My FAVORITE Elementalist Build For Guild Wars 2 Open World, Story, PvE. Regular Gameplay On God Mode

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Strong build. Nothing ground breaking as cele is almost made for ele. But the quickness sigils really make this build fun. I only now realise how odd it is for ele to not have access to quickness or alacrity, seeing how the class needs those the most. Wish core ele had those in air or arcane instead of just super speed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FENIU666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

TL;DW: it's just a regular celestials tempest with quickness sigils and pack runes

It's honestly so sad that ele is so bad for solo play. Literally any other class can run around with a full glasscannon build and be just fine

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Enlightenedbri πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

You can build any class decently by just taking cele gear and choose the traitlines with the most might application. Change my mind.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Juniper_Owl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked his previous Tempest build vid, too. Still couldn't quite get into Ele, it's just missing a certain something for me. Can't quite put my finger on it. The build definitely worked well, though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WolfyRik πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I manage ok with marauder power tempest but I still see the downstate occasionally.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Leafycoke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Explain to me how a Weaver keeps up 25 might (and perma Fury/Regen/Prot/Vigor) with minimal button presses? You can throw the damage in a dps calc excel sheet and you’ll find out this build (though I’d use different runes/food etc) does about 50% the power damage of a full zerker build and about 70% the condition damage of a full dire build (though Trailblazer likely would lower that to 60% due to having longer duration bleed damage).

This calculation assumes that the Condi or Power pure builds maintain about 10 stacks of might and that the Celestial builds maintain 20 stacks of might. Both will be able to keep up 25 vuln and the Zerk build will be able to keep up permanent Fury just like the Celestial build.

The Celestial build, while having lower Toughness and HP (about 15-20% depending on runes/food) has more sustain and in the case of Tempest, the more effective Protection boon covers for that drop in Toughness. This assumes that Condi Weaver keeps up Protection, which it can, but that is a DPS loss. In practice Protection up time on a Weaver will be closer to 70-80% which means the Tempest Protection starts to out-mitigate. Especially if you add in that much better sustain. Weaver has Barrier, but Barrier expires and Regeneration does not.

Also keep in mind that even enemies that have low HP will need 2-3 stacks of burning and about 3-4 ticks of those to actually die. A celestial has enough combined damage to do that faster (though not nearly as fast as a Zerk build).

My point is: all 3 builds are effective at open world, soloing stuff and other solo activities. All do it a bit differently. If you’re the best player ever, a full zerk Tempest will perform the best, have the highest burst damage, high might and other boons but will have the lowest survivability/sustain. The condi build have the highest passive survivability and highest DPS, but low burst and no sustain, as well as low might. The Celestial build will have much lower power damage but in addition have decent condi damage, better sustain, high uptime of all boons, slightly lower passive mitigation but high active mitigation and will feel like a Zerk build in terms of how fast it kills trash but will feel super safe and faceroll why doing it.

For most GW2 players, this will result in the best results while using Celestial and the least results using Zerk. Condi will feel good and safe too but will feel slower.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Verificus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice video on this high survivability Tempest build for open world that WoodenPotatoes uses. Actually made me try out Ele for the first time (seriously) and having fun with it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/carnifex2005 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Few changes I’d make to this -

I think stability on overload is a must. I’m also not a huge fan of eye of the storm, it’s annoying that it still interrupts you. Your overloads stun break anyway. I’ve been using aura on overload instead.

5% vs bleeding isn’t a big deal, I think protection on aura is more impactful.

