I Found Something VALUABLE Magnet Fishing - You Won't Believe What I Found!!!

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oh yeah it's on it's on it's coming up oh my goodness that's so heavy what is going on today guys today we're back out here we're gonna be doing some magnet fishing and as you can tell from this parking lot full of boat trailers we are gonna be making a fishing boat marina today so this is gonna be the first spot that we hit today guys as you can see there's like a little boat ramp here behind me this looks like a juicy spot and depending on how this goes we might do a little bouncing around guys if you guys are looking to pick up a magnet or you want to pick up some merch the links will be down in the description guys it is so nice out here today I don't think it could be any nicer today I brought the 2600 pound a double sided magnet and I also brought the claw just in case we find anything big so I'm gonna throw on the GoPro guys and we're gonna see what we can come up with here today oh here we go is this first fine what do we got here just a little bolt looks like a little nail on there - a little what the heck is that looks like a eat nut screw or something all right we'll take it or something on there what is this what is this looks like a little sinker oh yeah it's definitely a sinker all right we'll take it a couple things on there we got what are these just a couple rusted up screws what in the world is going on on there oh my goodness are you kidding me that's exactly what I thought it was just another bolt well this dock has nothing but nails and bolts and screws this is weird check it out guys of course I got my bucket like way over there who knows why I do that I have no idea oh is this here yeah looks like a couple things on there what is this just a bunch of Leafs all in there but first things first year this is deaf dude there's a couple more things I thought gosh co2 cartridge is probably empty check it out we got a nice little fishing lure that's definitely cleanable and usable for sure yeah we got here a little bitty nut and then what is this what is this here almost looks like a screwdriver head yeah definitely like a little Phillips screwdriver head all right all right guys well we really didn't find a whole lot here we'll call this screw town because that's about all we found in here and screw that so we're gonna go to a new spot and I will see you guys when we get there all right guys so that boat ramp led us down pretty hard we only found a couple screws a fishing lure and like a co2 cartridge and I'm running out of time too magnet fish for today so I came to the one spot where I know I'm gonna find some cool stuff so let's throw on the GoPro guys and let's see what we can find here we go first throw look at that first throw we already got something guys what do we got here what is this looks like some kind of maybe a cover to something I'm not really sure alright see what I'm talking about first throw here we're already finding some cool stuff second throw we got something check it out guys what is this here looks like a can it's pretty beat-up definitely not resellable but we will take it Oh a couple things on there toss number three it's just back-to-back today baby what is this here don't even know what that is just a little chunk of steel [Music] oh here we go something minor a little something something something what do they got dude it's another one of those things kind of what the oh maybe not I don't know what that is look at that it's got like little funky little teeth on there something I thought was just a little square piece of metal like we just found but I don't know what that one is guys that's kind of weird oh here we go here we go I see some a couple of things hanging on there we got just a little scrap piece of nothing a little nail and one of these weird-looking bolts that doesn't even have a head on it these are weird oh here we go what is this a couple things hanging off of here baby what is this Oh another beat-up can and then it looks like just another couple pieces of a can oh my goodness oh here we go we got something something Sam what is this here what in the world is that that is a kind of weird shaped thing it's got two little drill holes in the center there I don't know what that piece is that's a little funky looking thing look like anything whole bunch of nothing guys Oh what is this is a little something what the heck is that it's like a little it's a little cog or whatever the heck you want to call it that's kind of funky all right oh we just grabbed something yeah stay on there stay on there yep what is this that looks weird oh we're gonna fall off what are we yeah huge guys what is this stick our finger in there yes we can kinda just a little hole there what is this I have no idea it's just so rusted out can't quite tell what it is there huh that's a funky one Oh physic there's something on there again oh yeah that one's like pretty heavy uh uh literally got here guys what is this looks like a like a busted up piece of piping or something what else we got on here what is that well that's probably definitely not a meteorite just looks like some metal slag or something and what else we got in here just a big old scrap piece and doesn't look like a whole lot else Oh check it out look at one two little drill bits all right all right that feels a little heavier like we got something on there can't really tell yeah it looks like something hanging off it here what do we got what do we got ha ha look at that there goes that magnetic trick again it's literally sticking just to that to another bolt that's kind of crazy so we got one big bolt two big bolts and then just a little square piece of metal and it looks like a nail I am Telling You guys this spot is the spot that just keeps on giving well there's definitely something on there at least it feels like it maybe not what is going on here oh yeah oh yeah for sure holy cow you guys look at this one look at this one of them cutting bits for a lathe another cutting bit for a lathe and they're all just weird different shapes and sizes that's so weird what is this Oh check it out we got a little drill bit we dropped the drill bit we got a little tiny one look it we got another drill bit what else we got on here anything yeah what the heck is this one what is that guys almost thought it was like a pen or a pencil at first but what is that that is kind of funky that is a pretty cool-looking piece I wonder what that was used for Oh what is this we just stuck right to something oh yeah that sound good you guys holy cow look at all the bubbles stay on there oh yeah it's on it's on it's coming up oh my goodness that's so heavy why is that so happy what is that that looks cool what is that one you guys ah look at this what in the world is that that is so cool that thing's like 10 pounds holy cow that's like I don't even know what that is that is so cool ha ha ooh couple things couple cup a couple what is this wow you guys so many mill cutting pieces like that I think that is so cool like something just touching the magnet it can also be magnetic that is pretty cool but look at that guys it's just one to look at three four of these little cutting pieces then is just wild all shapes and sizes Wow I'm convinced the whole machine shop just got sunk underwater this is crazy oh we just grabbed something at the last second oh yeah dude that's heavy holy cow like the last last second what do we got here just a big old pipe dude holy cow yeah that is crazy how many I've actually found of these things in there just big small I don't know what they're coming from but holy cow again like something hit the last second you guys holy cow yep what do we got here what is this one look at that thing look at this big old big old looks like a screw but it's got like threads on each side and a little drill out hole on each side here huh I have no idea what that one is that's kind of wild too oh yeah something minor something-something holy cow a couple of things what is this here guys what is this just another screw without a head or a bolt without a head that's weird holy cow guys look at this piece look it it's got a little hole through the middle of it looks like a like you put it in a drill or something but what the heck with that before that's weird and what else we got in here holy cow you guys look at this drill bit oh that is a big fat drill bit drill in some big holes with that sucker Wow alright guys that is gonna wrap it up here today first we started off at the boat ramp and we did not find a whole lot at all if anything we probably saved a couple people's boat trailers from getting their tires pop but then we came here guys and we definitely redeemed ourselves this spot is just it's crazy I just I keep finding the craziest things here guys but I am running out of time for today we will get them next time guys if you enjoy this video please make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned and I will catch you on the next one you
Channel: The Fisher
Views: 31,743
Rating: 4.863481 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, the fisher, magnet, magnets, fishing magnet, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, metal detecting, treasure hunting, giant magnet fishing, magnet fishing gone wrong, super magnet, strong magnet fishing, best magnet fishing finds, the fisher family, you wont believe what i found, valuable finds, most valuable finds ever, valuable magnet fishing find, valuable finds magnet fishing, valuable, valuable item
Id: qyn9qSZGexc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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