How To Handle Heartbreak | VIVE Church

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thank you for joining us for this five church podcast we have something special coming up this summer that we want to invite you to our very first five conference there is a hope on August 25th and 26th in San Francisco for more information on how to register visit vive conference com now we know this podcast is going to speak directly to you so we hope you enjoy it there is a big difference between hot and hold hot comes in the form of a pep talk in the form of you know self-help kind of mentality where I'm just going to hide myself up I'm going to talk myself into it and sometimes that work for a minute but doesn't last long [Music] here's the major difference between - hope [Music] perp has a foundation not faith in my ability but faith in a God who is able that's where my hope comes from it comes from the Lord because I know all too well the weakness which I walk with I don't want to well have drawn my places the way I of weeks the Bible says he is strong [Music] because of his I am stronger because of his he is greater I know that my god is nasal because of his I am able to please wear my hood line I'm about to rob death of its thing I'm about to rob the I'm about to rob the grave of me I'm about to rob humanity of their sins past present and future in the grace of God comes on your life now you can do what he asked you to do when you agree with the voice of his work the Holy Spirit revelation power God Christ is really inside of you and he is going to revolutionize you have all I have to do is wait for the circumstance to come use my voice leak later about my circumstance my god raised jesus is alive I find side me get Kingdom time to preach the Word of God are you ready for the Word of God hey we'll grab out your Bible real quick I'm so excited to continue in this series called Jesus the human seed you see standing stay standing I'm not going to keep you standing long trust me you have plenty of time to sit but I want to read one verse from John chapter 11 and just extending for the reading of God's Word I like to honor God's Word as we as we read it John chapter 11 verse 35 it says jesus wept that's it told you was going to keep you standing long jesus wept two words short at first in the entire Bible Jesus wept just two words that I believe are going to be the framework for our time together today and in fact I want to take these two words and I want to use these two words to really speak to you from the subject how to handle heartbreak how to handle heartbreak I reluctantly want to ask how many people have had a heartbreak before but I don't want to kind of expose you but but I'm sure we've all experienced some kind of lust or some kind of heartbreak in our life but today from the words of Jesus or from the life of Jesus I'm hoping that we can navigate and get some handles on how we handle heartbreak in this life are you ready for the Word of God well if you're ready would you find five people around you say come on we're going to learn how to handle it come on five people we're going to learn how to handle it today we're going to learn how to handle it how to handle heartbreak you can go ahead and grab your seat how to handle heartbreak now when it comes to crying there are certainly some circumstances in life that would validate tears now I'm not generally a crier I don't claim to be a crier but but given a specific situation the right circumstances ie the the correct movie.i has been known to to shed a tear or two how many people know I'm talking about Bradley opinion you know what I'm talking about we we know what it is to to shed a tear given the right romantic setting you know just because you overcome with emotion how many people know what I'm don't leave me up here alone I need you to get involved I'm getting a little vulnerable right from the beginning but regardless of the movie settings I'm not generally a crier and I think that's because I live in a house full of ladies who could cry a lot to be honest with you I've got three daughters and one wife there are plenty of Tears to go around our house on I don't need to add to the mix and in fact we've recently been in a season for some reason where our girls will just cry all the time it's like their way to kind of get like bonus points or I don't know also to kind of get some sympathy they just go to the cry whoever's crying the most must get disciplined to let loose or something like that but but but they go to tears no matter what it is they've been going to tears this driving is crazy I Drive it so much emotion so much drama in our house and and just the other day here I decided you are we're going to be done with this and she made this rule she said anybody who cries without warranting reason or anybody who acts up in fact the minute you I find you're doing that you're going to be doing 20 sit-ups that's going to be I'm going to give you something to cry about is what you said so she said anybody who cries and never doing plenty of sit-ups don't worry about that but it was just last night at the dinner table in fact we had a moment where there was a few conversations going on and and zolly she's very dramatic and she was reenacting something and and she would be very dramatic Walker was in a conversation with with Medea and so Sakura said right dolly Christy thought she said something bad she's it right Solly give me give me 20 and thought it was like what and I had to kind of explain oh no she was just reenacting something and because Kier is a much better parent than me she apologized she said I'm sorry sweetheart I wouldn't have but but but you know she did because she's been