Unturned Server Setup Tutorial | Linux Guide

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how's it going everybody listen Dev here bringing you another tutorial video today's video we're going to be going over how to set up your own unturned server on Linux so in order to get started we need to SSH into our server do that right now now typically what we want to do when we first boot up a server is we want to make sure that everything is up to date on it so in order to do that we're going to do sudo at update and and see you at upgrade I'm going to do minus y I'm going to hit enter we want to do our shootout password we're going to let that take its course all right now that's taken care of the next thing we want to do is install Steam CMD along with all the dependencies needed for Steven CMT so I'm going to copy and paste the line of code in here for you to copy and paste it as well I will have the code down in the description all right when this comes up we're going to Simply hit tab then hit OK then we're going to hit I agree and let that finish all right now that is done what I'm going to do is make a directory for on turn so we'll do MK DLR and we'll do unturned and then hit enter then if we CD into that new directory and do PWD remember this uh path well your path not mine particularly but remember your path here because because we'll need it in just a second let's go and watch Team Stream D so we're going to do steam CMD and then enter and that will initialize steam CMD okay now that is done we're going to uh Force underscore install underscore directory and then the location we just printed out so that was Home Solution slash unturned for me for you would be whatever your path is we're going to go ahead and hit enter then we're going to log in anonymous to enter and then we're going to do app underscore update 1110390 then validate and then enter and that will go ahead and install the files this will vary depending on your internet connection so just wait for it to finish all right well when I recorded this the first time I forgot to unmute my microphone once the game is done downloading you're going to type in exit and if we do LS you'll see all of our server files here so what we need to do now is generate some of our config files like the commands.file and owners file so we're going to go ahead and run this helper server to sh before we do that I'm going to do a screen Dash S capital S I'll just call it server and then I'll go ahead and run server helper now and let the server boot up to generate all the config files for us okay so now that we are here to serve the service where we can uh get our free files so we'll just type in shutdown I know the S is cut off but don't worry it is there just enter and that will go ahead and shut down our server so now if we look at our folders here you'll see we have servers we need to go into that so look at the CD servers do another LS we got default so we'll see it into that to another LS now we have these other folders map servers so we're gonna We want server so we're gonna shoot you into server do LS again and now you can see we have the admin list black uh Blacklist commands of that in the white list so we want commands not that so we're going to do Nano commands.net and then hit enter and this is where you can set up like a server config like the name of the server owner max players stuff like that so for example for the server name we'll just do name I'm gonna do Lucian server name yours whatever you want and we'll do perspective both you can do first or third if you want to be PVE you just type in PB I I'm not gonna have that we'll just do default PVP we'll do math we'll do Pei our game Port if we want to change it the fault is uh 27 0 or 15. if you want to change it you can Define it here and change the port if you want a welcome message you do welcome and then uh welcome to my server right once you get done setting up whatever settings you're going to want you're going to hit uh control X then Y and then enter and that saves your uh config file so we clear that out so now what we need to do is set up the ufw our firewall and Linux by default the firewall is disabled so you can open up the ports in your router from this point and then not worry about any ports on the on the on the server however if you want the server to be more secured you know go ahead and enable the firewall before we enable the firewall I'm going to do sudo use ufw allow 22 and then enter my student password so 22 allows me to SSH into the server I need that open if you're gonna have ufw if you're running your own Linux box and you want to SSH into it remotely with the firewall up you need to allow this port if you're renting a server from somewhere in order for you to even SSH ssh into it it's going to already be able to worry about that now what we need to do is sudo ufw enable to enter and yes all right now our firewall is enabled all right so now we need to open up the two game ports 27015 and 27016 TCP and UDP so in order to do that with this pseudo ufw allow 27-15 and 27016 TCP and enter then we'll hit the up Arrow to do the command again backspace and the UDP this time hit enter now for this pseudo ufw status here you can see all the ports that we currently have opened so we can clear all this out again now we need to go back to our main directory by CD Dash Dash and I want to CD back into our server folder I'm sorry it's unturned so now I'm going to screen Dash capital S and I'm going to call it whatever you want I'm gonna call mine server and enter and then we're going to run the server by dot forward slash server hover.sh and that's all we need to do for Unturned on Linux once several boots up you can go to open the name and connect to it like you would connect to any other server thank you for watching guys hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to like subscribe to my channel for more tutorials and updates and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: LucianDev
Views: 1,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Decimation Games, LucianDev, Unturned Dedicated Server, Unturned Server Setup, Unturned Linux Server, Unturned Server Tutorial, Unturned Server Configuration, Gaming Server Setup, Dedicated Server Hosting, Unturned Multiplayer, Unturned Server Administration, Unturned Modding, Gaming Community, Linux Server Management, Gaming Tutorial, Gaming Tips and Tricks, Unturned Gameplay, Online Gaming, Multiplayer Server Setup, Game Server Management, Unturned Server Hosting
Id: 7uiRwgGuH9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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