Complete SEO Course For Beginners: Rank #1 on Google in 2023

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hey everybody adam enfoy here and welcome to this video course on seo fundamentals and how to rank content to make money online so in this course i'm going to teach you the fundamentals of seo and even for a seven-figure blog like mine i don't do anything all that technical or complicated so to me seo is a lot like piecing together a puzzle so clicking in each individual piece is easy there are just a shitload of pieces to put together and if you're missing just one of the pieces you'll never finish the puzzle no matter how hard you try so this seo course is everything i learned both in my digital marketing career as well as what i learned launching and scaling my seven figure blog so today my blog gets over three hundred thousand visitors a month and i scaled it to a multi-million dollar business with myself and just a few freelancers so whether you're a beginner when it comes to seo or an experienced seo guru getting traffic but not yet making money with your content this course will help you understand exactly what it takes to rank content and make money in the 2020s so this course is broken down into seven parts including the psychology of search on-page seo including new discoveries with ai search intent mastery off-page seo other ranking factors to consider future proofing your site and if you stick to the end your exact seo action plan so i'm excited to take you through this but before we get started i want to invite you to watch my free class thousands of students i've gone through it had lots of aha moments 60 minutes of free training click the link in the description below sign up for that free training see if blogging and seo is for you and if so you can join our online coaching program through that so click the link in the description below sign up for that and let's get into the topic for today so when it comes to seo first we have to understand what exactly are we talking about here so obviously we're talking about search engine optimization and when it comes to all of this we have to realize what search engines are and how they work and we're primarily talking about google here so yes there's bing there's google amazon is technically a search engine youtube has a search engine but for all intents and purposes we're talking about google because of google's crazy growth and you know we think of seo maybe somewhat outdated or we see videos seo is dead do this instead do that instead it isn't that complicated google search is only getting bigger there's more opportunity out there and we're still in its infancy in this information age so first we have to talk about google specifically when it comes to seo so google is the most visited website in the world with 89 billion visits a month so that's a crazy number google owns 91.9 of the search engine market share so no one really competes with them when it comes to that bing and yahoo just get a little bit of traffic and there's 8.9 billion searches every single day around 103 000 searches per second so every second on google 103 000 people are searching so the intense amount of searching going on around the world more people coming online in different countries you know internet usage coming up more people using google more people searching for products and information the opportunity for seo is bigger than it's ever been and 46 of all product searches begin on google so think about when you want to buy something and you're looking for information on products and services you go to google to look for this information and we also have to know that 16 to 20 percent of searches every year are brand new so never been searched before and this is where a lot of seo opportunities lie so we want to rank content we want to get into the top search results to be seen to get people to click our website to view our content and then to potentially make us money in a number of different ways but ultimately the first step is ranking this content and knowing kind of the search landscape understanding how this works realizing that we have to get ahead of it and find that you know we can rank for newer stuff as opposed to really old stuff so it all kind of ties together but we have to think about search and the psychology of search because this is very uh psychological in nature so when we're using a search engine it's almost an extension of the human mind like if i'm on google and i have my phone and i think of something and i want an answer or i think about a product that i want or a tour i want to go on or a place i want to visit this is an extension of my human mind so something enters my brain i think about it and then i type type it into google to get an answer long long are those days where you had to actually go to the library to figure things out you just had to sit there and wonder you know that statistic that you really wanted to know you couldn't just google it so this is an extension of the human mind now we can make a lot of money through this extension of the human mind because there's a lot of psychology behind it if we can rank content for people thinking thoughts typing them into google and then we are the providers of that information we are the ones ranking worldwide in this search engine network that is extremely powerful so when we talk about the psychology of search we think about thoughts become searches and websites live in between a thought and a purchase that is how money is made somebody thinks of something in their head they type it into google a website appears and that website can make money either through e-commerce selling physical products a blog recommending products through affiliate marketing a local business a restaurant whatever it is your website ranking on google should live between a thought and a purchase it's that simple and then when we think about it we can think about the idea of digital real estate versus physical real estate so historically when you start a business a brick and mortar business you have to pay rent for the building you have to pay for employees and equipment and inventory and marketing and all of these expenses and you have a physical location like real estate and there's value to that real estate it's a tangible it's an asset it's a hard asset it exists in the real world but then there's also this world of digital real estate so ranking on google and being in the top 10 results is actually a form of digital real estate because once you're ranking for something it's not like you're just going to drop off the face of the earth and stop ranking for that specific keyword and there is real power and monetary value to ranking content online that way for example i have an art i have multiple articles on my blog that make thousands of dollars a month each so i have one article on podcast hosting for example that makes about thirteen thousand dollars a month through recurring affiliate commissions in my blog now if i was to own real estate in the real world and i needed to make thirteen thousand dollars a month in passive income i might need 13 low-end apartment units in order to make a thousand dollars a month in profit and i'm still probably paying off a mortgage so the value of one individual blog post in this instance is actually equal to 13 apartment buildings so we have to start thinking differently when it comes to seo ranking content and digital versus physical real estate there's a ton of value ranking worldwide for content and that's what we want to do now we also have to understand that everyone searches a little bit differently so the way that i search is different from the way that my grandma searches which is different the way that my little brother searches we all type things into google differently but google is getting smarter with machine learning they're able to understand conceptually what we mean by these searches they can kind of get all these different types of related searches into one topic to rank content and they give us information they're here to organize the world's information that's their entire goal there's a reason you use google and when you search for cats you don't get videos on frogs right it actually works and the algorithm and all of their you know hundreds of thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of employees that work in their offices are constantly tweaking this algorithm and then machine learning is coming in and understanding how to make search results better on its own and it learns what people like based on user signals and clicking content and viewing websites and seeing what they stick with and if they don't go back and they you know there's all this stuff going on behind the scenes but ultimately we need to know that this is a form of psychology so ranking content online is monetizing somebody's collective consciousness of people on you know on the internet so if there's search volume there if a keyword exists and people search for something online and a lot of people do it then there's a lot of money to be made so we have to think about it as a form of kind of digital real estate ranking content in an evergreen way to get the user to use this search intent in their mind to get them to search for something and then to get us to be the source of that information to hopefully help them to give them information and to make money so real quick a quick note about how google works so google is a search engine and a search engine has what are called search engine robots or search engine spiders whatever you want to call them but google's entire job is to organize the entire internet's information into an easy to digest searchable indexable thing so what they do is they have these spiders they crawl every single website every single link link to link page to page scanning the content of every single page every single written word to understand both what's