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my first guest tonight is an Academy Award winning actor beginning October 8 you can see him in the film around the bend is a thrill to welcome Christopher Walken Hector's got to be nice that's got to be nice is well that's the correct answer it is you know I have er it are yes I have I have so much respect for you and your work and I've always known you as Christopher Walken and then I find out just today that you would rather be called Chris than Christopher is that true Christopher's okay but when I the first time I saw it on the credits in a movie I thought it was too long Christopher looked like a train yeah like a train yeah Chris Chris is better Chris Walken you know Flash Gordon it's Chris Walken yeah yeah that's it's got a quick yet but uh you know um not only that but if you say it fast sit Chris say Chris a Christopher fast gesundheit Christopher cuz something sounds like a sneeze um no it doesn't but we'll leave that alone but tonight's or the rest you're Chris Chris congratulations on tonight's show Oh know what when you do that you're gonna get a huge dressing room you think I have a tiny one now there's not room for my hair the one I have now but hey yeah you use my dressing room when you when you do the show in 2009 can I use your dressing room you've used it when you do sound out live you you give you you've walked down and used my dressing and take a nap by drool on your couch I know I thought I grew on eBay I don't get it I go through your stuff yeah sorry about that that's only due to Mad Magazine uh now let's talk about you enough about me and the stuff it's in my dressing room uh you love to cook you love to cook you love you cooking is your passion about cooking I'm curious about something I don't know much about cooking I certainly don't know about picking produce how do you pick fresh produce well you look you give it a little squeeze I sat next to a doctor on on a plane once and I said to him how do you know when somebody's sick and he said it's like fruits and vegetables you know you look give it a little squeeze you can tell that was not a doctor you were talking to him I have cat scans now they have incredible magnetic imaging systems they don't give a little squeaking sound you can tell sometimes you get fooled you know a jewelled occasionally I'll buy an avocado you know it looks good you get it home it's sold you know it's not good inside Korea how does that make you feel I don't want an avocado and it's not good I don't blame the person who sold it to me I I blame myself right for not knowing better because you should have given it a little squeeze I should have known you should have known but when that happens it's usually freezing or something in transit all right I want to ask you about this you have an incredible body of work very respected man uh but today I'm reading about you went find that you you love zombie movies that that's one of your favorite kind of movies is that you're a fan of zombie movies that's overstated but it's that you you like do you like as I enjoy a zombie movie occasion ah zombie movies are interesting cuz one of the big budget low-budget yeah I almost can't go wrong right you know I cuz it's something you don't you know it's not unusual you don't see that all the time I'd like to see you you don't see a zombie every day that's what you're saying ah no but it would be interesting to see a zombie movie we you didn't know that the people who was on these you know you'd be sitting with them arguing over the TV beeper you know the TV deeper you know huh the clicker yeah is gonna have it right and suddenly you'd find out that which one's the zombie you're like your best friend or something right right that that would be scary scary-movie uncollected zombies zombie amongst us yeah but who's the zombie now would you play a zombie in a movie no no I'd be the hero I get the girl I save her from the zombie right so you would yourself wouldn't be the zombie not how do you think I could play a zombie anybody could play a zombie but not here what but you yeah you can't do it alright it almost sounds like you have an interesting directing have you directed a movie before I directed once I directed a little film for them cable thing and I wasn't good you weren't you you weren't to get directly what you weren't good well what was wrong well I only found out when I got there people would ask me you know what do you think what what do you want to do would do and I'd say well just do whatever you want I'm really that that's not good yeah first when you shout that a you know to 800 people through a megaphone everyone well I had the film turnout it was awful oh okay well let me ask you about this this is a TV related you had a you were considered for the part of The Sopranos of dr. melfi's psychiatrist that was a possibility would you have liked to have playing that played a psychiatrist did with the Peter Bogdanovich yes yeah yeah would you have liked to play that role I would have done it yeah yeah how have you I mean have you had experience and I want to get too personal but if you been to a psychiatrist at one point a long time ago everybody I knew was going and they talked me into going but I I think I'd be a good a good psychiatrist on TV anyway right because for the same reasons that I'm not a good director no people would say what should I do it's a bad do whatever you want that's the kind of psychiatrist you dude you know don't worry be happy everybody knew you want a guy talking to you I having these dreams I want to kill my brother I do what you want not obviously you know don't don't worry you know don't worry how about have a nectarine have a nectarine do what you want don't worry have a nectarine that'll be $150 that's terrific make a fort yeah you certainly would all right around the bend this is the movie that you're promoting all right this movie was shot in the desert where which desert was it John in New Mexico you know Albuquerque yeah did you would did you have fun on the set or is it boring on the no it's beautiful it's very clean it's wonderful you know when you make movies one of the problems is parking they have all these trucks and permits and all these things but in in the desert there's plenty of parking it's a lot of parking yeah but a space form so that's a plus and cow pies what you're kidding were cow pies on set and all over hi yeah max has been here all night the cowboy cow pies everywhere everywhere right you ever planting and comfort did you pray pray in it play any pranks with the cow pies you can pick up a camp on you know they get them up there yeah and you can walk up to somebody and say yeah would you hold this please and they'll always take it all right well around the bend I think this is good a promotion fist movie as you find on any talk show there's plenty of parking for this film and cow crap everywhere it opens October 8th in select cities and you are one of my favorite all-time people to talk to you thank you so much for being here
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 197,047
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Keywords: mytalkshowheroes
Id: D6eIetdY30c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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