Complete Setup of Basic Production | Beginners Guide | E3 | Satisfactory Update 8

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hello hello and welcome back to Jack Blade's Channel I'm Jack blade and uh today we're playing satisfactory again and we are doing like a beginnner guide style thing this is episode three and last time we automated some power and pulled in all of our resources and stuff now we've done a lot of prep work it's been going very slowly I bet there's a couple of you who are a bit of frustrated like why hasn't he done more why hasn't he built more and I will reiterate what I've said before laying down the groundwork is what actually gets this to be really really really good so this episode is going to be intense there's going to be happening a lot and we will be making all of the basic resources at the end of this so we're over here by the concrete input so something that we need to take care of first is concrete because concrete is the base resources which we will be using to build pretty much every single base Factory Road like whatever you want to call it this is the base resource that's going to be used for the rest of the game to build those things so this is number one and the way something that we have to think about when we're building these things right is the space it will take the reason why I have separated them the way that I have is to give myself enough space to work with it that said I will probably have to expand I will be doing that like all over this place around the corner over there and everything to make all of this but like something to keep in mind is number one we're getting two lines right now they are um mark one so we are only getting 60 coming in there 60 coming in there that's 120 we want to get the full capacity of this built up we want to get the full 240 there's 120 coming from that one and 120 coming from the other one so it's just that the belts are too slow so we're not getting the full efficiency we will have fixed that at the end of this uh section so that we have the full uh thing being built up and I will also show you exactly like what I was thinking when it's done but for now I'm just going to go over here and uh we will build and see what happens or see what have happened when it is built all right so here we are with the concrete line having been built and these are also working at full capacity now I have switched everything out you can see they are converyor belt Mark I uh because I decided to uh fix that um and and this is a very simple thing to do when you have the belts you can upgrade them you click e to switch between or you hold it to get a radial or you can go into the build menu uh like here to pick exactly the belt you want you can also put them in your hot bar by moving them around with the num key so you just hover over the one you want and you press like three there you see how it changed like if I want it back here I can go like that so but but these are all like these categor is and all of it is on the radial same radial menu uh so yeah this is pretty easy I've upgraded everything so it's Mark two we're getting good fast belts uh like pulling in all of our concrete it goes into these buffer storages over here all right and then from that they are pulled in here this is the main line in and these are smart Splitters because I also want to show you what the smart splitter does so you can open these you can't do that with a normal splitter like if I take a normal splitter let's grab one of those uh conveyor splitter there we go when I try to open this there's no menu it's not interactive uh so smart Splitters lets you decide a little bit you can filter a little bit it's not the same as like the full endg game like programmable splitter but here you go I've set it so that its primary output is to the left where it will send Limestone which you can see this is the front of it right coming in here which means that this is the left so left goes in here and that's Limestone until this is full when this goes full and stops it sends it Forward instead because that's where the Overflow goes it's forward and the right one is just none so it can't go here even if I connected a belt here nothing would come out and then same thing here I've done exactly the same thing and then I have a merger here because here I have a smart splitter that does the same thing which means that my maximum right is 120 right now on one belt so how do I utilize 240 well this machine here uses 45 per minute and this one uses another 45 per minute that means that over here after or after this there's a maximum that comes out here of 120us 90 so we get 30 from here and then I just send in another 120 that goes here to replenish this into a 120 line and then you have 120us 45 - 45 that once again becomes 30 right and at that point I have the remainder of the uh Limestone that goes over into this smart SP I just put a smart build just it's literally just like set like this uh so there is no overflow or anything it just like consistency I guess and then here I put a merger so all the remaining Limestone after that first one just connect in here and replenish it so that we get one more full see 100% efficiency and then one that makes six per minute actually this should be five per minute there uh so I don't even think five is right let's see yeah five is right because we're making 80 concrete per minute so let's go up here look at the line and you can also see how I've distributed the power I've made sure that it doesn't cross it itself anywhere I haven't made sure that it's like a clean line of power and this is all Mark 2 belts I think these are mark one actually but these are all Mark two and on the other end if we look on the outside of this the Constructor itself you set the recipe right select the select recipe pull the concrete might pull that out let's put put that back in uh this when it comes out here just to make it easy for myself I have placed a merger here and then in front of every single one because I'm only getting 80 total out so that's enough that it fits on one belt so that's something I have to keep in mind when we get it out on the other end it goes over here to a Smart splitter that