Comprehensive Guide to Working With Video in Photoshop - The Timeline Panel

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hello and welcome to PS Vita's vas my name is Martin purine yak today we are going to start learning about the timeline panel in Photoshop why would someone use Photoshop first of all to you edit videos well video editing with familiar tools for Photoshop users is great it just really lets you to work like working with images and apply all those things that you know in Photoshop already to videos Photoshop doesn't want to compete with premiere or After Effects it's more like another way of doing your video edits Photoshop is good for quickly editing videos together and add color correction and effects using non-destructive editing like smart filters adjustment layers and layer styles it is also a great way to get into video editing for photographers because most likely and you won't have final cut or premiere or After Effects even if you have this software you can still start out in Photoshop and learn the basics of video editing here because the whole workflow is very user friendly so let me introduce you to this workflow and in this video I'm going to concentrate on adding video audio and text using the timeline panel before I go into details let me show you what can you achieve with video editing in Photoshop so I'm going to open this video that I exported okay so that was the video that I exported from Photoshop and now I can go back and here you can see all these elements that I use for this editing so here in the layers panel we can see that we have text images videos and I also used adjustment layers and smart objects with smart filters plus I also have layer styles applied to the text so once again you can see that the main advantage of editing video in Photoshop is that you can use all these familiar tools and ways of editing images for video if you are good at Photoshop why not use all the things you know ready for working with images for video files so first of all how do we start creating video here in Photoshop you can start with the blank document so you can go to file new and then you can choose a preset for film and video and you can find a lot of presets so we can for example use the full HD preset and then we can click on ok so that's how it starts and whenever you have the timeline panel open and you have an empty or an open document you can always create a video timeline for the document or a frame animation and this is something the frame animation that I'm going to talk about in more details in another video now we are going to concentrate on the video timeline so remember this option is only available when you have an open document it can be a blank document or it can already have some layers and to be able to see the timeline panel you have to go to the window menu and choose timeline so this is a panel with a quite a lot of options from the panel menu and also a couple of tools or icons here on the panel all this will become active once we have a video timeline so once I click on video timeline we will already have our normal layer which was converted from a background layer to be able to make some edits on it and here in the timeline now we can actually play our video which at the moment is just a blank white screen so how can we add videos to this composition there are several ways of doing it but what I prefer to do is to click on this icon here and choose add media so once I select that we can select the videos we would like to work with so I'm going to select these three videos and I'm going to click on open now as soon as I put them into a Photoshop they will become a video group it's always good to add all the videos into a video group that you would like to add it together because that will keep it organized and you can see it's also organized here in the layers panel they are all in a video group which I can close or open and I can even delete this layer the first white layer I don't need that so I delete it and once I delete it it will ripple delete from the timeline as well which means all these clips will go to the first frame to automatically get rid of that part from the timeline as well and move the clips to the beginning as you can see we have these three Clips here in our timeline and the first one completely feels the Full HD size but these two the second one and the third one is not big enough so we can check the size of these the easiest way to check their size is probably by command clicking on the thumbnail here in the layers panel and we can go to the info panel and check their size instead of checking it in centimeters or millimeters I'm going to change the measurement to pixels so yes I can see that this is the 720 HD standard so we can change our canvas size for that but first of all let me make the first video smaller as well so I'm going to select that oh there in the time and press command T but that will warn us that transforming a video layer requires converting it to a smart object layer that is not a dis Wantage at all I'm going to actually use smart objects for these videos so why not convert them now so I'm going to click on convert and now I can actually specify the size of this video file so I am going to change the size and type in 1280 pixels by 720 pixels so that's the size of the other videos and then I can press ENTER and as you stack the other videos now they are all sharing the same size now if I go to the image menu and choose trim I can get rid of the transparent pixels in my document so I can click on OK and now everything is nicely aligned to the size of the videos I can quickly change the order of the videos by dragging them around so I can decide to have the snowboard video first than the forest and then the video with the mountain bike another useful thing to know about videos is that you can always change their speed now you can only do this if you still have a video layer and not a smart object so like for this video clip I can click on this little play icon and I can change the speed if I want to make it faster video which I would like to do with this video I can just increase the speed if I want to do the same thing with this clip which I already converted into a smart object we will have different options clicking on that play icon we will be able to add motion effects only but we won't be able to control the speed so what can we do in this case what if I want to still change the speed of this video we can still double click on the smart objects icon in the layers panel and then we will be able to access the embedded video inside a smart object so here I can still go and change the speed of this video or do other edits to it inside the smart object so that's also a very useful way of working with video it's a bit similar in After Effects where you can SAP great elements of your editing so now that we have these three clips ready I also added some effects I'm increasing the speed of this last one we can create transitions between them to add transitions you can click on