on articles what words are actually on websites and what links and interrelation interdimensional relationships exist between these websites so if the new york times links to a website that shows trust that shows value that might increase rankings that is one thing and then they can also use this machine learning to understand every single word on the page so what makes a good article what makes good content having semantic keywords related terms that should be in a robust article on a given topic so basically they just scan the articles the pages and links pointing to them to understand what is authoritative what is cited a lot what has the best content and then how people interact with that content and then they organize that world's information you simply index your site with google search console tell them you exist and then they will rank you accordingly based on how good your content is and how authoritative your website is so it's really simple but they can't see you know they're they're just scanning the entire internet and trying to understand these relationships and seo evolves and changes over time but there are fundamental seo principles that don't change so that's one thing that gets kind of overblown is everyone's looking for the new seo hack or trick or is seo debt or let's read search engine journal or search engine watts or search engine this or that and really it's like you're we're just future proofing our content ultimately in the end the best content wins the best content ranks so there's fundamental business principles and seo principles that haven't really changed in the last 10 years and still are you know you can apply them today so when it comes to seo there are two main paths there's kind of what we discussed how google works there's on-page seo so that includes keyword research content writing blogging publishing articles publishing pages basically what's on the actual page that google is going to rank they're not just ranking a homepage they're ranking individual articles and then the second half is off page seo so that's the links pointing to an individual website so that's link building guest blogging link partnerships with the goal of getting links these are the two main paths of seo the only two that you need to master to actually rank content yes there's hundreds of ranking factors and things that you can think about but it's not that technical it's really create great content and get links to that content and you will rank better than others so you have to if you want to rank in seo you have to be better at writing content and it's not even writing it's just assembling content in the right way you have to be better at link building than some of these other sites so that's really as simple as that but these are the two main paths of seo and this is what you need to master both on page and off page which we'll cover in this video the heart of all of this starts with keywords so what are keywords well again i discussed not everyone searches in the exact same way we might search a little bit differently so i could search for something like best laptops for gaming where someone else might search best gaming laptops or top gaming laptops or what are the best gaming laptops or how do i choose the best gaming laptops and there's tons and thousands of variations of potential keywords but google is good at understanding that and funneling them to one individual article in the top 10 results so not everyone searches the same way but keywords are data driven so if you want to get traffic you have to go where the fish are you can't just create a blog you know a random blog and write about random things and think that maybe you'll get traffic no we have to know and base this on data how many people are actually searching for these things every single month and can we actually rank for this is it too competitive what do we look for so different keywords also have different value in business so some of the most expensive keywords if you know if you look at the google search engine and how they make most of their money through google adwords which is the top paid results people can pay to be put at the top four results of google some people pay hundreds of dollars a click in the value of a keyword so something like mesothelioma lawyer is a lot more valuable than cheap socks or something that's really cheap how to tie your shoes no one really cares you know you're not there's not money to be made there but something like best credit cards or best business credit cards or best business checking accounts could be an extremely lucrative multi-seven-figure keyword for a blog or an affiliate or something like you know best uh camping tents could be very lucrative for a brand like rei or product focused transactional search intent is a lot more valuable there's so many millions of things out there we just need to bucket it into things that will actually make us money now keyword research tools can help us make these informed decisions on what to actually write so there's a keyword research tool to literally tell us how many times it's searched every single month how difficult it is to rank for here's the top 10 results take a look see if you can rank choose to write this content or not so those are really good to use and also timing is a crucial component of ranking so this is what i call the data collection phase versus the stable phase with for lack of a better term so when there's a new keyword that emerges so let's say the peloton bike didn't exist and everyone started writing about peloton reviews years back well there wasn't any content yet in that space it's a bright one one of those brand new searches is coming out so google has no data on these strings of keywords and information so they might shuffle the rankings quite a bit because there's not a ton of data yet the top sites might only have 100 few hundred few thousand visits to each of them and the user signals are different and people are interacting with it differently but then what happens is over time more sites start writing about that keyword peloton review then it's 10 sites right about 20 30 40 50. and then google is like okay we have data collection on all of this we know that these top five sites that wrote this a while back we know that they've gotten say a hundred thousand visits each over the course of time and people have interacted with them in a certain way so it becomes stabilized and harder to rank for that content over time because links are pointing to those articles because they've been there for a while google has collected so much data on them they're now seen as kind of an expert in that niche a little bit because they've they have content that's been ranking and getting traffic related to peloton and then it gets stable and it gets harder to rank so that's why timing is a crucial component if you can get on thing get in on things early you have a lot better chances of ranking than writing about something that has stable websites have been ranking for for 10 or 15 years it's harder to enter that space so timing is a crucial component but the goal is to rank for a lot of keywords when it comes to seo we don't want to rank for like one keyword and then our entire business is dependent on fluctuations of search traffic and really worrying about this one keyword we want to rank for thousands of keywords tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of keywords eventually in order to create a stable business in this algorithm-driven world so keywords are crucial and the very first thing to think about when it comes to seo so when it comes to seo there's no better tool for keywords than hrefs i'm not affiliated with ahrefs they were a sponsor in other videos but they're hands down the best seo tool there's not really another one that competes with them on the market they dominate the seo keyword market share and you can use a keyword research tool like ahrefs to do a number of different things so one i just want to give a deep dive of ahrefs and show you kind of what to look for and how to read data and understand this because there's keywords there's keyword opportunities so we can look for new things to write there's also viewing what we're currently ranking for there's a lot of different ways to use these seo tools and i just want to go through them with you so if we're looking for keyword opportunities to rank content online we can go to the keyword explorer in ahrefs and we can start looking and putting in phrases to start seeing if we can rank for stuff so let's just say that we're a golfer and we want to write about golf so i would put in like golf and see what happens now golf is searched 780 000 times a month the traffic potential the number one result is 90 000 visitors a month the global volume is 2.8 million searches a month with majority of that in the united states there's also different terms that can match that there's questions related to golfing how to hold a golf club swing a golf club there's also other things that people rank for when they rank for golf they also rank for things like pga tour people are also talking about golf courses pga tour all of this you can see the ranking fluctuations for the term golf has been dominated by espn golf channel golf digest pga tour and down the list and we can then see and view all of the sites that are ranking for that term now that's a very broad term so we have to think about when it comes to keywords where do they live in the marketing funnel because people think of things differently and they search differently so you know when we talk about this in a business world there's well there's ecommerce businesses when it comes to seo you know you want to rank for product stuff and get people to buy your products there's also affiliates playing in that same world where we want to review products for similar keywords and push people to the e-commerce brands so there's all