sends concrete to the center nothing to the left and to the right we have output so when this one is full which it is I have been afking to make sure that this was full for to be able to show this right it sends it into this awesome sync where I think excess resources which gives me these coupons which will be really important for us in the next episode we just want to make sure that we're producing these coupons right now we're getting 948 points per minute it takes 1,200 points until we get the next coupon so that's like a minute and 15 seconds and then when this is done this resets and the point is always going to be higher and higher we need more and more and more and more points the more of these coupons we make throughout the entire save like this doesn't reset ever so um that's why like use your awesome sync coupons uh responsibly so how does this work if I take out a stack here you will see that it stops going into the sink and just go straight into here so the second let's say that it's filled up boom now it stops the next time concrete comes into the splitter it is now going into the Overflow section that's why smart Splitters are so important because it means that you're always using your resources for something now what you could do and what I will do later is split this out from here and put another container probably so I have four containers like one two and then one here and then one there so I have four containers that get filled up with concrete the reason is I want a lot of it stacked up for when I'm like doing big building projects and using big Blueprints and stuff like that later down the line so yeah here I have a full I'm going to fly let's see fly here we go you can see it from above yeah so here we go this is the full concrete line okay so you can copy this this exactly the way you want it or like you can do it what however you want this is how I've decided to set this up if you have other solutions that works go for it like I'm not uh saying that you can't you definitely can uh so whatever you feel is comfortable to do to make sure that you have as much concrete as possible go for it uh this is just how I decided to set it up with a smart splitter and merger combined like manifold that replenishes like this would be completely un Neary if we had the next tier of belts that can actually transport 200 I think it's 270 per minute uh so because of that this would be completely unnecessary I could just make one like I could merge them over here and pull them into one container and then pull them into one line and get exactly the same result because the belts are so much faster so the belt is the big limiter and the big thing that you have to design around uh to get this to work okay so uh now that we've done this what is our next step our next step is going to be to smelt some iron we need to put three times what is it uh let's see if I do iron you can checklist press n and you can just search up any recipe you have unlocked iron iron ingots so 30 in is 30 out and we have 360 in so we will get 360 out in terms of iron ingots which we will then also be producing other materials with and thinking about like okay there's 120 there 120 there 120 there so we need three belts hooked up to three separate systems of smelting so we need to set up these smelter right each smelter or each smelter line needs four smelters so that's 4 8 12 and I can do this in different ways I could for example just make one long ass line of smelters that goes all the way out right that has uh like just replenishes so that like I have four of them placed and then I have the next belt just coming into a splitter and just like go like up and then in like that and I could do that but I kind of want to add some verticality to give myself a challenge later on when I'm building like um the design around the factory and stuff so I want to add some verticality and I want to add some like offset so the first line will probably be around here on the floor and then I will have a like another floor ceiling and then Place another four on top that is like if one line is here that line is here and then I have the third line up on top of that that is like over here or something to that effect uh and then I will pull that down and make sure that I have the resources ready to move out with and let's see I think that that is a big thing I won't be like fixing the belts yet I will be doing like a big upgrade of that all of that later because I want to have the ingots produced first of all uh for copper as well so let's go and make the iron and see how I so here we go we're smelting all of our iron ore okay so we're smelting all the iron ore right and the way that I decided to do it was what I said before about like having an offset I put it out first on a long line and looked at it for a little bit and I looked at it from up there and I looked at it from up there and I looked at it from up there and it looked eh I wasn't like super certain that this is what I liked or this is what I wanted uh so I tore that out and I did it again and I built this uh and I had to cut it really close for it to work but I think it did so I here I have the mergers smelters right and can you can you get out of my way am I stuck no okay no I'm not but first line goes in here splits evenly amongst these four very easily goes there and then I have the second line goes in here goes up one floor and goes in and does the same thing literally just nothing weird about it I have decided to not Place containers though I've just pulled them out the same thing with floor literally the same thing then I'm pull them out sorry sneeze there so I pull it out and I pull it here because this is not going into I don't need a like intermediary storage for this uh I'm just putting this going to put this straight into the next step of production and that's going to be it okay so now that we have set up the iron we will go straight over and continue very quickly then we will make the copper because we're getting to a very important part of satisfactory that I think you guys will find fun confusing and challenging and that is going to be how do I put what are load balancers there they go so let's uh go over to to the let's make