If you want to actually do damage in PvE, run a reaper.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheGreatAl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have found that just using a celestial armor set improves open world experience by a lot tbh, you can keep the rest of you equipment zerker and still be fine. I did that and still managed to get upwards of 92% crit on my thief ,with full exotic only.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rafcdk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome welcome guys well the time has arrived at last about two years ago now i produced a very popular build guide series about my favorite builds how i tackle open world general regular pve so i'm not talking about pvp i'm not talking about welfare's world raiding anything like that i'm talking about the standard game experience that most of you will be playing i showed off those builds and they were very very good for the time but with balance and just general opinion changes and things haven't moved on for the past two years i've now got a bunch of new and different exciting stuff to show you guys improvements across the board and so when i say today we're going to be looking at my favorite elementalist builds i really do mean like my favorite build throughout most of the history of the game for uh general standard pve there's been some incredible buffs that we can take advantage of and so i want to talk you guys through this we're going to start off with elementalist other classes coming in the upcoming weeks and what i want you guys to think about as well as we go through this is this is actually my intention to take this exact build here through end of dragons on my initial playthrough when the expansion comes out remember you're not going to immediately have catalyst you'll be running around the world actually exploring and unlocking and for that purpose i'll be playing on this i also suspect that even once i fully got some of the new specs i'll still be reverting to some of these they're just that fun and powerful so to be clear here my builds are not about insane damage stacking the way you just min max everything you can for pressure those builds and play styles are totally viable and there's something to be said for killing things so fast that you can avoid a lot of headaches they'd otherwise be offering you obviously when you're raiding builds like that very good but it's of my opinion that the build craft with guild wars 2 when you take a class like we're looking at today the elementalist who has very low health and very light armor if you just focus on pure uncompromising damage you leave yourself really vulnerable to a lot of stuff you shouldn't be worrying about you'll be dying constantly and frustrated about basic experiences that when you look on the internet no one's even really talking or remarking about scratching your head wondering whether you're just a bad player usually it's not that you're just a bad player it's that your build isn't strong enough so my builds tend to be sweet spots between having really high quality of life really decent resustain and survivability while paired with immense pressure more than enough damage you'll ever need to breeze through everything in the game nothing will threaten you and you'll glide through kind of feeling like you're on easy mode and i really do mean that about easy mode on today's tempest build you're pretty much going to feel like a god that also means these builds tend to be very well suited for new players so if you're just getting grip to grips of the game you're pretty much at the right place here so if that sounds good to you let's take a look at my tempest and how i have min max the sweet spot between sustain and damage [Music] so what build video is complete without a demonstration at the start now on the series i did before i kind of had these touchstone ideas of things to cover uh if you guys have suggestions of bosses and creatures and things you really want to see me fight that isn't just going to be like 20 minutes boring grinding against a champion uh let me know so here's just a couple of selections hearththorne's a hearththorne's hero challenge these guys are a little bit easier to fight now that they don't have um any retaliation but this is me soloing uh one of the events that usually groups are meant to be doing uh what you really want to pay attention to here is the the condi's on the target just how high the bleed gets just how high the burn gets how consistently and my boons as well look how much quickness i have and how long that quickness sticks about on me on an elementalist look at how little my health is moving i'm not even dodging and my health basically doesn't move how quickly is break bar goes down uh you can really see just how sturdy this build is with me surrounded standing in aoe fields and stuff uh really nice demonstration this one i think as we just sort of murder our way through all of this chuck this next challenge is going to be the flame gin challenge maybe you guys are familiar with these things flame gin are super damage resistant do massive damage until you break their break bar then they become a little bit vulnerable they're really hard even for most builds just to 1v1 let alone 4v1 this was something that i demonstrated all the old builds i decided to come here on early now these guys are actually going to be really low and what i'm actually doing is i'm beating the flame gin here without ever dodging um so if we dodge just a little bit we'll save massive damage here but i'm going to eat every one of the abilities and you know not to recklessly stand the oes but you'll see how how chunky our health stays up and how quickly we can resustain two because the ability to for this build to get its health back is kind of a big thing on this build as well which i kind of want to demonstrate so here's a flame that gin challenge zero dodges which i think of the previous builds i i never even showed once and just uh how quickly they all melt down here too and lastly here for fun before