Configure DHCP server on Cisco SG350

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in this video i'm going to show you how to set up a simple dhcp server in a cisco sg 350 or 550 switch the purpose for this would be for example where we have a isolated network with no other switches or firewalls or access to the internet or in anything like that it could also be that we get an assigned vlan without a dhcp server and we want to set one up for example to be able to easily connect our equipment our laptops or dante devices that really want to use a dhcp server we should never set the dante devices to static ip addresses that has caused quite a lot of problems so i'm going to log into this switch which is still on the default ip address that's the address up there and i just log in we then end up on this page under ip configuration we have the dhcp server but not until we switch to the advanced mode of this configuration then we see a lot more options here hcp server for example we also have under the ipv4 interface setting of the vlan 1 ip address if we are going to set up a jcp server for vlan 1 we cannot have a dhcp entry here so i'll remove the entry here just delete then go to jcp server properties and enable there then i'll add a network pool that's the address range that's going to be offered to clients we will here set the ip address of one of the ranges of the switch and it that way it knows which vlan these should reside on so for example let's call this av network it's a friendly name just for our own documentation for example the network mask 255.255.25 the first ip address of the uh what we want to offer to clients 192 68 100 to for example and one day is a bit short i would recommend at least seven days uh since this is equipment usually in the av world that's always on the network they are never disconnected and seven days is a good setting i think default router that's the firewall or router whatever you want to call it 102.160 even if we don't have a router in the network we should set this option because some equipment expect there to be a router even if it's not using it 1.1 would be a logical choice for a router in this network a domain name server this is if we have internet access and want our clients to be able to reach names on the internet we could use either for example google's dns server or if we have a firewall with a built-in use that ip address which was 1.1 and that's it apply there are other things we could set to like dhcp options and other things but let's leave it there we have our network here now excluded addresses that's for example if someone already put something in this range we chose for example 1.150 got a printer or something like that or a some other device already here we could add that to the excluded device excluded ip address so it won't be offered to a another client static hosts this is for example if we always want to give a certain device the same ip address we just add it here so for example 192 168 120 for a nvx rx1 for example network mask and a mac artist is this was an nvx a crestron device it should be 00.10.7 colon since that's always the crestron devices and then we pretend it's this it's not very likely but just for mac address and then we leave the rest of the options to be default we close and we've added this device jhcp options could be for example for a ntp server or similar address binding this is the list of addresses that has been reserved in the dhcp server we have the 1.120 that i added before with a mac address if we connect another computer for example we would get that computer in this list too and that way we can see which mac addresses and got specific ip addresses we'll press save to save the settings then we'll go to administration file management and file operations and then we'll do a backup on the file for the configuration and we'll open it to have a look at what we've done and then we see here that we've added the pool and we can here add more devices so we don't have to use the gui to do that you can just add several addresses like 24 25 30 devices and then upload the configuration we could of course also do this using command line then when we done that we are done
Channel: Patrik Lindahl
Views: 8,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, sg350, dante, avoip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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