2.1 Implementing DHCP in Windows Server 2016 (Step by Step guide)

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let's proceed with the next video from the series installing and configuring networking in Windows Server 2016 and this is implementing DHCP hello friends this is Nick from Adobe solutions and today I'm going to speak about implementing DHCP in Windows Server 2016 so the DHCP abbreviation stands for dynamic host configuration protocol and it's basically used for assigning automatic IP addresses to devices in a company so as you know every administrator doesn't have the time to go around and configure static IP addresses for all the devices in the environment and would you imagine for example you have a guest in your company and they ask for the guest Wi-Fi and what they the administrator needs to do is he needs to go and configure a static IP addresses on every single guest device so that they can connect and start using the network which is not really convenient and here the HP gives us the benefit of automatically distributing the IP addresses the unique IP addresses in a company so before we start with the actual demonstration I just want to provide you some key concepts that everyone needs to know about the HP every administrator that is so the first thing that most of you are will have to be familiar with is how actually the DHCP lease works and there are four steps when a client is presented to the network and you can see the steps from top to bottom and I found set the keywords with capital letters and these are the words that you need to remember so are you will be able to represent this if for example you are asked so the first thing when you connect a client for example let's say a computer to the network the client computer will send a broadcast discover packet package in the subnet and this package will look for DHCP servers so only authorized DHCP servers will be able to respond of course in some occasions unauthorized ETP servers or rogue servers can respond as well so you need to be careful from where you're getting your DTP information because that way if you have a DGP rogue in your network all the traffic can be rerouted from the rocks to the rock server so be careful about that when the server or when they discover packet hits the server the server will then broadcast into the network an offer packet which contains all the information about IP addresses MAC addresses I'm sorry subnet mask addresses any specific policy configuration rules if you have some or the default getting default gateway and DHCP servers if you have configured them so after this package is sent to the client the client will then broadcast again on the whole submit a request package this request package will say yes I need that information please give the the information to me and will then send this package to the network and the server will then broadcast an acknowledgment package which will confirm that the settings for this computer are added into the DHCP database so then when the computer is already acknowledged on the network it will be able to communicate so as I said the key letters that you need to remember in this one are do ra or Dora if you remember then you will be good to go with the ditch beliefs so on the next slide I've made another key concept about DGP lease and this is how the renewal process works so as you know every DGP server has a leased time a specifically time configured by the administrator and depending on this list time after 50% has passed the client will then send a DHCP request packet to the server and the server will acknowledge this packet with acknowledged packet back to the client and this least time will be reset from the start so again at 50% the client will do the same and if the DGP server responds the there is a circle and the computer continues to work in the network without any interruption but if the client fails to get this acknowledgement from DTP server at 50% it will try to send another we new packet at eighty seven point five percent and if it fails again to get an acknowledgment packet at 87 point 5 then the client will broadcast a discover packet and if you remember from the previous slide this is basically the whole GDP and discovery on the network about DTP servers so this is held each believes when your works after we have some basic knowledge of what is DGP and how the leaves and leaves renewal works I'm going to deploy a DGP server so for this video I'm going to use my domain controller and you can see on the top right corner I have the BG info and I'm going to use a client machine that that we are going to then test to the DGP and confirm that it's able to pick up an address from this HP server now that I'm back on my domain controller I'm going to install the DGP role in here but please remember that is not a prerequisite for you to install DT on your domain controller it can be of course a router on your network or any other device that has DGP functionality and depending on how large is your environment it's possible that you even separate the DTP on a different dedicated server so I'm going to start by adding roles and features on the server and I'm going to select it and you can see right away the DGP server role here it will require for you to add the DHCP server tools features so I'm going to add this and I'm going to install the role just to add another thing you can always use PowerShell to install the role as well and the PowerShell command for this is add windows with your GEB so as soon as I finished installing the DGP I have the option to complete DTP configuration and if I click on this option what it will prompt me is to authorize the DTP server so if you remember in the beginning I spoke about the ROK servers on the network so this is a great feature for you to deal with this one so if the DTP server is not authorized in a domain network in the main environment it will stop functioning and it will not provide DTP addresses to the clients so eating in a domain environment you will need to first authorize this server and then you can continue with creating scopes and giving IP addresses to clients and in the first description you can see that it's always a good idea for you if you have a big environment to delegate DTP server administrations to other people in the environment depending on how many administrators are there how many levels so you can have DGP administrators or DGP users security groups created in AD and then you can delegate permissions through this so I'm going to click Next and the authorization will ask me what are the credentials that I'm going to use to authorize this in AD so if you are going to provide DGP functionality in the whole environment that you have on an enterprise level you will need enterprise permissions so I have enterprise permissions with this account so I'm going to commit the changes and you can see that the process is fairly easy and completely done so I'm going to close this window right there and close this one as well so what we can do