Condition Alacrity Renegade PVE Build Guide - Guild Wars 2

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Glad this build is back, super fun to play, but still a little hard to gear without legendary gear.

There used to be a version that ran celestial, is that still and good?

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/TheSwoleSwede 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Nice! my favorite support build!

I hope the new map adds a better way to get ritualist trinkets. Those are hard to get atm.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Eliongw2 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Nice vid.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Puzzled-Resident2725 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

I have been meaning to try revenant in fractals but I still have some doubts about some of the things:

  1. Shall I stay condi or power is better for fractals?
  2. How much dps loss is changing Mallyx to Jalis? Also, how does that work in practice? Do you camp Kalla until stability is required? If not, what if the legend swap is in cooldown?
  3. Some traits feel quirky. People seem to like Charged Mists but how does that work in terms of situational legend swap (e.g. use of Jalis as previously mentioned). How much would I lose if I use Song of the Mists instead? Also, what is the deal with Brutal momentum? Are we supposed to never touch our dodges? What about power builds? Do you crit cap with 33% or 10%?
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/fanzogw 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Super clear guide! Excited that Renegade is back up there. I've just gone for a set of full viper and don't have access to the cantha maps - is there a way I can hit 40% boon duration with this setup, without the ritualist set?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ohnouno 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

Oh thank you!

I geared it up the other day went into fractals and thought to myself "I hate rev, well mostly because I have no clue how to play this class at all." way harder than gearing up/playing other classes for me, but I gotta learn sometime!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Frostbirch 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Great build, although I would recommend learning the rotation on plain condi renegade.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wolfer_ 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Just recently picked up rev and have been playing quickness herald. I appreciate they offer different things but should I start playing this if I want to be viable going forward? Or are both builds going to be very much viable still?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sefixaB 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Now we only need some buffs the power version. Please anet

