ARK: Survival Ascended Server Setup Tutorial | Windows Guide

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how's it going everybody Luan Dev here bringing you another tutorial video uh this one we are going to be doing Arc survival Ascension here on Windows first thing you're to want to do is open up your browser we're going to Google search steam CMD here just going to click on the first link and then we're going to click on Windows right here and then we're going to click on this little one icon right here and this we go ahe download Force click on this folder open it up then we're going to right click and extract the files I'm using rir uh if you don't have it that's okay you should still have an option to extract then we're going to contr X on this file here go to my C drive create a new folder we're going call it servers enter we're going to go into that and then we're going to paste it and then we're going to open this up and then we're going to initialize the steam CMD right here all right now that's initialized what we're going to do is I'm going to go back create a new folder we'll call it ASA enter and we're going to open it up and I'm going to click in here and then copy this field then what I'm going to do I'm going to do forcecore installcore Dr for directory I'm going to paste that I'm going to add in the tring slash there I'm going to hit enter and then we're going to do login anonymous and then we're going to need the app ID which I already have pulled up right here uh a lot of people actually ask me where I get the app IDs from and uh steamdb is where you get the app IDs from so there you go a lot of people do ask me that so that solves that all right so now we're going to do appor update if I can spell it correctly and then the app ID and then we going to do validate at the end of that enter and we're going to wait for to download all the files all right now that that is done we can go ahead and exit out of this just by typing in exit all right and then we have all the files right here so the next thing we're going to want to do is I'm pretty start script so we're going to go to the desktop create a new file new text document here we'll call it ASA start and then we're going to change this from txt tobat by the way and if you don't see the dot extensions when you uh got to rename something go ahead on that you're going to want to go to view and then um f name extensions right here all right so once we got that in we're going to hit edit on this and here's our blank canvas what I'm going to do I'm going to be pasting some code in here however I will have this down in the description below for you guys to uh be able to copy it and then paste it yourselves so first we're going to make sure everything is in here correctly so ours is called server so I just got to add s to this then we're going to go ahead and under session name this is the name of the server so we'll change that make it whatever you want same thing with admin password make that whatever you want and then for the rest of the stuff um if you want to increase the your player limit do that here and if you want your server to have battle protection just remove this if you're not worried about battle you just leave this in here and your server will not be batt light protected once that's done we're just going to hit save and then we can go and close that out then if we go ahead and start this what this script will do by the way almost forgot is it will update the server every time you start it and then it'll actually start the server so if we just double click on that it's going to verify the files all right now that all the files are verified you can see the when head and start the server so while that's booting up what we need to do is open up the ports in our firewall so we're going to do uh we're going to click Start menu here I'm going to type in firewall we're click on this one right here then we are going to go to inbound rules click on new rule click on Port up next for UDP click on UDP and then for the ports we're going to do 7777 through 7778 and I'm just going copy this for the name and Convention later click on next make sure it's on allow connections which is is by default so you shouldn't have to change that everything just leave as default under name I'm just going to do the same thing as a port I'm going dop so I know what it is right off the bat I have to open it up and look at it click on finish then we're going to do do this again go to Port UDP and we're going to do 27015 again I'm going to copy it cck next on all this stuff paste that inp cck finish and we got one more to do so we do new rule Port we're going to leave it on TCP this time and we're going to do 27020 and I want to copy this next on all this stuff the name port and I'm adding TCP this one since this is TP and then I'm going to hit finish and that is all the ports that we need for the arc server if we're only hosting one server again I'm not doing anything too complicated I'm not in here showing you guys how to Cluster servers or anything it's just your standard server which you can't cluster right now there only one map all right and then that's it uh your shiver is up and running uh your firewall is good to go however if you want people to play from outside of your network basically meaning anybody outside of your house to come and play with you you will need a p for Via your router since everybody's router is different I tend not to go over this process just because it's different for everybody it looks a little different same concept everywhere but it just looks a little different uh nine times out of 10 though if you just look up what kind of router you have I'm sure you can find a video of it on YouTube already on how to P forwarding that router hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: LucianDev
Views: 4,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Decimation Games, LucianDev, ARK: Survival Ascended server script, ARK server management, Batch script for ARK server, Update ARK server with script, Start ARK server using batch, ARK server maintenance, Gaming server management, ARK: Survival Ascended tutorial, SteamCMD server updates, ARK server administration, Game server setup guide, Server hosting with batch script, Running a dedicated game server, Gaming community server, Online multiplayer server setup
Id: OoaWhjHHXxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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