Heal Alacrity Mechanist PVE Build Guide - Guild Wars 2

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I feel it's really strong and comparable to other healers BUT from my experience the low skill floor of the build makes most HAMs I see very underwhelming as players don't properly utilize its tools.

I hardly ever see barrier signet being activated, crisis zone being saved for aegis and stability, ice armor and healing blast finishers, mech dropdown for CC midfight and much more.

If you really engage with everything the build has, it's pretty fun, though I sometimes feel people are content knowing their auto attacks and using F2/F3 off cooldown is 100% alacrity.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Julliant 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

Having a barrier is much safer for the group, but imo ham lacks burst heal like druid or firebrand.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/odonkz 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

There's about to be a shake-up and who knows how things will go once everything settles, but I love Healbrand. It just feels right when I play it.

Mech is a great healer. Lots of boons, barrier and condi removal. It has tons of utility including Boon strip which HB lacks. Not to mention being able to quick swap into Scrapper for Stealth Gyro for skips in Fractals. It's just solid for good groups whereas I find HB better for less experienced groups has it has more tools to keep things stable.

Tempest provides insane healing, but it is a bit awkward with how it's tied to overloads.

Spectre has the ability to res at range which is amazing for pugs where someone is bound to wander into a death AoE and barrier is insane, but having no Regen or Protection really shows it was designed for PvP and its PvE utility was a tertiary concern of it's designer, if it was even a concern at all.

Herald has limited utility, but lots of it since then have to pick between Ventari or Jalis. It pretty much takes the crown for Boon generation, but whether it's still doing that next week remains to be seen.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ShadowbaneX 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

How does this compare

I dislike HAM on some fights (Deimos, Sloth, TL, Q1, GItV runs), but it carries others pretty well.

At the highest level, its more that quick dps run alac dps out of the building on most fights (and Alac willbender is just an awful time on too many fights), so you're looking at heal mech or druid (Or Tempest, but why?), and they both fill different roles, with druid being the hands-down best option for 1healing, and mech being easymode on fights with low sustained pressure and nicely spaced big mechanics. If something happens once every 30ish seconds to the whole group, congrats, mech does really well.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Barraind 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

If it's only for raid and strike, both druid and mecha have similar utilities, and they are kinda similar. Mecha have better self sustain and better time when leaving the pack, druid have much more healing.

Firebrand really shines when stability and aegis have more value, like fractals, and you can still play quickbrand and do a similar job.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RayGW2 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

I play full Harrier HAM for IBS5 every night and it's just very cathartic. Easy "rotation", mortar kit sound effects are fun when you piano them across the boss in a line, holding stab for certain things if you don't have a HB, it just works great. But yes, I see other players not using the full kit niches all the time.

Remember to shift signet your mech directly on top of Whisper of Jormag after he teles back to center after 2nd clone phase at 25%.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kupkkake 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

If this is the backbone, why does ever serious raider in this role just play Druid?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The_Mormonator_ 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

I really do not like HAM. It lacks range healing, condi cleanse, and its options in terms of utilities are subpar compared to druid and firebrand.

The golem being a pain to manage also means new player can fuck up aggro when you try to kite something somewhere (voice and claw of jormag for example).

Also it's not rare to see siboptimal protection uptime because the way you give prot is written nowhere in the tooltips of skills.