now we can open the DTP console and you can see that the DHCP console has not changed from the previous versions of Windows servers so most of the experienced administrators will be familiar with this console and they will be able to work without any problems but for newer administrators I'm going to show you how you can configure a DHCP scope and what is DTP scope is basically a range of IP addresses that are available to least by the DHCP server and they are managed by the DHCP server so if you expand the a DHCP server on the left you'll see that you have both ipv4 and ipv6 available so depending on your network if you are using ipv6 you can configure a DTP scope for ipv6 in my case I'm only using ipv4 so I'm going to right click on the ipv4 and create a new scope so another Wizzle wizard will appear and I will need to name my scope first so I'm going to say NLB main for my main scope being server ok and click Next and in the next key window you will have to configure the IP address range that you want your DHCP server to give to the clients connecting to your network so a trick that I want to show you in here is that if you are familiar with each beam you have two options to reserved IP addresses if you or maybe three options if you are configure our reservation that I'm going to show you later if you exclude a bunch of IP addresses from the DTP scope so they can be given manually to servers for example or easier so in here you have the ability to provide a range of IP addresses and you can specify for example if you have a Class C Network like me I have 254 available addresses and what I can do is instead of giving the all our network to the DHCP server I can start from 1000 100 or you can configure maybe less maybe you can start from 30 so the first 30 addresses will be excluded from the from the gtp and I can end for example on 10.00 200 so let me just fix the subnet mask which is going to be a class C subnet mask and I had to just click on the length to become a 24-bit length so now my DHCP server will give only these IP addresses from this range so I'm going to click Next and this is the exclusion and delay I was talking about so for example if you are setting the whole available Network so let's say we start from one on the next field you can reserve or exclude from giving the addresses for example for let's say from 1 to 1000 let's say 99 so these addresses will be excluded from our giving to the clients that request DGP or an IP address and they will be left over for static IP addresses so you can configure them from the servers and depending on what is your IP and network configuration and scheme you can either reserve the beginning cover uh network or the end it depends so I'm just going to remove this one and just going to add 100 and I'm not going to add anything in here but the subnet delay in milliseconds is the timer that your gtp server will respond to any requests so for example if you have multiple DGP servers and you have and you want the DTP server to respond slowly or this be server for example is not that reliable you may want to increase the subnet delay millisecond so that your top priority DHCP servers can respond quicker in my case I have only one day to be server so I'm going to leave it as zero and the next one is the lead duration if you remember the lead duration is the time that the client will be given an IP address so after this lease has expired this IP address will be returned to the pool of available IP addresses for giving to other users so this is if I can give some a recommendation here I would say that if you are configuring this on a guest Network you most probably want to lower the list duration to let's say an hour for example because if you are having multiple customers coming in and connecting to the guest Wi-Fi your IP addresses will run out really fast if you have this lease duration set to 8 days so what you can do is you can just lower this count so they can be easily and faster return to the pool if you are going to use this in your production environment you can configure this to be 8 hours for example so the client computers will connect in the morning will get an IP address and then in the end of the day when the business day is over these addresses will be returned back to the pool in my case I'm going to leave it as the default and click Next and the next window will ask me if I want to configure any specific DHCP options so the DHCP options include the configuration additional configuration that comes with the actual IP address which can include the default gateway for example or any specific DNS server that you want your clients to go to a DNS resolution or any other specific things that you can have any custom configurations in your environment so I'm going to select yes and click Next and the first thing it will ask me to configure the router which is the default gateway so in my case my router will be 10.00 2 5 4 that's the last available IP address so I'm going to give this address 2 to the clients so every client when it receives an IP address it will receive this gateway as well the next one is the domain name and the DNS servers so the parent domain name is ennoble app comm but you can change this to any specific domain that you want to configure your DHCP server to work in but I'm going to leave this one as the default because this is my root domain I don't have any any child domains or any other domains whatsoever the next one is the DNS servers and you can see that it already has picked what is the IP address of my DNS server but if you want the clients in a specific network to connect to a specific domain controller you can add the DNS server into your DNS servers in here so they will receive this IP address upon picking up the DHCP configuration on the next window it will ask you to configure wins and wins is a older name resolution technique that was introduced before the DNS and some Microsoft still has this one although it's quite controversial and a lot of administrators a lot of teachers around the web are constantly complaining why this is still in Windows Server 2016 well Microsoft includes this because of backwards compatibility for example if you have an application that requires winds resolution this is the way for you to configure the clients to use this application so there is a nun in the near future it's possibly that this is going to be decommissioned but still it's here for any backward compatibility I'm going to leave the default I don't have any winds I I'm going to click next and the last window will ask me if I want to activate the scope now so if I click on yes it will activate the scope and I will click finish so now I have already configured my scope for which is my NAB main for my client requests even though we have already configured the scope it's always available for you to right-click and go to the properties of this code and instead of recreating it from scratch you can change any settings that you've pre-configured in the wizard so you can change the start