Conan Exiles: Argossean Villa (Tutorial/ No Mods)

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[Music] what is up in this tutorial i'm going to be explaining how to build your very own argosian villa to build it you're going to need the following dlcs architects of argos jewel of the west blood and sand and writers of hyboria so enough of that let's get to it so for location we're going to be building an i-4 on the exiled lands more importantly on this little peninsula right here so first up we're going to be laying our foundations down to plot out the central portion of the build i recommend using sandstone or flats and pieces for this portion due to how cheap they are for this tutorial however i'm going to be using the argosian foundations because they are easy to see each individual piece using a combination of square and wedge pieces here's the layout for the central portion of the build moving on to the south wing of the build we're going to be extending it out two foundations from the central portion once again using a combination of square and wedge pieces here's the layout for the south wing of the build next up is the north wing of the build we're also going to be extending this one out two foundations from the central portion for the north wing we only had to use a combination of square pieces here's the layout so far at this point we're ready to start slapping some margosian fence foundations onto the sides of the central and north wing foundations when placing the fence foundations make sure the exterior face is facing outwards there is one exception however when you reach the area of where the wings connect to the central portion of the build be sure to leave the space on both sides of the connecting foundations also flip the fence foundation so that the exterior face is facing inwards [Music] moving on to the south wing we're pretty much going to do the same thing we did with the north wing except we'll be using stable fence foundations we're also going to leave a two foundation wide gap here which will later be used as an entrance into the stable area so now we're going to be moving to the back of the build where we'll be connecting half a circle to it to do this we'll start off by placing two wedge foundations followed up with two square foundations and from here this gives us the spacing needed to complete the half circle and once those are placed go back through and delete the initial spacing foundations if you've done everything right so far your layout should look something similar to this alright so now we're ready to get our base down for the statue gate house and outer wall we'll start off by extending three foundations outward from the front of the build we'll then place two wedge foundations making sure to center it up with the central structure and from here we'll form a hex shape using the wedge pieces this will act as the base of our statue next up we're going to place six more square foundations branching off the initial three we placed continuing to extend them away from our central structure once those are placed we're going to place four wedge-shaped foundations once again centering it up with our build we're now going to lay down the base of our gatehouse to do this form a 2x4 c-shape using square foundations branching off from the wedge pieces you just placed then remove the center two square foundations along with all other unwanted foundations now we're going to place our outer wall by branching out a combination of square and wedge pieces from both sides of the gatehouse we'll form a curve as we connect the wall to both wings at this point we're going to connect our gaussian fence foundations to our outer wall and gatehouse foundations be sure the outer face of your fence foundations are facing outwards at some point once you get your fence foundation snapped the side of the outer wall foundations you can then delete those foundations we're then going to repeat the process on the other side [Music] and for the statue base same thing connect our gaussian fence foundations to them we're then going to lay down the base of our guard house by forming a two by two square off of the south outer wall we'll do this by placing foundations and connecting our gaussian fence foundations to them moving on to the back we'll be connecting more fence foundations to both sides of the half circle we placed earlier we're six minutes into the video and we finally have the outline of our base placed if you have done everything correctly so far it should look something like this if you used a cheaper foundation to plot out your base or just simply want to limit the amount of placed foundations we'll now go back through and delete all of the place foundations and we'll be replacing them with ceiling pieces shortly [Music] the first ceilings to place are the argosian ones place them in these spots next up is the arena ceilings hmm and last up is the stable hay covered ceilings moving on to the central portion of the build we'll start off by placing our gaussian door frames in these spots we're going to leave some gaps open because we'll be filling in those gaps with our gaussian walls next and now we're going to be placing the walls and the gaps we left from here we'll be filling in this section with foundations and ceiling pieces when placing the foundation pieces connect them to the areas where there are door frames we're then going to be placing some margosian stairs in these nooks we created moving on to the next layer we'll be placing a combination of our gaussian door frames windows and walls in these spots [Music] next up we'll be placing aqualonian fences to the front and back area of our build be sure to rotate the fences to where the outer face is facing