Complete Google Trends For Marketing Tutorial - Improve SEO, Keyword Research, and Content Marketing

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welcome to my complete guide for how to use Google trends for marketing in this video you're going to learn a lot of different ideas and strategies when you use Google Trends to come up with new topic ideas new keyword ideas and to basically find all sorts of trending topics and news ideas so it can be a very helpful tool Google Trends that is in terms of your marketing strategy so that's going to be my goal in this video now you can go to any portion of the video as you see here I have some of the video chapters there you can also find these in the video description as well so you can quickly go through and click to find exactly what you're looking for but if you do watch this video it should be helpful in terms of your SEO strategy your keyword research and all we're doing is using a free tool Google Trends so let's get started the first part of my video will be a Google Trends tutorial where I show you exactly how to use Google Trends and all the different things you can do with it it's not as much of a strategy video and more of a here is how to use this tool so let's get started today I'm going to be going over 10 different things that you can do with Google Trends it's going to be my Google Trends to tutorial so you can learn basically everything you need to know about this tool it's not a massive tool and it's not difficult to learn so let's get started with Google Trends and we'll start with number one so the main thing you do in Google Trends is you enter a search term or a topic so you're going to see right here enter a search term or a topic this is the main main part of Google Trends so let's just say for example I'm interested in what's trending around cars so I'm just going to enter cars here so what you're going to see is cars as a search term radio controlled car as a topic cars as a film Carson as a topic so you're going to see different things here depending on what you enter so you can see here there's no actual topic coming up for cars so maybe I go to SUV so let's search SUV search term they have water a drink so sport utility vehicle vehicle classification now one of the things you're going to see is when you enter certain keywords like SUV you're going to see something like this where there's a topic and there's a search term so you're going to see it with something like for example if I do NFL so NFL they have search term and then they have a league so this is the topic so you're better off using the actual topic itself there's certain keywords you enter you're going to see all sorts of different things come up but if you have something here like NFL league that's going to be better to use than the NFL search term okay so since thanksgivings this week why don't we just do a quick search for Thanksgiving and we could do Thanksgiving and we'll do the holiday so when you do that basically what's happening with Google Trends is Google is looking at all of their different search engines so web search image search news search Google shopping YouTube search and for each of these search engines as we scroll down here they're taking into account the total interest by sub-region so basically the highest level of interest of Thanksgiving has happened in Texas in the United States now I'm going to go through all these different filters as we go through our Google Trends tutorial but as we scroll down here as we're looking at just entering a search term or a topic what you can see is we have a trend line here so the interest over time so just looking at seasonality we come down interest by sub-region and then we're looking at are related topics and related queries AKA related Search terms so you're going to see some Rising topics here and then if we come down you're also going to see some of the top topics related to whichever topic that we've entered so these are essentially other topics that are related to this topic or you're going to get this to this search term so you're going to see some related Search terms as well over here some Rising so these are what are more popular so you can see right over here how much they have increased and now this increase is looking at this specific related search term and the trend from the previous 12 months and the current 12 months so basically looking at the past 12 months and the overall lift that's where you see some of these Rising Search terms so a lot of these just kind of relate to different holidays if you're looking at Rising if you're looking at top you can see some of the top things people are actually searching in Google and Google has taken into account every single search term that they are getting right now that is related to Thanksgiving so that's how Google Trends basically compiles all of this data so where a lot of this could be useful and we're going to go to number two now is the related topics and related queries that come with whatever you enter so let's just say for example I'm working with a company that has luxury cars luxury SUVs so I want to come into Google Trends I want to see what is trending around luxury SUVs and we're going to use the topic here you could use the search term as well but let's use the luxury SUV Automotive class we're looking at interest over time so you can see interest has actually gone down slightly throughout the past 12 months if we're looking you can come here and look from 2004 to present you could look in the past seven days so you can basically look at anything you want as far as overall time period so let's just look at the past five years for luxury SUVs and what you're going to see is where it actually reaches 100 100 so right here it looks like this is where the actual actual peak of people looking up luxury SUVs keywords related to luxury SUVs has taken place now down here you can see this is when covid was first announced that was March 2020 when the news of covid and shutdowns came you can see that a lot of the luxury SUV just kind of goes down and then it comes back up and stays pretty consistent over time so for some of these you're going to see major drastic swings for example we look at Thanksgiving over the past five years obviously it's going to Peak when Thanksgiving happens so pretty obvious there so let's come back to luxury SUV to go down to our just looking at some of the related topics and related queries so we're going to scroll down here again there's interest by subregion I'll go through that later now what you're going to see is luxury SUV and you're going to see years here so a lot of times those years are different topics but they relate to some of the different luxury SUVs that were released during those years so the 2021 Volvo luxury SU TV whatever it may be you can click on any of these topics and it's going to open up the Google Trend page for that topic but what's really useful is they're giving us 25 different Rising topics so if I'm looking up luxury SUV I can start actually seeing here's what people are searching for and breakout means there's higher than a three thousand percent increase from the actual time period that we're looking at and we're looking at the past five years so let's just actually look at the past 12 months so we can get a little bit closer data we'll come down here so these are the SUVs that people are searching for the most the Genesis gv70 the Jeep Grand Wagoneer we could actually see specific SUVs that people are interested in obviously electric vehicles are more popular hybrid vehicles are more popular and then you start to get into some related topics gasoline so you're just going to find some things that are just related to cars SUVs in general Infiniti QX60 so if you are somebody who is working with a luxury SUV brand you can just come here looking at the related topics to find what people are actually searching for related to this topic and you could do this for anything you could also just look at the overall top so what peop what topics are most relevant to whatever we enter and then over here related Search terms I like looking at the rising Search terms as well so we can see some of the different brands that are rising a lot of people just entering some broad keywords best luxury SUV 2023 but if you're a marketer you should see something like this and say okay that's a keyword people are searching for a lot I could try to optimize my website for it same with best midsize luxury SUV now maybe you create comparisons on your website of your luxury SUV versus The Genesis gv70 versus the Cadillac Escalade so you can actually take a lot of these different Rising Search terms and use them to guide your marketing strategy so that's where Google Trends can be really useful for marketers is understanding what's Rising that people are actually searching and some of the top keywords just related to whatever topic you're entering so again you can do this for Search terms or for topics it's not going to look much different for the search term itself so if we scroll down here you're going to see a lot of the same things here so some of the related topics so you could also click on luxury SUV or luxury car sport utility vehicle to try to get some more data as well so related Search terms you're going to get some different Search terms here so you could always use the topic in the search term and what I do a lot of times when I'm coming up with a keyword list this was my previous video is I use Google Trends to build this keyword list and then to start coming up with some different content ideas so it's a really good tool to do that and the related topics and related queries is the best way to find the exact things people are searching and what's becoming more popular that you can take advantage of from a marketing standpoint so that's going to bring us to number three latest stories and insights so when there's major major topics going on or major News Major things in the news as you scroll down here you're going to see latest stories and insights so they only come up with two right here and if we click show more they're going to bring up more and more of these latest stories and insights until we have I think 12 or 14. so you're going to see some of these different topics some of them are a little more sensitive some of them are just kind of geared around shopping so what can be useful is if we scroll down here you're going to see Halloween we have some some of these different things that people are searching for and then we have the 2022 shopping Trends so something like this could be really useful because obviously they're going to be looking at what people are looking up the most so you don't get this type of page for every single topic which I wish you did because if we knew exactly what the top search Trends are and we can see what people are saying are searching for across different categories make it a little bit easier for us so if we keep coming down here you can see some of the top trending searches this is on exercise equipment so over here on video games consider these trending gift ideas and Deals so you can get all sorts of information here just by coming to the latest stories and insights which you can find on the Google Trends homepage so if some of these latest stories and insights are useful for you then you can maybe use some of them to your advantage as a marketer so if you're covering the World Cup then come to Google Trends and see what is trending with the World Cup the entire time so what are the related searches the rising searches are going to consistently change over time too as different games are played depending on what people are looking for you can search interest in World Cup by country so you can see which countries are the most interested in the World Cup maybe helping guide some type of geographic marketing strategy and then explore how people are searching for teams in the group stages so a lot of different information here by just coming to the home page and looking at some of these latest stories and insights and personally I mean the Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be very useful but I like the shopping insights come down here and open that one again so with shopping Trends if for example you're a video game developer or you're somebody who sells video games you