apparent than I am and so it's a bit of silence and then Holly pops up and said all right mom you give me 20 she strayed away she end up till 20 feet in Bexar they cry all the time and and then it's one thing for my daughters to cry because they're girls and they're young and they looking for attention but but it can kind of be uncomfortable when in scripture we receive Jesus a savior of the world in tears would you agree now for context here in this chapter John chapter 11 we find the story of Jesus at the tomb of his dear friend Lazarus and it's a very emotional scene to say the least it's a scene where you have Mary Martha and a whole group of people a whole crowd of people kind of mourning the death of of Lazarus and we even find Jesus himself emotional which is kind of confusing because over this series we found Jesus a seizure of the world hungry and frustrated we've seen Jesus the Prince of Peace angry we've seen Jesus the wellspring of life thirsty yet none of those I think would be quite as confronting or awkward as finding Jesus kind of sad or even heartbroken but as confusing as these two words are Jesus we're put together in Scripture can be I wonder if maybe they just can some house to hold some keys on how we can handle heartbreak in our life that's what I wonder I wonder if there is something in just two words two simple words rather than just exposing that Jesus gets emotional sometimes maybe they can hold something for us to help us in the times of where emotional in the times that we face loss and at times that we deal with heartbreak in our life so maybe we could do some teaching today I got this I got this screen up on stage and what you can see it from where you're sitting but but but it's going to help me teach and hopefully we're using it so it can help you retain something today and it does not give you the excuse because I'm putting those on screen to not take your own notes there will be an exam at the end of this any men to take some notes but essentially over this series beyond revealing and learning from some of the different elements of and aspects of Jesus life we've been trying to do some stuff as as a good pastor I've been trying to teach you from both a practical and a theological perspective especially around the nature of Jesus that's what I'm trying to do up here what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to kind of kind of take you deeper in both your understanding of and your relationship with Jesus that's the purpose of my job I want to unpack Jesus so you have a deeper understanding of him and maybe in turn that will deepen your relationship with him and so I've been doing that from both a practical and a theological perspective knowing that a healthy doctrine is not just for Bible scholars it's not just the seminary professors a good doctrine can actually help us with our life would you agree help us navigate the way women to walk and how we handle life so so something that we've been looking at over this series and in great depth is we've been looking at how Jesus is both divine and humans two aspects that in called incredible mystery how is it that he can be both divine and human and in fact a couple weeks ago I gave you a theological word called Incarnation which simply describes as John puts it that the word became flesh and dwelt among us that's essentially the what of Jesus but it's another theological word that I want to I want to give you today that Noli describes the walk of Jesus but also describes the howl of Jesus and it's a theological free it's called the hypostatic Union now we're noting out already in the Bible this morning aren't we I mean I took it at seminary straight up but but settle down we're going to bring it up a little bit but but it's important to know not just the water of Jesus but also know how it is to know that he is both human and divine but also to kind of theologically put together and understand how is that how is it that that Jesus can be king can actually be one person but but possess two natures and this is what hypostatic Union ultimately means it means that he has two natures divine and human that remain distinct whole and unchanged in in who it is without mixture that they're both two natures separate but in the one person they don't make they don't blend without confusion he's not confused whether he's divine or he's human he knows both natures that he is both truly God and truly man and it's important to know this that these both natures reside within Jesus forever forever meaning he didn't just know once what you go through he knows even now what you go through and he can empathize and sympathize with your needs the importance of this cannot be understated or underestimated because because Jesus our very nature the human nature of Jesus is actually essentially what what helps him understand what it is that we go through it's all these elements that and these attributes that make him truly human that that allowed Jesus to be our actual Savior without knowing these things he could not be our Savior I like the way see us Lewis put it he was a great scholar he said that the Son of God became man to enable men to be sons of God did you get that he said the Son of God became man to enable men to be sons of God he he had to know what we went through he had to go through everything that we'd go through inside and out that means Jesus didn't just experience the external pain that was felt on the cross Jesus also knew that the internal pain of rejection he Hindu the inner hurt of heartbreak jet and lost just like just like you and I do so how does it help us well I only use this passage in John chapter 11 to give us an handles today that can help us