All in all, it's a good healer, but it makes people lazy and rely on barrier too much.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Blanca-Neves 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
everyone keeps talking to me about machines coming to take our jobs but you know what I just don't see it my job is so demanding so technical so difficult there is no way the robots will come for me not a chance in hell oh well it's time for Hill mechanist I for one welcome our new Jade Mac overlords ever since end of dragons launched we've been living in a world ruled by mechanus we have two outstanding DPS builds a phenomenal alacrity DPS build and today we're covering the absolutely incredible heal alacrity mechanist here we have a build that has an absolutely trivial time keeping up 100 alacrity grants 25 might and covers off on regen Fury Vigor and protection not only that you can also give your team stability and Aegis in a pinch to top things off you also have insane amounts of barrier and conduct lens to carry your team through even the sketchiest encounters all these things come together to make this one of the Premier healing builds for all of Guild Wars 2's in-game content while some other healing bills need to pick and choose what kind of support they can give their team mechanist is a greedy little Piglet and can do it all once you pick this up you'll have a spot on essentially every encounter in the game and with that let's get cracking mechanist is one of the elite specializations for the engineer with the others being Scrapper and Hollow Smith once you equip the mechanist straight line you'll get access to mace as a main hand weapon which offers a good amount of condition damage and barrier application you'll get access to a new set of Signet skills to mess around with as well we'll be using a few of these in today's build you'll also replace your typical engineer tool belt skills with Mac command skills oh yeah we'll also get a new Swanky AI controlled Mech bot to follow you around and age you in combat your trait choices in the mechanist traitline will let you decide whether your Mech is focused on power damage condition damage or replying Boons it will also change what Mech control skills you have access to at any point this makes mechanist a very customizable and very fun trait line to play with we'll quickly cover off on where your healing on heal mechanist actually comes from heal alacrity mechanist by default runs three kits which gives you access to five additional skills each so you'll be dipping in and out of them often for healing medkit is your default heal skill and gets buffed by the trade health and Insurance here you have access to Med Blaster which will spray healing to allies in front of you bandage blast which will fire bandages ahead of you heal allies and apply regeneration vital burst which will provide a single burst of healing around you you also Grant regeneration with infusion bomb with a particularly long base duration of 10 seconds the fifth skill in Elixir gun super Elixir will provide a burst of healing and then pulse additional healing for 5 seconds but this skill in Mortar kit Elixir shell will lay down a water field which you can Blast for additional healing and it will also pulse healing for 5 seconds you'll also heal allies whenever you use a Mac command skill due to the trait's soothing detonation with the trade medical dispersion field when you're in combat you'll store up 33 of the healing you apply to yourself and every three seconds you'll use that to heal nearby allies you have access to two water fields on cleansing field in medkit and a Lexus shell which you can Blast for some extra healing on top of all this healing you also apply a ton of barrier mechanism which you can think of as a kind of preemptive healing alacrity is the most important Boon you'll be providing with Hill mechanist and is made possible by a single trait channeling conduits in the mechanus line This trait causes you to apply a lacrity to a Target when you also grant that Target barrier which you'll apply through several trades and skills for a quick rundown of how you apply barrier your mace Auto attack chain will apply barrier to allies around you the trait barrier engine causes your Mech to apply barrier to nearby allies automatically every three seconds your Mech command skill barrier burst will apply five pulses of barrier and alacrity when you activate barrier Signet you'll again apply five pulses of alacrity on top of applying the lacrity through barrier will also Grant alacrity via your met command skill crisis Zone all these ways in which you provide alacrity mean you'll have an absolutely trivial time upkeeping 100 alacrity before we jump into the build proper we have a balance patch coming up at the end June so let's touch on the changes to mechanists and how they impact this build mechanical genius currently causes your Mech to inherit a percentage of your stats with this being reduced if your Mech is standing too far away from you after this next patch instead of your Mech gaining less stats your Mech command skills will take longer to recharge when it's too far away from you just keep your mat close and you won't have to worry about this change either way the trade barrier engine will be receiving a slight Nerf in PPE to bring it in line with the PVP and well-beasted World versions so expect to see slightly less barrier being applied to your group automatically by your Mac the skilled barrier burst is having the base barrier that applies significantly increased in PVE and it's also going to scale much better with healing power so look forward to this skill just been way better now now let's cover off on our weapons fortunately the weapons on hillmec are fairly simple you'll always want to run Mason Shield mace is the new weapon that you get access to when you become a mechanist it outputs a ton of barrier applied confusion grants regeneration and vigor and gives you access to more CC mace Auto attack will deal with some strike damage inflict confusion and on the last strike Grant barrier to nearby allies this is one of the main ways of providing alacrity just Auto attacking with your mace and having your Mac attacker Target is enough to upkeep 100 alacrity on your team energizing slam will