're like oh my god that guy he's got 20 you know 14 million people following blah blah blah but you know i started with one follower just like everybody else and i was the follower my second follower was my wife because i created an account for on youtube and said you're going to follow me it's the same thing on instagram twitter facebook like i've grinded for every one of those followers and delivered content to them so that i could scale out to hopefully rather than be independent upon one united states of america hey how do i get people in australia to know me how do i get them to want me to come here how do i get people in um london to want to know me canada south america oh i got i got to be in spanish if i'm going to south america you know you can't trade in u.s dollars in mexico you need to be in pesos come over here they want to do the aud i'm like i don't want any of that stuff just kidding i'll take it all okay so um so you know you can't keep you got to keep growing like facebook is growing you they're growing all the possibilities of things they can do with people so if you want to be a great business you you can't you can't get to a place where you're satisfied and i had done that i'd gotten satisfied in my business externally financially but internally i wasn't and it took the economy just getting slashed that that finally like okay i gotta change and build a real business here and that's when you started really growing your personal brand personal brand yeah that's when i started studying companies i wasn't studying garyvee and tony and i'm like what are the companies doing you know when i realized i think i think i was in bogota i was in bogota speaking to a church and i went into the to the grocery store and coca-cola was there i don't know why that impressed me so much but i was like goddamn coca-cola's in bogota you know and then i think i was in cancun on the way coming on the way back in mexico and i was like oh cancun's front and center in the shop in the grocery store there then i got back to miami i was in the the uh movie and i'm like coca-cola i'm like [ __ ] everywhere dude these they're everywhere why am i not everywhere you know so all my answers have come to me because i look it's not really me hearing somebody say something i'm looking i'm watching what people do or companies do not listening to what they do because there's a big difference between what people say and what people do like warren buffett what warren buffett tells people on tv every day and what he does they're almost like completely different they'll get that somebody will get that i'm not gonna get it april you're gonna get that right see that's the other thing like right now like like you gotta juggle dude like you gotta juggle you can't if i get up now and go answer that phone it's only because i don't have somebody here to help me when i roll i gotta have a team normally i got two other people with me i got two kids in the other room their friend who happens to be here so we joined up and their mother's a producer in hollywood and they happen to be here at the same time in fact the guy that andrew banks that's on shark tank in australia he was here we had dinner yesterday just happened to run into each other but you got to have a team nobody was telling me when i started a business bro you need a team you're going to need a team man you want to be super freaking super successful spider-man pro spider-man doesn't have a team does he i think he does his own costume but it's [ __ ] stupid like how could you be spider-man and do your own costume right i mean to be superman i mean batman's got a team right superman he's got a team doesn't he have a team i don't think he does maybe he's got a mama but that's for the comic books man you need a team well that's an interesting thing right because i i i like studied you and i've seen like you know you've got alan you've got um yeah i got alan on my team yeah on instagram you got the young guy the president yeah yeah so i'm curious i got ron secko ron sacco yeah he was a pilot now he's now he's uh running a 1.2 billion dollar real estate portfolio i've got sherry hamilton i got personal assistants i got 150 we got 150 employees in miami another 250 in the real estate that could be 500 easily in the real estate you know there's probably 500 employees between the two businesses right now and i'm sitting here thinking why don't i have 50 000 employees okay i look out i look out here in these windows central equity okay i guarantee you that that's not a one-man show right there you don't get your name on the building being one person this is how the entrepreneurs should be thinking you you guys should be getting all your advice from from ernst young um these mega the the packer packer that owns this place big baller bastard that he is okay you know bulk billionaire does the crown here does the hotel the casino these are players man that's who we should be studying not every instagram um guru influencer please come on you can fake that lambo right you guys are buying lambos i i'm wearing one on my what my wrist i'm just saying bought with passive income you park in years of garage i park mine on my wrist and it it's total humble brag like people would see this watch and say you would only know if you know the watch right but and it's [ __ ] that i'm even bragging about it right now but i'm just kind of trying to take out what are you doing showing off all this other [ __ ] like you driving up in a lambo means nothing to me it could mean actually it could work in reverse on me it'd be like okay no reason to have that car so why'd you buy the jet oh it's a good question that's that's a hundred lambos okay why do i buy the jet because that [ __ ] jack can get me to sydney can get me to melbourne it can get me to to auckland tonight right it could get me to fiji it can get me back to the united states 14 hours it can you know i can be in miami and get a phone call about a real piece of real estate and say i'll be there in three hours no man you can't be here in three hours no dude i'm gonna be there in three hours boom get on that jet fire that [ __ ] up let's roll boom i'm there looking at the property