can come down here and say what are people searching for across categories okay video games let's explore and that's going to open up the video game topic page and we can start seeing in the United States the past seven days all categories web search what are people looking up what's the interest by sub-region so top related topics related search queries we could look at top and rising and get an idea of exactly what is the most popular and most basically trending game right now to use the Google Trend name so that's latest stories and insights you can find that right on the home page next is number four recently trending and trending searches so if you're somebody who covers news you need to know about this coming back to Google Trends and going back to the home page so if we scroll all the way to the bottom here this is where we're going to see recently trending keep up with the latest trending searches so a lot of these the World Cup is going on right now and then we have Thanksgiving at the end of the week so a lot of these are all geared towards the World Cup but if we click on more trending searches we can see daily search Trends and they're going to give us the top 20 search Trends on every single day now on the given day you may only see about 10 at a time yeah we only have 10 here so far but if we keep scrolling down you're going to see the next day Monday November 21st all of the top trending searches and what people are looking up and we have a total of 20. we click on load more and it's going to bring up Sunday November 20th so you can see exactly now some of these are a little bit sensitive topics but if you do come through here and you cover the news the daily search Trends is a place you want to be because you're just looking at the top 20 searches every day and you can also subscribe to this so if you want to get it in your uh right in your inbox you can get it you can subscribe to the RSS feed so just another way to keep up with some some of the news and that's going to bring us to number five which is going to be real-time search Trends so from the same exact page daily search Trends if we click on real-time search Trends we can look at the past 24 hours what some of the most trending searches are what people are looking up again a lot of this is geared towards the World Cup and it's going to load a ton of different real-time search Trends and as we scroll down we can keep loading more and more search Trends you can see how the trend is looking over the past 24 hours so some of these are basically still spiking and trending while other ones are starting to drop a little bit so just different ways to look at the news and when you're within real-time search Trends one of the things you can do is let's just say for example you just want the business search Trends you don't care about sports you don't care about any of that just use this to categorize some of the different trends that you can see so if you go to business you're going to see a lot of different things here than you would see for example if you go to Science and Tech so just another way to kind of see some of the different things that are that are popular and you can adjust this by country as well and again this could be really useful if you're somebody who does have a News website about some of these different topics if for example I'm running some type of Health Website I can see what are the main things that people are typing about right now is there anything trending that I should cover on my own blog so just another idea here with real-time search Trends I would say four and five are the two places to be if you are a journalist if you're somebody who covers the news if you're somebody who is looking for what is in the news this is where to go so that's four and five so let's go to number six and that's going to be how we can adjust by web search image search new search Google shopping and YouTube search so we're going to use our Thanksgiving example again coming back over to the home page or we could just go directly into Explorer which is going to allow us to add a search term or a topic here so let's use Thanksgiving and in this case I'm going to use the search term so when we are looking up a search term or a topic one of the things you can do is adjust by different search engines so each of these search engines provides completely different results now they're going to be somewhat similar because people who are searching on YouTube look up a lot of the same thing on the web and look up a lot of the same thing an image search so you may see some crossover there but let's say we look up Thanksgiving and let's just say we want to look up Thanksgiving I'm just going to do the United States for this example so we're looking at Thanksgiving United States instead of past 12 months let's see what people have been looking up the past 30 days leading up to Thanksgiving so you can see the interest over time growing throughout the month interest by sub-region I will go through that both of these in a minute but what you're going to see is related topics here so coming over web search related topics word search kindergarten green bean casserole Golden Corral coloring book could tell you by looking at all these that there's people that are actively researching Thanksgiving word searches there are people looking up Thanksgiving school lessons thanks Thanksgiving recipes specifically a green bean casserole places to eat Thanksgiving and then coloring book again probably similar to word search or the kindergarten looking for some type of Thanksgiving activities so you can see from web search the different things that people are looking up the rising things people are looking at movies videos read alouds jokes jokes for kids if we're looking at the top searches when is Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day 2020 to Thanksgiving these are all pretty much geared towards the actual Thanksgiving date turkey what is Thanksgiving Thanksgiving food so you can see some of these different categories of what people are looking up and you could do the same thing over here with topics let's look at some of the rising topics still trivia food Drink side dish so a lot geared around food obviously and then some for kids and then related topics Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner turkey meat side dish dessert calendar date Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade so that's web search now if we go to YouTube search for example we're going to get different results so we come down here you're going to see a lot geared around kids so people are looking for kids Thanksgiving videos so you can see with some of these trending related topics around Thanksgiving it's all pretty much geared towards some of these different videos that you're most likely going to show kids same with related queries Thanksgiving for kindergarten preschool books art Hub now Thanksgiving timer that's probably more for people who are cooking so you're going to see some different ideas here if you come to shopping so if we go to Google shopping people are looking for products so we come down here Thanksgiving decorations let's look up we got no Rising here so Rising tablecloth pie dinner catering Harvest so people are probably actively looking up certain things they could purchase like a tablecloth plates might be a pie dish people looking up Thanksgiving crafts Inflatables that could either be inflatables for your front yard potentially Thanksgiving decorations obviously a query related to people purchasing so so that's Google shopping now news I don't know if we're going to get much news around Thanksgiving you might have yeah Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade so that makes sense and then if we do one more we'll do image search probably gonna have some type of macaroni and cheese so drawings coloring pages so some of the topics aren't always these are people just looking up pictures of food I guess and then some different topics here not not the best thing to look at but if we're looking at images a turkey drawing coloring pages free words printables drawing easy so if you're depending on what you're looking up here as far as the search term you're going to get different results for different search engines so just keep that in mind and the other thing coming into our next number seven here you can also always look at the interest over time and interest by sub-region so Thanksgiving we know the interest over time is always going to Peak right around the day of Thanksgiving so that's going to be the same every single year so you can see seasonality here so when you're looking up something like headphones for example you can see over for a 12-month period when are people the most likely to buy headphones now it's probably around the holiday season because that's when people buy a lot of different products like that but looking up Thanksgiving past 30 days interest by sub-region so this is saying South Dakota is the most interested in Thanksgiving and it's kind of by a lot so this hundred is basically a score given to South to the the place with the most searches around Thanksgiving the most interest around whatever topic or search term we enter so there is clearly based on population the most interest in South Dakota now you're seeing some of these other states as well so not really too much to gather from here I guess some states search for Thanksgiving a little more you might be able to get a little bit more idea if you look up something like saltwater fishing so if you're looking up saltwater fishing as a search term this is where we can kind of see let's look at the past five years so we kind of see Trends all over the place here not really too much to gather but I'm sure there's some type of thing we could look at to say okay people are more likely to go when it's a little bit warmer out but that's peaking in December so yeah not much here seasonality but you're going to see as far as saltwater fishing you're going to see more along the oceans here where people are going to have more interest in saltwater fishing than they might in some of these landlocked countries so just another way to look at the interest over time interest by sub-region now let's use our headphones example before let's see what uh see if we could see people buy headphones you can see some Peaks here so August and again in December August and in December so I guess people buy a lot of headphones during the summer months it looks like because it kind of peaks in August every year so it gives you some ideas of different ways to activate your own marketing strategy so that's how to kind of look at some of these different Google Trends and the interest over time so number eight advanced search and filters so now number eight in the next thing I want to go over are advanced search and filters so let's go back to our world cup example here and let's let's say FIFA World Cup and we could see the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 tournament so we're gonna open up the tournament page and let's just say we're going to look up the last 90 days so we can see some of the treadlines over the last 90 days okay we're instead of doing United States let's look at worldwide and instead of image search let's make sure we're doing web search and what we can do is categorize our search as well so obviously this is a sports search but sometimes you may enter keywords or topics that could end up in two different categories so if we come down here let's make sure we keep this in the sports category so you're able to use some of this different filters here to look at interest over time worldwide versus interest over time just in a specific area and as we come down here we can look at the interest by region so you can see the top countries here that are searching for the FIFA World Cup now obviously Qatar since they're hosting it they're getting the most interest by that region but you can see some of these other regions here and see where there's some interest and where there may not be as much interest you can compare some of these different regions and then what we can also do is I can for example say let's click on Brazil and now we're going to look at Brazil their overall interest the past 90 days and we can break it down by sub-region so you can break down specific