inflict vulnerability and confusion on your target as well as Grant regeneration and vigor to allies we'll be wanting to use the skill of cooldown to help upkeep these Burns rocket fist prototype will deal some damage apply burning and most importantly for heal mechanist stun nearby enemies try and save this skill for when you need some extra brake bar damage Shield is an outstanding defensive weapon and will make surviving and tanking much easier it gives you access to a projectile reflect Channel block and tons of CC your Shield skills also grab protection to nearby allies thanks to your overshield trade magnetic Shield will create a shield that reflects projectiles for 3 seconds it can then be released to knock back enemies static Shield will grant you a channel block for two and a half seconds and stun enemies that attack you while you're blocking you can then throw your Shield to days enemies when you throw it and once again when it returns now onto our skills of which we have many before I cover off on the utility skills here will lack Mac users we'll have a quick chat about your Mech command skills these skills are determined by your trait choices in the mechanist trait line and are very important for how this build functions explosive knuckle is unlocked when you equip to trade high impact drivers and will simply deal some strike damage and apply weakness this is your lowest priority in terms of Mac command skills and is only really here because of the might you get from high impact drivers is such high value Chrysler zone is unlocked when you pick the trait channeling conduits and is absolutely loaded it will provide Aegis stability protection alacrity remove conditions and brake stuns on nearby allies on helmick you're going to want to try and save this skill to provide stability and Aegis to avoid damaging mechanics whenever possible if you don't need any of the baked in utility feel free just to use it off cooldown to help up people Equity barrier burst is unlocked when you select the trade barrier engine and will pulse barrier might and fury to nearby allies this is amazing for upkeeping alacrity and can be used to help nullify sudden spikes of damage like the exploding green circles on bail Guardian one of the key features of engineer as a class is that they have access to Kit skills here you can activate the skill to temporarily swap your weapon skills to an entirely new set of skills depending on what you need at any point this makes engineer incredibly flexible as you can tailor your build to any encounter with making use of several of these kits on heel mechanist as well as some signets so buckle up medkit is by far and away your best heal skill Choice outside of a few very Niche situations here you get access to five new healing skills and your entire kit is buffed through the trait health insurance this trait will increase your incoming healing effectiveness and give you an extra 20 outgoing healing when using medkit Med Blaster will heal allies in front of you three times each time the score is activated it will also heal more for each Boon on the Ally bandage blast will fire five bandages ahead of you which will heal allies and Grant regeneration as little side note this skill also heals down allies which is a Nifty little trick cleansing field will cleanse conditions from allies around you and act as a water field which we can Blast for additional healing with Med 5 shortly remember this skill is going to be a go-to skill for contact lens vital bursts will simply release a burst from healing to allies around you nice and simple infusion bomb will explode after one second act as a blast finisher very handy given you can blast water fields for additional healing and Grant Ally swiftness Vigor and regeneration you're going to want to press infusion bomb off cooldown to help maintain these important Boons it's also a good idea to use cleansing field beforehand to lay down a water field which takes a advantage of the blast finisher on infusion bomb Elixir gun will give you access to some soft CC extra condic cleanse and some very useful Elixir skills to supplement our healing and my generation tranquilizer dart will fire a shot that inflicts bleeding and weakness on your target not hugely useful on this healing build globshot will fire a bouncing glob which cripples foes and grants swiftness to your allies fumigate will spray a cone of fumes which inflicts poison and vulnerability on foes it also cures conditions on allies with every strike very useful if you need some emergency condition cleanse on allies like onsloffazole acid Bond will cause you to LEAP backwards for a surprisingly long distance and leave a damaging AOE where you started it's also a blast finisher and when paired with the trade HGH will grant you and your allies might a super useful tip you can cancel the leap backwards by weapon swapping very nice if you're about to send yourself off the edge of an arena like I have done many times super Elixir will shoot an orb that heals allies on on impact and will leave a pulsing AOE that also heals you and your allies you'll also remove a condition for good measure again with the trait HGH it will also Grant some additional might this is going to be one of your go-to skills to help keep up some sustained healing on your team shift Signet is an absolute staple on all mechanist builds it's absolutely insane just how much this skill offers you the passive of the Signet increases your movement speed by 25 and copies any Boons you gain straight to your Mac granting your Mac 25 might Fury quickness and alacrity is a significant DPS increase when you activate shift Signet you and your Mech Shadow step to Target location which is super useful for positioning your Mac brakes done and remove two conditions barrier Signet is a fantastic choice on any alacrity mechanist build the passive will reduce your incoming strike and condition damage by 10 which is amazing if you need to tank when you activate it you'll create a projectile blocking Dome that also grants barrier every second if your Mech is active the barrier will be around your Mac else it will just be created around you this is an amazing source of alacrity through the barrier you apply as well as a form of damage mitigation Elite mortar kit gives you a whole bunch