inwards moving upwards we're going to add another layer of walls from here we're ready to build our balcony using a combination of our gaussian vaulted ceiling pieces in particular we'll be using the vaulted ceiling inverted corner piece for the spot over the doors where you'll be rotating them to form a nice archway after that we'll be moving on and placing a combination of argosian windows walls and door frames to form the next layer [Music] [Music] for the front balcony add a row of argosian fences rotating them to where the outer face is facing inward next we're going to get ready to build the roof to do this i like to place the slope walls first in their respective spots this will help with figuring out which way a particular roof will slope once those are placed we're going to go around the remainder of the walls and slap some margosian fence pieces on top of them [Music] and at this point we're ready to add on our roof using argosian roof pieces make sure you match the slope of the roof with the slope of the wall pieces you added earlier from here i'm going to add a quick interior keep in mind you can change this up to fit your bases needs moving on to the back we're going to be adding a combination of argosian bottom middle and top pillars onto the arena ceiling pieces to form tall pillars however we're going to leave a gap in the area that leads straight out from the stairs [Music] we're then going to add our gauzy and ceiling pieces to the top of the pillars matching the same half circle design from here we're going to be adding aqualonian fence pieces to the ceiling pieces we just placed flipping them to where the outer faces are facing inward [Music] we'll also be doing the same for the outer section of the bottom arena ceiling pieces however the outer faces of these will be facing outwards also be sure to leave a gap here because we'll be adding stairs on both sides of these arena ceiling pieces next and like i said add the stair pieces here and here next up we're going to be working on the causeways that connect both wings of the residence we'll start off by placing our gaussian door pieces followed up with foundation pieces we're then going to be placing tall pillars on the arena ceilings using a combination of our gaussian top middle and bottom pillar pieces from here place our gaussian fence pieces on top of the foundations we placed earlier rotate the fence pieces to where the outer faces are facing inwards next form a platform by placing ceiling pieces on top of the pillars and once those are placed you can form your roof by using sloped argosian roof pieces [Music] once that's done we're going to repeat the same steps on the other side of the central residence and now we're ready to begin building the north wing we'll start off by placing a layer of door frames along the edges of our fence foundations [Music] we're then going to place our gaussian foundations in the spots where we have door frames placed and then we'll fill in the remaining gaps with ceiling pieces we'll be forming the next level of our build by placing a combination of argosian walls door frames and windows in these spots [Music] [Music] [Music] once those are placed we'll be placing another layer of walls and windows on top of our previously placed pieces we are however going to be leaving a gap here which we'll be working on shortly [Music] now the gap i mentioned we'll be placing inverted slope walls off the sides of the wall pieces for this lower level we're going to place our gaussian fences along the edges and then form the roof by using a combination of our gaussian sloped and corner pieces we're now going to be jumping to the main entrance of the north wing in the area above the door place vaulted corner pieces rotating them to where they form an archway next up we'll be placing a layer of ceiling pieces along the interior edges of the north wing while placing the ceiling pieces go ahead and leave a gap in the center from here we'll be forming arched windows by first placing our gaussian walls in these locations we're then going to place aqualonian fences in the gaps rotating them to where they're facing each other next place faulted ceilings above the fence pieces rotating the vaulted ceilings to where they form arches [Music] now that those are done we're going to finish up the interior sealing first place our gaussian walls along the edges of the interior gap and then cap it off with vaulted ceilings next up we're almost ready to place our roof but first we need to place sloped wall pieces in these locations and now we're ready to place our roof you can do this by placing the appropriate sloped pieces by matching them up with the slope of the sloped wall pieces [Music] now that the roof is on we can go around the remaining edges and place our goes in fence pieces facing the outer face outwards next thing to work on which we should have done sooner but what the heck is the north wing entry stairs start off by connecting foundations to the foundations that the doorways sit on you'll then connect another foundation to the right of those once those are placed connect our gaussian fence foundations to the sides from here we'll place our gaussian door frames to the first two placed foundations and then a sloped wall on the third we're then going to place more foundations in the spot where there are door frames and then a railed stair piece in the area with the sloped wall next we'll place fence pieces along the remaining sides to act as railings and last up place stairs and corner stairs at the bottom alright moving on to the south wing we'll start off by placing stable wall pieces in these spots we're then going to fill in this gap with the lattice door frame and these gaps with stable fence gate