areas by sub-regions as well so you can see where people in Brazil have the most interest in the World Cup then you also get some related topics down here this is going to be all geared towards Brazil as well so just some different ways to look up information with advanced search and filters if you want to look at different locations you can easily do that so if we come to the United States we can see which areas in the United States have the highest level of interest in the world cup so looking at sub-region District of Columbia New Jersey California Texas Florida so a lot of these almost geared towards uh but let's look up Metro areas sell Miami Fort Lauderdale the most popular metro area as far as the World Cup so you're going to see a lot of different cities here and we can click to a specific city and break it down even further by city so kind of find all sorts of different information here by adjusting the location we can adjust by the time period so the FIFA World Cup in Qatar obviously isn't going to have too much from 2004 to present because you know it's it isn't announced yet so you can kind of see some of the dates where it's talked about and then otherwise for the most part it's just low until we get over here so we can adjust category if you need to and then we can adjust the type of search engine which we went through already so that's going to be number eight some advanced search and filters you can use with Google Trends and some different ways you can look at the information especially if you want to break it down by subregion now number nine compare two Search terms or two topics so let's come in here let's say I'm arguing with my friend what's more popular baseball or basketball in the United States so let's take Baseball sports and let's take basketball and we'll do Sports here as well instead of Los Angeles we will do United States and let's just look at the past five years so we'll see what's the most popular over the past five years actually let's let's do that full time so what you can see in the interest over time with baseball been pretty stagnant you see some years up a little bit some years they go down a little bit so kovid really went down and went down in basketball as well but you can see basketball just rising over time so kind of get some ideas over which one is more trending which one is more popular and which one is kind of just staying stagnant so keep scrolling down compared by sub-region so interest for baseball for the most part States prefer basketball two baseball or at least show more interest in basketball through Google search engines baseball so you can see some related search queries basketball some related search queries but if you want to actually look up a couple different keywords and compare them you can so for example let's say I want to figure out what's more popular between some of the large car makers so let's use Toyota car make let's come over here let's use Honda and automobile make and let's use we'll do Nissan for this one so we'll do these different car makes so we have Toyota Honda Nissan so let's look at interest over time so the average just looking here showing most interest in Honda you can see over time so Honda has dropped over time while Toyota has stayed pretty similar with some ups and downs you can see breakdown by sub-region in different states different Metro different city and you can look at if there's certain areas that people prefer some of these different car makes versus others so kind of comparing different things to see what's more popular where's the interest in terms of different locations and then you can also look up some of these different related Search terms for all these different car makers as well so number nine comparing two or more Search terms or two or more topics now number 10 you year in search so this can be the last thing I'm going to go through but click over here we come back home we actually have it over here on the left hand side too but if we come home we search or scroll all the way to the bottom you're going to see year in search see what was trending on Google by year so this could be really cool because if we say okay let's see what was searching trending at the year in search for 2013. so let's see what was trending we'll scroll down okay so annual events appetizers athletes they're just pulling out some different locations here so when you start to go through these some of these can be a little uh because a lot of times things that are trending aren't always positive so sometimes they are negative but you can see some of the trending blogs some of these may not even exist anymore keep coming down here so what's trending in different areas trending cocktails trending car companies trending colleges and universities trending dance moves so you can see some pretty cool things here I mean if you're looking at trending dance moves obviously a lot of these are no longer trending keep coming down different diets and how popular they are donations endangered species famous internet animals so it's kind of cool to come through the year and search and just see what was trending and you can adjust by country here as well so you can see what was trending in different countries in different years you can look at global data so pretty much anything you want to look at for year in Search and they do have it here on the left hand side so if you do want to look up what was trending in different years they have it going all the way back to 2001 so basically you could figure out all sorts of things that were trending over the years it's kind of cool to look back sometimes and see what was popular popular movies popular songs popular dance moves so seeing what was trending in some of these different years can be pretty interesting now the one final thing with Google Trends is you can sign up for subscriptions so if you come to the subscriptions page click on the plus sign let's say I want a subscription to Google ads the topic of Google ads let's say we'll just use worldwide and let's say once a week click on subscribe and I'm gonna get an email once a week about any trending topics related to Google ads so we're going to find out a little bit more information if we can sign up for some of these subscriptions but hopefully this is helpful my Google Trends tutorial mostly everything you're doing is going to be in this explore section when you enter Search terms whatever it may be we'll just click on cupcake here you can adjust by location you can adjust by time period you can adjust by categories and adjust by search engine you can compare it to different topics or Search terms you can see the interest over time along with seasonality if you keep scrolling down so it's interesting that something just peaks in 2013 and just kind of slowly going down but keep scrolling down interest by region which places like cupcakes the most related topics so what are the most relevant topics that are rising and the top topics related to this and we can click on any of these and get even more information if we click on any of them so all sorts of things you can do here with uh Google Trends and it can be really useful I mean I used it the other day to create a keyword list and then I started taking some of my keywords out and coming up with some different content ideas so as a marketer it's easy to come to Google Trends and find some different ideas see what's raising see what's popular and try to take advantage of that before a hundred other marketers do the same thing as you so that's where Google Trends can come in handy next I'll be going through six different ways that you can use Google Trends to improve your marketing strategy so let's get into it today I'm going to go over six different ways that marketers can use Google Trends now there's an endless number of ways you could use Google Trends but I'm going to go over some of the main features that you can utilize to come up with some different content ideas and make sure that you're completely covering the topics that you're covering so let's come back over here and start with the six different things I'm going to go over number one is going to be recently trending searches so right from the Google Trends homepage and you can access Google Trends by just going to it will pull up this page and I have mine currently set to the United States so if we scroll down here they have some examples of looking at how to explore so when we come over here on the left hand side we're going to go over the explore section but under home you're going to find trending searches you'll see it as you scroll down the home page recently trending so first they'll give you 10 different of the most trending topics right now and if we go to more trending searches every single day they're going to have 20 different trending searches so if we scroll down here to Tuesday November 15th which is yesterday you can see there's a total of 20 different topics here and all of the different things that were trending yesterday and if you click on a specific topic they'll show you exactly why they're trending so if we come back to load more that'll open up the next day so Monday November 14th and exactly why everything is trending here so it could be a great way to find all sorts of really popular Trends and the other thing that you can do is if you click on real-time search trends there are categories here so let's just say I run a sports blog I cover all sports I want to make sure I'm covering all the trending topics I go to Google Trends I go to trending searches real-time search Trends and sports and you're going to see the exact things that are trending the most over the past 24 hours and if we keep scrolling down here you're going to see all sorts of different topics so it's one way to find some of the most trending topics and if you're looking at real-time search Trends you can actually look at different categories as well so if I'm covering business for example you can see the things that are trending the most over the past 24 hours in terms of what people are actually searching for so coming back over here that's recently trending searches so next is going to be topic and search term research and this will be through the explore section so if we come back over to Google Trends and you go to explore what you can do here is explore different topics and Search terms and even compare them against each other so you'll see we'll use this example here where they have soccer versus American football 2000 0004 to present you can see the interest over time you can see Geographic breakdown you can see interest by sub-region related search queries American football same thing interest by sub-region related queries here so you can get some more information about multiple topics or Search terms and actually compare them as well which can be useful if you're looking at interest over time and looking at which topics are actually a little bit more popular than others but what you can do here is if we just come back home and we enter a search term or a topic here so let's just do something like insurance so let's say I have an insurance blog so I want to make sure that I'm writing about all sorts of insurance so you can either do insurance as a search term and then it's going to pull up some different categories as well auto insurance home insurance life insurance renters insurance so if I do insurance as a search term first you're going to see not much seasonality at all here we're looking at the past 12 months you can adjust all sorts of different time periods you can go the past hour if you're looking at something that's been trending past four hours past 7 days 30 days past five years two thousand four to present or a custom time range you can adjust by category so if you want to make sure that it stays in business and Industrial if you enter a search term or topic that could be taken into two different categories then that's where all categories can be useful you can look at Search terms and topics and break them down by different types of search so YouTube search for example Google shopping this could be very useful depending on what it is you're promoting and then you can adjust location as well so if we keep scrolling down you're going to see interest over time interest by sub-region some related topics so if we look at home warranty as a topic