we get into the build details i have another demonstration i don't think i did this one before and this one's kind of weird but it's bristle backs and heart thorns you know heart thorns uh characters get a lot of crap for being really dangerous i've already shown you in the background me fighting pocket raptors and stuff i think bristleback said to be quite underrated they have this gatling gun attack that just keeps going and going and going and i usually find if my if i've not like properly thought of my build i can end up getting caught out by these guys and it's really frustrating they're so tanky you can't like counter pressure through and i figured well hey let's come to this area of heart of thorns where there's a million bristlebacks and try to aggro as many as possible one of the things you're going to see this build is good at is projectile reflects and and mitigation stuff so i think let's go crazy with this and see how well we can survive and this is very deadly what you're looking at here i managed to aggro three veterans props plus all the little ones and you'll see just how low these guys end up managing to get me to um but we will actually ultimately manage to grind our way through the fight here one thing that uh you can see here is i have the signet here i can actually press that i'll give you those details in a second we won't lose our passive so we get a lot lower than we really should have but i really like this demonstration this is a very very dangerous place and in fact uh once i've killed these here i'm gonna show you what it looks like to run over on any old normal build like say an ellie builds that's more glassy like staff just straight up damage just as a point of comparison so actually i only really have a marauder set set up as well so here here this is the original run and then dying so this is me on a marauder ellie uh we've just kind of damaged traits unfortunately a guardian came to fight with this other bristleback so it kind of ruined it so look here i'll run over to this guy just this is just one of the veterans um and i think as i agree i'm gonna be a little bit low on health uh at the start here but again that's probably just the amount that marauder would have given me and uh watch as he start look at how much damage these abilities do okay that's a normal build so to speak um as compared with what you just watched i mean he even nearly defeats me in the one ability uh or we can fight multiple of them and shrug them off so yeah let's run on in um and see what we got with the build again if you guys have cool ideas for bosses and stuff to demo on the other classes let me know okay so let's open up by talking a little bit about gear what exactly we're running for stat sets what we're running for runes and sigils so i'll pop open my equipment panel here now the main stat type that i'm gonna be recommending is actually based on a buff that occurred over this year it was really huge and that is the celestial stat type if you can get celestial i think it's an absolutely fantastic combo not just for elementalists but a lot of professions as of the most recent buff so quick explanation about celestial is that it's a stat line that gives you all the actual most of the attributes in the game but in kind of small increments of them so rather than having a ton of power you have just a bit of power but in addition you're going to get a ton of other stats as you can see here we have power precision toughness vitality ferocity healing power condition damage concentration and expertise all at once and what that means for these kind of generalist open world regular gameplay builds you're actually getting a massive amount of value while each individual stat is lower than if you were going for something more specialized the total stat pull you get is massive basically you're going to have an ungodly amount of raw attribute power split across basically every element of your character now in the past i haven't actually really recommended celestial i found that it was too middle of the road it was too compromising in one direction or another but the buff that occurred this lot most recent year is if you look at this huge chunk of stats those bottom two concentration and expertise never used to exist that's right they just straight up dumped another two stat lines onto this represent representing hundreds more attribute points so concentration is boon duration expertise is condition duration both of those are really useful on ellie and why well let's look at concentration first of all remember what i said how ellie has quite a low health pool well the fact we're getting vitality from celestial stats immediately helps with that situation but the idea behind elementalist design is it has kind of a low health pool but it gains access to lots of boons like protection which means we take less damage in the first place that means therefore you kind of want those boons around a lot ellie is just one of those classes that 10 or back during classic vanilla balance especially was defined by having a lot of broad boon access concentration being added in the buff this year means all those boons are on you for a lot longer and a much more regular period of time now which is excellent well it looks like we're being hit by an imp here and the same is generally true of expertise too elementalist as it rotates through its various achievements gets a lot of condis like the earth line will have a lot of cripples and it will have a lot of immobilized and have a lot of bleed effect fire will have burning damage uh water will have chill all of these now last longer and you might think of a boon uh condition like chill as being kind of irrelevant for pve that's not true when it comes to break bars and actually landing cc's and being able to kite and move around having all of those things just be a lot stickier is really really valuable if you want to learn a bit more about brake bars i did a new player guide on that a couple of months ago you guys might want to check out and you can see how strong stuff like chill