the copper line first and then we uh I will explain like what we're going to do after that easy peasy lemon squeezy we now have copper being produced so over here it's being pulled in same thing we only have one line of 120 so I pull that in nothing weird and uh have the mergers pull everything together and pull it out here it's the same recipe as the other one it's a one to one 30 in 30 out nothing weird we're not plugging into a sink yet we're like that comes later down the line we also need to be conservative of how we use our power and like all that kind of stuff so it won't be until later uh and let's see here yeah exactly I fixed that I did that didn't I I actually set up the the belts Mark too I think I like I had to pause for a little bit so I I don't let's see yeah they're all Mark 2 aren't they this is also Mark two I just need to double check this I will be right back all right yeah so I have actually fixed everything so they everything is belt Mark 2 right now I basically just pulled out all the iron and handcrafted everything so if you look in here now I have a few of them left but most of it I've literally just turned into um belts instead and replaced every single belt all the way up to the miners so that we have the full capacity of the miner pure like Mining Node pure quality like it's it's all Mark I you can see yeah and uh it's easy to know if you've messed up because you'll notice that you get like a full belt in one place and then after uh like um elevator you get like half of it if you've forgotten to fix like an elevator or something so you will very easily notice that okay I missed somewhere I missed to do the something to fix this so in general that means that we now have all the copper iron and concrete concrete being in it full production and then we still have the parts that we need to make with the um with the iron and the copper and we're going to start with the copper but number one thing we need to do with this first is we're splitting this because not all of this will go into and become wire some of it will become copper sheets so what do we need to do because here's the thing this is 120 and if I take a splitter let's say I take I take one of these I put that here because we need to split it and I plug that in if I plug this in here on one end if I plug it into two I'm going to get 60 here I'm going to get 60 here or if I split them three I'm going to 40 40 and 40 what I need is one line ahead with 60 or sorry one line ahead with 80 and one line ahead with 40 on it so what we're going to be doing is what's called a load balancer and this is the absolute Baseline super mega beginner friendly uh what's it called uh load balancer and I will explain it to you once I've built it be absolutely right back actually I changed my mind uh I figured like I might as well actually show how I'm doing it so what we first need to do is let's grab a spitter I'm going to place that so that it is in front what do I want I want there in Middle let's pull that in right and I want all three of them working so I'm going to pull this out to here actually let's pull that I'll probably adjust that later this is where the copper for the copper sheets are going but both of these we need to go into one place that place being a merger all right so what I'm going to do because I want this somewhat symmetrical here can I can I do this let's try it out it's two steps here one two and if I put it here and then grab it I will get a nice 90° curve same thing here one there and then boom and then what I have is 40 + 40 merged into on one single 80 line and then I pull that out let's be I'm just for showcasing sake there so now we have 40 80 so this uh let's see if I can Fly Above so I can show you [Music] this U there we go so it's absolute basics of load balancing sometimes it's like you need to split it so now you have 80 and then you need to split that three times again to get like uneven numbers and stuff like depending on how like efficient you want to be one very easy way of solving all of this is if you know you're going to be using 100% of these 80 for something is you turn this you can you can just remove all of this right you can take this I'm going to remove a bunch of stuff here just to show you guys guys here's a little bit of quick tutorial uh I'm just need to aim here so I don't remove anything by accident and then in logistics go to the smart splitter I could just use this and a effectively have the same results so let's see uh I'm going to do this I need to replace you right that goes in and what I do is in the center I have any but on this I have overflow so if I'm using 80 on this line like here here I have 80 or I want 80 and here I want 40 what I make sure is that at full capacity any machines that I place here in total uses 80 so these are at 15 right which means that we will be also be like underclocking I will show you exactly what I do with that and why and everything in a second but yeah that this is like the basics of load balancing so I'm just going to remove this and I'm actually going to like build up the first section of the copper and show you exactly what it looks like in the end I'm going to actually be using a um load balancer here cuz personally I want to get more used to them I don't want to just rely on Smart Splitters all the time so copper into wire easily done as you can see here I have just pulled out made a load balancer over here that splits there 40 40 40 and then it's combined by the merger back into an 80 line that goes along this and makes a wire in all of these I haven't hooked it up to power yet and everything because I have still have some stuff left to do uh but I generally just wanted to show you this before I continue so you like are with me for this journey right this will then go all the way down and over here we'll be making the uh the copper sheets and we'll be making the cable somewhere over here we're just leaving space for these iron items to be transported whoa and then over here you can see that I've done the same thing where this uh all these wires are actually dedicated to be making the cables so I've split them off meanwhile these are actually being stored so two Constructors worth of