is a rising topic if we click on top related you're going to see 21 total topics here that they show are related to Insurance related search queries so you're going to see here these are all the rising Search terms based around insurance so some different things you can do here you can see okay pet insurance lemonade renters insurance pumpkin pet insurance it's good to see what some of these search queries even mean if you're covering the topic of insurance going to top this gives you a great idea of some of the most popular topics based around whatever search term you enter so if we come back to the top here let's enter one more search term so I own a beach Decor website so I can enter Beach Decor as a search term and looking at the United States you can see okay it looks like it Peaks here in July looks like it's dropped a lot in September it's definitely a lot lower here in these colder months and as it gets warmer and people are going to their beach homes more often you can tell people are looking for Beach Decor more as well interest by sub-region so if I want to see okay who are the people that are going to be most likely to be interested in what I'm selling so clearly you can see there's definitely more of a coast here so some of these countries in the middle nothing really at all but what we can do is look by metro area and if you look by Metro Area this makes a lot of sense for Beach Decor so Florida all along where the Atlantic Ocean is all over here so we have some California so all along where the Pacific Ocean is over here so you can come up with some of the top Metro areas so and you can also see seasonality here so coming back over here number three seasonality number four location Trends can be very useful if you're trying to come up with different types of marketing or advertising campaigns and understanding when you should focus your budget where you should focus your budget clearly I should be focused on coastal towns here because they have the most interest in Beach decor and I can focus on some of these main markets here as I start to build my campaigns I could focus on making sure my campaigns run from let's say may through about August here because the rest is not as popular although March not too bad either so you can kind of come up with some different ideas for running marketing campaigns now coming back over here looking at related topics and related search queries so coming down you could see related topics here so some of the rising topics some of them aren't always going to be overly relevant so you might be able to come up with a few ideas by looking at Rising but all of these not really the greatest topics to kind of use on my blog my beach Decor blog if I look at top here though Beach landform so Floor and Decor I can try to make sure that I have more specifically around flooring which I don't wall so the basically the way I look at this is wall is a topic so essentially people bar looking for wall decorations for their beach home house decorations for their beach home same thing here so if we come over looking at more topics people are looking for Beach decor ideas people are looking for different ideas for their room this is also a combination type so I don't really do anything geared towards travel so wouldn't really cover that beach bathrooms so Coast landform not really much I could do with that I can maybe cover specific cities that are a little bit more popular like Virginia Beach Boynton Beach if I have specific Decor related to those cities that could also be another idea same thing related search queries over here so they have some Rising ones nothing really too good here sometimes you get good Rising ones I'll give you an example after this one but what is useful is top so Floor Decor Floor and Decor but what you could use some of these top search queries for by entering one of your main Search terms that you're optimizing for is by coming up with subcategories so wall decor here obviously Beach Decor Beach Home Decor all kind of the same Floor Decor I really don't have anything about flooring so if I do beach home flooring I'm sure that's an article that would get some traffic Beach decor ideas beach room decor Palm Beach Decor so I could look specifically towards palm tree palm leaf related decorations if that's what people are looking for or Palm Beach Florida decoration so bathroom and most of these are just kind of General keywords Beach art again Boynton Beach so coming up with some different I think there's a Floor and Decor store in Boynton Beach that's basically taken over the beach Decor Google Trend it looks like outdoor beach Decor wall art Christmas decor so seeing some of the different things that are actually trending can be really useful and coming up with some different Search terms to make sure you're covering all these topics that people are actually searching for around your Niche now where this could be a little bit more helpful is let's say I do NFL and I'm doing the league so I'm just looking at the entire NFL league obviously it's very popular when games are being played not so popular from when the Super Bowl ends up until basically games start being played again so interest by sub-regions so you can see you know where the most popular sub-regions are for the NFL keep scrolling down related topics here so this could always be useful to make sure that you have some information about all these related topics rising and top but I really like related queries better so one thing you can do if we come over here to related queries you see something like Weddle Weddle game so to me I don't know what that means but if I click on it it will actually show me that it's people that were searching for Wordle so the interest over time you can see it kind of peaked really when there's no NFL games being played so I can assume this is not a keyword related to the NFL and if we scroll down you're going to see related search queries Wordle Weddle unlimited Wordle game so people must be going and searching Weddle instead of Wordle unless that's another game I don't know about so coming back to the NFL here what can be useful is if you're looking at rising and let's say you're someone who covers the NFL you're a journalist you're trying to find some topics Kenny Pickett so you do a quick Google search why is Kenny picket trending keep coming down Malik Willis NFL free agents so you can try to find some of these Rising Search terms and why they're rising and then write your own story about them if you're looking at top you can make sure that you have all of these again sub categories on your website if you have an NFL type website so schedule scores keep coming back over here games the drafts so all of these are just different subcategories that you can make sure you're covering so coming back over here related topics and related queries can be really useful especially looking at the top queries I like using to come up with some subcategories Rising topics and queries can be really useful for certain topics and keywords for others it's not really going to be helpful at all location and seasonality can really be useful as you're kind of planning your advertising and marketing campaigns where you want to run your ads when you want to run your ads when you should focus your budget where you should focus your budget all important factors in coming up with a good marketing strategy and then topic and search term research just understanding some of the different things that people are searching related around whatever it is that you're covering now last but not least I'm going to go over our subscriptions so with subscriptions if we click over here on the left hand side click on subscriptions what you can do is choose topics or keywords and click on the plus sign down here in the bottom right hand corner and let's just say I want to get a subscription about the topic and we'll just say digital marketing [Music] okay so digital marketing search term plan internet marketing topic so you'll see some of these different topics and some of these different Search terms that people are looking up so maybe what I want to do is we'll say internet marketing the topic I want to get once a month region I'll say United States okay so we're going to use United States region in our internet marketing topic once a month I want to get an email where they're going to send me the most noteworthy events click on subscribe and now we have a new subscription here so I have search engine optimization Google ads once a week and I have internet marketing now once a month so this is Google Trends it's really useful for people who cover news it's really useful for certain topics it's not going to be perfect for every single Niche if you're selling let's say appliances it might not be the greatest way to come up with exactly the most trending topics related around appliances but if you are someone who's covering soccer or football or you're you're somebody who covers celebrity news it's a great way to come up with what is trending what people are actually looking up and if you click on some of these different topics you can learn why they're trending so if I click on the Nyx why they're trending okay it looks like just has to do with their game yesterday so coming up with some different reasons why things are trending so you can see baseball player looks like he was traded Dallas Mavericks so this just looks like it's based around the game Shania Twain net worth not sure why she's really trending so obviously a lot of these trends at the top are going to be more geared towards politics especially recently since there's been a lot of Elections especially in the United States but then you start getting more entertainment you're getting more Sports so it can be really useful if you're in any of those niches and you can look at different countries as well what is trending where so if you have any questions about Google Trends and using it for marketing please leave them in the comments section enter your topics up here enter your Search terms up here if for example you're someone who covers Google ads you can look at the search term and the topic and you can look at all sorts of different topics like PPC advertising internet marketing see what's trending see if there's any products that are trending see what people are looking up and it's going to help guide some of your marketing decisions and it can be really useful if you really have no clue what to write about on a certain day come in here to Google Trends and you'll find something by the time you're done so one of the best tasks you can complete with Google Trends is keyword research so it should be one of the keyword research tools that you actually utilize when you are coming up with new keyword ideas so in this part of the video I'm going to give you five different ways to use Google trends for keyword research so let's get into it today I'm going to be using Google Trends to create a keyword research list and I'm also going to show you some next steps to take your keyword research to content strategy so what I'm going to be doing today is we're going to get started using my one main keyword here Beach decor and I'm going to create a huge keyword list and I'm going to show you some good next steps to take for your overall SEO strategy so let's get started number one with Google Trends you want to enter your main keyword as a search term so what that means is when you come to Google Trends you can see my main keyword here is Beach Decor when you open Google Trends you're going to see enter a search term or a topic so we're going to come here and enter Beach Decor you're going to see search term come up now for some it's going to be a topic for this specific there's no topic but what I'm I like to do is use the search term so we're specifically looking at our main keyword for our business here so for my website this is my main keyword so we're entering that as a search term and what we're going to do is we're going to scroll all the way to the bottom here and that's going to bring us to number two use the related topics and related queries at the bottom to find ideas so what you want to do is come to related topics on the left and you can start with Rising so they have rising and then they have top now you can download this you can download this over here but I'm just