Configure DHCP server with IP filtering and Reservation on server 2016

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so that's a windows server 2016 which has got active directory domain controller and dns is already installed um i'm going to install the dhcp on this machine so this has got a static ideators 20.3 which is running uh which is configured to configure the active directory services so if you look at here um we have got the ipad which is a static ip so static ipad has been configured dns is given as a local machine but for the testing and and i can see all the domains and everything so let's go and install the first dhcp services so click on add roles and features and click next it's a role based features i'm going to install click next so on the machine which is running on this ip address and the service that i'm looking to install is dhcp services so it needs some features and it will be by itself so click yes next next next and restart the destination if you are install so now the machine is installing with dhcp services so i'm just configuring the dxcp service or installing the dhcp service um just to make sure since it's running on the virtual machine i have removed on the vmware virtual network the net dhcp services has been removed here so there is no additional dhcps on this network right so installation is succeeded close right go and complete the configuration next as an administrator commit done finished so dhcp is installed now we can see the dhcp is here so from here i can go and manage dhcp so now this is the dhcp manager what you can see here the machine name and the ipad plus there's no scope nothing at all so i'm going to create a new scope click on your scope next i can give a name new scope name next the starting ips i'm going to give here 20.50 to so class c next if you want to do any exclusion or i can give an exclusion of ips maybe say 55 to just five eyepieces i just want to exclude and then next um so as usual a default on wired network is eight days you can see here is eight days right um so i'll leave it as default but if you want to change it you can change it next and wireless as we discuss it's 24 hours um yep configure just want to configure these options now click next so my gateway on this network is 20.2 so i'll add that yep gateway has been added uh see as i said dns server since it's on my domain controller you speak the parent domain and the ip address of it it picked it if you have got a second one you can add the server name and rta person you can attach here so i don't have it so i don't want to do that um so i got only one dns then it's just been added here next wins we don't have wind server here so there's no night view net bios computing naming system it's also all technology and still microsoft is using but we don't really need it right as explained before it's used by net use and net stat commands and but technically it's been replaced with the dns services so if you have got dns you don't really need to do that click next yep activate the scope next once you click activate right the scope is now activated i can see i have a pool on the pool from 150 50 to 100 ip address and there's an exclusion range as well is there any lease ipa addresses i don't have anything because none of those machines been turned on so i'm going to turn on my first computer here power it on and the second computer here i'm going to power on my second computer too so they both machines are configured to receive the ipad from dhcp so once we locked into this computer right let's log into this computer and i'll go to the second machine and these two are clone computers so i just cloned these machines um so i had this first machine so to test this one what i've done is i went on to manage and created a claw so i got this machine and then once i cloned it i renamed this computer to p02 so if you look at this computer name and this has got pc02 as the computer name pg02 and of course since um uh clone i just confirmed everything has got a different mac characters and everything yep they both has got a different mac address and they haven't have any eyepiece yet so if you go here this is pcco1 right now what i'm going to do i will confirm them by changing the network settings to receive the ip address from dhcp so i'll go to properties tcpi before they are already in automatic ip configurations so that mean they must have received an ipad as from dxc go to the status click on detail and i can see here dhcp enable receive my first ip address from the scope and i can see my dhcp gateway is being received bhcp server i can see that dns server i can see as i configure and also i can see my domain name has been received so let's close that and confirm on the second machine whether he has got the ip address so let us go to that second machine ethernet adapter let's settings back ipv4 yep it's dhcp settings it's enabled um status and i can see the second ip so 50 51 so both ips been given to these two computers let's close that close that and close that let's go back to the dhcp server and now refresh and see whether i can see those yep i can see those specific ip addresses that i have received on both computer is listed down here so that tells me uh these two clients are receiving the ip address from my dhcp server what else we can do from here um as we discuss we can go and assign we can exclude some ips we can filter some ip addresses so let's see how we can do these tasks we're filtering an ip address excluding and blocking those uh machines to receive ipatta so let's go back to dhcp first thing what we do we'll try and do a simple exclusion right um just to try and exclude an ip address so i'm going to see on the ip poll here i can create a new exclusion ip so to create a new exclusion id i can do both ways i can just go right click new exclusion range and i can provide 192.168.20. say 90 to 192.1 so i'm just going to exclude that ipv right now so there's another exclusion range is also given on this network so this way we can exclude an ip and to reserve an ipad i can do a reservation so to do a research let's go and reserve this machine which has got 51 ip address i wanted to change this machine ip address to something else as a reserved ip to do that i'll need to find out the map characters of this machine first of all so if you can pick all will provide the complete detail of the machine so i'm going to find out the physical mac address save get the mac address come back to the windows um dhcp server under the reservation i can create the new reservation and say reservation name i'll say something manager just a name and the ipad is i'm going to reserve for this machine 75 and the mag catalyst i'm going to use it that one i'll say this is pc 0 to reserve and what i'm going to do with the dhcp click add and close now i can see there's a reserved ip in my dhcp scope let's go back to this machine since it's in dhcp i can use the ip config and release command to release the ip address so you can see here there's no ip it says r95 network and of course if you see the ipconfig you will not see an ips one six nine ipa this is the epiphan let's renew the ip by using a command renew um now it should get the ipad as 75 because i've reserved that ipad as here so if i go to the address reserve and i can see he has already received the ip come back here um let me come back and see yeah i can see now ipconfig slash all has got a 75 ip address which is i just reserved which is exactly the reserved ip right that's i get as i reserved it you can reserve even this machine's ipad as 50 rather than going through these steps what you can do is you can go to this iphone leave ip range right click and you can go and add reservation so that ipad is also reserved so you don't need to find the mac cactus and do things because those information is already received by the dhcp server so you don't need to go back and find and do it but this is only possible if the computer has already received the ipads if