Layer 2 EtherChannel | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] and welcome everybody oh my gosh I am so glad to be here with you in this session today because Monday night it is uh for my watch on oh my gosh anyway um I'm a little out of it because Monday night I got the flu it is now Sunday and I'm feeling like 80% better I was like oh I'm so grateful I took a shower I shaved a little bit it's great it's great to have you here our objectives for this session is pretty simple and that is layer to either channel and you're saying to yourself what is layer to either channel that's I like to start the discussion with you about so let's imagine that we purchased a switch like this one right here and it's got some house 24 24 main ports it has four external ports or four you know adapters it can support fiber and such but let me ask you a question each of those ports cost money so if we bought a switch and then said okay we have 24 ports and then we were told you can only use half of them where's the problem with that where's the rub probably management it would say so like how can we pay for 24 we can only use 12 how can we're not getting all the throughput that we'd like from our network from our devices and the reason for that in a layer 2 environment is often due to spanning tree let me show you what I mean let me go ahead and not close this your air and let's bring up this topology and they just let's do a little editing here let me bring out they add another layer to this wonderful screen here and boom and ok right here let's imagine just for simplicity purposes I'm gonna remove a few things I'm gonna go ahead and simply we're gonna remove that port and that port at least shut them down so we don't throw we got this for our discussion and we're all stuck in ease the routers will just cross them out for a moment and you know what I'm not really too concerned about this guy either but what I want to focus on are these two links going between switch 1 switch 2 now they're read here which implies in my diagrams that they are trunks so if we have a user let's come up with the username for the client PC and if you're saying Keith let's use Bob that'd be great I talked to my dad this morning it's my mom's birthday she is 88 years old and yeah she's just a trooper anyway so Bob's at this computer right here and this computer is in VLAN 10 now I've got a question for you that's going to rely on a little background knowledge that we've discussed in previous sessions and that is if Bob's computer is in VLAN 10 why what makes Bob's computer be in VLAN 10 and let's take a look some choices is because of the IP address he has it's because how the switch port is configured or it's through some other magical up because the port that Bob's computer is connected to is configured as an access port and not a trunk and it's configured to belong to VLAN 10 and if that's what you're saying you'd be spot on so let's go back to our topology so if Bob wants to communicate with PC 3 who's also in VLAN 10 on this port let's switch to in a previous discussion we said that here's how it works Bob's traffic is going to go in to switch one switch 1 is going to add a tag if you're saying if you're saying oh yeah that's the 802 dot1q tag you'd be right if you're wondering what is an 802 that 1 Q tag check out our video on trunking it explains it in detail and then that traffic gets sent over the link so maybe it's a ping request so Bob's computer sends a ping in the network destined to this IP address the switch before it forwards it over the trunk is going to go ahead and forward it over with the tag saying hey this is for VLAN 10 including Bob's source MAC address the destination layer to use MAC address all that good stuff including the tag for a 2.1 q switch to gets it receives that says ok this frame belongs to VLAN 10 great it strips off the tag and then it makes a forwarding decision if it's a unicast frame destined for PC 3 switch to would say ok which port does in VLAN 10 has that MAC address and then switch to because it learned it earlier it would go ahead and forward it out to PC 3 now the challenge is this if this is our topology right here between switch 1 switch 2 spanning tree which we discussed in another session as well spanning tree yeah what's the word for it it it doesn't like parallel paths it doesn't like redundant paths because Italy or two if we have a redundant path then we're gonna have loops that can go on forever one broadcast just goes on forever and so spanning tree in this topology is saying whoa we've got parallel paths it's gonna block on one and that's what I meant by saying we can pay for many many switch ports but spanning tree as it takes a look at redundant paths it's going to be blocking so let's go to let's actually put this in motion let's go to our are switched interfaces here and let's shut down these ports switch to slash zero and to two so we can match this topology and then together let's identify which path is being used because one of these links will be used and the other will not so let's go and take a look at the interface and they've got one right here and doot-doot thank you for that beautiful sound okay so on switch one the first thing I want to do is just shut down that make sure we're all on the same sheet music I'm just gonna shut down port 2/0 on switch one and two two on switch