frames at the main entrance of the south wing we're going to connect arena stair inverted corner pieces and corner pieces here moving on to the side entrance we're going to form a small porch by extending three stable ceiling pieces outward from the lattice doorway and then we're going to connect struts to the bottom of them we're then going to connect an arena stair piece on the last ceiling piece and then connect stable fence pieces along the sides of the stable ceilings moving into the interior of the build place a combination of struts lattice doorways and lattice walls in these locations we're now going to form a stairway leading up to the central residence to do this start off by placing struts in these spots followed up with an arena foundation and an arena stair piece we're then going to form our animal pens by placing stable fence and stable gate pieces along the sides where the stable and arena floors meet at this point we're ready to move up to the next layer first start off by placing struts on top of the stable fence gateway pieces next place stable walls in these locations and then our gaussian walls in these spots we'll be leaving open some gaps which will fill next with our gaussian window pieces [Music] [Music] just like i said we're now going to fill in the gaps with our gaussian window pieces except for here we'll get to that in a sec and we'll be filling this last gap with the door frame moving up to the next level we'll be placing a combination of our gaussian walls and windows in these locations once those are placed we'll be placing argosian vaulted ceiling corner pieces above the main entrance into the south wing rotate the vaulted ceiling pieces to where they form an arch moving over to the smaller entrance we'll place a single vaulted ceiling piece here we're then going to be capping off this lower level with our gaussian square and wedge sealing pieces once those are capped we can add our roof onto the lower areas [Music] followed up with argosy and fence pieces along the edges [Music] at this point we're ready to complete the top of the south wing to do this you're going to repeat the same exact process you did earlier when adding the top to the north wing [Music] we're now moving back inside the south wing to complete our staircase to do this connect struts to the gargosian ceiling pieces and then stable fences with pillar pieces underneath the struts and to finish the interior we'll be placing stable walls over here moving back outside we're going to complete the central statue by connecting our gaussian fence pieces along the sides rotating them to where the outer face is facing inwards once those are placed we'll be adding an aqualonian statue in the middle of the base next up is our outer wall we'll be placing aqualonian fence foundations on top of the argosian ones we placed earlier if you have an issue with placing your foundation pieces like i am right now try toggling between place and delete which should enable you to place the fence foundations [Music] moving on to the guard house we'll start off by placing our gaussian door frames along the side of the base we'll then place our gaussian foundations inside we're then going to place an argosian door along with our gaussian walls up on the next layer once those are placed we'll place our gauzian window pieces on top of them moving on to the inside of the guard house we're going to place our gaussian ceiling pieces along with a hatch frame to divide it up into two floors don't forget your ladder as well next we're going to add sloped wall pieces on top of the windows and once those are placed we'll add our roof now moving over to the front gate we'll start off like everything else by placing a layer of door frames along the exterior edges followed up with our gaussian foundations inside we're then going to add our gaussian walls on top the door frame stacking them too high next we're going to be connecting both sides of our gatehouse with our gaussian vaulted ceiling pieces by rotating them to form an archway for the remaining gaps we'll cap them with our gaussian ceiling pieces to finish the gate we'll place aqualonian fences along the top edges once those are placed we'll also finish the outer wall by placing more aquilonian fences on top of the fence foundations before i forget let's add some stairs leading up to the guard house the setup for the stairs will be the same as the ones leading up to the north wing moving on to the south wing bridge i'm actually not going to do an in-depth tutorial for this part if you're interested in learning how to build bridges you can check out my in-depth bridge tutorial which i'll include a link down in the description [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] moving over to the other side of the waterway we'll set up another gate which will be the same one we built earlier [Music] [Music] at this point we're getting close to finishing our build we'll now go through and place all of our doors [Music] so once your doors are placed the last thing you'll need to do is decorate your build i'm pretty bad at it it takes me forever to do so i won't be showing the decoration process for this tutorial instead i'm just going to jump straight to the showcase enjoy [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: I BARDEN I
Views: 143,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan, exiles, barden builds, barden, builds, build, house, home, player, castle, argossean, argos, fort, outpost, villa, pve, speed build, tutorial, how to, no mods, city, mansion, age of sorcery, 3.0, aos, aqualonian, siptah, roman, rome, greek, medieval
Id: UaTnaLkEpCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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