handle the areas of heartbreak and loss in our life maybe that's in the area of a relationship maybe that's in the area of the loss of a loved one maybe it's a financial loss maybe it's a loss of a reputation there's so many areas of heartbreak and loss that we go through in life would you agree I think all of us would be familiar somewhat with some sort of hardship some sort of heartbreaks some sort of error in our lives that maybe we have gotten through or what maybe we haven't yet but I'm believing that that what you've gone through isn't only time you go through it that there will be heartbreak at times in life because we are we are human we go through these things and so maybe there is a way that we can help understand it that will help us process every step that we take through it maybe in the way that we handle it maybe there's something that could help us to to not just be afraid of it but to embrace things like heartbreak kind of a crazy idea to embrace heartbreak we try and avoid heartbreak we would try and protect ourselves don't we we try and do everything we can so not has to face that I see that I think that hearing in John chapter 11 we get a good picture we find Jesus first ministering some distance away from the tower where Lazarus lived and it says this John John sets the scene perfectly in John chapter 11 verse 1 it says a man named Lazarus was sick he lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha this is a Mary who later poured the expensive perfume on the Lord's feet and wiped them with her hair her brother Lazarus was sick so the two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling him Lord you're your dear friend is very sick it's gotten serious now but when Jesus heard about it he said Lazarus sickness will not end in death no it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this so although Jesus loved Martha Mary and Lazarus he stayed where he was for the next two days now jump down to verse 32 with me for a second it says when Mary arrived and saw Jesus she fell at his feet and said Lord if only you had been here my brother would not have died when Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her a deep anger welled up within him and he was deeply troubled where have you put him he asked them they told him Lord come and see verse 35 then Jesus wept John sets an incredible tension here in this passage would you agree firstly establishes that this relationship between Jesus and Lazarus is no average or ordinary relationship this was Jesus dear friend and yet as a first-time reader despite the circumstances you would be excused from remaining calm as you read this because Jesus made a statement even though Lazarus is sick this will not end in death jesus said it ain't gonna worry jesus not gonna die okay he's sick but jesus said he it will not end in death but in that time it's taken Jesus to get from where he was to where Lazarus is he's going to die so where all was calm now his confusion how is it that it is not going to end in death and what we see as a result is we're confronted with two two really harmless words on their own yet two words that epitomize both the divinity and the humanity and when they put them together really create what I would call a potent sentence for us to process Jesus West Jesus divinity wept a very human treat Jesus saying this sickness will not end in death now upon hearing that him he died he wept was Jesus confused did Jesus get it wrong did he did he think it was some some other guy that was not meant to tayo maybe was Larry that wasn't going to end in death but but maybe just just he thought they were talking about Larry or Lazard he was on die yeah I knew that but I was talking about Lenny that's what I was talking about but here we got Jesus and just for a little spoiler alert for those who don't know the Bible Jesus is about to raise Lazarus from the dead which essentially means why he could say there would not end in death further reiterating that often what's the end for us is always the beginning for Jesus that is how it works in in our life but that's a little side note because what Jesus was what ultimately saying is and he's using a very divine statement a prophetic statement to really clearly say it will not end the way you think is going to end you may have to go through some stuff in this life now me some doesn't mean that because you know Jesus bad things won't happen there will be heartbreak there will be lost there will be things that don't turn out exactly like you turn them out but but God has got a purpose in mind that that may be the thing that you go through almost glorify God because you had to go through it but for John who in his gospel most most clearly out of all the gospel reveals the divine nature of Christ specifically mentions it's very human element to Jesus that he that he wept and in doing so not only does John with two words reveal to us that Jesus both felt hurt and heartbreak but with the same two words he's going to show us how we handle the heartbreak are you ready for this I'm going to do some teaching today I'm going to do my best like Bible college teacher hat on because I want you to learn some stuff I could just preach this kind of home and I could shout and I could wail and a kid jump around on the stage but I really want you to take something home today because because what's in the quiet moments in the moment that you're alone that you really need to be able to reciprocate this stuff you need to be able to remind yourself of this stuff and essentially what we see here is we see Jesus emotional we see Jesus feel in fact would you write that down I want that to write down the words feel write it down on your notes