to in and again the reason for that is that way we can focus on ether channel and why it works and how it works and have a very simplified topology to make sure we get the concepts all right so back to the interface I got a confession I brought this topology up again so I would remember which port I need to shut down so 2/0 on switch 1 so let's go ahead and do that together here we go alright so I'll switch 1 pick T also let's do do show CDP neighbors just to verify the right port and this says set from switch 1 possess which ones perspective that off of its local gig to 2/0 interface switch 3 is out there so that's the port we need to shut down so we'll go to interface gig 2/0 do a shut down and we're done also it's really important even if we're pretty confident let's say we go into a production network and we're shut down an interface or modify an interface it's always a good idea to do a couple show commands just like we did just to verify that we are on the right device we're gonna configure the right port I haven't had a career-changing event by mucking up the wrong port of the wrong interface but I have created a lot of work for myself and some network downtime over the 30 years of my working on IT by doing the wrong thing so just by verifying you're on the right port it's gonna help us do the right thing on the right port alright continuing on let's go to switch to and on switch to the port we want to take out of commission as 2/2 just we can mirror this topology so we'll go ahead and do that now since wish to show CDP neighbor to verify oh that's that's beautiful Oh show CDP oh my gosh I sound like a heart I was like okay this is now turning into a troubleshooting lab show CDP shows the CDP is running show CDP neighbors is going to show us this so in my mind I thought show CDP neighbors and then I just show CDP is like no neighbors what's going on okay let's I just need to add the right command show CDP so excited so from switch twos perspective it is using its gig 2/2 interface to reach down to switch 3 that's one we want to disconnect for this demonstration interface gig 2/2 you know I already do a shutdown and then we'll do a show interface trunk and we do it again get rid of that noise alright so here on switch number two we have two ports that are trunking from switch 2 over 2 switch 1 and those are gig 1 / 3 + 3 / 0 and if we look at our diagram just to confirm this these two interfaces here trunking is enabled on both of them fantastic and if we go back to switch 1 and we do the same commands show interface trunk we've got gig 0 0 and 1/2 from switch ones that are trunking / - switch - we can do a show CDP neighbors again to verify that so that part looks great all right now let's take a look at this piece right here this says the spanning tree and four is not forwarding for any VLANs on gig zero zero effectively that means that's where the blocking is happening if we do a show spanning tree for pic on VLAN 10 to be concise if we do a show Spanish you for VLAN 10 it's gonna show us sure enough that we're blocking right here on gig zero zero meaning we're not forward to any traffic so effectively this is our scenario where we've paid for a bunch of ports for redundancy that's good but we're not using them I mean how would that be to have a job like that your job mr. port is to just hang out go blocking and you know you don't have to forward any frames you don't if something changes we'll let you know sis spanning tree but meanwhile just to have a good life and if a switch is in place for decades well that's a long time but for years that one port and that bandwidth that we paid for isn't being used so that's a challenge so the way we can solve that is by tricking the switches and you might say tricking what you mean well the problem is we have multiple links and we're only getting to use one of them so this is that's the problem and that's one things I want to cover in this video is what is the problem with spanning tree is blocking and multiple ports so how do we solve that the answer is we can make that one port or those two interfaces so we have the two interfaces on switch one this two interfaces on switch two we could make those two interfaces look like one with a little trick called layer two ether Channel now that's what ether channel is it's taking two or more interfaces that are physical and making one logical interface to send traffic back and forth on so here's my question if we did this let's go back to the screen if we took our diagram and we bring out another drawing tool that can be just temporary in nature and this one will do it for us okay so if if we took these two links here instead of making them look like two links we just made them look like one so it would look like one giant pipe between switch one switch to my question for you is this the spanning tree have a problem if it doesn't see any redundant links meaning if it only thinks there's one interface one logical interface between the two how does spanning tree handle that if it sees like switch 1 and switch 2 with a single connection between them like that and if the answer that you're thinking of is it's not gonna have any problem with that you'd be spot-on so in Spanish perspective if we have this scenario spanning tree as we discussed in a different nugget our different video excuse my excuse my history my mental imprinting