and mobile are just there so this buff basically has been huge it means pretty much every area of the build is going to get some kind of value out of celestial because you've got to think about it when i'm in water achievement really i want healing power so that these skills feel potent but you know the the healing and regenerative ones well we get that when we're in earth we probably want a little bit of condition damage because a lot of the earth abilities are like hybrid damage abilities so you kind of want that there you're going to want the expertise there as well and likewise for the other elements when we're in air we want crit chance and we want crit damage celestial gives us everything so this is a pure celestial build seriously these are all celestial trinkets this is all celestial armor you obviously don't have to go to ascended you can wear exotic if you like and then we come to the weapons i'm taking a dagger and i'm taking a warhorn they are both also celestial we'll look at what those skills mean when it comes to the sigils on the weapons i have a sigil of celerity here and i have a sigil of rage so you want to go rage and celerity now what do both of these sigils do celerity is gain quickness after you land a cc and uh rage is gain quickness whenever you critically hit someone so the one uh boon the elementalist just in general doesn't get a good amount of is quickness when the catalyst comes out with the next expansion there'll be there'll be more quickness specifically there but what if you want to play a tempest what if you want to play core ellie or whatever else and i'm on a tempest build here you don't really get quickness quickness is really nice on any class that has a lot of buttons to press elementalist has a ton of buttons to press we have 20 weapon skills to get through so quickness is really really good the thing is in the past it was like how could you really sustain much quickness it's not that valuable is it but remember celestia was buffed so we get concentration so the quickness that comes from our sigils now is extended and is longer and you'll see specifically because we have a warhorn it's going to get even longer than that so through these two sigils together you can actually have incredibly high quickness up time that will help you play not just through rotating through your regular skills but look at the way that tempest works saying we want to use an overload on this imp that attacked us a second ago it takes a long time to cast this skill if we want to then use a fire overload or an earth overload they take a long time but if i give myself quickness through see seeing a target before i actually trigger the ability all of a sudden i can execute these uh these overloads really fast and i'm telling you guys it's amazing feeling it is the coolest thing uh to combine with tempest i absolutely adore it and at no other period in the game's lifespan have i really enjoyed this combo this much really cool the last thing to talk about for gear is going to be then um our roon so you do have some choice here i've gone with pack now why do i have gone with pack pack is more boon duration first of all like if we mouse over our boon jose here you'll see i'm at 73 percent you guys realize the cap is a hundred right so we're actually really in a very high level here it means that all this quickness coming in is is nearly on its way to being doubled right um so we're getting boom duration from pack but we're also getting power power is really excellent for just running around and supplementing the fact that we've lost a little bit from being on celestial and then we get another bump of precision on that tier six it can be kind of hard to see but if you look very carefully this tier 6 gives you a big perk and it gives you an attribute bump it gives you 125 precision so again just like celestial stuff itself pac runes are kind of a really well-rounded uh pool of things that we like to have in pve and then finally this is the really beautiful thing this is what i really like about pack runes is the actual special effect of the tier vi grant nearby allies five stacks of might fury and swiftness for eight seconds while in combat and that will refresh every 30 seconds so all of those boons again will be longer because of all of our crazy boon duration now you might say well wp does the swiftness really matter much no it doesn't does the fact that this is aoe matter much no not really does even the might matter much because honestly you guys are going to see through this build we give ourselves a ton of might no not really what i like most about these pack rooms is the fury see how we just got attacked by this imp again and this fury is coming on us see the one thing that this build is going to lack a little bit of is fury now you do have some there's fury here on this skill too in air it's called convergence but you'll see it only gives us four and a quarter seconds of fury so if you don't run pack runes then you're gonna kind of be locked into constantly coming back to this skill like really regularly and thinking about it a lot and it just doesn't feel good i mean you can kind of play around with that way what i like to do instead is get the pac runes on which gives me this really nice baseline chunk of fury that we can extend and we can supplement with convergence you can still use it and you can sort of keep juggling the fury to keep it on you as long as possible but in this way you just get a lot of quality of life get your main baseline fury from here and if you guys don't know much about the game fury is a really strong boon 20 crit chance just from having that is massive you want it on you as much as possible and i like the freedom of just being able to run over to say this imp and just use an ability and look at this i immediately have quickness i have fury i have my i have loads of stuff and i could just run around and kind of do my thing so that's the idea of pack i i really really like pack it's a shame to um not experiment with other runes certainly so you guys can have fun with