kinds of different searches that can happen based on where they are in the marketing funnel where they are on the consideration awareness or buying stage what they're actually searching and how much the keyword is worth now if you want to make money with keywords we can pretty much narrow this whole world down into a couple different types of keywords we want to rank for when it comes to seo because yes we could write about everything we could write about how to make a birthday cake and how to tie our shoes and you know the best hiking trails in california and how to travel to spain and you know a million potential billion different types of things that we can write about but how do we narrow this to down how do we narrow our focus to actually make money with seo just because somebody ranks for something doesn't mean you can make money with it and i want to make money with seo i don't want to just have vanity metrics like traffic i want to make money so we have to narrow this down to a couple different things so golf is very broad but if i'm in the golf niche what else would i want to rank for than just golf golf is hard but what if we put in best golf and then we looked at matching terms that include the word best golf then we could come up with keywords to rank for based on all these products best golf shoes golf balls golf clubs bags rangefinders drivers grips all of that and we can see that articles ranking if i look at best golf clubs and you know it's pretty easy to rank for there's some sites here like this low authority site called that has the seven best golf clubs and we see you know it's an article it ranks for best golf clubs we'll get into on-page seo and how to do that of course in this in this video but this is making money through affiliate marketing you can see this is an affiliate link they're recommending golf clubs sending people to amazon to purchase them and making commissions on every single sale so they are sitting here ranking for best golf clubs and making money now we can see that if we search best as a term this is true in any niche so we can do like best patio and look at matching terms and see what's there so if you're a blogger or an affiliate that wants to promote patio stuff or if you sell patio furniture as a site then you'd want to ring for this best patio furniture umbrella heaters fire pits you know outdoor couches modular sofas whatever they are you can rank for these product focused terms that include the word best and this is also true in you know other things move around you know if you want to be in the home niche and write seo content there what is in kitchen you know there's my my boy gordon ramsay with kitchen nightmares episodes that doesn't really apply but there's best appliances flooring gadgets scale faucets towels and we can view all of the data on all these keywords based on the volume how many times it's actually searched and the difficulty how difficult it is to rank based on a scale from one zero to 100 with 100 being the hardest to rank green is good red is bad so we can look at different transactional keyword ideas that include the word best now how do people search though online how do people search the internet for information well there's three consideration stages there's kind of the awareness initial you know initial search then they understand a little bit more and there's the consideration stage and then there's the transaction stage so let me walk you through this for example and how this would work and again we're going back to making money with seo so if you're a blogger or you are an e-commerce brand that wants to get a lot of traffic you need to know your niche and then you need to dominate in all consideration stages so all three so if i'm thinking about you know let's say i'm moving into a house and i want to get a new couch potentially but i don't know what kind of couch i want and i have no idea what i'm gonna do so i'd probably search for ideas posts ideas are an initial entry point into a lot of niches so i would look like living room ideas and ideas posts and ideas things people that you know websites that rank for ideas typically are monetized with ad revenue because if i'm looking for ideas there's a ton of search volume a ton of people search for this but not a ton of people buy anything based on searching for ideas they're just looking for that initial idea maybe the brand of couch that they want maybe the type of design the color scheme what they're looking for they're not ready to buy something so that's where ad revenue comes in for these seo websites because you can just plot banner ads there and make money even though no one's going to buy anything but i might search for you know modern living room ideas and then i find let's say i find like a modular sectional that i like so then i would search best modular sectional and i would probably search for that and then let's see okay so that one then is in the consideration stage of seo and i'm kind of getting to understand what types of sofa i actually want so now i know i want a modular sectional and i want a blog to tell me what the best ones are now you can see this volume is less than the ideas post but the traffic potential is high and you can actually make money with this one so if we go down the list to see what's ranking we can see the site like with a dr of 50 kind of a medium authority site not any huge authority they have the list of the 17 best modular sofas you can buy then we go down the list what is a modular sofa and again this is optimized and monetized via affiliate links and they're going down this list and then you can see it's an affiliate link to shop at you can see it's an affiliate link and anything i buy here they would get credit for so that's another one so then there's best modular stuff and now let's say okay i know i want a modular sofa but i still don't know which one i want do i want a maiden home do i want to feel do i want to burrow do i want this uh all form so then maybe i'd search for like all form versus and let's see what comes up all form versus burrow those are two brands modular sectional brands now i'm searching specifically at the transactional stage even more down the list for all form versus boro so now i really want to look at these two brands and see which one is the best and we see living cozy ranks here again for that but we're seeing is which one's best all form versus burrow which is the best sofa in a box which one do i want all the way down the consideration to the transactional stage and then again buying via affiliate links so these are the consideration stages and it's true in any niche so if you're looking at golf you know how to there's informational content and transactional content when it comes to seo those are the two main buckets informational transactional in golf it's like how to swing how to grip how to chip how to put how to do things golf courses all those reviews and ideas around that and then there's the actual products so in any niche there's products best clubs irons drivers putters all of that you need both if we want to talk about all-encompassing seo so whether you're a affiliate blogger and you want to write about kitchen ideas kitchen products how to do things in the kitchen and do it all keep it in your niche or you're a golfer and you want to write all that stuff or you're a software company and you promote email marketing software and you write about how to do email marketing what's the best email marketing software what are the best gmail add-ons gmail extensions sales tools you know chrome extensions you write the same two types of things informational content to capture you know traffic and build a brand and then the transactional content to make product sales to make affiliate revenue and all of that so e-commerce brands and affiliates are both playing in the space for example if i look up like best uh hiking boots i will see who ranks for this well we see that there's going to be a mixture rei switchback travels a blog so they're making money via affiliate marketing then there's an actual ecommerce brand rei ranking for it outdoor gear lab blog blog blog media company new york times media company media company tom's guide blog so best signifies i want to see a comparative list post for seo and i want to read a blog typically now if you take out best and you just put in hiking boots you will see when it comes to seo that we'll probably see more brands here because we didn't put best we're just saying hiking boots i want to see some freaking boots in front of me right now i want to see a product category page i'm more ready to buy i didn't put in best i don't want to compare them i just want to buy them that's why we see we still see blogs here and that's the goal with the blog you can still rank for that top term but we also see a little bit more so there's like rei's in here amazon then joins dick's sporting goods is in there as well so it changes the results a little bit same is true like if we do like best laptops so when we do best laptops it's mostly media sites and blogs tom's guide laptop mag pc mag tech radar the verge cnet all of them all of them are media sites ranking but if we just put in laptops and remove best that signifies intent of just show me a damn laptop and let me buy it so we see instead we see best buy walmart hp amazon and then a few so pc mag with an office depot and cnet so this really goes back to search intent so this goes back to what the hell do we actually write informational content transactional content and again just to reconfirm this is true in any niche so if i put invest fishing and i do matching terms i can see all the things best fishing kayaks fishing lines rods knots sunglasses all of that if i put in something really competitive like best credit cards i'll see you know the competition's really high best cash back business travel best credit cards for travel students