three hours later so you can't do that in a lambo yeah hold on let me get in my lambo i'll be over there big deal right anybody any fake can do that and it's an indication that you're playing at a level nobody cares about warren's not warren's not flying driving or lambo bill's not flying he's driving a lambo he could right but what do they both what are they how do they both transport themselves to davos in a private jet so you see the difference like i am extremely frugal when it comes to spending like i don't have fancy shoes on you know i don't you know i mean i don't mind i can do all that stuff but don't do it out of order like you're not going to fake anybody because you're wearing gucci you know or you got an hermes belt hermes built whatever it is right you know you can't fake a jet dude you can keep it you can buy a jet and keep one in the air and keep pilots and hangers and [ __ ] that ain't no faking that [ __ ] like that that's not something you can fake out you take a picture in front of one you could charter one once but you can't fake buying one putting your name on the back of it it just takes you to a whole another level right now who taught me that like who taught me hey go buy a jet your uncle's not going to teach you that your daddy's not going to teach you that because they don't think like that your account is going to tell you not to do it but if you study the most successful people on this planet regardless of what they tell you how are they getting around and so that that that's the problem we're in today we're we're in an environment right now where entrepreneurs listen to everything that everybody everything everybody has to say i mean the pot this part it's great that we have these right but there's a negative to having so much content and data you know the the positive about the internet is the availability information and the negat the negative in is the availability i can go in there and tell anybody i'm great i'm the best in the world and it's almost like nobody can take that down i am the greatest in the world and that's fine if i am the greatest but if i'm not the greatest if i'm just a scammer you know then that becomes a problem so coming back to your team like you've got this incredible team like what do you look for like like how do you find these incredible people how do you keep them motivated yeah well i don't i don't find them and and they find me and and so what we do is we just we we get the beacon the you know how does facebook attract talent you know they don't need to go find them it's like it's like meat to a shark you know it's like i'm coming i'm i smell the blood in the water so they're going to facebook right how do you how do you attract great talent this is what people ask me every day how do you attract great people dude get so freaking beaming hot white light that people are like i want to work on that project i went and saw uh hobson shaw last night he did 333 million it's got rock and stay the minute 333 million opening weekend worldwide a third of a billion dollars dude like ridiculous great movie by the way had a blast watching it but you know how does that much money go to one place how did that many great people work on that movie you know because who's involved in it right so uh you know greatness attracts greatness and and so these people call hey i want to work for you i had a kid today come on i want to work for you it's a good day i don't hire about i don't hire people like i'm not the hire guy i'm the guy that's creating new opportunities though that people want to stay you know they want to stay in the theme park and become their own show so if you notice i show off my people a lot i don't like keep them behind the scenes i'm like here you know let's have more than the grant show let's have the grant the frank kern show the brandon dawson show the jared show the ryan secco show the real estate show let's do a lot of let's show the g e show elena and myself let's bring other people and partners in why do i do that where am i learning that great companies great companies grow their brands and scale out and do a lot of different things what if you're like in your early days like make money make money make money make money make money your battlecry go collect money don't make money just go collect money have a great product have a great service over deliver collect money charge for it this is where me and gary would you know me and gary had a cage match i just beat the [ __ ] out of him but gary anytime anywhere okay but but look most people out there watching this you need to monetize yeah you know this is insanity that that you're being told don't monetize your your business if you have a good business have a good service have a good product sell it you know but so many guys are they're they're trying these little kid kid gimmicks you know it's fine if my kids flip shoes on on on ebay if you're an adult man you got to get beyond flipping sneakers on ebay you need to build a business otherwise don't call yourself an entrepreneur because that's not what an entrepreneur an entrepreneur is not flipping [ __ ] on ebay that's not a business that's you trying to make two dollars on a toy that you bought at a garage sale it's a different gig now if you can figure out how to scale that but it sounds to me like you're you're benefiting ebay more than you're benefiting yourself ebay is the pimp and you're basically the prostitute in that machinery which is no problem with that right but you're servicing the machine rather than building your own machine i want to build a machine i want to build a machine that lives longer than i do so that if i get a good partnership with somebody and we cut a deal and they're 90 of the profits in future and i'm 10 and my kids and my charity get to keep that 10 after i'm dead man i'm good to go so what's next like got the jet like what what's next man man i don't know what's 10 x for you now 10x is you know how do i do a billion dollars a year in in income and then how do i do 10 billion in real estate how do i have a 10 billion real estate portfolio we pay last month we paid 1.4 million dollars out in distribution i'm sorry last month we