it but uh yeah that's how i like to run my gear let's now run it in through some other stuff and i'm gonna film the next section of this video somewhere else where i'm not constantly getting attacked by imps i thought this would be a nice place to film since you know lava and we're in early let's go somewhere i don't know watery i guess now just a tiny disclaimer for you all i feel the need to say uh throughout this build video i want you all to understand that a huge amount of what i've decided on are negotiable choices you are totally free and welcome if you don't like the idea of one utility skill you want to run another to make minor swaps based on your preferences here and there you can do that especially with the traits too don't be scared i mean if you change way too much you're basically going to be looking at a different build but guild wars is a game about build craft i think just the nature of net decking something off the internet and never thinking coherently about it for yourself is kind of missing a big part of the game usually when i don't build videos in the past i've taken the time at every little juncture to explain every little bit of nuance i'm not doing that this time this time i'll be explaining the reverse when there is something that it's really important you don't mess with i'll tell you otherwise yeah feel free to make those little tweaks if you want to i think that's a big part of the game all that in mind what i am showing on my build videos i personally think is pretty goddamn concrete there we go some nice water and something soothing here so let's get into the ability section i'm gonna run you guys through which abilities i've picked or the reasons for those abilities will become much more obvious when we get into the trait section in a second but i'll give you guys a little demonstration of each ability on this build and you know whether i think it's really really valuable or not so first of all you have the fire overload this thing is incredibly powerful massive amounts of mic for you huge amounts of protection at the start a big explosion we'll look at later use this very very very regularly the fire auto attack i don't tend to use too much just a bit of filler if i have nothing else going on it's not that great dragon's breath drake's breath too sorry the uh dagger ii this is excellent on celestial as you look at the burning there it's a ton of burning over five targets and a good amount of both power and candy damage you might look at that tool tip and think look at the comedies do more but don't forget that the power stuff can crit um which means that it's just a really really good skill i use this very regularly burning speed is one of my favorite skills in the game just for running around lots of movement nice wide explosion i use that very regularly next we have heatsink this will duplicate the might and fury have you have on you and actually copy it to allies that are nearby and you will have an airline nearby on this build we do have a summon so i do use this regularly it's especially fun to use after overload because the overload will give you a lot of might and then finally we have wildfire this is a nice field generally for damage but one of the traits we can pick as well actually makes this a very defensive uh field as well moving over to the water achievement i don't really auto attack too much either so the range is okay on this now cone of code cone of cold is a skill that usually on early i ignore and i don't use very often but on celestial gear this actually is really decent resustain for you this will heal you a good amount so do consider it just like the water overload which again is one of your biggest ways of getting your health back i don't usually think about that for healing allies and stuff but it's very good honestly one of the real true pleasures of celestial is ordinarily on my early builds i kind of avoid water achievement a lot and i don't really feel like some of the skills are very impactful suddenly these healing based ones feel impactful because of all the healing power on sally stuff it was kind of a big aha moment for me frozen burst i also use very regularly but not for damage and not for applying chill but because it's a blast finisher back during the day that never used to be a blast but it is now so you can combo it with other things uh we'll come back to that in a second i guess title surge this is really good again for healing you but also brake bar damage i use that regularly but only when there's a break bar if there's not i tend to kind of ignore it and then finally the water globe is great because again it can heal you up you can use the three in it and you get a nice big combo field heal there so i do use that one very regularly too next for air i tend to air auto attack a lot i like lightning whipping i don't know maybe that's just me but it's like a double little hit probably some of the other ones are useful convergence already explained it's great for fury so do use that regularly you have to hit a target with it by the way as you see that i didn't give myself fury you do actually have to hit someone uh shocking aura is great as well i use this for getting through break bras but also this is quickness application you run in blow up the shocking aura and you can start a fight with a stun which will proc the sigil we talked about and that's where you can get your quickness you can go immediately from that into an air overload which is a fantastic part of the kit i use air overloads all the time massive damage lots and lots of power there i use the four for swiftness out of combat all the time really useful using cyclone it's also good brake bars as well don't forget that the skill 4 here in air and the skill 4 in water they're both cc's so just like shocking aura they're both giving you quickness when that sigil cooldown's off so do use these this is again another nice thing about this build all the skills are like giving you a bit of value even if you kind of fire them off hey you might get a sigil proc and quickness feels good