of useful skills with a massive 1500 range this will let you support your team and damage targets even if you or others need to leave the group to deal with mechanics mortershot will simply do some strike damage at the Target location and act as a projectile finisher poison gas shell will deal some damage and leave a poison field at the Target location not hugely relevant for this build but it's still nice to have endothermic shell will leave an ice field at the Target location and inflict Chill on any foes in the Target area a very nice form of soft CC through the chilled condition flash shell will blind enemies at the Target location which is incredible for shutting down groups and mobs and providing additional soft CC Elixir shell is the main reason you you'll be taking mortar kit here you'll place a water field at the Target location which will heal you and your allies for 5 seconds you can blast this field for additional healing and is amazing for healing your team at range again when paired with the trait HGH Elixir shell will also Grant some might to your team if you need to swap out your utility skill swap out either Elixir gun or barrier Signet for extra utility as needed for some other useful skills personal battery Ram offers amazing brake bar damage gear kit can be used for an additional Channel block on gear shield and some extra CC from magnet through mine can provide some emergency boom strip while not often used you can swap out Elite mortar kit overclock Signet this will reduce the cooldown on your shift Signet and barrier Signet which can be useful if for whatever reason you're having trouble upkeeping the likely on your team or want to get more uses out of the barrier from barrier Signet now it's time for our trades outside of the mechanist tray line which is obviously required here are other trade choices are going to be focused pumping our healing and support potential The Invention straight line offers some amazing sources of healing as well as extra Boon support cleansing pulse will remove a condition from allies when you use a heal skill overshield will cause your Shield skills to Grant protection to nearby allies having a high uptime on protection is going to make keeping your squishy DPS players alive so much easier reconstruction enclosure will grant some additional protection to allies whenever you use a heal skill again more protection is always a good thing soothing detonation will heal nearby allies for a decent amount whenever you use a tool belt skill given that your tool belt skills are replaced by Mac command skills when you become a mechanist this applies whenever you use your met command skills instead energy amplifier will simply increase your healing power when you have regeneration you have multiple sources of regeneration with this build so expect to see this active all the time medical dispersion field is a very interesting trait during combat you'll effectively Bank the healing you apply to yourself and every three seconds you'll spend 33 percent of the stockpiled healing to heal your nearby allies this gives you a huge amount of sustained healing to keep your team nice and topped off the Alchemy traitline is here to further improve our engineer kits which we use a lot of and make our elixirs more useful hidden flask will cause you to drink an Elixir when you dip a low 75 Health which in turn grants you might Fury resolution and swiftness extra Boons are always nice health insurance will increase your incoming healing Effectiveness by 10 and increase your healing to others by 20 when you're using a med kit this trait makes it very difficult to justify bringing other heel skills on this build just because of how good it makes your med kit transmit will cause you to drink an Elixir when you get three conditions on you which will then convert these conditions into Boons an immensely useful trade when you're on condition heavy fires like sauces or backpack regenerator will simply call you to regenerate Health whenever you're using an engineering kit given this build typically uses three kits you'll be getting a lot of mileage out of this trade one of your jobs as a Healer is to not die if you go down who is going to be helping the rest of your team compounding chemicals will heal you when you grant yourself a boon it also gives you some extra concentration to make your Boons last longer again anything that helps keep you alive is a great thing HGH will cause your elixirs to last longer have a reduced recharge and grout might you use quite a few elixirs in this build so you have a lot of room to take advantage of this in the upcoming balance patch the cooldown reduction part of this trait will be applied to you automatically so a good part of this trait will just be made Baseline the mechaness straight line is obviously required to make the entire build function this grants you a new AI powered Mech to Aid you in combat and replaces your base engineer tool belt skills with Mac command skills mechanical genius causes your Mech to inherit a percentage of your trades these bonus stats are lowered if your Mech is too far away from you just keep your neck close and everything's hunky-dory in the next bounce patch this will instead increase the cooldown of your Mech command skills if your Mech is too far away again just always try and keep your mat close high impact drivers will cause your Mech to Grant might to nearby allies whenever it attacks you'll also get access to the explosive knuckle Mech command skill a very nice trait for keeping up permanent might on your team Mech fighter will cause your Mech to use rocker punch whenever you use skill 3 on your equipped weapon this is some nice extra damage and CC for free it also causes your Mech to inherit more of your toughness and vitality channeling conduits will cause you and your Mech to provide alacrity to allies whenever you apply barrier this makes the entire build function given just how frequently you'll be applying barrier to your team your Mech will also gain more of your concentration and healing power it also unlocks the Met command skill crisis Zone exigency protocols we'll make it so that when your Mech is struck below your half Health it will take 50 percent less damage for 5 seconds and give itself Regen to help keep it alive it also