there as we discussed in a pretty previous video spanning tree is at layer 2 is going to elect one of these devices as the root this is so it's ports become forwarding away from the root which would be a designated port and then switch one would elect one root port and from switch ones perspective that support has the least cost them into what looks like one link to spanning tree so spanning tree no longer has to block and then as far as load balancing and sharing the the burden of traffic between switch 1 switch 2 over the ether channel there are several options for how it's going to make that decision based on port information and IP address information and MAC addresses they're involved and so forth but the key here is the takeaway is that the solution to spanning tree blocking when there's multiple connections between two switches is to use ether channel and this ether channel makes those multiple interfaces they're all connecting to each other look like one logical interface and then Spanish she says great no problem there's no there's no parallel path here and then the ether channel can take what a frame comes in it can load balanced across the different links and based based on the method is configured to do so the default method the default when you configure it by default it does a load balancing there's nothing you need to do unless you want to tweak it and tune it and we talked about that more in the CC P level training so I wanted to cover three things in this video number one was the problem with multiple links the answer is multiple links between two switches spanning tree is going to block on all of them except for one so the only one is effectively usable for a given vela secondly the solution to that is usually using a technique called ether channel and with it it's got a text message from my my dad my 90 year old father all right hey hey welcome so Bob from all of my videos is in the house so that's good to have you I asked him to go ahead because I I focus on the the content a lot looking at the message board I asked my dad to go ahead and just text me when he came in so welcome dad's great to have you so the second thing whatever does ether channel makes those multiple links look like one and that was my second objective and then the third one is to walk you through how to do it and how did it successfully in my operat in my life I've had the opportunity to do some training at the CCA level for many years and so we would write up just really gnarly scenarios to make ether channel not work meaning really tough to bring up so I want to share with you some analogies about how to make this work and let me show you let's talk about hmm let's do this let's imagine we had a self-driving car and so in this scenario we have two switches with two interfaces and we need to go ahead and configure the two interfaces on both switches to become an ether channel like a lot of port channel a logical ether channel connection between the two so what happens a lot of times is people forget that it's a team effort so if we had a self-driving car and let's imagine that we had four people that we needed to get in the car to from Bob's house that'd be Bob and Louis and to from Keith's house that would be Keith and Deena so we have four people that need to get in this car and here's the problem if the car is moving let's say it's moving at three to five miles an hour which may be fairly slow but it's moving and we all try to get in so I'll put Bob and Louis in the front the on the driver side passenger side front Dean and I would go on the back and the the backseat left and right side so we have to walk up to the car while it's moving open the doors try to get in I think well what do you think how successful would that be with a 90 year old gentleman who's very fit but a 9 year old gentleman my mom who's 88 my wife who is closer to my age and me who was born in 1964 I'm 55 how do you think that would go if we tried to get every in the car while the car was moving yeah it's not good it's not a good scenario somebody's going to get hurt it's not gonna work correctly and that is the problem the reason I tell you that stories because that's like setting up ether channel when people set up beat their channel with multiple links on both sides and they're gonna be part of this new logical ether channel group you need this you need to stop the car before you start to configure it because if you start configuring while the interfaces are up or the configuration is different on both sides or a little bit off there's a good chance that ether channel will not establish because they get out of sync or one guy starts too early and thinks the other is dead and so forth so one of the big secrets for CCI you level even is when you're configuring eat their channel shut them down shut the interfaces down do all the configurations make sure the interface configs are the same like if you got trunking on one port make sure the trunking is set up in the other part or if they're you know what are some other out yeah make sure they can set unique identity identically first on both ports on both interfaces you can use shut it down make sure they're set the same enable to eat their channel on both ports I usually use the range command to get both at once or if there's more interfaces for one so whatever it is and then leave it shut down and then