Conan Idolizes Christopher Walken's Hair | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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(audience cheering and applauding) Hi. Nice to have you here. First of all, congratulations, an Oscar nomination. Catch Me if You Can. It's got to feel-- Thank you. very good. (audience cheering) It's all good. (audience cheering) It's very strange, how do you feel about your performance? Cause clearly people loved it, but are you able to watch yourself? How do you feel about it? I thought it was very good. I liked the movie very much. (audience laughing) So you give yourself two thumbs up. You know, what's great is that you have that it of course takes place maybe in the early sixties. So you get to wear those great sort of early sixties clothes you're wearing, you know, the thin ties, the hat, you get to wear the cool hat. You must have liked that, dressing up that way. Absolutely, it was very, it was powerful really because when I put the hat on, and the overcoat and the shoes and I got the haircut and I looked exactly like my father. (audience laughing) Just the way your father did. Yes, and he had that hat. He had that coat, it was that time. In fact, when that movie takes place, my father would have been about the same age I am now. So they say that man one morning get up and look in the mirror and they see their father. Well, I had that happen to me in a big way on this movie. Right, right. I see my mom, I don't know why. (audience laughing) I'm like hi Conan? And someone in the mirror is like, hi honey. (audience laughing) it's very... can I just talk to you about your hair for a moment and please (audience cheering) No, I wanna, I know this has been discussed. (audience clapping) I knew you were gonna talk about my hair. I know this has been discussed and I just can't help it. I'm obsessed with hair. I spend hours on my hair. There's mayonnaise, there's there's fiber fill insulation. But you have great hair, when we've met before, we've always talked about hair. Yes, I'm obsessed with it. But today your hair is going straight up. It's huge. No, I have to apologize. It looks like you blew dry it upside down in a cave, you know? I have to apologize. I've been sitting around the house a lot and it got huge. (laughing loudly) And I really- What do you just sitting around the house? What absorbing moisture? And eating, do you find that when your hair gets really big, you know that you gain weight? (audience laughing) No, I do not find that to be true. So you're saying that as your hair grows longer, you gain weight? I've been gaining weight, and I have to lose it. So if I get a haircut, you shrink. (laughing loudly) This is such a fantastic theory. Do you mean you don't even- No, it's something I've noticed from working in the theater. If you do like a Shakespeare play and you put on a big costume, then you look ridiculous because your head is tiny and you've got this big gown. So then you have to put on a big wig to make it fill out. And I think that happens naturally too. But as you think, what you're seeing is that as your hair bigger, something in your body signals, Yes. you must gain weight to compensate for your big hair. Yep, that's right, match your hair. (laughing) But I'm gonna get a hair cut and I'm gonna lose weight. That's the strangest theory I believe I've ever heard. And I'm gonna, I'm sure I'll be reading in three years that the working theory in the new England journal of medicine and you'll be correct. Yep, I should have a videotape and make a lot of money. Like a lose weight video where it's you just getting your hair cut? (audience laughing) That's a great, great theory. Now of course you're nominated, this is very exciting. Last time you were nominated, you won. Yup. Deer Hunter. And a fantastic role. (audience clapping) I look at that movie sometimes and I love that movie, but I think that couldn't have, it must have been a very difficult, obviously emotional movie to film Deer Hunter, but you also had to work in the jungle. I'm guessing under difficult circumstances. Did you, you didn't like that experience? Well, it was a great experience, you know, to be with the people in all those different places, but it's true that I've made a couple of jungle movies and I don't like to work in the jungle. You don't what? Tell us what don't you like about the jungle? I mean, at this point in my life, I'd have to really need money to make another movie in the jungle. (audience laughing) Now, what is this specifically about being in the jungle? All the things it's hot, humid and the bugs, you know, and everything, and the monkeys screaming and- (audience laughing) also alligators and things, you know. Well, come on, you're a movie star. You must be protected from those things. You're not like, it's not like you go into your room. Not really, like the alligators, you notice that they're always like a couple of inches below the surface and they wait for you to come down and then they jump. Oh my God, this has happened to you? Have you ever noticed when you dive under water and you fight an alligator? I mean, that's a pretty- No, it's not