and another thing that's amazing for the build this i use this all the time is lightning orb this might not look like much if you haven't really paid attention to it but any enemies standing near this orb get pulsed with damage like mad it's really really good uh i use this constantly i'll like cast this as i'm running in and then what i'll do is i'll like shocking aura for quickness straight into an overload air or something that's usually what i like to do um finally for earth achievement i don't really auto attack much but don't sleep on it with the bleed on there and his hybrid damage is not bad ring of earth is just another of these amazing abilities that feels good because uh we're on celestial it also interrupts projectiles i very rarely use that in pve though uh earthen rush is incredibly strong one of the traits we're gonna use means this is actually an a brilliant damage skill okay it's fun because it moves you like the fire ability but it's a it's a damage skill too so pay attention to this it's also a leap you can use that for combos sand squall this extends the duration of the boons on you so if you are fighting and you notice your sigils of props giving you quickness that's when you want to sand school if you sand score while you have the quickness it's very easy to do that you'll extend it even longer so all the concentration and then everything's getting boosted even further from this it's fantastic uh don't forget about this ability and a little bit of protection there as well is nice one of the reasons you'll feel immortal you reflect projectiles from it dust storm is also incredibly good this will stack major bleeds on enemies again that comedy damage actually does something uh but also blind spam blind spam is one of the best things you can utilize in uh pve to stay alive if you're ever feeling a little bit worried or there's a lot of targets around dust storm is your friend finally the earth overload usually you guys might think oh this is just a tanky thing this is just a thing to ignore it doesn't matter much no no no this is excellent too again because of one of our traits for damage it will stack bleeds just standing near people but it ends with an immobilization effect remember that the heal skill of my choice is signal of restoration so as an alley we have all these abilities i want to keep using them i don't want to be standing around casting heels so this will just keep bumping our health up while we cast our other abilities and do other stuff and it has some fun interactions out there too next we have phil the burn so this is a quick little shout that i like because again i don't want to waste time too much pressing these buttons i've just listed through a ton so for example if i'm in an earth overload i can feel the burn in the middle of it i can throw the fire shout out while doing other stuff right and so you can just keep popping that keep popping that it's damage it's burns it's might for you it's just good next we have a signal of fire one of the traits is going to improve this um but what you want to remember to do and i actually forget to do this quite often is just keep spamming this like on the start when i'm at 1200 range a lot of this other stuff isn't that much range like even the lightning orb takes a long time to get that far away so when you're like closing the gaps on this troll open with a signal of fire right and what that'll do is stack actually a ton of burn on him that lasts a really long time look at that burn it's reading a huge amount of damage we're not even level 80 here by the way so don't trust the numbers too much very very very strong and then passively it's even more precision all the precision from the pack rooms all the precision from the signal of fire and then when we get fury on us it's gonna jump up to a good amount as well that's why we have so many like god-like stats finally after shock after shock is great against brake bars it will put him because it will put um immobilization on targets it will give us lots of protection look i just pressed this one shout look at all these boons that came in from that one shout there and that's because we tagged this creature over here and putting combat we've got the pack room as well at the same time but that mobilization again means that this is damage and again it's a blast finisher so lots of fun things you can do there finally the elite of my choice and i try to keep this guy up all the time is the glyph of elementals so this is actually really well balanced i like this in all the achievements if you've got a break bar it's cool to use it in in air because there's like an activatable stun summoning the water guy he can give you a massive heel it's in fact such a big hill that it's probably too much to be honest but probably my favorite version of it okay it's either the earth one who is like ridiculously tanky okay or it's uh and basically you can play like a ranger the enemies will always target the earth guy um or it's the fire guy now why the fire guy is quite cool is because he has a you know a targeted attack here a really big heavy damage so if i'm starting a fight and i uh i uh fire overload and then i heat sink i can give him a ton of might really easily and he actually hits things he actually does damage there's the other side of it which is when i get in combat and i proc my pack rune he's got 25 mike fury right now when he uses his ability he does a lot of damage look at how much damage he did to the bone whip there so he's pretty fun and i like that whole other dimension it's another cool thing you can do while you're on this build another cool thing to think about so they have it those are the skills i picked um that's how i utilize them let's run on finally into the traits and see how this all comes together okay so traits will modify our abilities fairly uh significantly so let's go have a look now the three lines i've picked are fire earth and tempest i guess we'll start with tempest since that's the elite specialization tempest unlocks those overloads that you've seen unlocks the