wire production is being stored and then when it's done and it gets filled up it will spit off and it will sync the rest so I have another awesome sync set up here to make sure that we get the tickets from that so and then this will go along here and we'll make cables out of it all right so like quite easy setup like you can probably start noticing that there's a certain like pattern to building that I use and this is just for now we'll be using different patterns later on to uh create uh more like utilizable that was that the word utilizable blueprints uh in the later game all right we are now back and we have made cables as well so this is what we had last time I've now hooked it up to power you can see it goes very close in line here being very neat and we're pulling the copper in it's being utilized it makes wires and send them on to these two Constructors because that's all we need for now two Constructors making cables and I've underclocked this so it only makes 20 and the other one makes its full 30 it uses 60 wire per minute to make 30 cable so everything here is ratioed for like in quotation marks you can see can't see me but I'm doing air quotes right now perfect efficiency and I'm also pulling in wires so we have wire available uh for building and crafting and stuff like that later and then it's being synced same thing here with the cable when the cable is full which I think it is already yeah when the cable is full it syns using a smart Speer it syns the remainder into a sink there very nice and over here as you can see I also finish this because it's a quite easy thing to do so when that spit off from the load balancer there's 40 copper ingots going down this line into these two and they create a perfect ratio 20 copper sheets per minute which we will also be needing later okay and then it goes over to this end goes up here to be stored and when it's full it will go into this nice awesome sink here or I would say it's nice but it's actually awesome I mean it's literally in the name so that is I will fly up here so we can take a look from the above so you guys can see what it looks like here we go here we go this is the full basic starter base absolutely like this is I this is still Overkill I want to be make make that clear this is still overkill for a starter base but the reason why is because I want to be really thorough in showing you what you can do and uh how big you can make things like you're not restricted in size that way you can also see that like I have expanded out around here you can see I've already like prepped starting to go around with what I will do with that but there is also some more stuff that I want to do I actually want to prep for the energy expenditure that we will have you can see that is empty we are no longer like producing it's done I have hooked these up to make sure that we have like extra storage and it Cycles through two extra EXT ra containers and I kind of just want to make sure that I have enough solid biofuel to run this whole thing for a long time once it's fully built which means that I need to have more wood and I can see a lot of it over here so I'm going to be clearing a lot of this and I will also be prepping for future base expansion and like connecting up to Future factories that we be building so like this is in no way shape or form the only place will be building on on this map like if I open the menu or the map you can see like the M map is like huge it's like massive and I plan on utilizing a lot of that to uh build what I want to build in the end so this basically means that I need to bring out my favorite tool and we go to town on the forest forest gone I've been doing a lot of this building and I kind of want to break that up so I will actually show you guys a different thing and that is how do you make this uh or how do you um like add some depth have some flavor to the game and that is very easily explained by that thing up there let's see boom that's not what I wanted to do I wanted to do this this I really suck at this photo mode remove UI [Music] Zoom that thing up there this is how we actually unlock alternate recipes so let's get up there and see what's going on so we are here and I built this very rudimentary temporary thing so what you have here are Rex drop pods that did not really uh do so well like I assume this is like my former colleagues kind of things and they tend to have these fun little tidbits you can pick up and these can be pretty Advanced resources and even if it's like 100 hours until you can use those resources just syn them you get so many tickets for them so or tokens like in the awesome sinks so when you open these you can see that it needs stuff to uh actually be built and in this case or to be opened and it it's po damage I need five modular frames to open it so I will just make modular frames let's just open up production craft bench boom and then in this I can make five modular frames so I make two per set that means I need to make six and have one just wasting in my inventory yeah uh that's perfectly fine I'll use it later for something else here we go dismantle that and then I open this and we have a hard drive so we can use this I'm going to explain this not you ad up so now we open this this place is now useless to us we can leave and we'll I'll see you back at the maam to show you how to use this okay so we're here over at the maam let me just double check some things here so and do I have something else yeah I can I can go with these stuff and show you no un lock some of this stuff as well so okay let's go in here the hard drive is here and if you click on it you can scan the hard drive that locks this the rest of it up though for 10 minutes everything else takes seconds so what I'm first going to do is I'm going to start researching some of this stuff because I happen to have it here right so this is just stuff that you need to continuously like look at this is super important later we need to dou this Detonator for other stuff later down the line I've also unlock locked so we have these uh Power shards so I can now make Power shards out the yellow ones if I find a purple one I can turn it into Power shards five power shards and let's see wood nutrients