going to fill out this notepad document right here and show you exactly how I go through Google Trends to find some different keyword ideas so as we go through number two here with related topics and related search queries what we're going to do is we're going to start with the rising related topics now the first five here wireless Turtle Beach Turtle Beach Recon Turtle Beach stealth sometimes what you can do is a quick Google search for some of these different topics and keywords because you can see over here Turtle Beach stealth Turtle Beach Recon I don't know what any of this is so I searched it it's a gaming headset so obviously I'm not talking about gaming headsets I'm talking about beach home decorations so therefore none of these topics are relevance me so what you want to do is keep going over until you find some different ideas now some of the things you may find for example something like Jensen Beach here so that's a specific location so what I could do is just come down to the bottom and say maybe I want to keep track of some different locations because what I could do is something like Jensen Beach decor and I can do this for some of the top beaches maybe I do Miami Beach and some of these other popular beaches but what I can do is just take down Jensen Beach for now down here you're going to see retro style for topic so now all I'm going to do with this is take the word retro and put it under Beach Decor so I'm just putting retro down here so now let's come to the next top set of topics now we're on to 11 15. so you're going to see more locations here so let's write down the four locations so Newport Beach okay we have the four new locations here also very popular beaches and then we have the color teal so I can add that here as well teal so that's another topic that I can add as part of my keywords keep coming over Sans centerpiece party so let's add all three of those sand centerpiece and party okay now let's do top for related topics so what you're gonna see with related topics sometimes so Beach landform there's not really much I can do with that Floor and Decor is a specialty retail company so what you want to do again is go keep going through some of these top topics and just try to find ideas that could be keywords for your business so understand search intent at this part if somebody's specifically looking at Floor and Decor it's not related to my website so what I could do is use wall here and we'll use that as one of our topics so wall keep coming over okay so from here I have ideas bathroom room and beach house let's come over to our next set of topics okay so we could do art here we can do table and then down here we can add a couple more locations as well so let's just keep adding some of these locations because if they're top topics related to beach Decor then it may be worth creating separate articles about specifically some of these locations and the decorations there so let's keep coming down to topics here so bedroom outdoor wood wedding DIY okay just going through topics now so we've just gone through we've entered our main keyword went through topics these are all the different things that I've pulled out so retro Beach Decor teal Beach Decor Beach Decor related to the sand center pieces beach party decor beach wall decor Beach decor ideas for the bathroom living room furniture floor DIY wedding wood out so all of these are really popular keywords and I know this because I've done keyword research for this website for years so I know just by going through these topics these are some of the top ways to categorize Beach Decor so if I start creating pages on my website that satisfy for search intent for these different keywords for example I take something like retro Beach Decor so I come over to Google I search that keyword first you're going to see a bunch of images here but what we can see are is what is ranking so Pinterest 76 Beach vintage decor ideas Wayfair vintage Beach Decor Amazon vintage Beach art Decor so what you're going to see is Google Google is looking at the word retro here and they are basically inserting the word vintage so they're using the word vintage instead of retro so if I come over here and I start creating content around these keywords what I can do is just say retro vintage SO do a quick search for some of these keywords and see what comes up see what's ranking this Etsy so you can see one of 40 of 5000 plus if I open up Etsy Amazon or Wayfair it's going to be different products for sale that are all vintage style Beach decorations so if I keep scrolling down you're going to see some popular products here keep scrolling down retro Beach fabric wallpaper and Home Decor so again same thing if I open this it's going to open up a shop page completely Coastal Coastal vintage retro wall decor art illustration so this is a specific product page and over here a modern beach house with vintage collections a specific home with vintage Beach Decor so what you can see is once we get past basically this spoonflower result they're not the greatest results in the world so this is a very good opportunity for my website to be able to rank Higher by creating a specific page much like Etsy has on their website a vintage and retro Beach decorations so that would satisfy that topic and that keyword and I got the entire idea by using Google Trends so that's not a topic or keyword that I've gone after before but by looking at the related topics I come up with a new keyword topic and content idea so now what I would continue to do is go through the related search queries you can start with Rising here as well and then use top so I actually I'm going to start with top because I actually like going through the related search queries for your main search query because what you're going to find are some of the main subcategories of your main Search terms so what I mean by that is wall decor here beach wall decor is one of the most popular keywords related to beach Decor if we keep coming over you're going to see beach ball decor ideas bathroom decor these are all the most popular keywords so Coastal Beach Decor Beach art Coastal Decor in general Palm Beach Decor so specifically related to Palm leaves Palm Trees so keep coming over Beach table Decor Beach bedroom decor so all of these are some of the most popular keywords that I've optimized for and then you're going to see Christmas as we start to approach the holiday season outdoor beach Decor so just by looking at some of these related queries you can come up with your top keywords so right here these are some of the top keywords related to beach decor and I use a completely free tool Google Trends and it took me about five minutes to come out come up with all these content ideas now if I create really good pages on my website that satisfy each of these keywords for example I created my page on my website about beach wedding decor which I do have already but let's say I go in I improve that page and I have the absolute best beach wedding guide in terms of decorations it's going to help me rank higher and I'm gonna start driving more and more traffic back to my website so we come back over here number two we use the related topics and related queries to find ideas and then what we did is we create a list of long tail keywords and now we want to do is search again so I'm not going to go through the whole process again but you can see this is the type of list that you can create and you might see something like wood here and go what does that mean well just simply put it along with Beach wood decor and we can come up with a huge page of all sorts of wooden decorations that would be great for beach homes so that's all you're trying to do when you're creating these different keyword lists for your business so that's what we're doing with number three and then what you want to do is search again so when we say search again what you can do is say for example let's come back over here and let's do beach wall decor we can click right here and break this keyword down further as well the same way we just did it for Beach Decor now I'm not going to for you and go through the same process again but I would just literally come down here to related topics so beach wall decor sea glass so Beach sea glass wall decor keep coming over accent wall decor hooks woven fabric sand C so looking at just topics we can come up with a bunch of different ideas the top topics related to this so wall art keep coming over so wood again so blue B12 Decor metal beach wall decor bathroom beach wall decor bedroom beach wall decor so hopefully this makes sense what you're trying to do is essentially sub-categorize your keywords and then continue to subcategorize them as well Beach canvas wall decor white beach wall decor same thing with related queries over here so just looking at the top they just gave us six so there's not really as many for related search queries in terms of beach wall decor but looking at the topics there's a ton of different ideas frame sign table mirror ocean all of these are great keywords related to beach wall decor so what you're trying to do as you're using Google Trends is come up with this list of beach decor and then you take out something like beach wall decor so you have Beats wall decor now and you have a whole entire new list photo photography picture frames canvas metal wood and then all you're doing is the same thing we did before where now it's Beach wood wall decor so that's all you're doing by using Google Trends creating that long list of long tail keywords and then searching those long tail keywords again break those down even further to find even more keywords so what you want to do eventually is use your long tail keyword list to come up with new content ideas so for example we use the Retro vintage example earlier what you can do is take these keywords understand what is ranking in Google already and then you can create content that's better than your competitors or at the very least is going to satisfy for their search intent so for me specifically for all of these different keywords the best thing that I can do is make sure I have product pages for all these keywords and then for something like DIY I can create a blog post for example of 25 Beach DIY ideas to try this year so there you go there's a Content idea I can spend all day writing this link out to different DIY ideas from other crafty people use Pinterest use YouTube link out to Pinterest YouTube videos and all I need to do is write this full list of different Beach DIY ideas I don't even have to come up with the DIY ideas myself I can just link out to other people that are creating them so just some different ideas to take your keyword list and then come up with content ideas so for DIY that works I could do beach wedding decorations ultimate guide for 2023 or something like Trend trends for 2023 so just coming up with some different ideas using your keywords and coming up with some of this different content that is going to be helpful to your readers so last but not least number five refresh old content for Q keywords you've already created content for so if you're coming up with this list of keywords here so we have all these different Beach Decor keywords and let's say you already have a ton of content on your website then what you can do is open up if you already have a keyword map if you don't you should basically keywords in one column you can put your blog title in the other column what your article is actually about what the content is and then URL over here so when I have a an article for Google ads keyword match types I can easily find the page that I've created for that keyword so this page I'm trying to basically give my readers a solution to what the keyword match types in Google are and everything they need to know about them so that's what I try to do with every single article that I'm writing is you take this keyword when somebody goes to Google and searches Google adds negative keywords they may say okay I don't know what negative keywords are how do I use them why are they important so I write an article which I do have this I'm just working on this uh this current keyword map right now but I already have an article on my website about Google ads negative keywords so what I do is make sure that I that is satisfying everything that people are looking for and make