and end I P addresses you can configure the list duration or the description and on the second tab you can enable dynamic dns updates and what this does is when a client picks up an IP address an automatic record will be created by the DGP server in the dns for this client so other clients will be able to resolve the hostname of disk of the new client to the IP to the proper IP address and the last step is the Advanced tab where you can change what is the IP address how is the IP address given to the clients is it gtp is it both B or both and you can change the delay configuration in milliseconds so let's close this and go real fast through the child holders and the first one is the address book in here you will see the IP addresses that are available for leasing to clients you can refresh one at this one from here but if you want you can always add an exclusion range from this one so you can add an exclusion range for example let's say I don't want my 1000 to 100 address to be given to anyone because I know that this is going to be used for my VPN server for example and this address will not be allowed to be provided to climb so the first client will pick up a dress 101 which we are going to test later in here you will see the address the actual leases of addresses or the actual clients that are connected to your DTP server so from here you can either create a reservation on the specific IP address or you can remove this lease so for example if you are running out of IP addresses what is the best way for you to free some addresses is to go into the list folder check for example few random IP addresses try to ping them and if they are not responding you can safely delete the delete the leaves and this will be given to other clients that are requesting this one so the next one is reservations and you can add menu reservations in here you will actually need the MAC address of the client for you to be available so if you don't know the MAC address as I said before you can just go to the leaf tab and right click on the client that you want to reserve and it will be available for you to reserve it real fast and that way you don't have to go ahead and find what the actual MAC address so the next folder is the scope options and these are any specific scope options that you want to configure as I said the scope options and the server options in general are can be different so in this case I have 4 scope options a specific value for the router or the default gateway I have a specific value for 4 DNS servers but for example in different scopes you can have different configurations if the scopes are listening in different networks for example so you don't want the DGP server to give an IP address from different network to a computer that is not recognizing this one and the last folder is the policies folder in here you can configure a specific policies or the DGP server to acknowledge clients on the network and the policies can be a different classes or either vendor or user classes and if you go ahead and create a new policy and just add a test name let me just show you you can add different conditions so for example the user that you want this DGP server to give an IP address maybe for example let's say the value that the client device is requesting needs to be equal to Microsoft Windows 200 2000 options or any user class for example if the the client is requesting an IP address from the default routing and remote access these are different policies that you can configure that can help you to separate the specific conditions that the user needs or the device needs to to be the client needs to meet any specific conditions in order for it to receive an IP address from the DHCP server so I'm going to cancel this one and as a last demonstration I'm going to switch to my client and in here if I open the network and sharing Center and go to properties and I'm going to open the Internet Protocol version 4 and you can see that I have a manual static IP address assigned to this computer but if I click on obtain IP address automatically and DNS server automatically if I click OK and close this one it will disconnect me for a moment I had to reconnect real fast but if I go into the ipv4 details I will see that I have the 10.00 101 address or this is the first address for the from the range that we've configured on DTP server so on the top right side corner of the screen you must probably see that the IP address is the OP 1 so I'm going to just open begin for and apply the settings once again in the address rule automatically and magically change to the 1000 dot 101 so if I switch to my DHCP server and go to the address leases and just refresh this one I will see that I have the NAB - PC that 0 1 which has the client IP address that we've reconfigured so as I mentioned before if I right-click on this one I can add to filter so I can filter this computer to allow or deny the HP arm to be given to it so in the future when the if I specifically choose deny if this computer connects to the network and requests an IP address the DGP server will deny this request and as I said I have the reservation at your reservation so if I click Add the list has converted into a reservation and this is pretty much the reservation and how it looks so you can configure any specific options or check the properties or even check the MAC address real fast so this is how you can add a reservation as well and if you want you can always delete this one so if this is not being used anymore and you're lacking IP addresses from your range you can delete this one if it's not used so you can free addresses to be given to other clients that are requesting it so this is the first video of how you can come here DHCP in Windows Server 2016 I will create another I think one or two videos I will see how we'll be able to manage the time on those and these videos will be about how you can configure HP fell over in Windows Server 2016 and how you can migrate DGP server from an OD GP to a new one so if you liked the video you can always share and subscribe to the channel you can always hit that like button as much as possible and that would help the channel grow and that would help me a lot if you don't like the video you can always hit the dislike button of course and leave a comment to say what can be improved so we can improve in the future if you have any problems with each B or any specific questions you can always put them in the comment section below and our twelve try to answer them as soon as possible this was Nick from NLB solutions and thank you very much for viewing and see you soon
Channel: NLB Solutions
Views: 155,432
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Keywords: DHCP in Windows Server 2016, install DHCP 2016, configure DHCP in Windows Server, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Windows Server 2016, 70-741, 20-741, Implementing DHCP on Windows Server 2016
Id: y3rkiXYeH1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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