all of that we see these transactional seo based searches or best software we see all the different types of software people write about try to find opportunities maybe there's one like video editing software for youtube that's easier to rank for or beat making software or cad software or video editing software for mac or streaming software so you find these opportunities to understand what are we actually going to rank for and again when it comes to writing stuff for seo to rank content we want things that will actually make us money so the goal is stick with one niche whatever your expertise is don't stray too far with like gardening and software or like finance credit cards and also barbecues and patios like that doesn't make sense you want to be known for one thing on your website you need a home page you need branding you need to be known for one thing whether you're an e-commerce brand or a blog or whatever but we want to start having a content strategy so we do this initial keyword research and what we do is we look for opportunities that are actually good and we actually can rank for so when i think about it you know if i did that golf example and i look at best golf and i see something like uh best golf grips so maybe i'll write an article on golf grips because it's an easy keyword difficulty it has good search volume and i'm seeing low authority sites on page one so when we look at this tool there's a lot of columns here we don't have to pay attention to all of them but what we want to see is like this dr is domain authority so how authoritative is the site how many links are pointing to that site that's one ranking signal and then ur is the url rating how many links are pointing to this individual article itself so that's also you know interesting so we want to see and this is key we want to see at least one potentially more low dr low authority sites that are still ranking on page one because that is the sign of seo that you actually can rank for that keyword when another low authority site is doing it you know you can too so there's one here golfer dr9 top ranked golf dr 11 and then some in the 30s so we look for that we look for good search volume over a thousand or you know even 500 these tools aren't 100 accurate all the time it's good to like use them as a baseline but just know that you know they're not going to be 100 accurate but look for low difficulty and then we just start building out our content calendar so we start this is the first step of seo we're not going to write this stuff yet we just need to know can i rank for this let's start making a list get that google sheet out start making a list of like 10 to 20 keywords you want to start with write down the search volume monthly write down the difficulty scores and then start ranking them based on what you think can make the most money for you based on your niche what's easiest to rank for and has the most search volume then we get into on-page seo so on page seo is optimizing the written word for search engines so it's taking our keyword and it's creating an article and content around that keyword in order to make it look good for search engines what good for human beings and actually rank this content so on-page seo is what's actually on the page what's in the article what actual words are there what content is there so when it comes to this on-page content we have to realize that we can't write you know posts about multiple ver you know keywords we don't want to write about gardening supplies and blogging it just doesn't make sense we need one target keyword per blog post we want about write about one topic and keep it to that one topic now when it comes to on-page seo there's way there's places that you put that keyword and there's exactly there's like a very specific way to do this and in my course blog growth engine we teach students you know the exact template exactly what to use and how to do it we have dozens and dozens of students making multiple four figures and five figures a month with their affiliate articles but this is a templatized approach an on-page seo is basically what is on the page what content is there so we put the target keyword in the title of the article in headings in the url of the article in the introduction with semantic keywords which we'll get into and then we want to talk about internal and external links when it comes to on-page seo and then we want to have no plagiarism and no grammatical errors and we can use a tool like grammarly for that so first let's look at an article of mine as an example so let's go to one on website builders as an example and this one you know i have on the best website builders so this is the target keyword best website builder and this is a transactional list post for affiliate revenue ranking the best website builders now we see the term is in the url so we don't want to have a fancy long url with like the year and the whole title of the article because the url is the only thing that you cannot change you can change the title you can change the content you can change the pictures you can change all of it but the url has to remain the same and never change because you might get links to that you might have internal links pointing to it we want to keep that seo value and it should only include the target keyword but we have it in the url we have it in the title we have it early in the introduction you know i have it right here as well in the introduction then we get to our list we have a um an introduction just simple hook sentences bullet points intro to the article then what we do is we have the first h2 heading so when it comes to writing content and ranking content what is an article well an article is comprised of paragraph text images maybe and then headings so headings are really important because headings can dictate what's important in the article so an h1 heading is the most important that's the most important thing to google then the h2 is the second most important and that is right here so what is the best website builder so again this is a very standardized format h2 heading the first one should be what is the in the form of a question with your target keyword so this would be what is the best golf irons what is the best modular sectional what is the best living room couch what is the best hiking boots what are the best laptops that's how google likes to see it formatted so we're appeasing the search engines here so this is the first h2 then we have a little bit introduction then we answer the question in the form of an h3 so h3 signifies this is the answer to my question this is how we get featured snippets we say what is the best here is the list so this number one that's an h3 heading then we get back to normal paragraph text i have a custom sections here you don't even need that necessarily for seo but then we have paragraph text and we're answering this we're just doing a kind of standard templatized approach we have key features about the product we have user experience we have pricing we have what i like and dislike and then we have the call to action button which is an affiliate link and then when we go to number two we see it's the exact same format so this is an h3 heading this is paragraph text all the way down what i like this like and the same button so that's how you do it you basically have an h2 heading with then h3 headings as secondary headings that are the list answer items and then we just fill it in with paragraph text and images now that is kind of the standard approach to on-page seo we can say what is the best website builder and then what is a website builder and we can add the definition here as well so that also helps so when it comes to on-page seo again we have it we have the main target keyword that we found in ahrefs we put that in the title in the headings in the url in introduction then we have to talk about semantic keywords now semantic keywords what we call like semantically related keywords are extremely important when it comes to on-page seo almost more important sometimes than the target keyword it's extremely important now google uses ai and machine learning and is getting smarter and wants to know and understand based on this machine learning what is the best actual article for this topic and it uses ai to do that so for example the basic example would be if google ranks content on the best you know california beaches it wouldn't just expect to see that target keyword best california beaches in those sections we just discussed but it would also expect to see words like ocean sand you know maybe restaurants uh los angeles other words that are semantically related that have nothing to do with the exact letters in the word best california beaches the same is true for best website builder now we can use a tool like surfer seo to do on-page seo the best way possible and what it does is you can paste your article in here and it gives you a content score based on how good your on-page seo is for google and it gives you a score it tells you about the structure the number of words it has how many paragraphs it has but look at this this is really cool gives you all the different variations of the terms that should be in this article so what it does is it scans the top you know 30 50 i don't know ranking sites to see what google is rewarding and how many times they're using these different words in the article so you can write this article in a templatized way have your companies in there in a list and then you can see that in an article on the best website builders google also expects to see things like modern site templates small businesses analytics tools content management system advanced features small business other builders site templates most popular website builder email marketing these are all words that i would never be able to come up with just with my mind alone writing on a blank page writing an article so this is a data-driven