Christopher Walken Teaches Conan Dance Moves | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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[Applause] wow very nice to have you with us that my friend is a real bit that's a man's beard right there that is a very nice beard can we see my beard one more time and let's try and see who's got the look at that look at that her beard is beating the crap out of my beard but this this took six months six months oh okay i wouldn't have that in six years but we can leave that to another time this is nice this is your home town of course yes uh you're from is it astoria i'm from queens yeah queens yeah this is very nice you uh your family they owned a bakery there is that right yes in a story on broadway and uh it was there for about 60 years and my father retired it's it's gone now and what did you ever help out at the at the bakery i did when i was a kid i worked in the back i you know did all sorts of things only you could make working in a bakery sounds so sorted somehow so mysterious delivered cakes i you know i did kind of uh cleaning up types of stuff did you make uh what would you make pastries donuts did you make uh i i had to do something i had little chores i i had to fill the jelly donuts i i used to fill the jelly doughnuts i'm sure i just all right now i'm sure they have uh uh you know high-tech ways of doing it now but in those days it was very basic uh-huh you had a huge uh can of jelly right and it had like a hypodermic on top of it with two needles right and you'd take a doughnut in each hand you'd stick it on there and then you'd push it down like a dynamite thing right and the jelly would go into the donut and it was very exciting it sounds yeah you make it sound almost yeah like a yeah sensual now [Applause] now i also if we're going to talk about your past your real name if you don't mind me saying was what ronald ronald [Applause] and i changed it i was in a nightclub act about 30 years ago and where you fill jelly donuts on stage yeah i danced in the nightclub act and and uh the lady who was the the star of the show said i think i'll call you christopher so i did i just just because someone arbitrarily out of nowhere said i'm calling you christopher it's true i said ronald it's hard to say or something so i called you christopher right that was it okay that's an interesting idea they just that person had a big influence on your life and probably are they aware is that person aware that they created the name christopher walken sure and uh yeah it was very quick it was like that just like that but i wish it had been chris chris walken it's nicer shorter christopher always looks like a train you know well you're in charge here you could say hey from now on in the next movie i am chris walken you know i asked to do that a number of times and they said nope you know i guess they pay for all those letters right right that's it you should change it to at this point just go like for blaze walk-ins or something really cool or what caesar augustus [Laughter] wow delusions of grandeur are seeking in now the last time you were on the show i remember this very clearly you said i remember this very well you said i'd love to someday have a cooking show and i remember thinking you've accomplished so much it just seemed strange to me that you would you'd want to go do a cooking show but i thought well i'd watch christopher walken cooking show what happened to that idea well i i love cooking shows i love to watch them and there's so many different kinds and in fact since then i did one i did a show for bravo that was on it was a half hour thing it was it was nice but i'd like to i would like to do a cooking show or really some sort of spontaneous show when i was a kid i used to watch the dean martin show and you always got the feeling that he walked in and it just happened of course that's that's not true it was probably very well planned but right i always i always liked that idea that the guy walks in and who knows what's going to happen we got that here baby i mean nothing we don't we don't rehearse this thing this is just this is just anything i come out here i mean i don't know what's going to happen i don't whoa look at that i don't know what's going to happen but that that is what's interesting about this kind of uh venue it's like watching sports you know you're not really sure what's going to happen right right well it's well and would you do a kind of show like that would you ever do like a a crazy adventure show a show where you do stunts would you do that i have an idea to do one for one of these new rocket roller coasters you know to go on one i went on one and uh it was really scary so you want a show where you just ride around on a roller coaster i'm gonna do a different one every week you know a different roller coaster each week fly fishing something like that right right right okay right now a lot of it your phone's gonna be ringing off the hook now uh we have to talk about the fat boy slim video which is everybody's favorite video this year such a great video such a great such a great concept so well executed i mean you're really you're dancing up a storm in in this video it's great to have the opportunity to do that you know with my advanced age to do that and they don't make musical movies so much anymore so the idea of being able to do that was great i've i did a couple of musical movies uh and uh i guess spike jones must have seen one of them and uh and he had the idea and he approached you did you know fat boy slim nope i didn't uh no i i should have but my my uh music knowledge stops uh somewhere in the 70s right right so so you weren't but but you you when you saw the finished product you must have been delighted yeah it was terrific let's just take a quick look at a clip from this uh [Music] you never heard that's amazing i love i've i've watched that thing so many times i really uh are those are those hard moves to learn i would love to learn some of those moves can you show me anything from that uh can you just just a little something bro don't show me on that max you need to show me show me a little something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's my i have to say that's my favorite [Laughter] that is my favorite that is my favorite dance move of all time that one right there i live in the country and that's what the raccoons do at night only you would look at a raccoon and say that's a dance move right there uh america's sweethearts is in theaters now and the seagull opens august 12th at the delacorte theater yes and people should go and see that it's always a thrill when you're on
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 443,814
Rating: 4.9432006 out of 5
Keywords: Conan, Conan O'Brien, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, best of late night, celebrity, celebrity interview, classic, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan funny moments, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, first, humor, interview, late night show, late night with conan classic, late night with conan obrien, late show, max weinberg, official, original, sketch, special, talk show, talk show hosts, teamcoco, triumph the insult comic dog
Id: QWaUuqMJUyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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