sure that my article is up to date because as Google ads continues to update all of their features I need to make sure I update my blog articles so using Google Trends to come up with a bunch of different keyword ideas is very easy and you can simply use notepad you can use Microsoft Excel so I would build this in Microsoft Excel but I did this because it's a little easier for the video but just take Beach Decor like this and then all you need to do is say throw these words in the middle basically and you have a huge list of keyword ideas so teal Beach Decor so these are all different keywords that I can create content for and the other good thing is a lot of these aren't overly competitive for example teal Beach Decor retro Beach Decor you're going to be able to find some ideas that are going to give you a leg up on your competition because all of my competitors do not have pages on their website about photography beach wall decor or metal beach wall decor or wood beach wall decor so I need to make sure that I'm satisfying that for all of my readers so this is how to use Google Trends to come up with a huge list of keywords and you can also come up with some different content ideas too using those keywords do some Google searches for the keywords that come up so for example our retro Beach Decor see what's ranking look at the first page you can even look at the second and third Pages see what Google is ranking so a lot of these as we start to go are just linking to individual products so if I can create a huge page with a list of different retro and vintage Beach decorations I'm probably going to rank high and it's probably going to help me drive a few more clicks to my website every month which in turn is going to help us turn into more sales so now you're improving your marketing strategy you've done some keyword research so now it's time to actually tackle our SEO strategy and make sure we're executing our SEO strategy so what I'm going to do in this part of the video is show you six ways to enhance your SEO strategy with Google Trends so let's get into it today I'm going to be going over six different ways to use Google Trends to enhance your SEO so what we're going to be doing first is we're going to be entering a search term or a topic so we're going to start here let's say I sell beach chairs so I'm getting ready to sell speech chairs I'm going to look up the search term beach chairs to see when people are searching for that the most so we can see right here through the past 12 months June July starts to increase in April we see kind of a peak here in March very low rest of the year so we're seeing basically from about March until the end of September people are probably going to be buying beach chairs but for the most part we wanted to capture them during this this Rush right here so we're looking at the United States past 12 months so the first thing you can do with SEO is understand seasonality if we look at the past five years we're just looking at beach chair as a search term you can see the peak June to July 6th every single year so it's going to end up being right around June it looks like it's peaking every single year seeing the same time it's peaking so we know when we need to focus our SEO efforts we know that during these slow times we need to really really be focused on our SEO so we could take advantage of these major rises in people searching for beach chairs because we want to sell them our beach chairs we want to rank high in search engines no matter what they're searching so that's how you can use seasonality and use demand to drive your SEO strategy so that's going to bring us to number two and number two is going to be that you can actually look at what people are searching so let's use Shopify this time we'll use the topic of Shopify so anybody who is looking up the topic of Shopify in the United States what you can do is look at web search image search new search YouTube search to come up with different trending ideas so as we scroll down here we're looking at related queries right now we're looking at the Google web search engine so some related Search terms that are rising so you can see if I'm covering Shopify whether I'm covering the platform or I'm covering Shopify as news in general you can see some of these different related Search terms a lot of people focused on the Shopify stock probably comparing it to the meta stock so as we come down here all a lot of this related to the stock in terms of rising so now let's look at top search queries related to Shopify stock Store app website my Shopify what is Shopify stock price you can see if we're looking at Google Trends we're going to find a lot of ideas related to Shopify and the actual stock itself but you're going to see here theme shipping Drop Shipping so you can come up with some different video ideas about some of the top themes that people can use different themes for different types of websites some different shipping apps that people can use with Shopify so if you're searching a specific topic here you can also adjust the search engine so let's go into YouTube search and let's see if we scroll down here if I have a YouTube channel I want to make sure I'm creating videos about uh Shopify so Drop Shipping 2022 CJ probably Commission Junction Drop Shipping Shopify analytics Google analytics how to cancel Shopify so that's another video right there is Shopify worth it that's a video Shopify meta Fields that's a video automation that's a video so how to change the store name so you can come up with a lot of different ideas just by looking at different search engines and creating content specific for those search engines so let's see image search if people are actually searching for different Shopify so the logo website stock not too much here as far as image search but you can see the power between going from web search to YouTube search to news search and seeing some of these different topics or Search terms that we're looking up and what is rising in these different search engines because when you're looking at Google Trends data and you're looking at YouTube search this data is all going to be geared around the YouTube search engine whereas this is all going to be geared around the web search engine so you want to make sure that you're looking up the right search engine depending on what type of content you're creating now that's going to bring us to number three and number three is the overall trend and the interest over time so let's just say for example I'm looking up Farmhouse Decor so I have a farmhouse Decor website so I want to see how has Farmhouse decor trended and let's say let's look at the past let's look at all the data we have available to us and see how it's trended so what you can see is for a long period of time Farmhouse Decor basically no interest at all very very low interest and then we're seeing a major major major major increase in Farmhouse decor and you can see it Peaks here in January 2021 and then we're kind of seeing pretty steady results from that point so looking at all of this data where it's a little bit too much data so if we just look at the past five years for example what we can see is Farmhouse has been pretty steady over time we've seen a few times where it's peaked but it kind of has a pretty steady interest at this point but if you're looking at all time data there's clearly a point where people became much more interested in Farmhouse Decor think it kind of ties to Chip and Joanna Gaines because they're so popular and that's the type of Decor that they use so you can see kind of the trend over time for certain types of topics and one thing that you can use this information for is let's just say I'm creating content for my YouTube channel and I don't know whether to create content about Tick Tock ads so let's use the search term here I don't know whether to use create content about Tick Tock ads or maybe I want to create content about Pinterest ads maybe I want to create content about YouTube ads or maybe LinkedIn ads okay so we can compare these different Search terms here so we have four different search rooms that we're comparing and what you're going to see is right now YouTube ads is dominating this so I know okay if I'm going to create content around these different types of topics then let's start with YouTube now after YouTube let's remove YouTube from here so we have Tick Tock Pinterest LinkedIn maybe I want to create some videos about let's say Microsoft advertising so formally Bing ads let's say use Microsoft advertising use the search term and maybe I just enter Bing ads here as well because people still search Bing ads a lot so we're looking at these five different Search terms and what we can see here is a major growth in Tick Tock ads so we're seeing a huge level of interest in Tick Tock ads so that's clearly the next thing I should create content for and then after that it looks like LinkedIn ads is more popular than these other in terms of just looking at this main search term here so we can kind of gather from looking at these main Search terms for example if I get rid of Bing ads we'll remove this see Microsoft advertising all the way at the bottom Bing ads is still more popular than Microsoft advertising even though it's the same platform people still refer to it as Bing ads so we have Google ads here and what you're going to see is just dominates all of these other advertising platforms because it's the biggest platform it's been around forever so you're able to see some of these Trends over time and you can compare multiple Search terms to kind of come up with an idea of okay maybe I should focus on this first because this is going to help me kind of take advantage of the popularity in this search term compared to some of these other Search terms so you can see there's clearly a lot more search volume and a lot more people searching for Google ads compared to these other platforms but you are seeing Tick Tock ads grow you see LinkedIn ads here is is popular than the others as well so it kind of helps guide your decision of what should we create content about so that's number three you can see the interest in Trends over time and you can also compare multiple interests to see which one would be better to use by looking at some of these Trends over time so let's come back to Google Trends here so for number three and four we looked at the trends and the interest over time and then how we can compare multiple Trends to see the overall popularity to kind of guide our decision on what is actually more trending what's more popular especially if we look at a larger set of data over the past five years for example so let's use so you can see the Taylor Swift here obviously that you just had some some ticket issues with Ticketmaster so you're seeing a huge level of Interest here so you might get that with Google Trends that there may be some of these massive massive spikes and if you see something like this you should always kind of look at okay what happened maybe do a few quick Google searches to kind of understand if you're comparing multiple things what actually happened but the next thing I want to go over is going to be the related search queries that you get so we're going to come back to Farmhouse and I'm just going to enter Farmhouse here I'm going to use the Farmhouse topic so we're using Farmhouse topic we're looking at United States past 12 months web search so as we scroll down here one of the things you can use are related topics so related topics allow you to find specifically using the top topics the most related categories based on the topic that we entered so I enter Farmhouse I have a farmhouse website so I need to understand what types of products are people looking for in a farmhouse so table people are looking for stuff for their kitchen sinks so ideas people are a lot probably looking for images that give them inspiration for their own homes come down here so dining room we have Farmhouse kitchen wall so wall decorations Farmhouse bathroom so just by looking at related topics I can come up with a ton of different ideas here of different things that I need to cover on my website wood so specifically Farmhouse wood decorations Farmhouse wood furniture so anything related to Wood and a farmhouse I need to make sure that I use that to come up with some different keywords