Configure Cisco SG350 for Crestron NVX and other AVoIP solutions

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in this video i'm going to show how to configure a cisco sg350 or sg550 to work with an av over ip solution like the crestron and the extra similar this is the first page of the switch the switch's default ip address is as default it's unsecured it's http we're going to go through how to set that to https in this video too the default username and password is cisco and csgo and the first thing we need to do is to change the password so this is the first page we're going to go through the multicast settings in a bit i'm going just going to show you here that there are now four options here and if we look at this drop down list here we are at basic first and we switch to advanced we then get the rest of the settings but i'm going to start from the top of the configuration and leave the multicast settings for last so administration is the first thing user accounts should create an other account than the cisco so we have something else than the default my name is patrick lindell so i set a pali and a password and a green check for success here just close if we want we can remove the cisco account then the next thing is the time settings these are quite important to get the system time synchronized since then we can have the logs in a chronological and easy to read format at the correct time so i'm enabling sync through pc i'm also enabling to get this setting from the dhcp server if we have set that option in the server i'm in europe so i set the enable and european daylight saving time and apply when i've done so i get this to synchronize the time right now so now it's 1 46 in the afternoon next setting is the port management i'm going to change the setting for what's called green ethernet this is what makes the switch a bit more energy efficient by bundling several packages together and send them as one packet that's a problem when we are working with p2p sometimes so the practice for this kind of solution is to turn off this settings setting apply this is the global setting for the entire switch there success there is also settings for each port so we should go into port settings and do this for first port here turn off these two and apply and we have the green mark again now we mark this first one and choose copy settings since this is a temp switch i choose port 2 to 10 apply and it's setting that setting for all the ports you can do that for up to 52 ports at the same time then that and next step is the vlan so i'll just add an additional vlan for show a guest network for example just to show how it looks in the other parts later we're not going to configure this vlan then we have security we're going to tcp udp services and here we see http and https is enabled currently i'm going to turn off http i'm going to keep these two turned off tailnet is like a ssh but without encryptions and ssh i want so https for encrypted in the browser and ssh for command when i do this i will be thrown out of the switch since i'm currently connected using http so i just press apply and see i can't connect anymore because i'm using an unencrypted connection so i just add https colon slash slash and i get this which says it's not a private connection which is fine just continuing it's fine because i know i haven't loaded a certificate to this switch therefore it's expected so i'll log in using my newly created account and i'm back in the switch so ipconfiguration next here we have the ipv4 address i'm using a dhcp and the ip address statically set for this switch where i'm connected right now uh it's fine for now and then i go to the multicast setting first thing to set is to enable the multi-card settings we are also working with the vlad one the 100 was the guest network just to show how that looks in the lists for the vlan one i choose under ipv v4 to use ipgroup address not so much because the for example crystal nvx uses that but more because dante in the ordinate dante protocol has it in their settings to use ip group address and since there are a couple of ndxs that also use dante it's a good thing to set it to work with both so apply next we're going to ipv4 multicast configuration and the igmp snooping we enable snooping this is what's uh turning on and off the video streams for select ports when they send their join or leave messages in the network so apply we're still working with vlan 1 going to edit if we look at the guides for the crystal and nfx this is how they recommend setting this up we can choose to leave this checked if we want if we uncheck this then we have to make sure we make the m router port static in a later step we'll get to that we also have version 2 or version 3 of the igmp the most common and the default setting for the nvx is version 2. i have seen some issues in some networks with these switches where we have set them to version 3 and we have speeded up the switching types we also get rid of some interesting issues when you send network streams over several switches so i usually set this to version 3 but you can have it at version 2 if you want if we set it to version 3 we have to also change all the indexes to the version 3. the last setting here is the query the query is like the others keeping track of the different network streams in different switches it's a an election process so the i switch with the lowest ipr address in a network or a vlan will get the role of a carrier there should only be exactly one querier in the network so for example this is if we also have a switch with a querier election that can handle the querier role and it's a dot 20 for example as the ip address that switch would get the role in that network because it's a lower ip address than this one so i press the apply and then close next is the interface settings here we have the igmp version we should change this to version 2 if we want to only work with version 2. edit set version 2 and apply since we don't work with version 2 but in version 3 we'll keep it at version 3. so don't say this if we change we can do the same as with the energy efficiency and just copy settings copying from copying from 2 to 10 and apply that way we don't have to do it on each port here next the vlan settings the same thing here router igmp version version three proxy make sure these are disabled we don't want to have them enabled with the nvx traffic then we go down to the multicast router port we choose our network where we have the streaming devices vln one in our case and here we can say that for example if this switch is the only one that holds nvx traffic or avr ip traffic and we want to make sure that the traffic doesn't go to another switch we can mark it as forbidden for the multicast router port and this is a one gigabit switch a thousand megabits per port if we connect this switch to another switch in the network and we want to send and we accidentally send it to nvx streams through the uplink to the other port that would be in worst case scenario 1800 megabits over 1 000 megabit connection that would effect effectively kill the uplink so we'll set it to forbidden to make sure the traffic can't go to another switch so apply if this would have been a sg 350x 24 for example that's a 24-port switch with four 10 gigabit network interfaces and this would be the uplink port to the next switch we would set this as static instead and the same thing on the other switch in the other end set that port to static that way telling the switches this is where you should send the multicast traffic next option is forward all the settings fine just keep it at none unregistered multicast we want to set this to filtering on all ports especially the ports with the index traffic and apply that's the multicast settings next we are going to go back to administration and file management and file operations and here we can make a backup of the configuration before we do that we can press the save button here what that does is copying the running configuration which is the unsaved configuration in the switch to the startup configuration which is the well the configuration that the switch loads when it reboots we're going to do a backup of the file we can keep it at at https here and we don't have to have any sensitive data like certificates are similar and apply we then get a running config and here is our configuration down here is the settings for igmp for example this file can then be loaded into other switches and just keep in mind to switch for example hostname ip address settings similar and then we are done
Channel: Patrik Lindahl
Views: 3,667
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: crestron, nvx, cisco, sg350, avoip, igmp
Id: _Pk_bmT8754
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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