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ExpJustice 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2023 🗫︎ replies
Conde alacrity Renegade just got buffed and is better than ever come on see what all the fuss is about at the launch of end of dragons orders from above the skill that allowed a lacrity renegade to function at all got absolutely gutted its Allied Target cap was decreased from 10 players an entire raid or strike group all the way down to five it's cleared the way for other alacrity providers like mechanist Mirage inspector however became much harder to justify bringing alacrity Renegade over any of these other classes but this has all changed with the February 14th balance patch orders from above's alacrity duration has been increased from a base duration of 1.5 seconds all the way up to two seconds this may not sound like a lot but this means that instead of needing at a bare minimum 78 Boon duration so you can upkeep 100 alacrity now you only need 33 this opens up way more gearing options and means that you can now swap out whatever Rune you were using previously for the god tier nightmare Rune to seriously juice your DPS So today we're going to be going through doing a breakdown of the entire build and showing you exactly how to play it first up we're going to touch on the trades up on the screen now we have the standard trades for the Condi alacrity Renegade I'll first go through it at a higher level then we can touch on some of the key traits that make the build function as well as some situational Alternatives the corruption line is just there to pump our condition damage it lets the supply conditions on Legend Swap and increases the damage and duration of some of our Key conditions invocation has some great damage modifiers access to Fury and other Boons as well as letting us take the charge mistrate this is very important later on Renegade is obviously required and it gives us access to Righteous Rebel in the ground Master slot this trait makes the entire build function and if you're not running it you're griefing the two most important traits for this build are charge Miss and Righteous Rebel charge Miss gives you an extra 25 energy on Legend swap provided that you swap when you're below 10 energy this gives you the extra energy you need so that you can slot in orders from above and without this try rate you'll find yourself completely starved of energy and the rotation will feel totally scuffed Righteous Rebel will give you an extra 50 basal Equity duration as well as increasing the range in which you provide alacrity around you this drastically lowers the Boon duration you need and it means that your team does not need to be as tightly stacked on you to make sure that they get their alacrity there's some minor trait variations Spirit Boone in the invocation line grants Boons to you and your allies depending on which Legend you swap to however if you find yourself lacking in might then you can swap it to incense response for some extra might when you grant yourself Fury this is very good for when you're running solo as well heart piercer let your short bow attacks Pierce enemies and increase your bleeding damage however if your group doesn't have enough protection and is struggling to stay alive you can take all for one instead this will lock a chunk off your damage so be aware the main thing you want to do When selecting gear and food is that you need to hit at least 33 Boon duration this is so that you can theoretic typically upkeep 100 alacrity for your group however it's a good idea to have slightly more Boon duration just so that you can build up a little bit of buffer for when you need to move off your group if you mess up your rotation or if you need to delay pressing orders from above for whatever reason as a rule of thumb the nightmare Rune is going to be your best choice as you no longer need the extra Boon duration from traveler or leadership rooms like you needed previously with this room we hit 40 Boon duration with a ritual skier in every slot except for a Viper's headpiece for food you're going to want something that has condition damage mainsat and expertise as a minor stat so some variant of the cured meat flatbread if you're rocking ascended food or plates of beef rendang if you don't have access to ascended food raw utility use magnanimous tuning crystals these Grant you extra condition damage based on Your vitality and toughness and this works really well with the ritualist gear that we're loaded up with with this amount of ritual skier you'll be sitting at around about 30k HP which gives you an excellent safety cushion will be rocking Sigil of Doom and Earth on our Mason ax and Sigil of geomancy and torment on our shortbow a really important mechanic to know about when playing Renegade or Revenant for that matter is that sigils that have effects that trigger when swapping weapons also trigger on Legend swap what this means is if you perform your rotation correctly you can actually trigger weapon swap sigils twice for each weapon to do this you need to First swap to your Legend this will trigger the effect of the sigil on your currently equipped weapon you then weapon Swap and Trigger the sigil on your new weapon set the same thing happens again when you swap Legends and weapons again because the internal cooldown on the sigil effect will have expired however this doesn't happen when you swap weapons first and then swap Legend this is because it would have triggered your swap schedule by swapping weapons have it on its internal cooldown and then fail to trigger it on the weapon swap due to it currently being on cooldown so always if you have weapon swap schedules on Revenant try to swap Legends first and then swap weapons you'll see how this plays out when we get to the rotation part of the video now for the rotation I've made an entire video focus on the rotation for condition Renegade that does cover off on the alacrity build as well because of the need to manage your energy to trigger charge miss you want to be able to perform this rotation as fast as possible so your energy doesn't regenerate above the 10 energy threshold this isn't an issue in malix because you're a lead skill constantly chews through your energy so it's quite easy to time your Legend swap correctly here it's a bit tougher when in color though because your energy is constantly regenerating and if you're a little too slow you'll miss the charge Miss swap to get around this I find it helpful to pop heroic command while in color just to burn through that little bit of extra energy it also provides some decent light which is fantastic for an offensive support player this gives you a little extra breathing room in the rotation and allows you to dodge and deal with mechanics much easier depending on the fight there will be times when you'll end up with way too much energy and will need to spam several skills to get you back the low 10 energy before walking Legends you can do this by using your color elite your F2 to F4 skills as well as any other weapon skills they happen to have off cooldown you'll often have to adapt your rotation depending on the fight and what mechanics pop up for you to deal with just keep playing and it will all make sense eventually as you find out what works best for you some rules of thumb always try and be in mace acts when in color and on short bow when in mallex now on to the ideal DPS rotation for our opener we're going to start off in color I'm going to use Razer core's rage we'll use ax5 when we're at 29 energy or just wait a little bit after passing razor claw use May 3 orders from above then we'll swap to mallex the malix loop will first activate the malix elite mace 2 weapon swap we'll use short bow too short before three short bow 2 twice we'll finish up with short bow three short bow four and then we'll swap back to Power always try and fit in an auto attack between your various shortbread skills this will ensure that you'll get the extra powerful proc from your Elite Mallet skill now for the color Loop we'll first use short bow 2 weapon swap we'll use maze 2 mace3 Citadel bombardment X5 we use mace 2 twice then use razor Clause rage ice raises ire mace 3 and then we'll swap back to mallets your orders from above cooldown won't always land in the same Legend so you'll need to adjust rotation to suit because you want to be using orders from above off cooldown if you use orders from above during the caller Loop just drop ice Razor's ire at the end of the loop if you need to use it during malix cancel your Elite skill immediately after the third short bow too this will leave you with enough energy to quickly throw out short bow three and four before swapping Legends after the recent Buffs Condi alacrity Renegade is one of the highest damage Support classes with a ton of baked in utility and different ways to help out your team personally I think Honda Renegade has one of the nicest and smoothest rotations to play with this is because you get that sweet sweet feedback of knowing that you nailed that charged Miss Legend swap give this build a crack I really think you're gonna like it leave a like if you enjoyed this video and let me know in the comments below what other builds you'd like me to cover I love all the Revenant builds [Music]
Channel: ConnorConCarne
Views: 22,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ty35DXizM8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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