Maya Non-Linear-Deformers - for modelling or animation

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hi everyone this is a free lecture for my course learn Maya a beginner's guide to creating realistic scenes you can get the full 14 our course for only $10 if you follow the link in the description hope you enjoy in this lesson we'll take a look at some deformers so I'm going to create a cylinder to add some divisions in the height so we've got plenty of divisions that and then I'll just duplicate this control D move it along press shift D to repeat that so I've got five of those okay so let's have a look at our deformers so I've got the first one here I'm going to go to the deform menu here I'm in the modeling tool set by the way up here so let's go to deform and nonlinear tear that off so the first one is Bend and let me just turn on wireframe here you can see that we get a manipulator there and if I was to open up my outliner here you can see there's the bend handle there that's the actual deformer so we can go to the show manipulator tool to actually manipulate that or we could select it and inside the attribute editor we actually get the bend deformer there which you can adjust by just sliding that along okay so you can use the channel box here and change the curvature by using the middle mouse button excuse me the depend input there curvature use your middle mouse button there or what I found a bit more too intuitive is to use the T key so the show manipulator tool and you get these little blue dots which you can then use your left mouse button and just pull as well so you can actually manipulate things a bit more visually just like that okay and then you can obviously rotate this or scale it up if you wanted to to adjust the manipulator handle there okay I can bring back my manipulator and there we go so that's the bend deformer and you can see it always gets created facing upwards fittingly y-direction so you should expect that it doesn't actually rotate itself which is a bit annoying but there that's the way it is so just just expect that so if I select this guy and do a flare you can see that we get the flare deformer again I'm already in my show manipulator I can use the T key to do that and now we can actually adjust this stuff interactively again I'm just going to change the background color here maybe you can see this a bit better I'm going to turn off the grid and this middle one is pretty cool it's a curvature so you can have it go inwards or outwards so use that fair bit it's pretty nice get a nice sort of soft ball off there so you can see you get two axes here one on the other side and if you want it to be exact you can see you've got numbers here which you can type in the number so if I wanted not 0.8 just type that in and you can see they're going to be exactly the same okay so that's the flare deformer and we also got a bound here so we can only affect the top or the bottom or whatever you want okay and obviously we can move this and rotate it and scale it just like before as well so let's just grab this guy and do a sign and this is going to give you a sine curve which is quite handy let's just grab this and shown it later type this on so you can see there we've got a sine wave we can actually control the length of that by pulling this down so we can make that a bit smaller the wavelength and the amplitude here and then this is the fall-off here and we can all go it we can grab this one to offset that as well so we can animate this offset I've used this to animate creatures tails for example in the water and you can put them on a path and then add this at the end so the only effects part of it so I normally turn this down like this and then you can affect the end of the object and animate this offset so if you look at this this is the offset here and you can change that this drop off is quite handy if you turn that on you can actually let's just change this back to the way it was here put this back down maybe increase the amplitude here so if I were to change the drop off this one here just a quick note that the virtual slider doesn't work if you've got the show manipulator on so I'm just going to go to new for example and that way this drop off will work so this drop off if it's on minus one you can see it's dropping off from the middle and then it affects the end and that's what I use when I'm animating creatures so the body doesn't move but the tails the tail will move so you can then change the offset so you can animate the offset and you can see it's affecting just the end there and if I were to go back here maybe just bring this let's bring this up so it's not affecting that end here you can see what I mean so now if I change my offset you can see only the end is changing okay so you can have something like a flag waving as well change your wavelength here make that a lot less and then you can see okay so that's pretty handy that's a sign deformer and so let's have a look at the next one got our squash de forma so we can grab this oops and you can see it effects it's actually going to maintain the volume of the object so you can get this nice squashing action here and this has got quite a few controls to control where this happens from if you look inside the squash de forma here we've got the expand which is the actual amount okay you got the factor which is how much it actually bends up and down and then you've got a few other things like where it starts and where it finishes and the low and high pound okay so you can play with that I don't use that very often you can use that to animate obviously more cartoony characters but it's pretty cool so next one along is the twist so if I grab that come along here and then this one it's got like a circular control here so if you just grab that you should be able to see it rotate it's very difficult to see it rotate in this one because it's rotating and it's just a cylinder so let's go into our let's just get rid of this guy and let me create a cube might be easier to see with a cube like that make sure you've got some divisions in there otherwise you want to deform and then we'll go back to our Tiki and then twist this so you can see that it's twisting if I look at the attributes here this is the attributes here so with all of these deformers you can see that you get an envelope and this envelope you can paint the weight so if you click on the object you can actually right click and say paint non linear and then paint the weights of this so white means that it's completely affected let's say I don't want to affect the top here I could actually go into my tool here and the best way of doing it gradually is actually using the scale command so if you change that to something like noir point 9 it's going to slowly decrease the value it's B for brush size so if you hold down B use your left and right mouse button you can change that so now you can see it's slowly gonna paint that gray and it's having less and less of an effect okay or I could actually just type in a value that I want like zero turn on replace and now I can just paint zero there okay and then what I could do like that what I could do then is say smooth and then flood it a few times just move that transition between those two if I wanted to okay so you can do that on any of these guys as well so you're going to apply more than one at the same time and you can have a look at the changing the order as well so if I wanted to add another one of these so add a bend deformer so I've added a bend deformer there change your curvature here okay so you can see the order in which that's happening if I wanted to change that order let's just turn off the x-ray there so if I wanted to change this although what I could do is select my object click on this inputs button all inputs and then use my middle mouse button to bring it down and now you can see Bend is on the bottom so the bend is being applied before the twist so it looks different okay makes all the difference okay so those are some of those deformers let's look at the wave you aren't going to see the wave with one of these so I'm going to create a plane and again add some divisions and then add the wave to forma press the T key let's just grab this guy so that seemed to be doing much let's just use the virtual slider then amplitude and you can see the amplitude there okay and change the wavelength okay offset so you can animate that and then you've got drop-off so you can have a drop off from the middle like this or a drop off from the end like this so it's strongest in the middle and weakest at the end pretty cool okay you've got the minimum the maximum radius as well so if you don't want it to be affected in the middle you can increase that minimum radius and it's only going to affect outside of that so now it's only affecting the outside of that okay so you can get some nice effects with that as well to show you one last de forma which is the texture deformer so I'm just going to create another plane here and just increase the resolution here this might be useful for modeling as well just go to the deform menu and create a create a texture deformer there it is okay and then let's have a look at the attributes for that if I clap grab the texture deformer I have to assign a texture so inside here you've got a texture section and if I grab that and maybe put on a noise you can see that it deforms the object based on the on the image that I've given that so if I go back to there and click on this little triangle here I can change my texture this is a procedural texture so you can see that it's being created by these parameters here and this will change interactively so it's pretty cool so you can change the amplitude and the pattern here obviously you could paint your own so it's kind of like an interactive displacement map but obviously it's only going to affect the polygons that are there it's not going to add any polygons in this case so you've got the strength here you've got the offset so you can move it up and down and you can also paint weights on that as well okay so in this lesson we had a look at the nonlinear deformers and we also looked at the texture deformer and we had to look at how to change the order of those deformers as well
Channel: Bhaumik Patel
Views: 38,284
Rating: 4.9572954 out of 5
Keywords: Maya deformers, Maya modelling tutorial, non linear deformers, Maya 2017, Bend deformer, texture deformer, bhaumik patel, painting deformer weights
Id: CdCwE_m1WhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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