go to the other side shut them down make sure the trunking is set the way you want and then go ahead and configure the ether channel the way you want leave it shut down and then when they're both correct then and only then do you go to one switch and do a no shut for all the interfaces and just to jump over do an OSHA on the other and there's a good chance that that is going to bring you success anything else is is dicey and often brings pain and suffering so that's a really good tip whenever configuring ether channel shut them down put in the configs verify the configs and then bring them up in the same order or bring them up you know at the same time here's another key aspect they like to share with you regarding ether channel and that is this let me clear my screen the key the concept I want to share with you about ether channel is that when you connect up an address which one here and switch to here and they've got their two ports at the moment that are physically connected together when we're configuring ether channel there are some options that we can use regarding configuration of that ether channel one of those options is called on and it's pretty straight forward with it what that means means do a third channel go do it so we configure that as we configure the interfaces to go into this ether channel group and that's one option there's another option though that is to use a protocol that's going to help us manage and and monitor the ether Channel and one of the earlier ones was called port aggregation protocol spelled like that and that is a Cisco thing and Cisco does a great job I mean they've come up with a lot of great technology early on and then later it was you know parts of that was adopted and ratified and made into standards so pag P was Cisco's away Cisco's way originally of having a protocol that could manage and look at our ether channel and help us maintain it so if we wanted to configure these links as we set it up to use port aggregation protocol we have two options it's going to ask us for a mode when we set up the ether channel on each switch and if we say desirable or if we say Auto those both in English mean we are using port aggregation protocol now I also want to point out what desirable and Auto mean I'm reminded of it'll be fort well yeah when I was in high school now let's go back let's go back like maybe 60 70 years to a barn dance so imagine a barn dance with all the girls lined up for a high school or whatever all the girls lined up on one side of the barn and all boys lined up on the other side of the barn now in order for dancing to occur between boys and girls or who would anybody really there has to be somebody who initiates it and says would you like to dance and then somebody who says yeah I'll dance would you agree I mean there has to be an initiator for the dancing so if both parties just stood by their wall the the boys in the girls they just stood there and nobody ever invited the other person to dance there's gonna have a full night of leaning leaning on the wall and listening to music without any dancing so one of the options in setting up ether channel is the concept of Auto with port aggregation protocol and what Auto means is that if somebody invites me to dance says the switch that's configured with Auto for the ether Channel if somebody invites me to dance I'll dance I'm willing but I'm not going to go out there and initiate the dance so what happens is if you have this switch configured for auto switch one and you have switch two configured for auto even though it ought to work it's not it's like the boys and the girls standing on each side both of them waiting for the other one to invite them to dance so the other option for port aggregation protocol if we want to use that to manage our ether channel is the option of desirable and desirable simply says go ask go ask the other side to dance and if you have at least one side the boys or the girls set up as desirable that initiates the invitation for the ether channel and they get it underway and they negotiate and they set it up so you could a person could set up both sides as desirable and if the full-size are divine desirable I means either side could initiate the conversation and the other side if it's desirable will also say yes love - I was gonna ask myself I'm desirable so the key is for port aggregation protocol at least one side needs to be set to desirable that's it and the other side can be auto or desirable but you have to have at least one desirable side to start the process okay so that is port aggregation protocol the other option is link aggregation control protocol l.a innocence all uppercase link aggregation control protocol this one is the standard and if you config when we configure switch one switch to to tell its individual respective ports they're going to be part of this logical port channel this ether channel group also sometimes these are called lags link aggregation anyway so when we tell these interfaces that they're going to become part of this port channel this channel group if we want to use Lac P we have one of two modes we can select in the world of Lac P and link aggregation control protocol has the options of active or the option of passive and these options for link aggregation control protocol work just like they do with port aggregation protocol and that's this if we have the