that people are searching for white door Furniture Cabinetry these are are all different things that I can cover on my farmhouse Decor Farmhouse Furniture website so related topics can give you a ton of different ideas and the other way that you can use related topics that I really like is let's just say for example I want to create content for Farmhouse bathroom so I'm I'm focused on the keyword Farmhouse bathrooms so what I need to do is understand The Farmhouse topic and also the bathroom topic so if I'm just looking at the bathroom topic I can gather that okay the things people are searching for in a bathroom in general regardless of whatever style their home is I can assume people are searching for a farmhouse style in that too so what I mean by that is if we're looking up related topics we go to top we're looking up related queries we go to top what we can see is people in a bathroom are looking for a vanity a sink you can see shower tile faucet over here you can see vanity sink bathtub tile shower so all of these are different things that I need to cover on my page about Farmhouse bathrooms so if I'm putting together content related to Farmhouse bathrooms I need to make sure that people understand okay here's some Farmhouse bathroom wall decor you love here's 10 different ideas you can use as you're putting together your Farmhouse bathroom here's 10 of our favorite Farmhouse bathroom cabinets so you can look up all these different topics here to come up with exactly what goes in to a specific bathroom so you can take one topic and break it down into even more topics so even if I go to Cabinetry let's say I'm I'm talking about farmhouse style Cabinetry we scroll to the bottom related topics we go to top kitchen cabinet paint bathroom cabinet so we can adjust by different locations in the house kitchen and bathroom paint so basically what type of paint colors on a cabinet are the most popular wood cabinets storage cabinets white cabinets filing cabinets so if I'm writing about Farmhouse cabinets I have a ton of different ideas to write about this is a great way by using Google Trends to come up and look at categories and subcategories because it could be so hard to find categories for your website by seeing some of these Topics in Google Trends we're able to understand every little bit of detail that goes into a bathroom that goes into Cabinetry if I click on sync I'm going to get a ton of related topics as well that could be really useful for me too that I can use as I'm coming up with my SEO strategy and creating SEO content so that's going to be number five is going to be just looking up some of these related topics here and by breaking down a topic more and more so we're looking at a sync so you have kitchen sink bathroom sink tap coming over there's still 25 topics for this stainless steel drain vanity steel things you may never think about you may be writing content about syncs and never even think about okay I can also write about here are some different drains that go well with the sink here are a farmhouse style drain that you can put in your sink today so I can come up with some of these different ideas by just using these related topics now related queries this is probably the best part of Google Trends and you can use this for literally any Niche that you have so if I enter Farmhouse again we use this as a topic and I'm just starting to create my SEO keyword list I'm trying to understand what the most popular related queries are instead of looking at Rising so Rising can be really useful as well but instead of looking at Rising let's look at top so when I'm starting to create content for my farmhouse Decor website I know people are looking for information about modern Farmhouse about kitchens about tables sinks decorations white decorations different styles Furniture bathroom rustic plans these are all major major topics related to Farmhouse Decor where if I put a great page on my website saying here are some different Farmhouse plans that you can use for your inspiration here are 20 different Farmhouse plans that you won't regret using so you can see all these different related queries here and then as you're coming in here to some of these different related search queries if I see Farmhouse dining table for example I can click on this it's going to open up the Google Trends page for the search term Farmhouse dining table past 12 months I can see the most related queries and top so you can see sets here dining set dining table set but dining chairs keep coming up with more and more ideas so wood modern what you're looking for here is essentially subcategories of the main keyword that you're entering or another way to look at it with topics and the other related topics you're looking at categories and subcategory series and with some of these related queries what you're doing is you're starting with a short tail keyword something like dining table and then you're making these long tail keywords Farmhouse dining tables modern Farmhouse dining tables these can all be different pages of products listed for sale and to take it one step further so if I'm saying I want to rank for the keyword round Farmhouse dining table what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to Google and what we want to see is what's ranking so if I scroll down here if we're looking at what's ranking so at the very top are going to be images so images are ranking at the very top and then we have Etsy so round farmhouse table so this is going to be just a list of products Amazon a list of products Overstock a list of products so what I need in my farmhouse shop is a subcategory for round Farmhouse dining tables so that I can rank for that keyword as well and hopefully get my website on this first page making sure that I'm high enough so that maybe I'm above this pin interest result here here eight best Farmhouse round dining table ideas but you also see lows right beneath that so trying to rank above some of these other competitors is a really tough task so that's why you really need to focus on finding these long tail keywords so that you can create specific content for people who are looking for something specific that these massive companies have not worked on on their own website yet so if we come back over here to Google trends for example and let's just say I'm looking up the search term so we'll say Farmhouse bathroom the example used earlier so Farmhouse bathroom search term coming down here let's look at some of the top related queries so we're seeing syncs ideas so let's say I want to rank for Farmhouse bathroom ideas let's see what's ranking for that okay again at the very top we have images here but as we scroll down we have people also ask and then now we're getting into Farmhouse bathroom ideas and Designs 26 best Farmhouse bathroom design ideas keep coming down 26 modern Farmhouse bathroom ideas that are Timeless 900 best Farmhouse bathroom so you're seeing and now we have some popular products here and then we have so you can see the search intent for some of these different keywords Farmhouse bathroom ideas people want different pictures different ideas for their own Farmhouse bathroom somebody who's searching for something like Farmhouse bathroom wall decor for example is going to be looking for a list of products for sale like Amazon like Etsy like Walmart Like Home Depot Wayfair whatever it may be so understanding search intent for the different keywords that you're targeting can be really useful for these related queries so taking your SEO one step further by using related topics and using related queries see what's ranking see what people are essentially looking for with their search intent depending on the keywords that they're entering because you need to understand that somebody looking for Farmhouse bathroom wall decor is probably not looking for some type of inspiration style page they're probably looking for a list of a ton of different products for sale and maybe at the bottom of all those products you have some type of here's how to choose the best wall decor for your bathroom so hopefully that makes sense these are six different ways that you can use Google Trends to enhance your SEO including related queries related topics understanding Trends over time comparing multiple Trends against each other and seeing what is more popular in terms of different Search terms or different topics see the overall interest over time and see if any of them are glaringly more popular or less popular something you should be focused on or if they're kind of stay similar over time so here you would see just a little bit for Farmhouse bathroom but that's about it and then also understanding these different the interest in some of these different Trends over time and seeing if things are falling things are increasing so if you're seeing increases like this then you know that's a topic you want to go after because it's becoming more and more trendy it's becoming more and more popular and it should end up being a fair Fairly popular topic forever so looking at some of these different ideas adjusting by different search engines so people who are looking up web search compared to people who are looking up Google shopping so people may be looking for different products for sale versus people who are looking for inspiration so if we look at the top related queries we're seeing all these product different base keywords so some of the different ways you can look at the information by looking at different search engines and then last but not least understanding seasonality over time seeing if things Peak or value at specific times of the year great example here is anything any type of beach so we do beach chairs beach towels anything like that you know that people are going to be looking for that stuff way more when they're going to the beach which is always going to be in the summer so in the winter people are not looking to buy beach chairs that often so some different ways you can use Google Trends to understand your own business a little bit better to understand when you should activate your content strategy for example you should be creating content when it's down like this so that you can take advantage of these up points and then you just when you're getting to these up points all you need to do is make sure that you're keeping your content fresh relevant high quality and make sure you're ranking as high as possible when you are looking at yourself in the Google search engine so for the final part of the video If you have a YouTube channel this can be very helpful to come up with YouTube video ideas because I'm going to show you how to use Google Trends to come up with over 20 different really high quality YouTube video ideas in under 10 minutes so let's get into this part today I'm going to show you how to use Google Trends to come up with different YouTube video ideas so if you have a YouTube channel this could be a very very useful video for you because as we go through Google Trends I'm going to come up with a bunch of different YouTube content ideas using Google Trends and I'm just going to enter them all here in my notepad now I would generally do this in Microsoft Excel but it's much easier just to use notepad for this example so that's what I'll be doing so the way that I go about finding content ideas on YouTube is you can use the explore section you can enter a search term here or you can enter a topic so for example if we click the World Cup topic that they have here you can see we're looking worldwide past seven days now what you want to do when you're coming up with YouTube ideas is not use web search but use YouTube search so you're actually getting Google Trends data specific to the YouTube search engine which is going to give you completely different information than what you're getting from web search or image search or Google shopping so we're looking at World Cup worldwide past seven days so as we scroll down here you can first see the interest by region but where you can really come up with a lot of different topic ideas is looking at the related search queries and the related topics so with the related queries over here you can see all of the rising different trends that are rising things people are searching the most if something is showing a breakout here then that means there's a three thousand percent increase