paid 1.4 million in u.s dollars out to our term investors in the real estate how do i start competing with these banks so they're like you know what we really don't like all this noise you're making you're a noisy [ __ ] guy and we're kind of getting tired of it now when you get noisy enough they either buy you and suppress you you know that's what bill gateswood did with with apple years ago the tablet the original iphone was a little uh called uh what was the name of that little beast um anyway it had a little pin you wrote on they buried that project for years um i'll think of it in a second i think of it when the interview's over maybe you guys know what it is okay anyway it's probably 20 years ago i actually had a company built around this thing and bill gates came in gave apple steve jobs alone and said look i'll lend you this money you got to bury that product and they did so that's what you can do or they consume you they buy you and say hey we want you to be part of our so maybe maybe that's what happens nathan i don't know i don't know get to get the audio guy the audio guy to get a good sticker for the mic so talk to me about real estate like right now what like what do you think the state of real estate and the financial markets a lot the entire world should be invested in the united states of america there's a real there's a there's a certain type of real estate in america that has produced no other place on the planet and until they start building it here in australia or in london like you should be buying real estate that provides housing a place for people to live uh called apartments in america they're called apartments or multi-family residential commercial real estate it's actually a residential place where residents live but it's a commercial style of real estate 300 to 500 units in one location so we closed the deal last week 507 units one one close one location a guy a guy here told me he's like i did 500 homes last year i said i did 500 last week i'm just saying okay so so in one location he had to do 500 closings i did one closing 500 units and those people pay rent there so 500 times 1500 a month to 200 bucks a month great property beautiful location a great amenities that that is that will cash flow positive pay all the maintenance pay the taxes property taxes the roof the paint uh the turnover the marketing and still leave cash over for the investors and pay down the debt for like it it is the ultimate like the ultimate multiplier for the everyday person the everyday person is not going to find facebook or netflix it's not nobody most people are not going to get there so this is the perfect the perfect um investment vehicle for everyday people if you're like in the early days where you're just reinvesting you're sacrificing profit for growth at what point should you look to start to diversify and start to build your personal wealth into property yeah so so that's a great question um one one people should be invested in the beginning and just in themselves every chance you get to to go to something that help could possibly help you has a if it has a one percent chance of even adding to the value you have in your spend the money don't sit on money money is useless so if you have five thousand dollars left in your account i would spend the whole 5 000 on yourself when you spend money on yourself you're going to start getting better at whatever you're doing if you just keep doing it if you keep spending it just because you spent it once and it didn't work go do it again and then again and then again that that has been one thing in my life like if you ask me hey what's one thing i always invested me first not the business not the business not the real estate me my condition how am i doing am i around the right people am i listening like i don't care what it is dinner lunch charities i just go to anything anything where i think there's other people doing well like i just want to hear somebody say something that just inspires me so how much you reckon you invest in yourself every year right now last year i probably spent you know a couple hundred grand i've spent more than that and i would i'd still spend more than that so like it starts with me right how good a condition i i know people out there spend more money on their car than they do themselves they pay three four five hundred dollars a month on their car think nothing of it won't spend 500 on themselves it's ridiculous it's completely backwards you're paying the man you're paying for food you're paying for groceries you're paying for movies you're paying for [ __ ] you're paying you went and bought a house that was the dumbest thing anybody could do it's the dumbest thing i ever did was buy a house i bought a house but and i didn't improve myself i was improving the hou i spent more time picking furniture out than i did hey how do i fix me how do i get faster more confident because i bring my confidence or lack of confidence to every table okay so first thing invest in yourself then then the business as a result of that the business wherever you are in the business cycle should start getting better when it does it'll kick out more money when there's so much money that you can't reinvest that money either in yourself for the business at that point you're like okay i want to buy the third float the next flow of income i would buy cash flow so i don't know what that number is you know yeah because like speaking from personal experience we've got a great vehicle which is the business and it's like at what like i could just keep putting it in putting in putting in but at what time do i look to you know how much money is how much money is it i don't talk about our revenue publicly but yeah but well how much money how much money you've done about sitting around how much money is just sitting around but dude why not well i'll share it i got 167 million dollars in cash sitting in my [ __ ] accounts right now i look at it every day every day i look at it yeah like if you don't talk about money you can't you should talk about money everybody oh it's all [ __ ] people say don't talk about money the irs who's irs in this country ato they know ato knows [ __ ] if you'll