same line of the boys and girls on respective sides or humans on both sides either way and we're using link aggregation control protocol as long as one of those two sides is set to active that will initiate the invitation to go dance and play the link aggregation control protocol game with the other side and at the other side is either active or passive it is willing to accept the invitation and go so you could set both sides up to active and the bottom line is this there's three ways three primary categories we can set up ether channel for layer two one is on do it on no link aggregation control protocol no port aggregation control protocol if we want to use one of the other two we use the mode desirable or Auto that gives us port aggregation control protocol and if we use active or passive that represents that we're using link aggregation control protocol and and here's one more caveat we're not it's not gonna fly if we use port aggregation protocol on switch 1 and link aggregation control protocol switch 2 they're not compatible with each other so we need to choose okay are we going for on or we go on for a link aggregation control protocol on both or are we going for pag P port aggregation protocol on both alright so now that I've shared that with you we've covered two basic things number one we have identified identified the challenge of spanning tree and blocking when it sees multiple paths between two switches and to solve that we're going to use logical port channel sort of logical ether channels to make that one link look like or make those two links look like one and so now what I'd like to do is walk you through actually implementing that in a production environment and will also verify it before and after so let's bring up the the lab environment here and let me reset that and I need to login to my management computer which I will do right now okay super duper all right so from switch ones perspective and let me also confirm our interfaces here we're gonna add we're gonna add port 1/2 and 0 0 and 1/2 us which one as part of an ether channel group and we are going to use link aggregation control protocol to do it so I'm going to use the mode active on switch 1 and I'll do the same treatment over here on switch 2 so here on switch 1 remember remembering the ports involved here let's take a look and configure this together alright so here is here spanning tree so spending 3 gigs 0 0 is the one that's currently blocking gig 0 / 1 is a connection out to Bob's computer and gig 1/2 is the connection between switch 1 and switch to we could verify that with a show CD PDA my gosh wash my hands can't do a thing with them show CDP neighbors and that just confirms where those connections go to so 0 0 and 1/2 are the two ports that we're going to put into the ether channel that connect from switch 2 over to that connect from switch 1 over to switch to alright so to do that we're gonna go into configuration mode interface range and then we want to put in both interfaces so we have gig 0 0 I'm looking at my notes here and interface gig 1/2 and make sure I have my ports right good so now we're at interface configuration mode and I've got a question for you what should we do before we start configuring the ether channel at a very minimum what should we do I mentioned it earlier and this is the thing that it's like that car that with 4 people trying to get into a moving car there's bound to be a hazard and we want to remove that hazard so we want scheduled downtime go through change control in a production environment make sure it's all planned and documented and then we bring these interfaces down together implement all the commands go to the second switch bring those interfaces down and put in all the commands and then once we're confirmed with the commands we'd want to bring up both sets of interfaces at nearly the same time all right so that's what we're gonna do so here on the switch one will do a shutdown that brings us down and also because these were already set up as trunks and I we've verified that together but I'm about to next you wouldn't really have to do but it'd be good to verify that both ports are configured as especially in a new environment make sure they're both configured the same both of these ports should be switched port trunk encapsulation using dot1q both ports should be switched put remote trunk and if you're not sure you could look at the running config for each of the interfaces or we could just put those commands and against which port trunk encapsulation dot1q boom switch port mode trunk and what that does that just guarantees that those commands are equally applied to both interfaces so because this lab was already up and there were up and we're a verified trunking it's not too big of a deal but to avoid mistakes or missteps not a bad idea to confirm the configuration is the same and now we'll add both of these interfaces to a ether Channel so the syntax for that is channel group space and then we can pick up a number so this is just a locally significant number on this switch so only use channel Group one space question mark and then the mode space and then based on what we want to do the options again are three basic options we can step it on we can set it to an option that implies pack P port aggregation control protocol or we can supply a mode that implies that we're using link access