so you can see the big increases over here for topics 2200 800 550 a lot of these are trending topics because the World Cup is happening right now so as we come over here what you're going to see is all of these are different topic ideas so you can create Recaps for each and every game let's say you're watching the Croatia versus Canada game at the end of the game you create a recap and then you publish it to your channel and it's really that simple and if you're doing this you're going to get views on your YouTube channel because this is what people are actively searching and looking for so people may be looking to watch the game but there's also going to be a group of people that are looking to actually get a recap looking to get an information Asian about the games you could do a pre-video where you're actually previewing the games and then a post video where you're actually looking at what happened during the games so this is how you can use Google Trends by using a topic like the World Cup to find some of these related search queries not only Rising but also top to see what the top things people are searching for to make sure that you're satisfying exactly what people are looking up now related topics for Rising you can also see top here so you can see some of the main topics related to the FIFA World Cup but where I really come up with content ideas is I'm going to focus more on the related queries over here so let's just say for example for my YouTube channel I need to create some new videos about advertising so I'm going to use advertising I'm going to use the topic I'm going to switch this to the United States and then instead of past seven days I'm going to look at the past 12 months so we're going to look at the past year all categories YouTube search now I can switch to all categories and make sure I'm in business and Industrial but we're going to leave it open and see if we have any any issues with that now you're seeing some Peaks over here as we start to get closer to Black Friday and Cyber Monday but as we scroll down here coming up with some different ideas for advertising and specifically to YouTube videos so we come over here to related queries and Rising you're not always going to get the best things here because some of these are not things that I would ever make a video about want to break from the ads I'm sure everyone's getting bombarded with advertisements right now because it's currently Cyber Monday as I make this video so we're looking at the related Search terms here a lot of these I can't really do too much with on my channel so these aren't as good as it could be for something like top now you can try to cover some of these different advertisements maybe they're good advertisements some of these are kind of all related to politics the one thing you can see here in Rising is Tick Tock ads so if I see Tick Tock ads here and Facebook ads those are two different topics that I can use but instead of using Rising let's use top so when I'm looking up advertising what I'm looking for is what are some different related search queries that I could make a video about so these aren't really going to be overly helpful so let's keep going YouTube ad so I just actually put together a ton of different YouTube ads tutorials and different things like that and publish them to my channel Facebook ads advertising commercial ads so what I can do is take some of these different keywords like Tick Tock ads um let's see if we get any more over here so that's all but if we come over here to Facebook ads so let's click on Facebook ads now what we can do is come into Facebook ads scroll down looking at related search queries what we can do is come here open up our notepad and we're just going to start typing some of these out so anything that's coming up so I'm going to enter a few of these different keywords here okay as I'm looking at these I did click on the related queries for phase Facebook ads so we're looking at Facebook ads the search term but you're going to see it brought me back into web search so we want to make sure we come over here and go back into YouTube search so we want to make sure we're in YouTube search doing this information so we'll scroll down here and let's look at the top so now what we're seeing are related queries related to what people are actually searching on YouTube so we're getting some really good keywords here so I first started to take out some keywords from when we were looking at web search it's not as good as you're going to get when you're doing things specifically for YouTube search so let's start to take down some of these related search queries I'm going to fast forward through this a little bit okay so I took down some of these keywords here I've had to run and make Facebook ads Facebook ads manager Shopify Facebook ads and then I have Google ads down here as well so let's keep going over and look for more ideas so Facebook ads tutorial real estate Facebook ads so you're getting all of these different ideas and you can see it's really quick and easy to come up with a lot of different content ideas just by using Google Trends and what we're seeing are the top related search queries now let's come to the top here we're looking at the past 12 months we're going to instead do 2008 to present so we're gonna go 2008 to present YouTube search United States specific to the Facebook ads search term we're scrolling to the bottom and we're looking at related queries and we're in the top related queries so again we're going to keep finding more and more keywords here a lot of these are similar to what I've already added but what you're going to see is I may have something like Facebook video ads that gives me a new topic I can create a video about best Facebook ads so what you can do is take these different search related queries here and what you're doing is something like best Facebook ads I can create some type of video saying five best Facebook ads examples to learn from so something along those lines so you can come up with different topic ideas and content ideas just by looking at these related search queries so Facebook lead ads now we have Instagram ads down here so we can make sure that we start to add that as a search query because I can cover Instagram ads as well Drop Shipping Facebook retargeting ads so I could do something Facebook ads for Drop Shipping Facebook retargeting ads so we're looking up Facebook ads content ideas and you can see right here I have about 10 different ideas of videos I can make and I know each one of these videos if I make them is going to get over 10 000 views so to me it could be a successful video and I've used all just using Google Trends data to come up with these different ideas now if we come over here to related topics we're going to see nothing overly helpful here as far as related topics you're seeing Shopify connected to Facebook obviously so making sure we have a Shopify series can be really helpful but the other good thing about Google Trends is we're looking at these related queries here is we found a bunch for Facebook ads so and now let's click on Instagram ads and we're looking at Instagram ads from 2004 to present obviously it wasn't overly popular early on once it launches it becomes more and more popular we see a dip and we're kind of seeing this pretty steady here so United States 2004 to present make sure we are using YouTube search so now we're looking up Instagram ads YouTube search what has trended since 2008 to present keep coming down here and we are going to do let's start with rising and just look so Instagram story ads so now we have a second topic here Instagram story ads so obviously the two main things I need to do is come up with an Instagram ads tutorial and create a video about Instagram story ads so keep coming over you see Shopify here so again Instagram Shopify ads so we're just trying to come up with different topic ideas that we can use for our own YouTube channel so we can keep increasing our views how to run Instagram ads that's going to be similar to here how to run create so we have another one how to create Instagram ads Instagram video ads so I could do Instagram ads for followers so you can see that one right here so we're going to keep coming over Instagram marketing Instagram so all these are kind of related to Instagram tutorial but I could always say Instagram sponsored ads and that could become an idea down the road so quickly as I've been making this video about Facebook and Instagram just by using the search term of Instagram and Facebook now let's say if we use Facebook ads here so now we have the topic of Facebook ads let's see if we get any different information using the topic of Facebook ads rather than the search term all categories YouTube search United States so we actually don't have enough information here but what you see over here is some of these different topics so I click on Advertising the topic come over we're looking at YouTube search again make sure you have YouTube search advertising 2008 to present and looking at these top search queries we can come up with all sorts of different ideas that we can use for our own YouTube channel Tick Tock ads Facebook ads obviously Tick Tock ads is becoming more popular so that's becoming a rising search query and it's becoming one of the top queries as well so we can see some of these different related search queries a lot of times with advertising the Super Bowl commercials dominate this in Google Trends so you may have to come in here and click on one of these topics to find the best ideas so if we come to top let's say none of these topics are too good so let's just finish off this video by looking at marketing and we'll look at the topic of marketing Again YouTube search and we'll scroll to the bottom so related queries so marketing strategies digital marketing so obviously strategies here is something I can come up with some different ideas affiliate marketing for beginners Instagram marketing Amazon affiliate marketing so looking at these Rising related search queries you can come up with so many different ideas and I can even just create short videos saying you know what is ClickBank what is brand marking how to take your brand marketing to the next level Pinterest marketing here's 10 Pinterest marketing ideas so now once we go from rising we go back to top affiliate marketing network marketing so you can see all of these related search queries and different things that I could start to try to create some different videos about so hopefully that makes sense as you're coming up with different YouTube video ideas just by doing this I haven't even gone into Google ads I haven't gone into Tick Tock ads I haven't even looked at any keywords related to meta ads but you can see I've came I've come up with between Facebook ads and Instagram ads I have about 15 to 20 different video ideas that I know if I execute are going to take my channel to the next level because I'm missing these videos and they're clearly things that people are searching they're trending topics they're really popular they're coming up in Google Trends as things people are searching related to the topics that I cover on my YouTube channel so I gotta get started on creating some more videos here and hopefully this is a helpful video as you try to come up with different YouTube content ideas so okay hopefully my entire Google Trends course was very helpful hopefully it gave you some new marketing strategies and some different ideas that you can incorporate for your own business so if you have any questions about any of this please leave them in the comments section thank you for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 1,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google trends course, google trends, google trends tutorial, how to use google trends to find products to sell, how to use google trends for youtube, how to use google trends for market research, google trends how to use, google trends keyword research, google trends 2022, google trends 2023, how to use google trends, google trends for youtube, google trends for dropshipping, google trends for business, google trends seo, google trends marketing, google trends youtube
Id: bcC7yZWb3Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 44sec (5444 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.