way to rank content we can't do it ourselves we have to use ai tools in the 2020s to know what google actually expects to see we'll never be able to compete if all these other articles have all these amazing semantic keywords and related themes and topics and headings and we don't and we're just writing a basic article we need ai we need to know what to write and you need to use a tool like surfer seo for your on-page seo next let's talk about internal and external links so we have to link to other pages on our website so there's on-page seo what's on the page but then it's not just one page our website is comprised of multiple pages and there's also external links we can link to other sources of information so how do we do that well we have to know how link value is passed when it comes to seo so link value is passed from link to link page to page that's how google scans content that's how they read it so we want to have some internal links to support our content and those can typically be found in the introduction so we have other articles that are related so for example in an article on like best website builders i have an internal link here in the introduction about how to make a website and web hosting services that are also related and domain registrars is another internal link so we want to like supplement our content by having a lot of supporting information and blanketing our niche that's really important and then we also want to show you know interesting statistics and information that we might put external links for so we can do follow all these links we just add them in wordpress normally and anything that's a statistic or something that is helpful maybe wikipedia link or you know a news article or something that's really helpful to the article that has a cool statistic we would externally link to that as well now we don't want to litter our entire post with links but we know that like if we have related content we should link to it so if you look at my post on this you can see that i also have related posts near the end here so this is internally linking to other reviews on thinkific versus teachable kajabi versus teachable all these different verses and review posts to help supplement and dive deeper into this main topic so if you just have one article on a topic for seo and nothing supporting it no other informational content reviews versus comparison posts or anything else then you're not as much of an expert as another website that has like 20 articles on the exact same topic because they have more content in the niche you haven't blanketed it enough so you need to kind of diversify just write more articles in the same area related content you'll see that when i click on this one thinkific versus teachable this actually is added to the end of the url and this is the best structure to organize your content so this is a parent page in wordpress and this is a child page and it lives underneath the goal is propping up the main best online course platforms article you don't have to do that but it is the best seo structure for your website so internally linked to helpful content that's related and for internal links you can use very exact kind of anchor text because you know you just want to know what it is you want to know what they're getting to and then for external links you can just use them for statistics to help you know show google that you're you are sourcing other information it's not just you and you're hoarding all your internal links to yourself so another component of on-page seo is a little bit more technical so that was all content based on page seo what are the words you know you want to have images as well optimize your images with a tool like short pixel get images in there so that you can break up text use you know we want to write for the web when it comes to on-page seo there's bullet points old text line spacing short paragraphs that are only a few lines along max images break it up that's how you write for the web that was all content-based there's also technical on-page seo a little bit so you want the website to be mobile-friendly first and most wordpress themes automatically are mobile-friendly but you want to make sure that you know people use phones now more than computers so we want to make sure that it looks good on both you also want an ssl certificate so that's signifies that the site is secure and it's an https link in your site so that is also done through your web host and through wordpress so that's a really easy one as well you want to make sure that you have an ssl certificate you also want to have a clean url structure so what i showed you is only use the target keyword in those urls and if you can supplement it with like the child parent page structure to make it as clean as possible and organize the content that way you also want to make sure you have no broken or 404 links so if you you know an external link might that page might disappear or go away and then you have a broken link or an internal link you might accidentally mess it up and then you have a 404 so we don't want to have any links going to things and pages that don't exist which is considered a 404 page you don't want to have any missing meta descriptions so another factor of on-page seo is meta descriptions and that is the content that appears below the title in search results so if i search like podcast hosting you can see that my site's number one here organically and we see there's the title podcast hosting but then there's also this information under here a meta description google's random like i didn't write this but it pulls in random information but you can write that with a tool like rank math within wordpress dictate your meta descriptions and they're good for click-through rate and then this is also a faq schema so you can add faq blocks into your post for on-page seo with a tool like yoast or rank math and it basically easily wraps your questions that are in an faq in this code it's super easy to add just add a content block and then that can actually appear in the search results but a meta description you want to have unique ones for every single article you don't want to miss them you want to optimize images as well so you want to make sure that you don't have some giant two megapixel or two megabyte image that's taking up all this bandwidth and takes forever to load you want to have nice clean images so you can do that with short pixel it'll automatically compress your images and turn them into webp format then you also want to focus on site speed and core web vitals so i have a full video on exactly how to optimize your site speed and core web vitals using like wp rocket and some easy plugins and settings that you can optimize your blog with all right so we've covered the psychology of search we've covered on-page seo we've covered keywords now we have to get into search intent a little bit deeper so we've covered like informational posts people looking for how to do stuff transactional posts people looking for products but this all goes back to search intent so the goal of ranking content is to end the search journey period somebody searches for something you provide that information they don't go back and search and click another website and then finish it there your goal is to end that search journey you're the one that provides that last piece of information that is the ultimate ranking signal and what will help you the most now i know we talked about semantic keywords and on-page seo but that's only part of the battle you can have the best on-page seo out there but if you have the wrong search intent you will never rank period so if you're missing what people actually want going back to the psychology of search you'll never rank for it so you could be off a little bit like what's actually in the article what's on the page what do people actually want to read this goes back to that psychology so let's look at some examples here i'm going to go with how to lose weight and when we look at how to lose weight we can see there's you know national health type website i don't really pay attention to those but when we look at like okay let's look at the titles and let's do a title analysis for search intent there's how to lose weight fast nine scientific ways to draw fat how to lose weight fast in three simple steps six strategies for success cdc then there's diet doctor how to lose weight 18 simple tips american heart association uh forget diets this is how to lose weight and keep it off for good 24 ways to lose weight without dieting so actually what's interesting is i've been following this for a couple years now and they're actually rewarding authority more than they did before with the cdc mayo clinic you know nhs ranking a lot higher than it used to be it used to be a lot more blogs and websites but what i see here is i would do a title analysis when it comes to search intent and i look at the first two pages do a title analysis to see what people actually want and google is rewarding so let's look at some more six reasons your website weight loss times aren't working can't lose weight by dieting alone 23 tips for weight loss that actually work how to lose belly fat the best way to lose weight and keep it off lose weight fast so the initial you know title analysis that i do is when we think about it and we think about the psychology behind the search what do people want when they want to lose weight well they definitely want to lose it fast and they want to lose it simply and easily so this is kind of where that clickbait type stuff comes in it's not clickbait it's just like search intent trigger words that you can use to get more people to click and engage with your content so in the old world of seo if you wanted to rank for how to lose weight you would put the title you know in the h1 you'd write content on it then it might be something about like how to lose weight it would be a heading