let's unlock this I think I have enough yeah I'm just unlocking what I can here right and then perfect and then in alien organisms I don't have that do I have that I do not I do not I only have the plasma spitters so let's open up that boom and then if I turn this into the alien protein which I unlocked I can then make these which I can also sync and these are a th000 Points each so if you have 100 that's 100,000 points and you get these you can get these very easily but just running around the island and killing things and grabbing their remains like the spider Remains the Hatcher Remains The Hog remains and the spitter remains and then you can use that to unlock by organic properties they l& DNA capsule which gives you the thousand points per capsule thing and then you can have like a lot of biomass production as well uh so yeah and then you can have like extra inventory slots hand equipment slots stuff like that is like the m is super good for that but the hard drive that's a big thing the hard drive the big thing that it does is just give you alternate recipes and we'll be looking that at that at the end of this episode exactly what we get from this but it takes 10 minutes so I'm going to start it now and we're going to come back to this once we're done with everything else this episode on that note we can just close this and the next thing we will be doing is going over here and we will be working on our iron production and or iron material iron part production okay this is full as well that's perfect how many points do we get per second now that's interesting we are getting 2520 points per second we have saved up 36 coupons and it takes a long time now to get each new coupon all right so we are moving the iron over because we don't want like we can't fit it in here unless we were to move it up on a whole separate floor but I don't want that yet I want to have like uh maximum height it's like this but on another floor yeah I'm going to show you either way now we have a big section ahead of us so let's uh let's get going and I'll be back when I feel like I have something to show you guys okay please don't blame me I actually started watching a podcast and I got sucked sucked into it and I just kept building in the background and it just happened to be like this um yeah so uh all the iron is now done and I will show you exactly what I have done all right so what I did was very easily first pull in one line of 120 iron ingots that goes into this first set of Constructors that makes iron plates and when it goes in here it's being filled up right full up here goes into a SN same thing we're now making almost 5,000 points per minute with everything and then over here on the bottom I've taken one of the other lines and I've turned that entirely into just iron rods so with that we are producing 8 * 15 iron rods and when it's done it just sink like when this full it just goes into the sink and then on the top floor and this is where like the big this be always gets bigger than than it then then you think it's going to be like this is thing why I just got stuck doing all this it's a screws okay because we have so low quality belt or low like tier belts each machine is pumping out 40 per minute which means I can only take three of them on a belt so they go over to one container and then I have a SN that sinks when is done and then I have done that four times so I have like four groups of three so it just looks big but it's literally just this same section let me let me let me let me actually move around here so I can show you guys okay so it's the same section of eight Constructors making uh iron rods as before as as underneath here uh like literally exactly the same setup nothing weird about it and then it goes in here and each machine turns 10 iron rods into 40 screws and there there's three like 1 2 3 right that makes 120 but it's the same line on the back here because total belt usage here is actually 120 so it actually works out now something I want to show you guys that is a little bit of a concern right is okay but how much power are we using we're using a lot of power we're consuming 5826 megaw that is a lot we are having a capacity of 717 and what do what does that mean for us what's what like what is the significance of that yeah yeah okay yeah remember as I said earli in the episode also I would probably have four of these I have and they are all full up with concrete uh because I AFK a little bit afking is super important because it lets you have a little bit of balance when you're making these big ass factories it lets you actually chill and go go make some dishes go fix some laundry go do some homework uh take a shower like stuff like that it actually like afking helps you balance your game time with life uh is what I'm saying uh in my case I just St stood here and just went and did a machino dishes I cooked some dinner I planned out the next couple of episodes of my series I have this satisfactory new cycle and uh Dyson sere program series and I'm kind of just planning ahead of that so I was just being productive just not in this game um so I was standing still here I was passive here but I was actually active elsewhere so I don't just stand here and just I can watch this fill up right so yeah so everything is filled up and all that but but generally if I go over here boom booom if I'm just going to I'm just going to skip and hop along here to get to this point as you can see here I have cleared even more I've taken so much trees out and it's still not enough if you look over here this one is emptying these are being used everything is being used like okay so we are using a lot of power which means that this will run out and one of the things we can do because these disperse the rate of burn between all of them depending on how much power you're using right so what I can do is a quite this is a quite easy way of uh preserving power is shut off some of the awesome SNS specifically right so in the awesome sync you have 44 printable coupons now I have 4,49 no I don't want that necessarily so what I'm going to do is click and then stand by now this won't use any power all right and then I can go to the next one and I can say hey dude you drain