control protocol so let's go ahead and use this one active enable link aggregation control protocol unconditionally and that means that this side will initiate a conversation for link aggregation control protocol with the other side so go ahead and do active and that's it now before we bring these up let's go configure the other side because if we bring them up right now it's not going to be happy with the other side because the other side is not yet configured for ether channel and then the negotiation is going to fail so we go down to the other side which is switch two and we go to 1/3 and 3/0 we do basically the same configuration on them and here we can specify active as well or we could do passive because both of those imply link aggregation control protocol and either one would work just for the lab we're gonna go ahead and just do active on this side as well so up - switch - we go and here on switch to interface range also let me just verify the ports do oh so I shut down the other port so CDP may be expired artists he shows CDP neighbors yeah so CDP is good for like 6 times 180 seconds and then after that it times out but we verified that before with our trunks of where we were connected to so we're good to go interface range Ragan and we want to go to gig 1/3 and also gig 3/0 and verifying my notes here let me look at the topology one more time 1/3 + 3 / 0 also I wasn't sold like the first probably a few years of my Cisco experience back in the like the late 90s and early 2000s I wasn't sold on using the range command and I could just go into each interface and do the commands but by doing this quite using a range command and making sure you're on the right interfaces you're gonna avoid typos and so like one typo here or what something off there is not going to happen because the whole all the interface is involved are gonna get the same exact commands at the exact same moment so it's a good idea just for the reduction of typing and also the reduction of mistakes as well alright so we'll go into interface configuration mode will do a shutdown that will just switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q now if it was already set and we were sure of it we wouldn't need to do that again there's no harm in doing that and then let's do a switch port mode drunk alright so we know those four those were already set but does a good practice making sure they're solid and then channel group what else is after a channel let's take a look oh okay channel group and then we'll do a we could use any local number we want to hear it could be one as well and then mode and based on our plan we will use link aggregation control protocol and so our options are either active or passive and you might wonder what why didn't they put these like in order with the link access control protocol first together and then like the important a gradation protocol last and the answer is it's alphabetical so active auto desirable on passive it's alphabetical that's why they're in that order so we'll set this to active as well and then now that we're sure that we have both sides correct we'll get a switch 1 and we'll do a no shut which is short for no shutdown of course and we'll go to switch to no shutdown fantastic and then we'll go ahead and get out of configuration mode let's take a look at this just for a moment what I'm expecting is to have a log message indicating that we have a new interface that just came up and that would be our port channel 1 there it is right there so this ether Channel all its configured with the command channel group the new logical interface is a port channel so there's port channel 1 it says it's up and as far as verifying and looking at that interface we have a couple options you could do a show interface oh that's gonna have a lot of output oh yeah that's kind of a lot of output let's do this let's do a show in her face and then let's let's pipe it out so pipe just reduces the output we have to look at and let's look for anything that has the word port in it oh maybe it the word I thought it'd include port that's not what I want okay let's do its upper case port so if you know what you're looking for it might be a little easier there we go so show interfaces pipe include upper case PRT and there we have port channels up line protocol is up connected that's a very very good sign we could also a show IP interface brief that would be one way of looking at as well so there is our layer two port channel right there there's no IP address assignment because it's layer two interface what else could we do how about this we could do any show ether channel some else to do this question mark here show ether channel lots of options here let's do a show ether channel summary that's a great one so this commands show ether channel summary shows us what we currently have in place so we have this group one which is really our port channel our first group and we have port channel one the su asks if we look at the decoder up here means it's layer two right there and the you means it's currently in use and the protocol is link aggregation control protocol and then it shows the two ports that are making up or join that ether channel group for this new logical interface called port channel one let's see what else can we look at with this oh we also could do this too so we do a show get your face port Channel oh there we go