tell ato you hate their guts why wouldn't you tell me look and tell me how much is it what's the number man come on nathan come on that's why we're doing this tell me you're a [ __ ] if you don't tell me you're a [ __ ] if you don't tell me you can't cut this out yeah how much is it [Music] let's just put this in the business we've got great cash flow reserves yeah yeah that's awesome and do we take it out before have you six years six years dude in six years you know just look back over the last six years because this i did the same thing i had all this money sitting there for the thing that was going to happen okay if you believe in the law of attraction you're planning for the thing and it will happen like you're planning for it it's going to happen right man we're pushing hard on growth too yeah but at some point you know you're like okay i can't spend any more here we could spend more you could yeah then there's your answer spend it dude don't sit on it you had no reason to have a reserve why don't we spend those reserves because a little bit of doubt a little bit of doubt it's going to pay off so you start you start you start believing in the money more than that right you start believing in the money more than the possibility i hate risk man huh i hate risks i hate risk too that's why that's why i buy the kind of real estate i buy like like every day the first sheet of paper i get every day is how much cash i have the reason i'm looking at that is not bragging rights it's because i want to get rid of it it's like trash i want to get rid of this money i want to get that money to buy something that has babies right so i'm every day i'm looking i got to get rid of this cash i have this much cash i want to push it money is being devalued worldwide right now so answer me this right now you said you have almost 500 employees you have in the bus in all of those businesses you have no cash flow reserve so no no i didn't say that i didn't say i had none okay but i don't need 167 million dollars yeah like is it like six months worth six months yeah six months six months would be massive amounts but do i really need six months if the other businesses are kicking cash off right see that's what i'm trying to do i'm trying to take i'm trying to take a bunch of these businesses and find one that i know for sure if the world gets cut in half again which it will and it'll be a heart of brutal terrible it's going to be awful probably robots are going to you know accelerate that and then i want this other business that will benefit from this downturn that will continue to to spit if i'm alive or not alive or if the economy gets crashed i'm looking for that place that can allow me to walk away if i choose to from these other things that maybe don't work as well all businesses have a a life cycle it used to be 80 years now it's like eight so you know the great companies used to be around for they dominate ford motor company probably is probably not going to make it i mean i'd say that but i mean it could happen yeah it is that cycle yeah exactly so particularly these companies that are being created today they're gonna you know most of these companies can last eight months year and a half everything's gonna get morphed who would have thought taxi cabs would be non-existent one day yeah crazy so look we have to work towards wrapping up mindful of your time man um so a couple more questions i'm really curious around just this 10x that one sorry just there you go man thank you thank you yeah um i'm really curious around this 10x philosophy and and like like if you're if you let's just say you you know you're trying to go 10x right like you you 10x your goals how do you know that that's just not unachievable it is it's not it's not achievable but it's worth it it's not achievable you got you got four or five million dollars sitting in an account today what if you have 50 million you're like oh well it's not achievable okay but it's work it's worth [ __ ] going for it it's fun [ __ ] man tell me you wouldn't be happy with 50 million sitting in a bank account figuring out what to do with it right you'd be like dude i could make a move now i could make a move by the jet no no you wouldn't buy a jet if if all you had was 50 you wouldn't buy it yet so so so you know like like you guys out there like who needs 50 million nobody needs it man but somebody's gonna somebody is going to end up with it this is people actually end up with this much money and and the problem right now in the world is nobody's thinking about why can't i get 50 you know or why can't you scale your businesses to where they're in new york they're in london you know they're in wherever you wanted to be where you could your companies could hire tens of thousands of people why not nathan why not grant why not you guys you know and you could change the world so all these people that tell me all money ain't gonna make you happy and all that [ __ ] i said you guys gave you just gave up and you gave up on big geek goals and dreams just like i did i gave up on them for 20 years to pay the bills and i shouldn't have it was the biggest mistake of my life awesome well look man thanks so much for your time appreciate you absolute pleasure and uh yeah we'll speak soon okay hey guys hope you're loving our videos and that you're getting heaps of value from them if you are make sure to hit the like button and make sure to subscribe to join the founder fam if you did enjoy this video and want to continue to master your skills make sure you click here to access your free training now we will go into way more depth with this founder
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Keywords: How Grant Cardone Built $1.2 Billion, Grant Cardone, Grant Cardone 2019, Grant Cardone Sales Training, grant cardone sales, grant cardone interview, grant cardone cardone capital, cardone capital investing, the wolf of wallstreet grant cardone, grant cardone training, valuetainment, evan carmichael, jay shetty, tony robbins, Foundr Magazine, Foundr, Nathan Chan, Nathan Chan Foundr, Grant Cardone Net Worth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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