or your neighbors for her for I'm just write it down the word would feel how many people know that despite whether you like this or not as a human being you feel things how many people know that's annoying sometimes how many wives would rather not feel your husband hurt you so much anybody know I'm talking about like they just they say the dumbest things amen and and they don't know what they're saying but they still still feel it amen amen amen but probably we feel things because we're we're human now men are generally not very good with feelings men are very good with emotion simply because men are often told that men don't cry right and it's bad advice because it's usually comes from people who actually possess the inability to express emotion correctly and so they use avoidance as their measure to tell other men not to cry just say and a side note but but that's not what the Bible teaches us because the Bible in fact teaches us that we are meant to express feelings a lot did you know that maybe not teach you something right now in fact Jesus tells us that we're meant to feel things in his famous Sermon on the Mount known as the Beatitudes we see this in Matthew chapter 5 verse 4 he says blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted hmm that means our ability to not only feel pain but also express it through morning is God's designed for us to handle heartbreak to mourn nothing to deny our emotions but but or even hide our emotions like we think that's what we're meant to do but to allow ourselves to feel that the gravity of the circumstance and express our pain through morning here's the truth and this might be good one to write down when we fail to talk it out with others we can end up taking it out on others when we fail to talk it out with others meaning when we fail to express it when we hold it in when we tied it down and we squash it down we end up taking it out and others in fact we kind of look to see this with Martha where where she comes in might Mary she comes to Jesus that if you had have been here if you had in a moment she kind of just lets it out and she begins to take it out on Jesus her loss and her heartbreak she begins to blink Jesus if you hadn't been here that's what we do when we go through heartbreak in life we come to places and we start to look who can we complain because we're trying to squash it down and we're not trying to express it but but in the moment the emotion surfaces amen emotional surface and we begin to take it out on our spouses we begin to take it out on other people around it if you didn't do that you were a better parent I'm pretty good but if you Lord if only you had have been here and I don't blame her in fact I don't blame her blame because we know that this is the same Jesus who earlier in Scripture could actually send a word and people would get healed he didn't even have to be there she said if you if you had a been here but she knew full well that he didn't even have to be here because the earliest scripture Jesus sent a word an official son got healed so I don't kind of blame her for knowing that there was a solution and there was a there was some way to avoid the heartbreak but but but she in some way she kind of takes it out on Jesus but it's justified but essentially what happens next we see this in verse 33 she begins to weep the gravity of the moment is expressed through mourning which is what Jesus tells us he says blessed are those who mourn so Jesus doesn't get angry with her he doesn't get upset with her he understands that sometimes the reaction comes out in the moment of emotion sometimes emotions express themselves in different ways and Jesus he understands her in her morning but I do want to tell you this what can be unproductive and become unproductive in our life is when morning turns to moaning can talk about this because at verse 33 we see that there is that there is something that's about to make Jesus angry when Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her a deep anger welled up within him and he was he was deeply troubled in the midst of this scene that there are those who are mourning and then there are those who are moaning in fact back in these times when there was a funeral you would hire professional moaners there were professional mourners they a group of people that were you could rent and they would come as a crowd just to help you in your situation help you in your emotion and help you kind of express it through but but Jesus is delineating the difference between the moaning in the morning here he's saying blessed are those who mourn not those who move amen and what we mourn the reason he does is is because our mornings is expressing a feeling of Lawson that's expressing it's surfacing the things that are inside of us when we moon however we actually find ourselves in a place then we keep ourselves in a place of injustice and it's our learning that actually keeps us stuck in life I can't emphasize this enough I'm trying to stay calm I'm I feel like I'm on the edge of preaching but I'm trying to dial it back can you feel I'm trying to just calm it down because I want to really preach this point because most of the time that people are stuck in life is not because of a circumstance because they keep them still stuck in that circumstance their circumstance happened so long ago but you're still moaning about it and you're still telling everyone about it and you're wondering why do relationships won't form because you're still complaining about the last one and they don't want to carry your package they want to carry your problem on the plus so you got me going to stop me San Francisco can sit down - I know they're getting amped right now