makes any regeneration you apply 20 stronger which is super nice barrier engine will cause your Mech to automatically Grant a small amount of barrier to your team every three seconds while you're in combat this means that every three seconds you'll also apply a lacrity to your team for free once again you also get access to the Mac command skill barrier burst gearing on Hill mechanist really depends on if you want to tank or not tanking erodes is most often based on who has the highest toughness if you're tanking you'll want to crank your toughness to your desired level so that you have the highest toughness in your party if you're not sure what level to go for or a parking raids with random players make your toughness as high as possible if you're not tanking you'll want as little toughness as possible in either case you'll run Superior Rune of the monk for the extra healing power Boon duration and extra healing effect goodness if you're not tanking run full harrier's gear this will give you the maximum amount of healing and boom duration possible while keeping your toughness at a minimum if you're tanking there are quite a few gear choices that will work full givers in every slot will give you as much burn duration and toughness as possible full minstrels will give you the most healing power and overall survivability at the cost of some Boon duration when I run hill mechanist I like to run givers weapons and trinkets as well as minstrel's armor this keeps gearing relatively simple while still giving you over 90 Boon duration which ensures you'll have no problem keeping up Boons you'll also end up with over 2 300 toughness so you'll be incredibly survivable a full set of minstrels gear only gave around 78 Boon duration which I think is a bit low for a defensive support build such as this generally the full heal and boom Support classes like Hill Mac it's good to get your Boon duration as close to 100 as possible to maximize time on all your Burns residuals we have some choices first always take Sigil of transference for the extra 10 healing modifier for our other route there are some extra choices Central or paralyzation will give you an extra 30 stun duration which really helps you'll break bar damage Sigil of water will heal allies whenever you land a critical hit Sigil of renewal will heal allies whenever you weapon swap which also applies when you swap out of kits all of these are good options I personally play with paralyzation sigil for the extra CC one thing to note about Sigil of concentration which is used in a lot of healing builds is that the 10 extra burn duration is not passed to your Mech which provides a chunk of your Burns so I have not listed it here as you get more value from some of the other sigils for our consumables take bowl of fruit salad with mint garnish and bountiful maintenance oil for the extra outgoing healing healing power and concentration unlike other DPS or offensive support builds as a Healer you don't have a strict rotation to follow most of the time you're going to be playing reactively keeping an eye on your team's health and healing them if they take spikes of damage you'll also want to keep an eye on a boss's animations to see when large spikes of damage will be coming in so you can be ready to heal at a moment's notice you'll also generally want to use your various Elixir skills off cooldown because they Grant you might due to the trade HGH you can then save your burst heal for situations where you need to top up your team's health or cleanse conditions this does lead to a very flexible rotation and you do have enough room duration so that you can delay your skills a little bit without your keyboards running out however you can start bites with a well-defined opener to get as many Boons as possible on your team and then play a bit more reactively from there start off with crisis Zone and barrier burst for a huge amount of alacrity use mace2 for Vigor and regeneration use both Shield 4 and 5 for protection swap to Elixir gun and then use five then four for might make sure to weapon swap to cancel the backwards leap on Elixir Gun 4 then use mortar kit5 from here you'll want to cycle between your kits and use elixirs off cooldown as soon as possible to upkeep might outside of going into your kits you can basically see it on my shield and auto attack as well as use maze 2 and your Shield skills of cooldown for Boons for some quick notes on other skills if you don't need the ages or stability on crisis Zone to block attacks just use it off cooldown for alacrity you can use barrier burst off cooldown you can either activate barrier signal of cooldown for the extra barrier and alacrity or save it for projectile block or barrier to soak up attacks you'll need to use your judgment on different fights though you'll also want to use medkit 5 of cooldown for the long duration Boons it applies I like to use medkit 3 and then 5 whenever possible so you can use the blast finisher from medkit 5 in the water field from medkit 3 for some extra healing outside that just dip into your med kit whenever you need some extra burst healing your rotation of using your various Elixir skills off cooldown applying regeneration and barrier will give you a huge amount of sustained healing as well now go forth my friends and provide your team with all the love and support they could ever need here on Hill mechanist you have one of the most complete packages in the build you have outstanding sustained healing the ability to burst heal and contyclones when needed obscene Boon coverage the ability to provide ages and stability to your team as well as incredible CC and utility there is a reason that Hill mechanist has been the backbone of so many groups since it was released end of dragons last year it simply does everything very very well indeed thank you all so much for watching this build guide was an absolute treat to make and don't you worry some of our builds will need to be updated after the next patch looking at you Harold but rest assured these will all be updated in the meantime I hope you all have a fantastic day cheers
Channel: ConnorConCarne
Views: 2,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X8VH_TDllmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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