shouts of which i'm using too so we get generally pretty good value from it the first one i've picked is gaelson i love this trait what this will do is when we get knocked back or cc'd in some way it will instantly stun break it and and it will give us super speed so we can run around and keep doing things so here's the thing obviously stun brakes do exist i haven't got any of them selected on my utility skill bar and i don't really want to compromise in that way my overloads do technically count as stun brakes but i'll be using them pretty regularly anyway and they have charge up times unreliable the other thing is for most of the time if you're using your own stun brake like actively having to think about it it might take you so long to react and actually press the thing your character was about to stand up at that point anyway this because it's based on the game itself like the tick that you get cc'd you'll be stun broke and the result is that you almost feel like you weren't stunned at all not only this but you're gonna start sprinting around don't believe me how great this feels it actually just happened on the video when i was doing this with the fire elemental he sees me he was going to knock me back but i hardly even felt it because for free i stun broke it that's a brilliant representation of what happens constantly in guild wars 2 makes you glide like butter through the game really it's really good quality of life it can happen every 40 seconds i adore this trait whenever it triggers even better if you're like a world boss or a big luxur meta where lots of people get cc'd all at once like with some big slam when you do this you'll stun break five people around you as well you'll do that for everyone else and uh it's just the coolest like most supportive fun feeling thing i love this trait next i pick invigorating torrents so two of the other boons we don't have too much of a regen and vigor so that's why when i used the aftershock earlier we got both of those boons so regen again is just like lots of constant sustain it's a lot like why i've picked signal of restoration i like to just constantly have my health getting bumped up you will feel this majorly the vigor to be honest i don't really care that much about for this build and for most of the pve this is such a strong build you're not going to be like actively dodging constantly and you don't really want to be actively constantly dodging because that's time you could be spent using skills and stuff anyway i'm obviously not giving you guys the advice never dodge i'm just saying it'll be rare enough that when you want to dodge it didn't matter whether you had vigor or not but there's a nice extra boon to have on there so hey why not and it might help you every now and then there is another reasonably good choice here that's tempestuous area which will give you more might and put weakness out weakness is definitely a great thing it will reduce the damage you take by a good amount and finally grand masters again a lot of this is pretty variable um but my favorite is elemental bastion again what this means is whenever we apply an aura we heal and also when we get chunked below 75 percent health we get a frost aura for free which heals us and frost or is reduced incoming damage so by being a tempest we get extra strong protection from hardy conduit we get lots of frost aura and we get all these constant little pulse heals so when we look back at our dagger for example this actually heals us shocking aura heals us a little bit um when we look at sand scroll that's a magnetic order that heals us a little bit aftershock kills us a little bit feel the burn heals us a little bit i really really like this trait you can go with more pressure if you like but as a baseline this is how i like to play tempest you'll see just how much re-sustain and just comfort we get just by running around you you will feel it you won't be struggling against stuff that i see most new players and sort of super glassy players end up struggling against next i take earth now you might think earth is like super tanky like what's the point why not take arcane or something well earth actually can turn a lot of your abilities into more damage when you're on celestial i'll show you how first of all i run surrender serrated stones this gives us straight up five percent more damage on all of our flat damage but also it increases our bleeding duration by 20 next we have strength of stone and this is really this one is not negotiable do not mess with strength of the stone this is amazing gain condition damage based on our toughness so with celestial we get toughness we get condition damage we get more out of the the toughness that we built brilliant but then look at this special extra effect inflict bleed whenever you immobilize that's nearly 3 000 damage on every emobe that's why an ability like earth and rush that really usually doesn't feel that satisfying to use now is it's good it feels satisfying because that is a mobe that is 3000 damage and when i say 3000 again we're not in a level 80 area so it's good damage guys um aftershock is a mode but it's not just on one target this is actually everyone around you so here i'll actually i'll i'm going to zone somewhere else just to really emphasize how cool this is let's go to my classic place the dollyak pen you guys have seen this a million times this is my like go-to area just to show off some regular enemies right so this is how strong this trait is right and running after shock remember it's a blast and it's all this protection it's a generally and it's an aura and so on watch we've got a bunch of dollars here i'm just gonna press after shock that's it they're all emoted and look at the bleeding that they're taking this is just aftershock and they're bleeding and they're bleeding and yes it's on a ton of targets here as well 10 targets all the dolliacs and we're just melting them down on an ability that really wouldn't normally be doing anything we've just chunked them to half and that's before we get all of our might and stuff and once