Complete Guide To Valheim World Settings

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is your one and only Fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and today we're gonna cover everything you need to know about velheim's New World settings let's get to it the world modifiers can't be changed on your world at any given point of time from the main menu when you go to the world select screen so you can select an existing world or create a new world then you just click the world modifiers button that will bring up a little warning window that will tell you you should play the game and experience it the normal way first yada yada just click the button down at the bottom and tell it you understand once you do that you will be presented with the world modifiers options up at the top you have a bunch of presets these are quick and easy no thought required little selections that will automatically Custom Tailor the world to that preset so if you want easy you can just click easy if you want to play hardcore you can just click hardcore and it does the thing if for any reason at all you want to revert back to to normal all you have to do is click the big button down at the bottom of all those settings that says reset to normal and that will reset your settings to the velheim default let's quickly cover what each of these settings do they explain it to you over here on the side but I want to cover them nonetheless because this is a comprehensive guide so first off you have your combat settings this governs how much damage you take and how much damage you give so if you set it to very hard you're gonna get hit a lot harder and you're gonna do a lot less damage than normal easy gonna be the exact opposite you're going to hit a heck of a lot harder and take a lot less damage the death penalty is a little more nuanced and when you click it you can see the options here and it tells you what each of them do so for example if you set it too hard equipped items are dropped and the rest of your inventory is lost permanently and skills to reduce much faster if we drop it all the way to Casual it says that you do not drop equipment gear and skills are reduced a lot less than on normal resource rate is super easy to understand the more you increase it the more resources you get per item that you do so if you knock down a tree for example you're gonna get three times the amount of wood if you crank it all the way to Max if you pull it all the way down to 0.5 you're going to get half as much wood as you would from a tree or any other type of resource The Raid rate is how often the random event raids happen and will happen to you normal is of course the base if you crank it up you're going to get rated a heck of a lot more often and you can take it all the way down to none so that you do not get rated at all for the portals option this one is absolutely a fantastic addition because if you take it all the way down to none it will allow you to portal with items this basically completely unrestricts portals altogether if you take it to no boss portals what happens when this is going on is when there is an active boss in the world the portals will be shut down and you will also not be able to exit a dungeon if there is an active boss inside that dungeon no portals on the other hand doesn't tell you everything that it actually does not only does no portals prevent you from using portals altogether but it also holds the settings for the boss portals so if you have no portals active you also cannot exit a dungeon if a boss is active in a dungeon and currently I think there's only one and that's the queen unless they count the new mini bosses down here at the bottom we have a few that are toggles so first off we have no build cost this just makes it so that it doesn't cost you anything to build then we have the passive enemies that this makes it so that enemies will still spawn they will still fight you but they won't actively attack you they will only fight you if you fight them first then we have player based raids what player based raids does is it makes it so that you only get rated by where you are at in the world tier for yourself so for example without player based raids turned on if somebody beats the bone mass you can get raided by the motor raids or if somebody has killed a bat you can get raided by bats however if you have player based raids turned on if someone else in your world has killed a bat and you have not you won't get raided by bats and the same goes for whichever World boss they are on this is really nice setting for servers however currently getting these settings on servers is a little finicky but I'm going to teach you how to do it here later on in the video and last but not least we have no map no map does exactly what it says it does and it just removes your map so all of these different world setting things are governed by your world keys they basically just expanded the world key function and if you're not sure what I'm talking about there for example when you kill a bat it sets a toggle a flag a key that says you've killed a bat or a bat has been killed on that world once that happens fat raids can happen same goes for when you kill a specific boss it sets a world key for that you defeated or a boss has been defeated and then the raids from the next boss can start to happen and the raids from the previous boss get shut down though because of this once you are in admin mode you can actually set and edit these specific game keys and settings and I'm going to teach you how to do that and also enable some special settings that aren't actually in that main menu that we just went over so you can currently see the keys that are set inside your game once you have activated the the dev commands and you type in the command list Keys you can see here this is what this looks like on a fresh world that is set to normal this is what it looks like if you have it set to Casual this is what it looks like if you have it set to easy this is what it looks like if you have it set to hammer mode this is what it looks like if you have it set too hard this is what it looks like if you have it set to hardcore and this is what it looks like if it is set to immersive now why am i showing you all of these well because if you do this you can see in which direction some of these numbers need to go because they're not all immediately intuitive so for example event rate the higher it is the less you get rated you can see here on the Easy Settings event rate setting is set to 150. you can see here on the hard preset it is set to 60. this means that lowering that number is going going to ensure that you get rated more in order to set keys and get them to stick your game mode has to be set to normal from the main menu if you change any of these keys and you have a preset set it's just going to reset those keys every time your world starts so if you want to set custom settings that are higher than what they give you in that menu or lower than what they give you in that menu you need to make sure that your game is set to the default settings now for some of the secret