and it would be like the history of weight loss and why weight loss is difficult and how to lose weight effectively and all of these different like seo optimized stuff that people don't really care about again this goes back to user signals and what people actually want to read so if i was to create an article based on the search intent doing the title analysis i know people don't want to lose weight slowly and they don't want to lose it in public embarrassingly people want to lose it secretly fast quickly and without effort so i would create an article and it would be how to lose weight fast and keep it off 15 simple tips or something like that and then the content strategy in that article does not do some long drawn out thing about the history of weight loss but it gets right into it it gets into a hook and introduction then it says 10 you know everyone loves lists so whether it's a how-to post like how to lose weight or it's one of these best transactional posts on the best fitness equipment the world and content and seo works on lists so i would say how to lose weight fast and simply and then i get right into it giving them the best possible fastest path forward rather than just some historical article that doesn't make sense another one is like the search intent for something like vegan skin care so you can see that this when we think about vegan skincare and i would think about what would i write well i would write about like what is vegan skin care i would talk about you know the benefits of vegan skin care maybe some different types of vegan skincare but really when we look at the search intent and we actually analyze the titles it's all skin care brands and products so if i didn't write this this is 19 vegan skincare brands 15 best vegan skincare products skincare brands brands target there's one here that's an ultimate guide but it's brands brands and products so you have to really do a title analysis because you can miss the search intent you can write about the you know write about vegan skincare what it is and the benefits and the guide but then you'll never rank for it you missed the search intent people that search for vegan skincare based on data based on what people are clicking and what's ranking want the brands they want the top brands not just an article about vegan skincare and the benefits so that's another interesting one to look at so when we also think about you know how to guides it really is more important when it comes to seo with search intent because we need to tell people how to do something in the way that they want to do it and also we just have to do a title analysis when it comes to these transactional product based articles really what we want to do is just blanket the topic so that people feel like you provided the best possible information in all possible areas so if you look at the search like best ecommerce platforms which i rank on page one for you can see that i have you know best ecommerce platform so you want to start an online business you know there's shopify bigcommerce all these things you can sell products on but there's things that we can do like i added this section here about trying to blanket the topic so people feel like they get what they want so it's the best choices for small business the best cheap free and open source options the best themes and designs the best for large brands and then the best for seo so we're covering it all you don't need to go back and read another article we're covering it all in this article so once you read it and we have a video and we have content and we have my take and we have bullets and all that stuff like you feel like you have the best possible information so that's a little bit of ways to like future proof your search intent is to really just go back to the psychology of search intent understand what people actually want and their motivations behind the search to write the content that the most people will want and interact with in a strong way so now let's talk about off-page seo so we talked about on-page technical and content where we actually put in articles on our website but the whole other half of seo is what is what are other websites doing for us what who is linking to us who is showing us as a sign of authority so that is like half the battle and when you're just starting out when it comes to seo it's almost more important than just writing content with the rise of ai tools like jasper and anyone writing tons and tons of articles the only like ranking signal that actually tells google what's actually trustworthy is links because links are harder to get links are a sign of authority if anyone can write content and create it well and optimize for search engines then how do we actually know what's best how can we trust it that's when links come in so link building is a crucial component and it's been taught wrong for so many years so link building has always been taught as an individual tactic like do guest blogging do broken link building do link reclamation send this email to this person to get them to add a link for you and that is not how the psychology of link building works so we'll cover what they actually do there's three main types of links that we want to go after so we're creating content on our website for seo then we also want to get some links to our content to boost it up the search engine rankings i would argue unlike others that you know that want to say link building is dead and let's just write content stay safe and you know people to teach this they like to say that links are not important because students find it scary that they have to reach out to people and do link building so it's easier to say just find these long tail keywords and all these different variations that you can rank for without any link building and yes it's true there are sites out there with hundreds of thousands of site visitors that haven't done any link building but are they making a lot of money no they're not because they're ranking for stuff that isn't that competitive and isn't that transactional in nature so again for me seo goes back to actually making money with our content if you want to make life changing money with seo you need links period end of story end of conversation so there's three main types of links that i would say that you should focus on when it comes to building links for seo one is guest post so that's writing writing articles for other websites and then strategically linking to you within those now that's one there's also link placements so i could say hey wix or shopify would you please link to me here in this old authoritative article that would be really helpful thank you so that's another thing somebody actually is linking to your website in an older authoritative page you don't write the guest post you just get an old link pointing to you text based links we're talking about and then there's haro help a reporter out and press mentions or pr so link building today is a lot like digital pr so there's brands that are you know pay pr people to just try to get links and news mentions and all that for them so there's different types of links but we have to realize that off page seo is based on real relationships so this is the way that it's been taught wrong for so many years it's always like send a hundred emails asking for this type of link this broken link building tactic or this specific thing asking for a link and we have to realize first the links are a value exchange links have real value in the real world just like we talked about digital real estate having value links have value if i get a link from forbes or something or the new york times that has value because it can help me rank this content which can then get me traffic and make me money so there is real intrinsic value in backlinks so why would i ask somebody for something without giving them anything in return i say add this link for me please you have a broken link can you add it you're one you're asking them to do work for you and you're not giving them anything in return so this goes back to the psychology of link building which goes back to the psychology of online business which is we need to help people first so when i first started my blog i was doing guest post outreach and this is a typical like email outreach saying hey my name is adam and frey i write to readers at i'd like to write a guest post for you here's some samples of my work and then you want to tie it back to value so when you're reaching out to anybody when you're building relationships when it comes to seo and a content driven business we need to create real relationships and we need to provide value so i would add another sentence in my email outreach and say something like i write you know five to ten guest posts on other sites i'd love to link to your content and some of those as well would you be interested in collaborating on content would you be interested in doing some link building together keep it open ended keep it friendly don't tell them and dictate the conversation add a link for me i delete those emails instantly but if someone provides some value you will get value in return so there's a period when i first started my blog that i was linking to people five times ten times before i even reached out to them i would do guest posts and link to other brands and link to companies and start networking and building relationships and trading links and really basing it on this psychology of to get value i need to provide value if i want a link and a link can be sold for five hundred a thousand two thousand dollars a link that some big agencies charge for it how can i just get it for free yes you could just spam everybody but the better way is to actually look at the psychology of it build a real relationship and then start using these relationships to your advantage so what if somebody else is writing guest posts and they know you then maybe they'll link to you