we in a regular fight you're gonna have a ton of might and that's gonna bump this trait up even more strength of stone is awesome it does the same for uh earth overload as well really cool makes the build shine and lastly i do written in stone because we do have two signets if i want to press the signal of restoration now i won't lose the passive effect and when i press the signal of fire on the opener which again is just crazy damage and again it's a big aoe burst if i want to do that at the start i'm still getting the precision even though it's on cooldown so this is very nice as well the other traits generally aren't aren't you know you could be super tanky with stone heart or super condy tanky with diamond skin pve never really requires them so yeah written in stone finally i have fire fire i've gone with again because it augments our skills in some fun ways first thing i really want you guys to pay attention to on fire is this ability here it's called sunspot it says gain a fire aura and damage nearby foes when you attune to fire now what you need to know about tempest here is if you look at overload fire it will trigger sunspot so likewise by the way when i uh go into earth when i earth overload i'll get earth and blast okay that's a subtle interaction a lot of people won't be thinking about but sunspot triggers when i enter overload fires so the fire tornado should only do a little something at the start but if you watch when i actually use it against this wolf here right you see i did a little bit of burn at the start but it stacked a ton of burn and a big explosion on him instantly so let's just keep that in mind now burning precision burning we inflict has increased duration just like the um the uh the bleeding one that we had before and also our crits have a chance to inflict burning it's just strong next burning rage sunspot inflicts two burning so what that means is my overload fire opens with a big double burn and our condition damage is increased and the radius of sunspot and the the sunspot that comes from the overload fire also is increased so you like doing double sunspots by being a fire tempest very subtle but it's really good lots of fun and i hope you're noticing here that so many opportunities not only do we have celestial stats but we have all these extra random attribute conversions and attribute bumps like all this extra condition damage that's just here that just pushes us into these ludicrous levels so we got like this extra like explosion of pressure and what about another explosion of pressure pyromancer's poisson so this uh this trait used to just be about mite stacking it's a really weird trait now and it's gone through gone through some changes in recent years um but basically what this means is whenever we finish a fire overload a specific tempest interaction or whenever we leave fire attunement it takes all the might on us and explodes it into a ton of damage now you might say well wp doesn't that suck because i want to keep all my might i want lots and lots of mine but trust me guys this build has an absurd amount of might you can refresh it very quickly so what will happen for example is we'll start fighting say like this we'll get a blast out of the aftershock we'll get phil the burn that we have 16 might and then it will trade 10 of it down into a fully charged pyromancer's croissants by the time it's over we still have 16 on us and then if i was in combat when i rotate out it would trade 10 down and do another big explosion and if you watch footage i mean i if you're watching my other videos and you're seeing me playing this uh build if you watch very closely you will see right so for example here i have 20 my i'm in combat when i leave oh i broke combat damn it when i leave it will you'll see these extra explosions and they hit hard they really do and they do good burn it's lots of fun um the other traits are kind of okay the the big one that i want to point out is blinding ashes this is blind things when you burn so if you're struggling even more take this because what that means is phil the burn is this massive aoe blind it means that this if you guys ever played thief it means this becomes kind of like a thief blind field right even though it's doing damage because every little tick is burn and all the other places that you get burn it means that your pulsing burns out on drake's breath across different targets there is an icd on it i want to be clear but across multiple targets we'll do that so uh so yeah that's uh that's how i like to run fire achievement and that's where all the big pressure comes from and that in a nutshell is the build guys that's how i run it those are some of the sleeper traits that i've really really fallen in love with recently and um i seriously do recommend you guys give this a shot it is absolutely what i'll be playing throughout end of dragons um and uh it's definitely my favorite ellie build as of now uh you should be fine against champions against veterans against all manner of most content in the game especially when it comes to just general exploration general gameplay you should have a great time so thanks guys i hope this was useful to people who have been asking desperately for whatever my build is now you can copy it and have fun and if you guys have got any feedback or want to show your support for the video please feel free to now encourage me to make more see you next time [Music] uh you guys can let me know in the comments actually which or which next profession you want to see we'll do it that way vote in the comments which the next one you want and i'll endeavor to make that the next video take care anyways [Music]
Channel: WoodenPotatoes πŸ₯”
Views: 119,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guild Wars 2, WoodenPotatoes, Gaming, Guild Wars, ArenaNet, Tyria, Sylvari, Charr, Guild Wars 2 2021, Guild Wars 2 2020, Guild Wars 2 Gameplay, Guild Wars 2 Builds, Guild Wars 2 Build, Guild Wars 2 Guide
Id: D3wbdS9ACt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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