the device hasn't received an ip address but you wanted to send this device to some remote location where they wanted to connect to their local area network and then attach that machine to network where it wants to have or you want to have an ips then you have to go uh the other way you have to find the mac address and reserve before you put them into the network and then you can do it so i just deleted from reserve ipfs and i can see the ip has gone back to the pool even in the reserved ip at the school i can see what other information the device has got is the router dns and domain name which we have configured when we were installing the dns services remember the v8 gateway dns and then we skip the wins and then we have given the domain name so these these are received from the uh previous configurations right similarly or we can utilize this filter option by default these are disabled filtering you can see a small red arrow here down arrow that's mean they are not enabled so you have to first enable them to deny a machine to receive an ip address so first deny uh enable that by right clicking there so you can just enable once you enabled it you can go and create a new filter lucky i have copied my mac address before i'm going to just put the mac address and i'll say pc02 all right which is what the computer block ip and click add now i can see the mac address is under the list it's under the filtered list right now let's go back to the machine and do a release again i'm going to release the ip address and you can pick release right the ip is gone right i'm going to renew if you renew the ip now let's see what happens because this this mechanism has been blocked under the denied list so the machine should not receive an ip address if it really received an ipad then there's no point of doing those blocking systems right so i just tried it let's wait let's wait um until we get a message so we we should get a message here mean time while waiting here let's go back to the domain and see what happens in the domain controller under the lease right at resistance if you go under there and refresh right we can see the machine with the 75 ip address which because we reserved see the reason why that machine is trying to get the ipad as 50 because that machine my catalyst is already under the reservation right so we have got the ips another restoration so under that reservation ip address right if you go here i can see that machine it said inactive now reservation is inactive even though it was active before but now it's become inactive just because the reason it's been denied we have configured the filtering option to deny this machine not to get an ip address right so let's go back to this machine and you see this machine is trying to get the ip address we haven't got an ipv so let's control c to break that record because it's keep on requesting the ip at us but we can try that by looking at a wireshark packet so if you download uh wireshark sorry you can't download because there is no internet so i can try that right now maybe we can do it later on so let's stop this configuration right stop it and if i see ip config the machine has got no ipad we got only appypa ip why we have this because the machine hasn't got ip it has received an automatic ip address automatic private ip address from the ipad service which is ipv4 service so machine has got now ip but this ip address cannot be used and it says auto configuration ips this ipfs cannot be used to communicate with the other devices technically this ipad as in ipv6 is there it's called as fe-80ip address which is a link local ipad that's just to communicate within the link which is means like within that device to another device so you cannot use that to communicate with the other devices on the network so machine here we have got the ip address no issues everything works perfect on this device let's go back to the network interface card let's go back to the network adapter ethernet adapter right under status as you see here it's all empty and you can see a fee i theatre safety is the ipv6 address right see f80 ip link localization is already there right that's received from ipv6 um anyway ipv6 is completely different culture we'll come back and look at it later on and when we look at ipdhcp version 6. this is dhcp version 4. so the machine has received ips and everything is listed here we can see the pool information you can add more options here if you go under scope option right you can add more options configure options um you can set up a time time server if you have got a ntp server you can set up the ntp server so there are a couple of ntp servers available so you can go to google find out the ntp server australian ntp server put the name and attach you can put some different times that's to make sure that all the devices get the right time so every device will synchronize the time with other servers so you can put the ntp server and there are more options right see name servers lock servers cookies right host names there are many options here right we can configure this all under the server options right or scope options right so there are a lot of options available so we can configure depends on your requirements you can do right under policies we can design define policies we can create new policies here right um for specific services uh specific device and vendors see vendor class user class as i said if you have a specific vendors like microsoft um let's say you got a mac operating system computers or mac computers or android from samsung if you wanted to specifically provide ips to specific vendors you can provide specific vendor policies and then you can attach them and configure it right so all these options are available under this configuration so there are more options if you go on ipv4 and property you can see the options for dns services to work with dhcp filtering services enable deny list because remember i enabled it here not the allow list i didn't enable we can configure if you have got multiple servers you can configure the failover and then other configuration for advanced configuration where to save the old files and everything we can have it here this is my dhcp server so that's where the dhcp service has been configured and this is where the sap keeps the backups um cool yep that's your spot service if you want to change it if you are wondering like how do i change my because of identification eight days while i just create this pool or score how do i now change it just go back to properties and you can change it here right again if you want to change the extend your ip range you can extend the ip range if you want to provide the dns information you can change your dns information and you can do it right at once whether it wants to use a dhcp or boot pay or you wanted to use it for both services good fee is for that network we talk about network pxe board right so that's that options is available here at school as we expected leads we know reservation we checked it scopes policies yes we have server options right you can configure different options server options similar to what we have gone through with the scope option we can configure for servers if you have got multiple servers we can go set up for multiple server options filters the same thing can be repeated for ipv6 you can create the new scope for ipv6 here right sorry okay here and you can go through and configure the ipv6 policy so that's pretty much what we have on the dhcp you
Channel: FaceITNet
Views: 655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DHCP server, Server 2016, Filter IP, IP Reservation, Install DHCP role, DHCP Post Installation Configuration, Configuring DHCP, Test DHCP functionality from Windows Client (Windows 10), DHCPDiscover, DHCPOffer, DHCPACK, DHCPRequest, DHCP Scope, Address leases, DHCP Exclusion, DHCP Reservation, DHCP Filter
Id: NRWi91WO_4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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