settings that we're going to talk about those won't get overridden I think what happens is is that it just says you have this preset it overwrites all the things that are in the preset but the secret settings that they don't have in that preset are in the preset so they don't get overridden so the best practice here is just make sure your game is set to default or normal before you start setting any of these keys so to set these Keys all you have to do is type in set key once you do that and you hit the space bar you will see that there is a bunch of different options you have to select from you can hit Tab and keep hitting tab to go through all of the different settings that you can modify some of them don't get secondary settings and some do so for example the set key defeated Dragon will initiate the key that motor has been beat on this world however the key for enemy damage needs to have a number after it so for example if I hit space there and I hit 0 and enter it's going to set that key now if I type list keys and hit enter you can see that our current key and our server option is set to enemy damage zero this is actually less than anything that you can set from the main menu and will be saved and just makes it so that nothing can actually do damage to you for most of these I advise going back in the video to the parts where I show you each of the server preset settings to get an idea of what the different keys are what they do and in which direction their values go and then you can set your own custom settings from there that's literally the whole reason I went through them and put them in the video now let's talk about some of the special settings that don't show up in any of those screenshots and don't show up in the main menu if we type in set key and you don't have to type it all the way out you can put in set K and hit Tab and it will finish it for you and we hit spacebar and we type stamina you can see down there at the bottom we have stamina rate move stamina rate stamina regen rate and then a few other ones that don't have anything to do with stamina what is interesting though is that none of these settings show up there in your world settings menu however they are all settings that you can customize and that work so so if I type in stamina rate and I set that to zero and I hit enter and I now run you can see no stamina is being used when I run and if I swing no stamina is being used at all for anything respectively we can go back in and change that to something like 200 and that will increase it to 200 percent and now you can see we're chunking through stamina super fast and we're using it super fast when we Sprint however we did have that other one there so if we go back in type set key and hit space stamina and you can see there's the move stamina rate so I'm just going to type in move first and stamina rate and put that to zero and now if we go back out when I Sprint there is no stamina being used however if I swing my stamina is being used at 200 percent another one that I noticed was the ability to build in dungeons so if I type in B you I you can see there down at the bottom we have dungeon build so if I just type in Dungeon build and hit enter I should now be able to build in Dungeons and here I am inside of a crypt and you can see I am clearly able to build inside of this Crypt without any issues so that key does indeed allow you to build inside of Dungeons and this should work with any old dungeon another one that is an option to set is the all recipes unlocked so you don't have this from the main menu as well you can get the ability to build for free but you still have to unlock everything if you type in all you can see we have all pieces unlocked and all recipes unlocked so you can just activate those and start right off from the get-go with every single thing unlocked you can also change the skill gain rates although I was messing with this and I feel like there is a cap on on this or I may have not just been cranking it up nearly enough so there is the ability to affect that though it did affect it a little bit but once again I think there is a cap on it just like the skill reduction rate which you can set to zero but you will still lose your current progress so you can set it and you will lose the bar that shows up down at the bottom of your skills so there is this little orange bar that fills up down here but you won't lose the full number so you can see here under wood cutting we have it filled up to about right here if you set your skill loss to zero you will lose this experience but you won't lose any full levels you can also set the skill gain to zero and you won't gain any levels so theoretically you could use the two of these to lock your character at a specific setting of levels you could go in and set each level of each skill before you even start to play using the admin commands to whatever you want then activate those keys with those specific settings and your player would just be locked to those levels for the entire playthrough now that you have an understanding of how to set these custom settings using the admin commands and what the custom presets are and you can actually set those presets inside the admin commands as well let's talk about how you would get these settings onto a server So currently there's two ways to go about it you can create a fresh World in single player and you can set the settings for that world to whatever you want so you can set them there in the main menu then log into the world promptly log back out of the world and then copy that world over to your server overriding the current default world that is on your server you can also go into that world and have it set to normal set custom settings as I showed you with the admin commands and set some of the settings that aren't in there like turning off the stamina and all of that and then you can copy it over to your server the other other thing you can do is you can take your current world on your current server that you're playing on copy that into your saves folder load that into single player set the settings there make sure they're saved exit back out and then copy that back over and overwrite your current world on your server so that's how you go about doing it currently if you want these custom World settings on your server alright that's pretty much it for this one hopefully you all found this video helpful and informational if you did consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more valheim content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you 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Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 33,722
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Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, Valheim news, valheim news and updates, valheim news 2023, Valheim hilders quest, Valheim hilidirs quest, Vahlheim, Valhiem, Valeheim, Valhime, Valhieme, Valheim Hildir's Request, Valheim Hildirs update, valheim hildors quest
Id: k3iWP4AnC7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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