Confronted By Public Officials For Magnet Fishing!

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mikan_Pecan 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
and the old actually they alderman in this district so it's kind of all right you're doing this Oh interesting yeah what is going on today guys today we are gonna be doing some more magnificient of course and our first stop here is actually at a park that's got bolt launches and I've seen a lot of people fishing here a lot so this is kind of where we're gonna be starting today we're gonna hit this little peak here and see if we can find anything here crossing our fingers hopefully we have some luck today so I'm gonna strap on the GoPro right away guys and we are gonna start dipping these magnets Oh what is this what is that it's like a it's like a temperature gauge yeah it's got like a heat symbol down at the bottom there huh oh it's for a grill warning something else I can't read and then it says grill on there huh that's pretty cool huh my first fine seat okay what the heck yeah I only caught that one thing over there on the peak that little temperature gauge he didn't catch nothing over there we probably sat over there for maybe half hour or so so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna kind of walk this this little walking trail here and just kind of dip them along the way that's felt like something big yeah over here yeah teach Oh oh my gosh that's heavy bro that is massive oh my gosh whatever this is is absolutely massive I may need your help are you oh my gosh it's stretching all the way out to be I don't know what are we gonna be all the way I could have lifted it up with just a little mini mega that's something else I can okay that can you reach down with your hands just grab it oh my god Wow whatever that is oh there thing's gotta be a couple hundred pounds it does not look like it but who doing put your x marks the spot I visit if something here Oh something made you oh yeah what is that I can't find it now there it is ah it's stuck in the mud oh here comes here comes I got it I got it I got it oh my god that's something there's some weird sheet metal coming out here ain't it I don't know what this is that was crazy looking oh look at this this little swirl on ant here no idea guys oh yeah something vague again I almost liked inside are you another one of the same bracket does that one do do it well are these actually aldermen in this district interesting magnificient yeah I actually put these videos on YouTube okay yeah I do it all over the city well make sure you give Jefferson Park Menasha though I notice magnet Fisher's fishing for anything metal yeah a couple things couple is like all the same thing here it's really weird what in the world is that it's like a piece of wood why is that even magnetic that's literally a piece of wood that is just interesting I guess I don't know what to make of that oh look at that is metal under there what is that huh just some kind of tube interesting not sure yep there we go we got something I don't know just a square rectangular metal piece sweet to think how small a gun is though you know how many times you have to throw it to actually hit it probably you know what I mean like you got to get lucky Oh what do I got here something yep yuppers I don't know one of those brackets dude this place is just littered with them uh what do you got there no way to look at one too I mean the whole we got this whole shoreline just littered with them dude why is there so many in there this is weird oh nice - shotgun shells yeah I found one of these over at the docks over there - that's weird why would there be one right here though cuz it's not like you can duck hunt or anything like right here dude we're in the middle of Park people duck hunting in the park man that'd be cool if we can find a gun down there that'd be sweet oh that looks weird no not this time though this magnets a big old magnets what is that [Music] alright guys that is gonna wrap up our video for today we already brought everything over here by the car check it out this was our steal for today at least this is everything that we got from this area over here this little canal here so definitely I think I'm gonna be coming back here because there's this whole walkway to hit here and people fish this whole thing so pretty sure I'll be back here for sure so I'm gonna go ahead pack up and get out of here guys if you like this video today make sure hit that thumbs up button and if you are not subscribed make sure to hit the subscribe button guys stay tuned and I'll catch you guys on the next one you
Channel: The Fisher
Views: 55,907
Rating: 4.8232794 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, confronted, confronted by police, confronted by public officials, public officials, magnet fishing best finds, confronted for magnet fishing, confronted by officials, confronted by the law, stopped by police, stopped by public officials, fishing magnet, elected public officials, city officials, public city officials, magnet, the fisher, fishing, officials, confronted by police for magnet fishing, confronted by public officials for magnet fishing
Id: ah99gjkMr7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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