but you see grief grief is actually a healthy emotion this is a different sermon I like pre Chanel face the grief is also a healthy emotion did you know that it's a healthier healthy emotion that needs to be expressed - we spent so much time thinking about health in our life through what we eat don't we like me Wester it I mean if I eat carbs I regret it you know me like for like the next four weeks something oh honey hi why'd I do that gave in and and you know still I know I shouldn't but I'm sitting on the couch like at like nine o'clock at night and that tub of ice cream that mint choc chip but we think of health so often through what we eat but hardly ever do we think of health around what's eating us unlike what one pastor said one time that one constant at one time that often our greatest enemy is the enemy it's the things that we lock down on the inside that eat us from the inside out and we wonder because what we try and do is we try and we try and avoid heartbreak I like what David wrote in Psalm thirty two verse two he said when I keep things to myself I felt weak deep inside me I moaned all day long that's what he said that's what he said and I feel like I feel like that we need to talk about feeling like a prisoner to our own emotion sometimes that's what we do when we well we don't express it and when we don't kind of reveal and we don't let ourselves feel that we squash it down but but not everything you feel is real do you know that because I got to be careful not to give you permission to go on Facebook and just start talking about everything you feel in life not everything you feel is it's not everything you read is real either did you know that the rulers Abraham Lincoln quotes a real okay there's things that you feel that you're not meant to express but what you can be sure of is what's real you're meant to feel and if things really happen to you you're meant to feel them you're meant to express them mm can I keep going everyone say feel another handle that Jesus shows us through the fact that he wept is that we have a savior who understands can you write that down as well understands he under understand in fact in order to handle grief we need to understand that grief can be a gift if it helps us grow grief can be a gift if it helps us helps us grow you see there is a process and a purpose to grief that when approached properly it can actually draw us closer to God some 34 verse 18 says the Lord is close to the brokenhearted he rescues those who spirits are crushed in fact our ability to understand that God is wanting to draw close to us can allow Greece to kind of be a gift in our life that actually provides that pathway for us to draw closer to God sometimes without any heart breaker adding the grief we're kind of like God I'm good I've got this but it's in those moments of heartbreak that we we need to draw close to God and it can be a gift if it provides a pathway for us to do that but instead what we actually what actually becomes confusing to us most of all in life is the fact that we we go through hardship that we have to even go through struggles at all that's what occupies most of our attention is if I'm a follower of Jesus and he is powerful then why do I struggle sometimes I mean why doesn't he just make everything good why doesn't God just do everything that he can do I know we can I know he's powerful so why do I have to to go through sorrow in fact the unique passage of Scripture that I shared with the five men at the advanced just recently and and its passage of Scripture that I just cannot move on and it's in math chapter six verse 45 I want to show you to your real quick and says this immediately because it's where Jesus walked out on the water you know the story but you haven't seen it from from this passage before it says immediately after this Jesus insisted that his disciple get back into the boat and head across the lake to beside ER while he sent the people who after telling everyone goodbye he went up into the hills by himself to pray late that night the disciples were in their boat in the middle of the lake Jesus was alone on the land he saw that they were in serious trouble rolling hard and struggling against the wind and the waves about 3 o'clock in the morning meaning this has been some time Jesus came toward them walking on the water he intended to go past them is that in your Bible - hang on it says he he intended to go past them but when they saw him walking on the water they cried out in terror thinking he was a ghost they were all terrified when they saw him but Jesus spoke once don't be afraid he said take courage I am here let me go back he says he intended to go past them here's Jesus seeing the disciples on the lake struggling for some time - they're going against the wind the going against the waves and they're struggling I don't know if you've ever been on a rowing machine but you get to a point of exhaustion pretty quickly they've been rolling all night Jesus can plainly see it he's walking on the water like you got this and he keeps it gone away his intention was to leave him in it if it had not been for Thomas then there's a ghost and Jesus wanted to be freaked out he said that's all good as me he would have gone right by them now as much as I like this passage I wonder God is this what you're doing to me in the seasons of my life where I'm struggling where I'm rolling around wondering God do you see the struggle that I'm in I wonder if God is intending to walk right on by as sometimes we can see go why do you do that I don't understand God I don't understand why it is you would leave me in my struggle but maybe God has a bigger purpose to our struggle than simply taking us out of