this icon here and you can choose from one of these options here and you can also set the duration of the effect so if I want to add let's say crossfade between these videos I can just drag crossfade between them and let me just zoom a little bit closer with this slider here at the bottom so I want to make sure I added the effect properly so crossfade drag and drop and move it over the videos there so let's have a look at it now I'm going to play the video and there's a nice crossfade between them too if I want to change the effect I can always right click on it here first and we can get rid of the crossfade or we can also add another one and maybe I'm going to add a fade with white onto these and do the same thing here so let's have a look at that I'm going to check this one here fade with white we can see the fast version of this video and we can also check this faith here which goes to white and then goes back to the other video if you want to change the length of the transitions you can always drag them around so you can very easily and precisely set the duration of the effects and once again if you want to switch them to another type of effect just right click on them and then you can choose from the list another effect you can even change the duration here or you can delete them easily the video can add an audio is also very easy there's an audio track automatically in the timeline now you just need to click on this icon here and choose add audio once I choose that I can find a audio file click on open and then it will be added to my timeline obviously this is much longer than the videos that I have so I can always trim the audio and the same thing you can do with videos as well click on the endpoint and trim clip and that will make the whole clip much shorter but it doesn't delete anything so I can always go back and get all those parts that I had trimmed so let me just set it back to this original size and there's another thing that you can use to limit the playback using these work area bars you can drag them and then you will only be able to use the playback till the end points so if I play we will see that it will stop at that work area bar I'm going to set that back to the end because I would like to work with all the videos and there's one more thing I want to show you about audio and that is these mute icons which will help you to mute or unmute specific parts of your video editing so you can mute the audio easily and also clicking on the additional options you can specify a fade in and fade out for the audio plus you can also control the volume these are quite useful and by the way if you don't want to hear any audio or playing while you are using the playback here in Photoshop you can mute the whole audio playback as well you also have the same option for each of these videos if you go to the audio options so you can use the same things as with the separate audio track you can fade in fade out mute and change the volume and to switch between the audio options and the video options you can use these icons and last but not least I would like to also add the title slide into this video which I'm going to do from another document so I'm going back to bridge and I'm going to open this title slide PSD file where I have the title and this background so I'm going to select these two together and I am going to copy them onto the other document by going to window arrange tile up vertical I can see the two documents together and then from here I can just simply drag and drop it into the other document like that now we can close the title slide and as you can see once we place in new layers into our document with the timeline it will automatically create video tracks for these layers as well so now we can move this here in the front actually I have the audio selected as well so I only want the title and its background selected I can move them in the front and we can even put them in the same video group but in this case I would like to keep them separate and I am going to move the videos so these three clips behind them so I'm going to move them a little bit forward in time and also extend the audio a bit so now if we zoom a little bit closer we can see what's happening here so that looks good but I am going to just trim this video a little bit in the front like that and we can also add the fact we can use crossfade or once again fade with white to make sure that these fade out and the video will fade in with white as well so let's have a look at the whole video now I'm not going to play everything but I'm just going to start the play I'm always using this playhead so wherever you click on the timeline you will be able to jump to that position and you can actually use keyboard shortcuts by pressing space you can start the playback or click on this icon here we'll also start the playback for you so let's have a look so that was our first trip which we are now transitioning to the second one and so on and so forth so this is how you do the editing I'm going to stop it now and it's also good to know that whenever you have a lot of clips and especially if you start using effects and filters your video playback might be a bit slower than the original playback and this little green line here shows those frames that are already loaded into the RAM so they will be able to play back next time with their normal frame rate which is visible here at the bottom 29.97 frames per second and until it loads in it will always be a little bit slower it's called frame skipping it won't render as nicely so it will be a little bit skipping frames so it won't be that smooth the playback and in some cases like here it's much faster to load in that's just another thing it's good to know about and by the way here on the top we can see how long our video is it's around 1 minute long but if you want to see the amount of frames you can switch to timecode display if you alt click on the time here at the bottom on the status bar you can change it to timecode and the same way you can change it back by alt clicking on it again to see once more the seconds I'm going to talk about exporting your videos in another tutorial as well but let me just show you how to do that quickly so you can try it out with this icon here at the bottom you can render the video and then you can set up all these options here first of all what format you would like to render to and then would you like to render the whole video or only a specific area of your video as I said I will come back to this topic and also we will learn much more about video editing in other tutorials coming up so if you are interested about more that you can do in Photoshop with videos make sure you check out my other tutorials in this series thanks a lot for your attention and see you next time
Channel: Tuts+ Design
Views: 22,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop, tutorial, timeline panel, video editing, transitions
Id: dqTMeI8-drE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2013
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