let's do port channel one and let's tag on the keywords switch port and I definitely needed so switch port just take a little layer two characteristics for this new logical layer do interface and so there's the command right there show interface port channel 1 switch port and that shows that that it's currently a trunk and then the details now how did it know it was gonna be a trunk we never told the port channel itself it was to be a trunk what happened was the interfaces when they went into that port channel we're configured as trunks and as a result that's why the port channel itself is a trunk it's not magic it's it's just carried forward the properties of those two interfaces that were the same configuration wise for the the trunking mechanism and turning trunking on and it just carry this over to the ports on itself let's see what else to me oh you know what one other thing let's back to the whole purpose here we I didn't write we have a promise banning tree because spanning tree had those two links between switch 1 and 2 and it was blocking on line we aren't gonna getting deep being able to use it and so now with port channel and putting those two ports on both switches into one logical channel spanning tree shouldn't be blocking like at all in our topology let's take a look so we'll here on switch one I'll do a show spanning tree or VLAN 1 no be line 10 and look at this so gig 0 / 1 I'll say the topology real quick 0 / 1 is this one right port right here that goes out to Bob the client and port channel 1 is the bundle of those two interfaces that are connecting or to switch to so if we did a show CDP neighbor it's gonna show us here look at that so it shows us literally which interfaces it knows about switch to on but from a spanning tree perspective it only has one logical port Channel and so it's not doing any blocking here so switch ones not blocking switch 2 is the root so gate 1 be blocking here's switch to spanning-tree VLAN 10 and it's forwarding as well so gig 1 / 0 is an access port and port channel 1 is a the interface that's connecting switch 1 and switch 2 well I'm pretty happy that worked out well I've seen so many times when ether channel just didn't go well and it boils down to the the situation where either the the 2 or 4 multiple interfaces that we're going to put into a port channel their configuration wasn't the same I mean what would happen if you had one port that was an access port one port that was a trunk port and then you tried to combine them both as part of an ether channel it's gonna bark at you so the secret to getting this to work is shutting down the range of ports on both sides making sure the configuration is correct on both sides double-checking your work and then bringing both sets up at the same time and you're gonna have great great success with link aggregation control protocol or port aggregation control protocol because when they both come up and they're both happened they both see each other and have the same protocol on the same config it's a it's a win-win-win all right well that is what I wanted to cover today again I'm feeling so glad to be able to talk and not cough it's been it's been fantastic so uh I have a few other ideas about other topics that I'm going to be including I haven't totally solidified which one I'm going to include next but I will announce that on social also I have a new playlist oh my gosh if you have not yet subscribed by the way take the time now and click on subscribe make and click the alert bell seeing alerts when new videos come up but here's the URL that I've created that you can just use and it's a playlist for CCNA with all my newest stuff mostly of live streams I'm also going to tuck in other pockets that I create that are needed for that and the URL is ogi T dot online slash sloth thank you mister sloth that's it and I thought I'm gonna make this really easy to find for anybody who wants to so I'm gonna add the new live streams that are applicable for CCNA in the right order to that playlist also put the link that in this video once it goes live here enough about 45 looking at my watch in about 45 minutes Lindsay goes live so um thank you very very much for joining me in this discussion of layer 2 ether channel and how it can help and I look forward to seeing you my friends in another video very very soon so again make sure you subscribed and have a really really great day thanks everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] even if father down I will keep on searching for my hide you can say oh that's not mine I will keep on holding my head high even the sky is falling down jumping so high trust it always to fight sometimes of crashing down but we get up in stuff from the ground [Music] [Music] you can say oh that's not mine I will keep on holding my head high [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 29,481
Rating: 4.9674039 out of 5
Keywords: ccna certification, ccna training, ccna 200-301, CCNA, new ccna, cisco ccna, new ccna certification 2020, cisco certifications, 200-301 ccna, keith barker, networkchuck, networkchuck ccna, ccna, lag, etherchannel explained, etherchannel, etherchannel configuration, etherchannel load balancing, etherchannel ccna, etherchannel layer 3 configuration
Id: -7_PuMos2h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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