it the minute we start to worry over the middle we start to spread just like your gym coach would be doing you an injustice by taking you off the rower the minute you begin to sweat because he knows it's the minute you begin to sweat is the mini begin to can't wait to begin to build muscle and unless you're sweating you're not doing anything amen I wonder I wonder the struggle can you handle another handle write down the word expect this one can really help people sometimes we have wrong expectations would you agree did you know that God doesn't expect me to be happy all the time you know we often think because the joy of the Lord is my strengths and because I got to laugh with Jesus now I do want to preface and say sometimes you do need to remind people that you're saved by showing on your face with a smile ok just that's going to help don't be grumpy all the time pace but mean you don't have to be happy all the time also because sometimes we can misunderstand versus Lykes olympians 4 4 where it says rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice thinking that we always need to be rejoicing that's not what that verse is saying it's not saying rejoicing your job loss it's not saying rejoice in your breakup it's saying despite these things rejoice in the Lord don't rejoice in the circumstance but rejoicing the one who is above the circumstance rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice and as followers of Jesus joy in all circumstances is your promise but can I tell you that joy is not my commission to fake it joy is my ammunition to face it joy is not my commission to go through a life pretending like I'm joyful joy is my weapon joy is my ammunition to be able to take and face every circumstance that I go through our man I'm trying to preach I not to preach come on sometimes we can be deluded right like like as Christians we need to be happy all the time like like like as Christians we need to just be constantly full of peace and love you know like just calmly driving on the road with all the other drivers you know just letting them come in front of getting in here you know bless you my brother you know you open your car door in the parking lot right into the side of my door got god bless you praise Jesus for this trial [Laughter] [Applause] can I tell you can't be real honest with you the only reason I contain my frustration sometimes when I'm driving is because I remember over five sticker on the back of my car if it had not been for that five sticker I love my five sticker but the truth is life can be bad sometimes life can be hard sometimes the scripture tells us that Jesus was actually a man acquainted with sorrows and cannot be honest with you I don't know if it's just me but but but I kind of feel frustrated most of the time just most the time in life I feel frustrated I was talking with my mentor the other day and he was on the phone I mean he says man from from what I see it looks like church is going well beginning this year and all that kind of stuff and I was like yeah but but you know what I'm always saying what we don't have and where we're not yet he's like I'm so frustrated with myself I said I said I'm always just just kind of in this place of not ever being happy and he said that's what I would expect from a visionary I said say it again help me qualify this frustration I said I said what do you what do you mean he said well one says I speak to pastors all the time that I got 50 people and they're just like well I'm just happy people showed up you know I'm not happy people show up I'm happy when people bring people because we've got a mission in a mandate to reach this region for the glory of Jesus Christ so because we're not where we need to be I know we're on the way I'm still frustrated I'm still frustrated and so I need this feel to it I need to expect that I can feel some things sometimes everyone say expect it's just helping anyone today let me give you one more handle because at verse 33 it says when Jesus saw her weeping saw that I was wailing with her deep anger welled up within him and he was deeply troubled and she just wept what we see here is Jesus literally steps into her pain you know the worst advice that you can ever give anybody when they're going through heartbreak is the advice to simply get over it Jesus here knowing full well that he was about to raise Lazarus back to life he didn't turn to them in their morning and just say hey guys I'm here to get over it no he actually steps into their pain and he weeps with them the forth handle I want you to write it down is let go let go what often what we try to do innately is we try to hold back don't we we try to hold back our emotions thinking that a hard exterior will somehow protect our interior it will somehow protect our heart if we can if we can toughen up and if we can lock it out but a hard exterior is often a very indicator of a harder interior and God can't do anything with a hardened heart did you know that a hard heart can actually happen more subtly than we think as well a hard heart can simply come from from trying to process things in a healthy way and in essence our hearts actually become colors simply by trying to get over it in life trying to just simply move on by simply kind of getting getting over it but you just can't get over a a divorce how many people know that you can't get over the death of a loved one there are some things that you just can't get over and what you can end up doing is you can just lock up your emotions and actually become a prisoner there comes a point where you literally have to let go you have to let go and it's instead of trying to get over it there are some things you can't get over you