there's no random links this is the whole myth of this passive link building so create great content and you will get links to it doesn't really exist because to create great content people have to find the content and if you're not ranking for the content then no one's going to ever find it no one's going to link to you it's this top-heavy approach that sites that are already ranking number one for stuff are getting the most links because they're the most found now the most following they get more links if you're just starting a blog with the dr of zero and you have no links who's going to find you who's even going to link to you you have to take action on link building when it comes to seo so yes we can create some passive links through posts on like statistics like if i rank for you know something related to statistics crm statistics or blogging statistics then some people search for statistics and might find your article and link to you yes there's things we can do create great content you know case studies white papers things that can get links infographics but that pales in comparison to actually doing link building for yourself which is just based on building relationships start with sending five outreach messages a day introducing yourself getting some guest posts under your belt and going and then start meeting other people to do these guest posts trading links between them so that you're getting guest posts and links and other things that aren't directly related to yours so that's the white hat way to do it is we don't want to be involved necessarily we want it to look like we had no involvement in these links and that happens with these link placements so once you start getting some guest posts under your belt and you have you built your dr up a little bit and you're starting to get traffic for seo that's when you can start doing link placement so you can start asking for links specifically based on doing other things so maybe you can get sales for brands maybe you are a good affiliate for a company then you can ask them to do stuff for you send you links do this do that and you start building real relationships and asking for links trading links we don't want to do one-to-one exchanges but we want to do this in a safe clean way the cleanest seo strategy possible but we have to do some link building for ourselves and we consider this digital pr like this is the real work when it comes to seo anyone can write content we have to start doing this outreach and building links the only thing about what do i actually link to well again this is a data driven approach we can look at those keyword tools and see you know maybe that's really competitive maybe to rank on page one i need like 50 links to this article it doesn't make sense but maybe you're ranking on page two for something and maybe getting a couple more links would push you to page one so you really do this based on data based on the url rating of what's working and when you're just starting out just link to everything link to all your articles get home page links in your guest author bio and just start building links and building relationships okay now let's talk about some other ranking factors to consider so there's the idea of relevance and blanketing your niche so websites that get a lot of traffic when it comes to seo have usually blanket the niche and cover a lot of content in that niche so google sees you as a sign of trusted information when you have a ton of content related to what you're talking about and you're ranking for certain things in that niche and getting traffic already so we want to blanket the niche with informational content and transactional content we need to have a mixture of both heavier on the informational side than the transactional side then we have to talk about google eat so expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness you can become an expert through google traffic and data so if you're getting a lot of traffic in a certain niche then and you have a lot of content and you've blanketed it that can make you authoritative if you have author pages that tell you you know this is the story this is our contact information your website looks like a legitimate business and you have real expertise in the real world that can build you your expertise in google eat and then there's ymyl so your money your life topic so quickly we have to know that certain topics are a lot harder to rank for when it comes to seo than others so things like health like finances things that really can change people's lives your money in your life things that change that it takes a lot more expertise and authoritativeness to rank so if you start writing about like covid19 or you start writing about very intense like health issues you're going to be going up against healthline and webmd and legit doctors that have written and peer reviewed the article so good luck same is true of like some of the credit that's why credit cards and finance stuff is so competitive because there's a lot of huge sites that have been doing this for so long and that's just tougher to rank for so things that aren't as uh related to money or like affect your life as much so like physical products e-commerce you know things like we talk about golf hiking boots software things that aren't really a huge deal are easier to rank for but the number one way to build your google eat or expertise authoritativeness and trust is through links that's it so if you are writing about golf clubs then maybe you want and you have links from like taylormade and callaway and and you know all these different things then you're going to be a lot more authoritative than just having an author page or writing a bunch of content hundreds of articles and you don't have any links links are still the number one way to build authority and we have to talk about google's product review update so i have a full video as well on google's product review update and what to do about it but when we're writing about products we want to just make sure that we have really good information so we have like use cases and show that we've actually used the product and have what you like and dislike and things your own unique take on it uh you can even take images of of things and add text on top of the image and add arrows and circles around things so that it's a unique image just for the web uh you can add deeper content on each of these products you can add more information so google's always looking for more just more authority more trustworthiness better content over time future proofing your site is ultimately what you really need to do and we need to talk about google's rank brain so this is user signals and future proofing your seo so google's rank brain is that ai-based machine learning that kind of works on its own and it knows like without any human involvement how to move search results around do tests and see what works better or worse so this this is where we talk about medium tail keywords so historically with seo it's been all about long tail keywords really long four or five six word phrases that you can rank for because they're not that competitive well with rankbrain google's getting smarter again i keep saying it they're getting smarter and they can understand what the medium tail keywords are and that is basically taking all these long tail keywords and then maybe there's a parent topic that is medium tail the medium tail stuff is where you make your most money so in my articles on like webinar software best webinar software that is a medium tail keyword it's not like what is the best webinar software for zoom meetings or something that doesn't really it has a little bit of search traffic but big medium tail parent topics are what ranks so we have to think about it that way then we have to talk about click-through rate so to get clicks on your content you know you're ranking on google on page one let's say well how do you get more people to click on your uh article and click through rate is a component of ranking if somebody's clicking on an article more than yours they might eventually outpace you and outrank you so click-through rate is based on the title and meta description and for the title again people love lists and they love numbers so you can add like odd numbers work better than even so you can start with an odd number plus target keyword plus those search intent trigger words based on going back to search intent so getting people to click through based on the psychology of what you think they will want to actually click but you need to have a good click-through rate then we talk about bounce rate and dwell time so bounce rate is hum what percentage of people just visit that one article and then leave and never come back so and then dwell time is like after they clicked on your article how long did they actually stay so these are a little bit deceiving though because it seems like oh you'd want the bounce rate to be as low as possible because you want people to engage with your article and then click other articles on your site now this is true if you're like in the e-commerce niche and you want like people to click around and view your brand but if you're a blogger and you're just writing for seo i don't even really pay that much attention to bounce rate because we could be writing random affiliate articles on things like the best peo companies the people get what they want they don't dwell that long they read the article for 10 seconds they click an affiliate link they make a purchase they don't go back to google so that can skew the numbers what we want to do again it goes back to ending the search journey user signal start and end there how people interact with your content the bounce rate the dwell time the click-through rate all of it is based on ending that search journey so they're not pogo sticking or going back and forth between search results you end it for them so that that's