funny. (audience laughing) Yes it is. Yes it is. Also, I can just see an alligator going along the water with just as little- Waiting, they're always like this deep. And they're waiting. when you come down, you know, and they go, whoa. (laughing) But then you come along and it's just your hair above the surface. (audience clapping) It's coming along. I'm just imagining things. I imagine, that's what I do. But I'm getting a hair cut, that's not fair. Yeah, you will get a haircut by the time. Yeah, you will get a haircut and you will lose all that weight. People are obsessed with, people are obsessed with, I'm obsessed with your hair, but many people are obsessed with your voice. In fact, people love to do impressions of you, they just love it. It must be easy. I don't think it's that it's easy. I mean, have you in your own life haven't you encountered people that do impressions of you? Ooh, absolutely. Yeah, I have a friend who was a wonderful actor and he does me on his answering machine. (audience laughing) So when I call him, I talk to myself. (laughing) Which has got to be strange. We notice cheer that over, just this isn't even over a very long period of time, is it? This is just over a very short period of time, a lot of people have spontaneously launched into Christopher Walken impression. So we thought, we'd honor you with a little montage right now. Let's let's take a look at this. (audience clapping) I put the cat box outside on a balcony. Look around you're in the taxi cab. (audience laughing) There should be a seat belt. Hey, good question. I got a question. Which one of you can guess what I've buried under my house. I did a show for Bravo. That was, it was nice. (audience cheering) It is nice. (audience cheering) Who was that last guy? That's Hammer he's just very good at impressions who knew? You clearly, I mean, you've, you've played many evil characters. You're terrific actor and you've you've portrayed many types of people, but you clearly, you, you like to play an evil character, don't you. Sure? I like to work. And I think, you know, movies are so expensive to make that it makes sense that certain people are the lovers, certain people are the funny, you know, friend, Right. And there's the villain and you know, I'm, I'm happy to be the villain. Do you enjoy it? Is it more fun to play an evil character? I do. Because evil in the movies is sort of, you know, it can be funny. There's an equation between what's funny and scary. And I think that that, that, that belongs to the movies, not life, you know, life is scary, but then. Movies, movies are not scary. Right. Life is scary, but not movies. What's an example of like a movie where it's so scary that it's kind of funny. Oh, it happens all the time. I don't you think there's a kind of like fine line? (audience laughing) I'm not going to help you out. I want a specific example. I see what you're saying. Like, if something's really, it, it's the natural human reaction you got to. It's so scary you got to laugh. Yeah I do. And you know, there's, I think there's a, a connection between laughing and smiling and, and being a little nervous and all comic writers. I think dealing with that. (audience laughing) You're saying all comedians are evil. There there's a range side. No, but I think there's something a little bit scary about things that are funny. (audience laughing) Do you find me very scary? (audience laughing) Your hair? (audience laughing) (audience clapping) You find my hair frightening. I always thoroughly enjoy it. Take that. Take that? I wasn't criticizing your hair. because it's great. I love your hair, your hair, you and Jack Lord from Hawaii. Five-O have the best hair. No, alright. This weekend, this weekend you were hosting. Saturday Night Live with a musical guest Foo Fighters. That's going to be a great show. He hosted the show many times. It's always hilarious. Thank you. What happened now? (audience laughing) we're going to straighten this whole thing out. Somehow. We'll do it during the commercial break. I want you to come on the show. What show? On Saturday? You want me to come on? It's your day off, I guess. Yeah, I'll come on the show. What do you want me to do? Come on. And do what? Well we can do a head thing. (audience cheering) Alright, look forward to that. That's going to be crazy. Christopher Walken, thank you very much always good. Laura Prepon taking a break we'll be right back.
Channel: Team Coco
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Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Team coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, best of, celebrity, celebrity interview, classic, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan, conan classic, conan funny moments, conan o'brien, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, first, funny, humor, interview, late, late late show, late night, late night show, late night with, late night with conan obrien, max weinberg, night, original, show, special, stand-up comedy, talk show, talk show hosts
Id: J2fbWOAZpkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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