have to go through so I'm trying to see let me encourage you because because God is sovereign over all things you can endure through all things this is what I really wanted to handle today and be able to know in the midst of heartbreak because we have a God who is sovereign over all things you can endure through all things and there are some things that you can't get over that you simply have to go through there's some things you have to actually just cry it out sometimes you have to let yourself feel some things and you have to just let your emotions surface you have to go through some things in life which would you look at overall quick as they cry it out because I know that there are some things in our life that we have to let ourselves feel and we have to express that but at the same time I know this could be really confusing and contradictory because doesn't the Bible tell us that faith is business healing I mean now what do we do with scriptures like walk by faith not by sight this kind of feels like it's it's contradicting itself and in a way I'm kind of nervous to preach this kind of a message just somehow given people permission to just be led by their feelings then just to express it and just to let go and knowing all the pastoral care that's going to have to come with that but that's not exactly what I'm suggesting because verse 35 says jesus wept but check out what verse 36 says it says the people who were standing nearby said see how much he loved him when jesus wept it showed what he really loved in other words Jesus felt their pain which actually fueled his face and he almost became indignant to to death and to send to the point where he'll add the emotion of the moment not being removed from emotion not being removed from a human element not being removed from being able to sympathize with people in their heart breaker and people in their loss in fact he says you know what I'm going to do I'm going to step right into your loss and I'm going to experience and express everything that you're going through blessed are those who mourn blessed are those who go through heartbreak and and don't keep it him because the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and what he felt in that moment deep in his resolve not just to kind of go to the to the aid and bring and overcome death for Lazarus but it deepened his results are overcome death and sin for you and I for all mankind he said I'm not going to stay here and just raise the Souris from the death but but this death is pushing me to the point where I'm going to find some purpose in life to push truly to tend to push through and overcome sin then I'm not going to settle in my heart break I'm a bit of pedal in my emotions not simply locking it down and getting over it but you know I'm minute - I'm going to go through it for you and I'm going to go through it for us I'm going to go through that I'm going to go through this I'm going to go through the cross I'm going to go through the grave and I'm going to tell you some things sometimes we need to feel so that we can understand that there we can more into the moon sometimes we can understand there is a purpose greater to know what I experience in this life sometimes I can expect that if Jesus went through sorrow so can I sometimes I need to let go and actually believe that the pathway that I have it's a victory and as I do this maybe all these things can actually fuel my face maybe they can be the very fuel for my faith maybe they can be the very thing that don't overcome my face maybe they can be the very thing to fuel my face instead of my faint being affected by my feelings I can use my feelings to fuel my faith this is how it works yes we feed better the feeling that doesn't mean we squash down our feelings that doesn't mean we ignore our feelings that doesn't mean we're meant to act like we're all together like good Christian people no no we're meant to express the fact that there's hurt sometimes there's heartbreak sometimes there's bad things but maybe I can through doing some handles knowing that jesus wept maybe now I've got a fuel for my fame my feelings Oh take take my life but maybe my feelings the fact that I feel empathy for people is the thing that I need to have faith to believe that what God did for me he can do it for them just maybe and I believe that this is what sometimes affects our our faith could you stand everyone standard their feet at every location cuz I want to create this moment right now between you and God where we may be surface some things in our life that we've been holding down that we've been trying to get over and some of you have had a real hard time in the area of faith that's why God wants to go to work on your heart because faith is not a head knowledge faith is at heart knowledge faith is not believing that I will never face obstacles faith is knowing that God has been with me with every obstacle that I've faced yet because you've locked it down you found it hard to believe he found it hard to trust that God can do it again that he can restore all things that he can redeem the lust that you've gone through we hope you were blessed by this message if you have a story to share about what God has done in your life or what he's currently doing in your life we'd love to hear from you email us at my story at vive Search org for more information for service times and locations or to partner with us financially visit us at five Church org
Channel: VIVE Church
Views: 13,544
Rating: 4.8716578 out of 5
Keywords: vive church, worship, church, church service, jesus, christianity
Id: G-gfi9WiB30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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