where you know google is going in the future it's really based on the best content wins and that's writing content for search engines and for human beings so we can use semantic keyword tools to write for search engines and then we can just update the article write better hooks better actual just writing and sentence structure and make it easy to read and hook sentences and bullet points and make it you know the best possible content for human beings because future proofing your seo is really actually creating the best content that's ultimately what it is because it's going to keep user signals are going to be more and more important so how people are actually interacting with your content are you ending the search journey are you giving people what they actually want and that's what google is all about all right so you made it this far you made it to the end let's talk about your seo game plan so this is just a simple seo action plan that you can implement into your business hopefully with all of this information in this video it gives you a good framework a lot of conceptual learning here because again it goes back to piecing together that puzzle lots of pieces maybe there's some missing i hope i at least gave you a piece or two that could help you so this is the game plan you first you create a clean website and today that's pretty easy because we're you know you use wordpress and there's so many good themes out there that are clean mobile friendly optimized for seo i recommend something like cadence which is a really good theme that i teach in blog growth engine that lots of our students have had success with so you find that theme you can use something like cadence blocks that really optimize your content for seo create content blocks you can add images columns all that kind of stuff you want to have your core four pages on your website so you need a homepage you need to tell people what you're about have your face on it potentially or whatever your business is you want to have a home page that kind of tells people what your business is about in about two seconds so they understand it you can always update this websites are infinitely updatable assets so my homepage has changed many times the call to action the value proposition that has all changed but you have a clean web so you have a homepage you have an about page maybe a contact page and then you have your blog posts and that's really it to get started then you set up your site for seo so that's gsc so google search console you need to submit your sitemap into google search console so to do that you can use a tool with your wordpress site like yoast or rank math get the site map submit that url to google search console and then you're telling google i'm a site i exist index me please put me in the index rank my site and then you begin to see trickles of traffic and impressions in google search console you also want to set up google analytics so there's plugins that can do that in wordpress or you can just paste the code into the header if you're good at that kind of stuff but you want to start seeing the traffic you view it on a page by page basis you can view it as site-wide that you can start seeing how much traffic you're getting and then rank math for all of the you know the meta descriptions indexing your site and doing some of that stuff next you want to build your content strategy with seo in mind so you use something like hreps for keyword research now that's a paid tool but to do keyword research you need a paid tool pretty simple you can't use google's free keyword planner it just doesn't add up and you won't get the results if all these other sites are making money and ranking on google and using tools and you're not you're just putting yourself behind but you can if you want just use one month of ahrefs and then cancel or do all your keyword research for six months and then cancel but it's the tool to use for keyword research get 10 to 20 articles keyword titles and put them in a content calendar put them in a google sheet start thinking about what you're going to write start planning that content strategy and after you have your keywords with a mix of informational content in your niche plus transactional content with a heavier sku towards informational content maybe two-thirds informational one-third transactional then you start creating your article so you use surfer seo in tandem with wordpress or google docs whatever you prefer to actually write your articles in a templatized way with the intro with the h2 and h3 headings and the standard templatized format and semantic keywords that you need to make them good for search engines then you publish your content you wait for the rankings you see what your initial ranking is it could be on page four it could be on page eight it could be on page 20. it could be on page one you never know but you start seeing that and using that based on data then you start your link building strategy so we have link building and you know on page and off page going all the time at the exact same time so the two tracks of seo never really ends you're always creating content for your website and you're always doing link building to get links to your website and those two disciplines never really end so you start your link building strategy start doing some outreach building some links building some relationships with other blogs next you blanket topics and become an authority so we want to make sure that based on data based on we what we see is start getting getting impressions in google search console and google analytics we hone in on that over time so we're not forcing google to make us an expert in one area we're actually seeing what google thinks we're good at and then honing in more on that based on data so if you start a website and you have you know 10 articles or 20 articles but you have no links to it yet you will probably not get much traffic if anything so you need to build some links to get some initial impressions in google search console and sessions in google analytics so once you start seeing that then it's usually a link building problem at this point if you if you're not getting anything yet know that it takes time it can take three to six months but know that you probably don't have links yet you're not authoritative enough and your site's not indexing correctly in google so it's usually a link building problem at the beginning before you're getting traffic then people try to force it and they say like i'm gonna just write all these articles in this one area if it's not working google starts ranking content in the shoulder niche or something related then you need to kind of hone in on that and really push and see what google is working based on knowledge graph based on real data so then you become an authority on these different sub niches so it's not really about forcing a big nish a niche site or a tiny micro niche site it's about building the real brand around yourself around seo building a brand testing multiple sub niches until you find ones that work sticking to it and honing in on it over time so you need to become an authority you need to really write a lot of content in the area and get links to that content to really rank and make money with seo you have to know that monetization takes time but you need to focus on it from the beginning so yes we can write about anything we can write about tying our shoes and birthday cakes and gender reveal party ideas and and how to buy a pair of socks whatever the heck you know you can write about and people try to teach that i'm going to rank for like ups customer service okay good luck with that you know what are you going to make money on so when it comes to seo yes we want traffic yes we want to rank on google but we ultimately want to make money and that comes with the correct approach to informational and transactional content in your niche doing the right content strategy doing a content assembly line format so that you can rank a lot of articles because not all of them are going to rank doing link building the right way so know that seo takes time but is the most stable foundation for any online business once you're ranking on google you typically keep ranking on google for years and years to come and these fundamental principles of seo have been around for a long time but they keep slightly changing and we just need to get more involved and future proof our site and do better seo so if that was interesting to you if you want to know more about how i do this how i make 300 000 a month with my online business make sure to watch my free master class at the link below 60 minutes of free training exactly how to run an online business and make life changing money thousands of students have gone through it had lots of aha moments you can also sign up for the coaching program blog growth engine through there so we have three full-time blogging coaches that can help you unlimited coaching calls so you can literally click a calendly link book a coaching call and be on zoom with somebody to go through your problems we have loom video answers weekly q a's huge community best blogging you know coaching program in the world so you can watch the free master class 100 free and if you want ongoing coaching and support you can also choose that or you just stay on youtube watch these videos but if you do please like them please comment with any questions below that you have please check out other videos on my channel on this stuff blogging affiliate marketing making money online and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 50,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: search engine optimization, seo, seo for beginners, seo course, seo tutorial, seo 2023, seo for beginners 2023, free seo course, seo tutorial for beginners
Id: EOzZdhFw1rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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