a little bit too much power thank you and go to the next one and say hey I'm going to shut you off you don't I don't need you right now and I can do the same thing with these two over here here and so like hey guys uh you are a little bit too much of power Hogs because each of these uses 30 megaw and this is like the primary thing like if you want to save power turn off your awesome things first um so that's a very easy way of doing that and then turn off here uh let's see I should have did I turn off both of these and this one's off this one's off that one's off okay so I just want to show you guys what it looks like like power usage wise if you have no awesome things on there we go next one turn you off here's the next one turn you off turn you off and finally we have now turned off all of our awesome things so let's see what's the power at here you go 2 284 all right so you can see how massive of a difference turning off all of your awesome things does right so because I already have a ton of these coupons right if I turn this on and I click print coupons taada I now have 44 of these easy peasy that means I have some tickets to work with I don't necessarily need to mess around with more and I won't be using that until the next episode anyway so like I'm just going to leave these off right until I need more tickets and then I can turn it back on uh I just have it right now right so here I've fixed all of the iron it's up and they are just now filling up instead and once they're filled up everything's going to stop which means the power usage will go down even more like we're probably going to be yeah I bet we're going to be down so that we don't we only use the wind turbines right because the smelters the constructors like literally the entire Factory will stop because it backs up because the awesome things aren't done that's a great way of just instantly going into power saving mode uh so that's that's something that you can easily do to control your power usage over time now we are finishing up this episode and that means the Magic Moment has come we are going to be checking what alternate recipes we've gotten analysis complete then analysis of hard drive is completed select your desired reward so we get alternate recipes here which means that we already have a recipe right for screws but this one uses iron ingots instead of iron rods to produce screws it also makes more screws per minute so and then you look at like okay but how many how many of these uh iron ingots are used per um what's it called how many of these iron ingots are used per iron Rod kind of thing so what is the efficiency I'm going to pick this one so we can look at that right okay so if we go in here and we search for screw we now have two recipes here right and we look at the iron rod and we can look at this and it uses 12.5 iron ingots to make 50 per minutes and if we look at the iron rods there out here so I can just click that it's a one to one meaning that this one uses 10 to make 40 this one uses 12.5 to make 50 so the efficiency is the same it's a 25% increase in resource to gets 25% more out the big thing the very like important thing that makes this recipe more effective is actually the fact that I don't need to produce iron rods so I could reduce power usage if I make a future Factory that makes screws I can completely skip the step where I have to have a separate line just making iron rods and draining power because each of these uses four megawatts right so if I want to make a big Factory let's say that I need to place 100 uh Constructors just making iron rods those 100 Constructors they are going to run 400 megaw I can now completely skip that and just place the constructors or the smelters first to make the iron ingots and the constructors to make the uh make the screws I can completely skip that so they completely revamps how I make screws that is what the altern alternate the alternate recipes are four and that's why they're so important so do take the time now and then to just like go around the map be careful so you don't die like if you die you end up back at your Hub that's no problem right but if you find these you can easily look at what they need sometimes they need power sometimes they need material you don't have just skip those or place down a bio burner like bring some fuel with you and just place down a biomass burner and shove some fuel in it so you get the wattage required depending on how high that wattage is sometimes it's quite high and you can just grab the hard drives and just collect them and just have them running in the background to unlock exactly what you need all right so what will we be doing next time let me fly up here taada you can see that I've cleared I've cleared a lot I've I've I've cut down so much forest and what we will be doing next time is making this place look nice cuz that is what the awesome sink and the awesome shop is all about we will be unlocking alternate Foundation we'll be alternating between different like walls we can make different Foundation shapes we'll be going through all of that in the next episode and on top of that we will be finally be looking at the space elevator and unlocking new Advanced parts and with those parts we will be making so much new cool stuff and we will make this place finally look like what it could be so love you guys thank you so much for the support don't forget to subscribe like the video share join the Discord do all the cool stuff that all the cool kids do and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jack Blade
Views: 1,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, beginner friendly, Automation, Factory game, management games, factorio, satisfactory, beginner guide, let's play, city builder games, automation games, logistics and supply chain management, sci fi games, the dutch actuary, nilaus, totalxclipse, imkibitz, desynced game, Funny, humor, calm, relaxed, satisfactory tips, satisfactory tutorial beginner, satisfactory guide for beginners, satisfactory let's play update 8, smart splitter satisfactory, satisfactory update 8, easy, guide
Id: pPMiBCF3jXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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